Undertakers a: Embnlmers. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHIL}. AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funez‘a} Furnishing ‘ 7334 Yonge St. Kept 1.t the above places Yonge 3: Charles Tel. 3d. 3631 Barristers. Snlicturs. &c NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telephnne. Main 311' Cable Address. “9230.†PIANO TUNING LÂ¥CENSED AUCTIONEER Fur the Cuumy of York. SATISFACTION GUARASTEB‘L. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO Lieonud Auctioneers for the County of York Siloa uwudad to on shortest. notice and st, to» am sb.e rates Patronnae solicited Danton, Grover & Field hicnnned Auctmuoer (or the Counties 01 York, Ontario and Noxth Toronto. Special attention Riven to 3:105 01 every axgscripuon. Farm and farm sunk sales‘n‘specmlcy. Farms bought and sold on comnnssxou. Ali sales attended to on shortâ€: notice and conducted by the lntest updadato methods, Address: “:5 Bank)! St . N'meh Toronto. Pone in Home. North 29.9% - 933913. .MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, How-y, Etc; fl OFFICE~SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET “'EST, Phone No. 28. Call: by phone nr nthm-wise promptlv responded to} JOHN B. CAMPBELL. Phone arm:in messages promptly attended to. PHONE HZ] THORNHILL 200 BERESFORD AWL. W EST Tonox‘m thw Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YNRS’ EXPERIENCE A! mail orders will TE‘OPiVP prompt utentiuu. D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. Telephone Main 3476 F. C. EGAN AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 85 PUBLISHING HOUSE MOHMOM HILL, our. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL: Is PUBLISHEDEVERY I'HURSDAY MORNING; RESIDENCE ’ rum, house north of Atkinson & Switzer 8 store. 8.110021 mp2. WRIGHT BROS VETERINARY SURGEON, 50511 9. 91111121501: Organs Repaired. Expenc Work '.‘. F. MpMAHON. r. H. Naughton BARRXSTER SOLICITOR NOTARY 62H! Trndm‘s Bank BIdg. Yonge & Cullmme SL9. Phone No. 2402. I,“ I Die , ()ut. Salxeon a McEwen. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO :TUNER VOL. XXXVIII. ‘i Ormcn AND RESIDENCE BUSINESS CARDS. Thornhill. J. H. Prentice per annum, in advance. ï¬ihml EDITOR & PUBLISHER TORONTO J R McEwcn Weemn Rmidpnee Main 44.4 frev. Thxs is a Schnnl of Results~ Splendid Results. Meritorious wm-k for our students and for the husineSs‘ public has been an active agent in the upbuilding of our famous school. \Ve nssilc Worthy students to get employment Com- mence v. course now. Catalogue frna Patriotic statume: 3' store ++++++H++H++++++++++++++ Also agent for Fruntz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elec‘ uric Irons $3.50t0 $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appli- ances that, save time and work for the House Wife, Church St, Rich} (Rear Richnmnd Hill No School ever had truer friends among its Graduates than Prompt and Reasonabie Estimates given in House‘ Wiring. both old CCMMISSI ONEB. 0 Real Estate “umnm Utflce, Rnom 328 Cnnfedem tirm Life Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal’ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoun. Mame, Thursday afternoon. “700d bridge, Sn tux-day iorenonn. Mouev to loan at Five Per Cent (57,) BARRISTER. Some: Toronto Ofï¬ce. I titm Life Bldg.. Nn ngiclilmond Hill -.A v Ll’u All] Barristel s and Solicitors. Manny to Loan on I and snaanabtel mortgagasnt owes" rates Auroraomee‘ï¬su mum to an old post am“ one door wut of the entrance to tha Outano Bani Newmuket omenâ€"{Hung doors south of he poatomco ‘1‘ Hnnsxanznxox u v Mannâ€- :11 W Ofï¬ce ionntod in ing. Ofï¬ce hou caowxs AND I. H. SANDERSON 7â€" -- nuvv THORNHILL Hon, Graduate Royal Dental Surgeons. Tnmnm Richmond Hill every T F ridnv 00mmissionez I nsurance, Issuer of Mt Electrician, Richmond mu RICHMOND HILL. ONT PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER m Mowexs Ground and Ram DO IT ELECTRICALLY TORONTO . ONT ELMOTT PHONE 1834 Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT‘ a located in Standard Bunk Build~ Ofï¬ce hours 9.30am]. to 5 pm. WILLIAM COOK Schnnl of Results~ Results. Meritorious ur students and for the 1mm has been an active the tlpbuilding of our ‘1' ~ c LaVerne Patzison ANI ionez, Conveyancer. etc awe. and Real Estate of Marriage Licenses. ‘. LASHER SHEPHERD and new; ,, SOLICITOR, N OTABY PAINTER PAPERHANG ER GBMNER, ETC. Sts. L‘.',.__13'j.°.