Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1915, p. 1

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AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 85 PUBLISHCNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL . ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY EHURSDAY MORNING «T. II. Naughton BARRISTER Sm,mean NuTMu‘ 621-2 dem‘s Bank Bldg. Yunge & Co‘hm-ne Sls. TORONTO .\ .. Telvphnné’ Main 3476 251 per annum, in advance; 200 BEEESFORD ATE. \ Phone J nncmm '72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ Al mail orders will re attention. VOL. XXXVIII. Gulls U Phone No. ‘23 Licensed Amhoueer for the County Untario and Non!) Tmouto. Specixx] civeu to sales of every description. tum stock sales a Specialty. Far anu sold on commission. A“ saws t on shortesc notice and conducted kw up-wâ€"dnte methods. Address: «115 mum St , Nmtb Tor: Pane in House». North 2192 {deemed $uctioueers {or the Salosmueuded to on shorteszw so: I1.b.e rates Patronnue so PIXNO TUNING r u'% NATlONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2O KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada Telfiphnne, Main ‘31), Cable Address. "Dede." BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER V‘ET‘ERI‘NA’RY SURGEON, Thornhill. Phone RXCHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Fm Kept at the ab Danton. Grover Phone 01- lnuil attended to. 'el. M. 3631 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE 1‘1 :1 1310, ()nt. by phone 01‘ ,SKAY P- aaxgcon Maple EDYIOR & PUBLISHER éérriéter, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICE-SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAB BLDG" IS KING ___._ --.N.\.n. ,‘ndm'takcrs «t Elllhallllel‘s. 'Saig 50in RESIDENCE . nnusa north of Atkinson 8: TS witze 1- s store. me No. 2402. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL Cameron MacNaughton Organs Repaired , PINKERTUN, V.S. FIVQE YEARS' EXPERIENCE rders win receive prompt WRIGHT BROS. ' vv'i fm'risters. Solicmrs. &c :eon & D! cEweu . JCMAHONQ ne or otherwise prompth responded to éTREET \VEST; THORNH 1 LL gfiibml ears {or the County of York on shortest notice and at. rea- atrounee solicited k of Fuoeiull Furnishing t the above places Prentice messages promptly PHONE 1421 WEST TORONTO ,Nmtb Toronto 2292 the Counties of York. to. Special Mtencior scriptiou. Farm and any. Farms bought A“ saws attended m nducted bv the latest @avidson E xpert W on: Residence- Maiu 44.4 K McEWen Weston Field RICHMOND Han. Graduate Royal Cullogo of De-nLuISnrgmms. Tnmntn, will he at. Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Friduv. CRO\YNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bank Build iug. Office, hours 9.30 ‘AJH. to 5 p.11) LENNOX & MORGAN Barristel s and Solicitors. Mouov to Loan oulnudanuchatbe‘ mortgagesat owesz races Aurornofliceâ€"Ren' Over? to the old post offim one door wut of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket {miceâ€"Three doors south of he poscorflce T HERBERTLENNOX G V MORGAN BARRISTER. SULICITOR, NOTARY ETC Tornntn Office. Rnom 328 Confodm-n tinn Life Bldg” No.12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (‘ Libel-141‘ OfficM. evory Thursday forenoml. an19, Thursday aftprnnon. \Vnudtn-idqe, Saturday forenrmn. Mont": to loan at Five Per Cent. Richmond Hill B. H. LASHER Church St, Richmond H.111 H+++++*+H§+M%H++H H i- Pntrimic smtmnex y at Tm; LIBERAL store H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT, PHONE 1834 4 Commissioner, Convoyancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Lawn Mowexs Ground and Repaired J EDWARD FRANCIS, MMISSIOXER. (‘ONVEY AN”ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL (Rent Richmond Hill Hardware) Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, boih old and new. Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $3200, Elec tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-toâ€"date appli- ances that save time and work for the Honse Wife. S. SHEPH E-RD Nu Schnnl among This is a. School of Resultsâ€" Splendid Results. Mm-itminus Wurk im- our students and for the lnusineSS public has been an active agent in the_ uphuilding nf our famous school. \Ve assist, wmthy students to get employment. Com- mence 2-. courae now. Catalogue free. 34 Yonge St I. H. SANDERSON WILLIAM COOK PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER PAINTER. PAPERIIANGET GRAINKR, ETC. Electrician, Richmond Hill DO IT ELECTRICALLY La Verne Pantison NOTARY PUBLIC «1" Charles Sts. (C TOR ONTO - ONT ELLIOTT Anr'n' In Essentials, Unity; ere-1' lmd truer friends its Graduates than {GER HILL. ONT \\'. .1. Elliott Principal. 44 l No I receive 1 a few thought No duum yuu will be surprised to receive this lellm- from me. but I have a few mmnpnts idle time and just thought, :I. few films from um might, be of some interest, tn the penple uf my 01d hnum lnwn. \Vell m start with I have but)" with the 19th BeuLulinn sincv iL was mnbflized and left. Humihnn fm- Tm'nntn m1 lhv (5111 (‘f Nurmnhv'r, NH. and :Im fining tho pmifinn {Is Almmu'M' Svrgunnt. in the 1!)”: Battaliun. My work iw making n“ the repairs tolhp pistols‘ xiiius. machine- guns. bicycles. and any uthm' nwchnn. Seal \vmk requirml by the Bunnlinu, and I find uh kinds nf \VuHI. to kPPP me busy sinm- cmnmg tn Eng:th as there is always plenty going wrung wile-19 :0 many men of all duscl'lptiuus ‘ me handling arms. etc. Letter From “Billie” Clifford (lt( nun“. h “h \Vithin the iH‘Xi, Week [ mu in he pmmnu-d t'n (hp posiiiun hf Brigade Armnn'rer which gives me mm-e tank and pay, and my dutivs will he lulu-we change of fnm- Battalion Armuurer Sergeants: and he H'spox‘osihlv for all muchin gnu unpairs. viv. \Vhi-n this takes place I am supplied with :1 ‘ motmcy .lu \\'i\h side cur Hitachi-d six 1hut. I can take :I. gnn nn immd for x'epaiis. and nlsn he able in get frum one Battalion to nnntlwr. In a Brigndv Lhmu ale fmu' Bull-Alian nf ulmuL L100 mt‘n each, and each Buttuiiuu has nun! Arnmuwr Sergeant and fmn- um-pnmls as assistants. \Ve-ll nmv 517 mille fur my dulws. Next I might. say 1 lmvv :I \my grmd time nf it, nevvr having to :mswvr any x-ull cull nr (10 MW I-lhm' Julie-s except my own. \Vllii‘h Sifll‘i. utr 9 .‘I.l|l.. until 5 p.m., with 1.} linuis fur lunch. Ava1 5 o‘clock I an: my mvn buss and have the. fwvdmn n'i' leave m‘my night if S and nun Tl _ amc .- in [1 In]; “)0: us Thi else DEAR Sn The following letter. dated August, . has been received by the publisher: um “UV ..... ._ ,_ I . desired. 0f cmn-se this: (10051101: apply [0 all positions us must all duties are mtht-r different than mine and require night, wm‘k, such as gum-d duty. etc. Lately we have been very hwy sharpening lmvnnets for the Hm} thing. It is an awful lhlng when mw stops to think nhnut iL, Vet it seldom comes in your mind as tn what. you are n-nlly (lning'. I sums-limes “'(‘llllvl' \tht German will have [his pmtiuuln' lmynnet, pushed in him. but. “'0 just laugh and \he Humb'm, passes from ‘yrm' mind. the (he can [he Unldmwllvs we Hl'h‘ gning to‘ null me boys do not care- so lung us they can (10 their hit. whether it, is German‘s: ur'l‘nrks they fighb. Mysvlf I wme pxel'vr 10 gm t0 the Dzu-deuechs its Wl’ wuuld he nmre likely to ban,- Turkey fun