Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Sep 1915, p. 5

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{Elie girlhood thtntoxo HILL. UNT” SEPT. U The Puhlic School re-opened yester- day with a good attendance. Mr. John ,Hill of Petorhoro spent Friday night with Mr. D. Hill. Messrs. Charles Hoover and O. L. lit-is: left last Week for lxnrdersley, Sask. Mr. Hewit of Arthur visited his sister. Mrs. Mylks. also Miss Young of Cohourg. Tulsa! Gertrude Wellwund of Cleve- land. Ohio. is visiting Rev. N. \Vell- wand and family. Turn out on Friday nights and do your share towards lurking the Home Guard a. success. Mrs. Malloy Brown anl drughtr-r, Gladys. are. spending a few d rys in Richtnand Hill and Brighton. As the first. Mond ry in S-ptcnflwr is Labor Day. the Fire Brigade will meet on the following Monday. Sept. 13. The High School will rc-opén Tries. day. Sept. 7th. the date officially pre- scribed by the Education Department. I Mr. J. \V. McDonald of Macleod.‘ Allah. and Mr. \V. O. McDonald of Maple. called on ’old friends here last Friday. Division Court here next Saturday will he opened half an hour .earlier than the usual time. viz. 9.30 instead of 10 a.m. Mrs.A. .l. Rupert and Miss Edna Rupert of Toronto visited friends over Sunday and were. guests of Mrs. T. F. McMahon; Mr. F. T. Graham. Y..\I.O.A. Sec- retary. Detention Uainp. Kahuskasing. 0-”. has been visiting friends here for the past wrek. The old tank at the Corner of Yonge street and Lorne avenue. opposite the Metropolitan \Vaiting Room. having outlived its usefulness. has been re placed by a new one of large dimensions. Mr. and Mrs. Jacoh Luuau have gone far a trip to the» \Vest. Mr. Lunau Writing from Ryaiidale. Sask.. says. “The crops are splendid. Cutting is in full swing. The weather could not he better.” The 29th Annual General Meeting of the Division Court Clerks” A's‘Strcitlll-Iii for the Province of Ontario was held \Vednesday. the 1st day of S ‘pteniher. in the Private Bills Uoniiiiittce Room, Parliament Buildings. Owing to the Horticultural Exhihi- tion on \Vedncsday. Septein‘ier 8. the monthly meeting of the Richmraid Hill \Vornan’s Institute will not he held until Septemher 15. Further an- nouticement next week. Insertion trimmed shades. made in good quality cloth. mounted on Spring iollers. color cream and white. at 55c. each. Black and white saeppt-rd check. 23’ in. wide. per yil. 1.3a. Men's hlack lilili‘rl wool sov, pr. 23;. Atkin- son & Swilzru. Rev. J. R. Aikenhe-ul and fainin have returned from their holidays in Muskoka. Mr. Aikeuliead h Is resum- ed his Work on the circuit and will preach here Sunday evening. Mr. J. F. Hit-kson. the junior prstor. will preach in the morning. TWenty fresh milk cows and for- Ward springer-s the property of Geo. \V. Murray. will he Sold liv puhlir- auction at \Voodhiidge on Saturday. Saturday. Sept. 11, hy .l. 'l‘. Saigeon. :Iuctir-neei. See advertisement onl opposite page for particulars. i | Mr. and Mrs. G. Reanian are leavingr the end of the week for \Vondstork Where Mr. Rvaman has hecn appointed hy the Board of Gov. ernors of .\lr:.\laster University to the ' position (-1 Professor of Model-ii Lair- guages in “'oodstock College. nitmmimmmi mmml' Illmll yearling: Cotswold rain from the gahove. J. H. L‘. Durham. Bond Lake. I 10 2 Try our biscuits. Giuliani Sandwich, Milk Chocolate. Peach. \Vilft'l‘. (‘hr-iiy \laple, Lemon (,‘r-isp and many o‘rhr-is. .‘ltilulitfil‘n‘ ('i'eain (‘llt‘t'~(‘. small jar l0r. Cocoa, pt-r lh. 23c. Flower l’ots, sixes- 3. (i and T in. Stone .lars with con-rs. sizes 2. 