}3.m_ond H111 '. cozvvm> ‘ Nr‘ER‘ Alliâ€)? 5 Rnom "‘ "‘5' Y ‘N-“ER. ETC. and Insurance “ In Essentials, Unity; V at THE LIBERAL \V. J‘ Elliott Principal and Repaired Hard wag-6 V Monam I Cnilego of LI» Will be at, Tuesday and Hill SPECIA LTY u....u-w. "w a: yr. reuuallu was 1n ’ the neighborhood be was immediately called, and dreSSed the wound. He is 1 doing Well. Our three aged veterans, Peter Baker. Geo. Forester and John Leary (are still with us. and we are always glad to see the smiling faces as we pass their homes. 44 12 Wm. Beatuxd who spent the winter in FJm-ida, returned in July. and has been kept busy at, the carpentering trade. Ourenterpriaiug baker has improved his dwelling by putting up a. large veranda. ....... .“v nun-nu): an UHCP. Businessiis quiet at the Elevator. as there is no demand for the sprouted wheat. , , 7 .v... -\.\Iivrllllg. Mrs. Elizabeth Reiuununt Ring has hung)", a. lot in va Gnrmle' “"9015 10 cmnnwnce building as' D..-:.....,~ e . v . . _ , Margaret linker. widow of the late Gen. Baker, is i†at present and is in a L‘z'ilicai condition. Samuel Dimer. at, the cider mill, is down with Typhoid fever. Levi ScheH is down with Inflmnnm~ {ion on the mcmhmne (if (he lungs. and rheumatism nu the nerves. but is improving. David Hilts who has alsn hem) down for :1 month with xheumatisgn on the nerves, hut Is simviy reunve‘ )3_ MW mt:,...x..-u. n . We are glad to report that Mrs. Mary Ann Baker is again recuvming flow :1 hard attack of Inflammatan Rheumatism. Margaret Baker. widow of the late Gen. Baker. is S†at present and is in a cz'iliczd condition. RN] and (inn for SPptl‘lllel' is uni and is a special duck skimming number, Bonnycnsfle Dale the naturalist-writ?! contributcs the opening urticie. a read- nhie mm. (in “Live Decov Ducks and Shunting over them.†"Duck Sbcmling in the Cariboo" is an amusing story of the experiences of two duck hunters who saw plenty of ducks but: failed to ? about any. “After the Black Ducks,†“Two Hundred Acres of Geese," “Duck Breeding in the Park Country, Alberta.†are other stories that give a wild duck flavor to this number, and 1)) addition there are other interesting stnriea of outdnur life besides the regular dz-partments devoted to gunning and ï¬shing. 1". J. Taylor, Limitpd, \Voodstnck, Dim. are pub- lishers of this magazine oiomdoor “ff. ‘ , v. _, ..., .uw ‘ muocu u: represent; East York in the Ontario Legislature ‘ holding this position until 1904, when he was appointed Clerk of the County Court of ank. In religion a Methodist. he was a member of 'Washington Church. Seen" born, for many years. and did not transfer his membership when he left the old hamestead and moved tn the city. He was never married, of kind~ ly. genial personality. shrewd and canny withal. Mr. Richardson was a useful and valuable public servant align good citizen. The ‘tfunerérlvtgxic. place on Saturday. the ramains being laid to rest at “Washing ton cemetery, Scurboro. Va“, "u; homestead near the Kingston Road, Scm how, on Apnl 5th. 1843, and was cunsoqueutly in his 73nd yenr. Mr. Richardsun received his edumtion at the old public school Imuse in Scarbom Village, at. Markham High Schoo).and Victoria University. He had a long and nselul public manor. In 1875 he was elected to it sent in Scurhorn Counci). ï¬ve years later becoming feeâ€. Which position he held fur twelve vems. mm) in, "mm: Mr. Richmdsnn. ox-M.P.P. York. c191 k of the cmmtv mun time of his death passed nwnv day morning. H9 had ham» to his home fur the past few on account. nf an illness devvlnpcd n3 HIP 195"}an :m n pox-formed some ten years ago The dm'ensed was born on home-stead near the Kino‘ahu \Ve 0V91'100k9d last week referring to the deaLh of Mr. John Richardson. one of the best known and must )‘Iighly respected mun in the County of in Non-Essentials, Liberty; .. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBE Red and Gun Gormley Obituary Notice mr the past. few months nf an illness which HIP msnn M an npemtion ï¬srm. (vi-MIKE". for East f the county count at the min passed away Thurs- Hr- had hem) conï¬ned 9 :mmn of Riflgwnnd va Gnrmley and up a years he I'Ppl'eS‘ )ship in the Gram many import-am chain-nmn M“ the OHCP. the old EC: 8 SI 21 I? 3 1* W 1 RICHMOND HILL v - ONTARIO SHANLEY & GOODWIN UPHOLSTERERS DECORATORS Hox. JAS. Minister Ll Furniture Repairing. Uupholsterâ€" mg and Reï¬nishing. Mattresses Made Over, Chair Gaming, Picture Framing and Interior Decox'atiug. has removed to his new ofï¬< corner of YOSGE and Q! 815.. which has been equi‘ with the most, modern of de appliances. Out of town pnti attended without previous pnintment. Thousands of Farmers Have Lost Thousands of Dollars This Yezw Through Smut in Wheat. Oats and Barley This loss can he prevented in ONE W'AY ONLY. and that is by treating the seed. Besuz‘ezherefore that. your fall wheat is properly treath heft;er being put. into the ground this fall. There are two methods of treating the seed as follows :~ ‘ 1. Mix nne~half pint nf fmmwlin in >21 galluns uf \vntex. Pines. the 390d to he tl-PaH-d in :1 cow's» suck. .1 but“ sack is cheNH)L for the pmpusr‘. ï¬ll the sack about three parts full and im- merse in the formalin solun'un for. twenty minutes. During the treat‘ nwnL wise the suck up and down svv- era] times in the sulution tp insure wetting evezygmiu that it Contains. AfLex-treuting. spread the grain out thinly nn 2; clean Hum 01- canvas where it can he stiyred and :nUuwed Lu HA." n..m,.:.\..nk A I F ‘ Warning to Farmers Un nmtivn Cnuncil adjourned to meet, at Nnblown on Saunday. September 25th. '1 mm. mp Trr-usm or be instructed to Y‘PL‘PiVP frumi A, W’atsnn, '54 cents discrsunc my S‘Pt‘i account, re Lioyd~ tnwn Bridge. That '1‘. H. LPng and James Thomp- nnn he mach paid $2.00 for services render-ed as fwmevieWers. That [hp usual grant; of $15.00 be given in aidnf Schnn! Fair in King I Township, cheque to J. U. Stockley. That the petition presented by the ratepayers iu Nulerme respecting the granting hf :1 P001 lem License (:0 this Commit, he not entertainpd. That this Council pay Mr. BiHings $5,110 for repairs tn wagon. 1‘ That :l. grant. of $25.00 be given to ‘ gm‘wl hi}! hetween lots 5 and 6, mu 1 eleycmh con. Thnt (he Trz-asnwr receive frum .L A. ‘i' discount my stm-I ac‘ tnwn Bugidge. That (he ‘Trpnsurer Jus. Bvatiy fur I l wceivcd by him Inn; Budge. fur bm-yi, roadside. The :xhuve Council met at Tcnlp61‘- mace Ha“. K “‘ ‘ “Luany. on Saturday, ASIEH-‘f 38: Members all presenf. and Minute-s of last meeting read and cunï¬l med. A number N" hills and accounts were pl'esétlbvd, and ordered tu he paid. ~Resnlntinns :- ‘ Tigut $8.80 he paid m Fwd anio OI) lnnt inn in all things, Charity.†V7 7. ,--;u;auu4. District. representative. Newman-Rat. S. DUFF. 0f AGHNIIUH‘Q. to his new ofï¬ce on ’0351: and szzx has been equipped KING COUNCIL I he paid to Fred Norris hmse lying dead on the todern of denta of town patients Torontii .n'er accept $I.80 from I burn-l of cement, Irmn the Liuydtown R 9. 1915 Good Bran anckShorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. 'Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale We have the BL. 86 W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Orders taken for I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada, Portland Cement; . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Presbyteri:;n GuiIdMMEets every Fri~ day at; 8 p.m. Village Council~Meets Ist Tuesday in the month Fire Brigade - Meets 1st, Monday of each Month. Band Pmctice-Monday of each week at 8 p.m. ‘ Home Gual’deeets every Friday evening. LPublic Librarv and Reading Room â€" Open Tuesday and Saturday eve- nings. Rinhmnnd Lodge, A.F.& A. hieâ€"Meets Mundny nn m- befurs' full moon. Hill Crest Ludge, I.O.U.F‘.â€"â€"Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of enzh month. Victm in. L.0.L., 2368-Meets 4th Wed- nesday of each mnnth. Court Ricbmnnd, A.O.F. â€"- Meets 4th Friday. I.0.F.-â€"Meets 3rd Thursday of every month. Camp Elgin, S.O\S.â€"-\Ieets 2nd and 4th Wednesday. J. H. RAMER DBUGGIST Methodist, Churchâ€"~Setvicps at 11 mm. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30. General Prayer Meetmg Thursday evening. Epwm‘th Leagueâ€"Meets every Monâ€" (in y at 8 p.m. Puhtic Attention V r a mug. Roman Catholic Church - nltpmate Sundays at. ill-‘30 mm. Presbyterian Church mm. and 7 p.m. S 2.34). Praver Meoti Cbuxch of E11gland-Services at 11 am. and 7 p.13). Hwy Communiun on the 3rd Sunday in the mom!) at 11 mm. and the 4th Sunday at 8.30 21.11). Sunday Schoo! and Bible (Bass at 3 o’clock '. A. SANDERSON qualitv at right prices of the best and purest DE‘STROYER Insect [Single copies, 3 cts mn Church ~â€" Services at 11 d 7 p.31). Sunday School at ‘rayer Meeting I‘hursdaveve- Village Directory Pure Paris Green RICHMOND {ian â€"~â€" Sm-vices on ; 9 mm. and No.