um- Chi istmns dinner. I um \‘t‘ly glad [u have come over lwle Lu (In what I can and I hixpe mum of the yuung fvllnwsnmund Richlan Hill will See fit tn come as everv m-m is needvd in order tn put, things right again. So far I \Vuul.) nut chin, 8 my experience for the world and mare i» 2| head of me. I had a. trip some time ngn to Dundee. Edinburgh. (ilascnw. Ardu-s- sun. Belfast. Dublin. Lundnn, and even ywhere we went there were troops in khaki and mu'v men by Lhe lhuumnds, and a fine type of men they are tun. \Ve traveled along the (must of the North Sea and every- where we )uaked we could see- destmyers glldxdiug the coast. also saw Admiral BenLLy's fleet, which k sunk \he Blather in \he North Sea after midlng Harte-pun). After what. I have :dreadv seen of the British fleet 1 must say [but then-915110 end to it. and must he Lrumendnus in the number of boats. This is quite at different mission I am on here in England (0 what it was in [911. This time 1 am gnng to he n. 1;”ng myst fm- smnr nm: edse to 7 ‘ ‘ - ‘ - V 'II A , ‘l in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. target, mysefi for some nne ewe to shout at, but I dun‘L think I will stand as stationary us [he one I shot at. This becmning u tan-get for some mm eise is the nasty part of war. but You can depend (m it I :uu not. gniug hunting Germans when nut neoessm-y m- I am nut Innking fur Victoria. Crosses either, but if they Come my way [hey are liable to get, hurt. should I he furtnnnte enough (usee him before he sees me. ‘ - . .xn nnn Our Division of about ZZMUU men were out 1minng for about four days this week and it tank them about, 33 hours to pass aiung the road, one snlid mass of men. horses, wuggons and guns, and it put. me in mind of the 24th of May at home when I was a kid. or the fire brigade answering a. fire call. or just. like some of the crowds that used to attend a lacrosse match .. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ‘23. 191.5 ut three woe-ks or m England bub do wr u. is France nr about 22,000 men behind the [u see and done since suldiers in a gr), f1:th Sunday, 26th, is Rally Day in all our Sundn Schools. leuddress on the subjuc , “Enllstlng for Cll‘l'lat,” will be given by {he minister. the officers vi the School conducting the r9le of the sGl‘VlcC. This will he fullmWil by :1 Children’s Banquet Mnndny (‘\'uu1ing. and 11 Young Pet)!]l<"s Banquet and Social Thursday evening. Sunday evening Rev. Alexander tn SH!)qu (waning Rev. Alexander McMillan. M. A.. who has hnd the largest pm t, in prvpming :1 now Bunk uf l’luist‘. :1an i- the. Asavlnhlv’s Secre- tury in (-hnrge of that, wmk, will be present and preach on “The Service of Praise.” Thu Victm-in Square Brmwh of the \Vnmun‘s lnsfitute will hold their xegnlur monthly meeting at the home (If Mrs. SH-phesnn, Buttnnvlllo. on Thursday uftenmun, Svptmuher 30, M 2.30 p.m. I’rngx-zunmu :«wah-mnentnl Solo. Miss Vern Comm“: Address. DI. Burke-l; Instrumt-ntnl Duvttv, BIISSPS Hum]; Sam Demnnsmtion. Mis- Dunmn; Vncul Solo, Miss Irene Hood; DuPtL Missvs‘ Cnnncll. Ever persun cut-dially im itvd. in Um park. I nftPn think of Lhr‘ fun I hadnrnund the old town when a buy. I (lun’t think :mylmdy else m'm- had Any more. 1 l-vmmnhm- quilt) wst unce taking Mr. Perch‘ul's SUI) down to Boyle's pund [u get him \VPL 1‘ n he \vus l'ilthl'l‘ green lull}? ways 01’ ()ntnl-in at that time, I tnnk him [here and tried to get him to jump fruxu «mp lug to anothov before it Would sink. myss‘if being quite PXIH’ILHL the game. I deumn- strataâ€"'1} hnw R was dmw. but .15 he was :1 little sll-w 10 try the gum?! gut rullwr imanith and myself jumped