3 and 4 gal. Atkinson a: Switzer. Jil‘. \V. ll. liass‘t'll. [iilol‘ lll llit' Lorne Blot-k. who pro posed sailing for England this \Vt’t'k With his “He and twochildien. lias deridth to remain here and continue husiaess as usri rI. Mrs. Bassr-tt and children purpose staying in England during the winter. hut hope to return to Richmond Hill in the spring. At. a meeting of the Richmond Hill i Horticultural Society Thursday r-ve- ' hing last. a resolution was passed cou- . firming the action of the directors to make a charge of ten cents for those over 15 years of age attending the Flower and Vegetable Exhihitiou on the 8thinst.. the proceeds to go for Red Cross work. During the second Week of the Tor- onto Exhibition -Sept. tith lo llth. ioclusive- extra cars will leare Furn- ham Avenue terminal daily at 11 and 11.45pm. for Newrnarket and inter- mediate poiuts. This service should enable any who wish to enjov the evening performance in front of the grand stand. to remain until the close. and make connection with their car. Capt. James Hill who visited several weeks with his son. Mr. D. Hill. left Saturday for Buffalo. to spend a week or two with another son. The old gentleman who is over 80 yean of age. was greatly interested in the liauil hattle hetween the Russians and the Germans at the Unit of Riga. as he sailed his haat for several yeais hetween Liverpool and Riga. Mr. David James of Thornhill has just received a $25.00 cheque for one of the 7anadian 'l’atrioti: Funds from Dr. J. T. (Jogswell. formerly of Thorn- hill. now of River-ton. \Vyoming. This shows how former Canadians feel in the present struggle. in “hich ()anadinn-Americans give more than mere sympathy. Dr. Cogswell‘s ac- quaintances of years ago will he pleas- ‘ edto heat-of his good-will and pros- perity. Nome ReevePugsley wishes all memheis of the Home Guard to he at the drill shed to-niorrow (Friday) evening so that iiieasnreineiits for uniforms may 1 he taken. The hour is 8 o‘clock. __â€"*..â€"_ Red Cross Notes The Red Oi'ossSoeiety is preparing to giu- Mrs. Jarlr-y‘s \Vax \Vorks. about the third week of Septemher. They also intend to crlehrate llallowe’en in an :ippl'npllate way. Keep this date open for the Red Cross. The Red Cross Society is holding another sale of home-made cooking on Saturday, Sept. 4th. in Moodie’s store. The doors will open at 4 o’clock sharp. There will he a good assortment of hoine-iriade liread. pies. cakes. meat. candy etc. Eveiyone come ‘Ilitl “liuy a hit.” A committee (if ladies will he at. the store from ten o’clock till three to receive the provisions. ‘.- BORN CooKâ€"at Maple. ()irt.. Tuesday Aug. 2l,19l5. to Mr. aird Mrs. \\'iri”'. T. Cook, a daughter (Doris Lorrainel. co.- MARRIED \VALLAt‘EJiovEâ€"()ii August 2.3, 1915. at Sinithviile. ()ut.. liy the Rev. Go o. \\' Do“ u. Nellie Blanch. (laughter of Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin N. Gore. to Nathaniel George \Vallacu of \Vtiodlri lilgl', Olit. â€"¢o-r~vâ€"â€"â€" DlED hlAt‘KlNXON â€" at the \Yellcsley Hos- pital, on 'l‘hursday. August 20, 1915. Richard Edward MacKi-rnon. in his illth year. only son of Rev. Malcolm MacKinnoii of \Voodlriidge, Interment at (lannington. Mori- day. on arrival of morning train from Tt-ionto. ‘HEEI’.â€"â€"The undersigned wishes to purchase a two year old Shicpshirr- rain (llllll'()‘lll't‘(l pre- r fen-ed). He has for Salt- a three year old thoro‘hr-r-d t‘votswold rain; also a ‘é mm- NEVV ADVERTISEMENTS! 1:0lf SALE -7 llali Ill It‘ll rililll5.l loorl ("littllllt'l. 1 pair pillo\\‘~.j llli\\'&lir’ and dishes. Apply In: 't‘iars. \\ hilrnoie. to. lirnond irrrr.’ m2. F on ltliN’l‘.~;\ who-.m- r... llrt'li-l inoirrl St. Apply at The Lila-ial‘ tlillcc. ‘ COTTAGE to rent. Apply L. [uni-s~ & Sons. Richmond Hill. l01f ed. One who ran plow and Ex milk. Steady einployirieirt. (7r. H.1’almer. Richmond Hill. l’l‘IRllCNtllfil) farm hand want- PAIN ('DATS.â€"Two rain coats \ wr-rt- accidentally exchanged at the Masonic llall. Hit'hliinlitl Hill. previous to the funeral of (he late Mr. McConaghy. The gentleman who took the wrong: coat will find his own at, ‘The Liberal Officr‘.‘ Pigeons for sale. Squah Farm. Aurora, v.0. Box 274. 9 2 0R SALEâ€"One sewing machine. one miiror. one, tahle. linolenirr. and a Bell organ. in good contli~ tion. Apply. \V. H. Bassett. Tailor, Richmond Hill. ' 9 Ll ROPERTY FOR SALEâ€"Estate of late Leeds Richaidson Maple consisting of house and store. either as residential property or as hardware and harness husiness as formerly. Apply. Mrs. L. Richardson, Maple, Out. 9 3 OR SALEâ€"Nine roamed house. on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. with aoout 3‘ of an acre of land. Apply to J. H. Nanghton. 