tun fill‘, mud m‘or the mp (If the lug and went uvur head with all my cloth- :-3 (m. ‘hc Rwy \hmg I had hevn trying tugvthim tn 114», so the juke wnsnn um. but he, nut being wise, SYIHpillhiN‘t‘d with me, which helped some. Anntherdny when n thunder storm came up he was lying on a. Lhiuk l plank, pmldlmg away near share, and [pnshml him nut, in tho mitldlv of the plum] and mu Izmlvr 1h» bridge will) my dry (‘lnlln‘s out of the ruin. \vhlh: Hul'lllll SL'l'I'UHH'd murder our, in tho midtllu Hf the» pond with (right, lit-lug afruinl to move for fear of falling): off as he cunlll not, swim :1 struke. \Vhile I'Wus enjoying the fun nut of the ruin my (~lu1hes fe-ll (lawn underneath the ‘ rgu-e intn all the water and I got th Wurst of it again, <0 you see I had no luck with n pmncher's Sf-ll. “"9” l guess I will break “if now and I hupu that the hays of Richmund Hill will lurnnnt and dn lheh liitle hit at mu-v, as it is A worthy cause we are fighting for, and after lhe wax- is over any yuung mun who has failed tn [Pspond tn Ilw cull cunnnL lu-lp hub feelashzuuel fur nut. dning what he could. an I lmpv this will he of Snme in- terest tn the ponpln of Richmond Hill and 19$ (hum knnw that, I an) cunning hack tun, us Tum )L-u-Lin used to my “I never died :1 winlvr yet.” um! I guess the Same thing will apply Lu 11w. Yours: truly. Annmu'ev Sergmmt \V. J. Clifford. NH. 55010. 2nd U.E.F., 41h Brigade. \Vt‘sl Snndiing L‘mnp, Kent. Eng. .3 mantis; mmwm 1‘5 NOTICE is hereby given that, anx'y Jnhn Thulllfls \Vm-dluw. of {h Town at “'esion. in the County nf ark. in the vaince of Ontario. Rm] Estate Brnkm', will apply to Lb? Parlianwnt uf (Sum-(la at \he next sessiun (havenf. fm- :\ Bill hf Divorce from his wife, Eda Luella Rnxenin. \delnw, nmv resid- ing in the City of Detroitfiin the State of Michigan. one of the Unite-(i States of America. on Ihe grounds ufndultery and desertimi; Datedut Tar-unto. Province of Ou- tm-in. this third day of September A. D.. 1915. 1:n'enf Army Post Office. 13 14 l)iv01'oe Notice gamma-é mmfi Dentist hns removed to his new office on corner of YUXGE nnd QUEEN 815.. which has been equipped with the must: modern of dentn. appliances. Out ut’ town patients attended without previous up- puintment. vi” he fniimwd by :1 Children’s r, Mnndny owning. and u People’s Banquet and Socizu 1v evening. Presbyterian Church DR. Victoria Square Snlicitnrs 43 Imperial L RAY & GRAY. {ms for the Amflicamt, :\1 Life Bldg., Toronto. Toronto films I RID SHANLEY & GOODWIN RICHMOND HILL Fur lhu frat, time Madame Jm-ley ms lwvn able. to pmcm-e the original {In Van \Vinklo. dream-(l in those 2m) 9 Clnl hos that, he won: throughout hut lung sleep. He will he produced 1) his cmnotose state on the 2w), ’ Q} “NAHUM” LU PHOLSTERERS DECORATORS Furniture Repairing, I’nphnlsterâ€" “‘3’ and Refinishing. Mattresses Made Over, Chair (Janina. PiCElll‘e Framing and Interior Decm-atmg. ‘®S®5®SG@GQ@€Q Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale ; MISS E. KEAM g @Q@®3®@@§G@fl I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken ior Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L‘ 86 W. Scranton Hard Coal. and Kennel~Coal “None better" Order now for pure drugs, patent medicines, useful and fancy articles. day and Saturday evenings till Dectmber 18. Early closing afterward. [Single copies, Puttic Attention Smre open Tuesday, Thurs- You are invited to attend the FALL MiLLlNERY OPENING SEPTEMBER 23. 24, 25 and following days at Thomhill on J. H. RAMER Sanderson’s Telephone Store Richmond Hill Drug Store C10 to ONTARIO No. I3

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