621 Ti'ndtâ€"‘IS Bank Bldg.. Toronto, Phone Main 3476, or Elgin Mills. 8 4 ASIC SLAG.â€"The undersigned having received a car-load of that noted Nova Scotia fertilizer. Basic Slag. will have a quantity to dispose of at $20 a ton. For parliCIl~ lat-s phone Richmond Hill. D. \V. Cluhine, Elgin Mills. 3 tf ’ LUMBING.-â€"â€"â€"All kinds of plumb ing done at reasonahle prices Satisfaction guaranteed. John Hickson. Richmond Hill. 44 ly ‘HORUUG H BRED Plymouth Rock 4 PROPERTIES FOR SALE FARMS $10,000 â€"-One hundred acres of clay loam soil in first~class state of cultivation. situated on the. 3rd concession of Markham, \‘i- rinin of Headford; large new hank harn with first-class stah- llirg. Silo. root roller. lil‘g [ii-its, «hiring: shed. hiick house and a iiever-lailiirg stream close to the hinldings. $7,000 â€" Highly acres. Mark- ham Township, 2!; miles east of Yonge St.. lit-:rl' Thornhill. must he sold to ('ltvSt' an estate. Let. liit- ha\ e your olfei . 80.500â€"One hundred and tif- ter-n acres. near Leinoiiville; gt‘htl luiildings, plenty of spring water. pleasant situation. $2.500 cash required, balance on easy terms. HOUSES SGOUAfive ioonred semi-de- tached house with large lot at Elgiii Mills. stable for hmso or ~row. heniiery. and good garden. Very small cash payment re- quired. halance payahle in amounts less than rent. Act quickly. Aloxny 'ro LOAN $3.0007nn improred town or fai in property. A. E. G L A S 3 REAL ESTATE AGENT lâ€" RICHMOND HILL -___l l 10 2! w». r l l l in . Ihc Best iSlUSt what you need, and must have l Goods of that sort are found here A'l‘ l7c. YARD Heavy hlrte and \\'llllt’ check shilling 20 in. wide V . 7 AT l5c. YARD “ “We CW” 5PM curtain muslin 30 in. wide ‘ _ T 25c. Y A R D (Jream curtain scrim. hcinstitched lror-der. 36 in. wide \v v _ AT 35c. EACH omen s hue corset cover trimmed with lace aird iihhon ' _ AT 40c. PAIR Men s unshiiokahlo, all wool, cashmere socks I AT l4c. PAllt 14 x 23 in. honey comhe Cotton towels AT l3c. YARD Whitt- Saxany flunnelr-tte 34 in. wide GROCERIES Fruit Jars all sizes Jar Ruhhers. red and white Pickling Vinegar and Malt Vinegar \Vhole and ground pure spices Green Rio Coffee, lb. 250. Excellent Boiton Coffee. per lh. 40c. Teas, Japan and hlack. gord value at 30c. per ll). . Atkinson & Switzer STORE CLOSES AT MONDAY AND SlX O'CLOCK ON \V E DNES DA Y l! i" (“if y*.t,“~€.mfi€§mm I I: pm"; to,“ Wow Mwmnwnopemfia f? A. THE RICHMOND lllLL FURNISHING STORE Wclrave a full line of MES” BOOTS from the Heavy Working Boots to the lincst of Box Calf, priced from EL’CO 55.00 mm W . MW iii an". i - rent W 72': f'rm’ > s Also Odd Pants. Overalls, Sinccks, Shirts tf all kinds rk‘. F‘Cf‘ mill m A» The very latest in HATS at from $2.00 to :32 50, and also the balance of our STRAle and PANAMAS at less than cost. Le. us Show you What we have Tm...“ K..." ‘3“.M”“”i..."w“‘ ts, New. “3.. I}. 7’3 3 NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Ed...“le Wfiml'mwm‘ hit...” t3.“ L‘ w..- .on" tt'.l'a.'.\'< .51 Mic-1* .Ji g .9“ ...g . < “em. W Send your address and small Red Ball Trade Mark from bag or top end of carton and we will mail you book of 50 assorted Fruit Jar Labelsâ€"printed andgummed ready to‘ Aputvp‘nfitlre jars; es Utilities Atlantic’ Sufi? Refinég When Preserving Use LANTIG Sugar: Because it dissolves quickly: it will not scorch or burn in the kettle. LANTIC Sugar is refined from cane only. granulated extra fine and comes to you clean and pure from refinery in original packages. and 10 lb. and 20 lm'bags. 100 lb. bags coarser granulation. Weight guaranteed. in‘original packages and look for the,LANTlC Red Ball on each package. 2 lb. and 5 lb. cartons hantic Sugar MONTREAL. QUE. ST. JOHN, N. B. .- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllliIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII l!lll|l!l'| Illlllllllll

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