Thomhiil Harvest Thanksgiving servicvs will he held in Trinity Church. Thurnhill. Thursday evening, Svpi. 30, at 8 o’cluck, and on Sunday morning and evening, 0ct.3. The Rev. Uanun '1‘. \V. vael], M.A., D.U.L.. loctnr of Holy Trinity Church. Toronto. will la- the special preacher at the Thursday evening scrvice. is a “suspicion†that the latter cannot be trusted. The last paragraph reads : “Unfortunately the man who has to walk 1400 feet, the woman who has to carry a baby that distance, citizens generally who have to plow through mud and rain from one car to the other and climb the hill to go north, do not care whose fault it is. They want the service. The city should make it clear whose fault it is that they do not get it.†The fact of the matter is, neither Mayor Church nor the Toronto news~ papers can show that the city is not at fault in the absurd and aluxot in- tole 'abie state of affairs at the southern end of Yonge street. THURSDAY, Sept. 30â€"F1'Psh Mllch cows. splingers. yuung cattle and horses. on lot 29, €011.21}. Scarlmm, Agincmu-t, the property nf Snark- hall & Talbot. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 6 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY, Oct. 16~Farm stuck. in:- plvlnents, km, on IOL 2L (-nn. S. Markham, the prnpm'ty uf Memm Grove. Sale at 1 u’uluck. Terms 11 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. The closing paragraph of an edi‘ torial in Tuesday’s World shows that that paper is getting tired of hacking: up the Toronto City Council in its foolish tactics in tearing up the part of the Metropolitan Railway south of Farnham avenue. But although the Ontario Railway Board has ordered that the tracks be reâ€"laid at once The World supports the City Council in asking for an appeal to the Privy Council. The World admits the seriousness of the situation in compelling thousands of people to walk over the gap every day, but tries to excuse Mayor Church and his colleagues from entering into an agreement with the Metropolitan because there RICHMOND HILL A full line of Harness, hand and machine sewn, always in stock, also Blankets, Whips, Robes, Rugs and everything in the Harness and Sad- dlerv line. Elie Having purchased the Harness and Saddlery business recently car- ried on by Mr. Trench, I will here- after run the Harness business in the Mocdic store, one door north of Mr. Sims’ grocery, and solicit the patron- age ofthe people of Richmond Hill and vicinity. ‘ Repairing ï¬nished with prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. For further information ul‘p'y 10 Leave Richmond Hill 6.18 p. 11) daily except Sunday. for Bezu W. R. Robinson “‘9 Richmond Hill, 10073.11)“ 7.30 mm, daily except Sunday, for Toronto and intex'mvdiuu :u'e Richmond Hill 10.34 :l.ll).. daily except Sunday, for Beav- erton, Parry Sound. Sudbui-y and intermediate points. THE 2,000 FEET GAI points points x-tnn, Orillia and intermediate NOTICE Auction Sales Fail Service Y. B. TRACY Station Agent SEPTEMBER 0x13. SEPT 30â€"F1'esh Milch mung cattle and can. 3, Scurlmm, oporty of Spark- IN EFFI 3. 191 av- The 6Peace’ Patent Farms interested will please call, write, or phone No. 260. 'l‘lw illustration ahmje shows the Metal \Veabhel'Su-ip applied to win- dmva. and the manner in which it \vurks. and its effectiveness in keeping out the cold and dust. The \Veulher Strips can he ï¬tted to oldm‘ new work, and old shaky and rattling windqu can be made wind and dust-proof and absolutely noiseless Tm proved Metal Weather Strip n the HE’S can have sn t isfnc: Sulicited‘ J. H. GRATZ WATCHMAKER - JEWELER Sivers Blcck - Richmond Hill b‘og to call your uttenLion that l have opened up a \Vatch. Clock and Jewel- ry Stm-e and will do my best to select gnnds that will give unLiIe satisfaction, and still arrange to kvpp within the City prices. A call will cunvincc you. In ml- (liLinn I (In all kinds of \Vntch, Clock and Jowelxy Repairing on NEW JEWELRY STORE the pr who thu For Windows and Doors HETHER your painting is an investment or an expense depends on what paint you buy. Don't buy paint that has to be prepared by hand. In that case you pay extra for painter’s time in mixing. Don’t buy cheap paints, even though ready mixed. You get just what you pay forâ€"â€"an inferior paint and inferior results. Gives Best Results. Costs a. trifle more by the gallon but very much less for thejob because it is thoroughly machine-made and bu skill, experience and a. reputation behind it, and therefore does more work. PAINT INFORMATION on exterior paintingâ€"interior decorzxingâ€"ï¬oomâ€" woodworkâ€"etc.â€"a'c our Store. Color Combinations Free. 295 THE RICHMOND HILL HARD‘WARE COMPANY NORMAN BATTY premise F. A T K I N S 0 N RICHNOND mLL AGENT 9th IRST 1d 01110]in Lowe Brothers “High Standard†Liquiti Paint cunvinct: you. In ad- (‘mull kinds of \Vutch, 1d Jowelxy Repairing on rises. Also any patrons u‘e Sewing Machmvs, 'znphs, Music Boxes, etc., - them put in order, and ion guaranteed. A call lll th the mule m has In Madam HIS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ §+++++++++++++ “A. E. GLASS Shaw‘s Busine beg: in , from Sept. Ist, and Lu state that plans fm- giving individual in- ernctinn clear the way fur the ad- missionof students on any school day during the seSSion. Descriptive catnloguosvnt free on xequvct by mail to \V. H. Shaw, Presidenl, Yuuge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. teen news. near Lomonvilh good lmildings. plenty of sprin waLer, plvasunt situation. $2.5(, cash required, Inï¬nncu on ens terms. $600â€"ï¬vo Innmed semi-de- tached 1101150 with large lot at Elgin Milli, stnlrle for horse ()1' row. hmmm‘y, and good garden. Verv small cash payment 11*- qnired, lmlunce payable in amounts less than rent. Act 3rd mnevssiun 0f Max‘le cinity of Hourlfm-d: lur] hunk bun) with ï¬rst-ch15 ling. silu. root Geller. Inc; dliving shed. brink hauSe never-failing stream close bulldin‘gs. $7,000 â€" Eighty acre-s, hum Tuwnshin. 2% miles Yunge SL. m-:11"1‘hnrnhil he sold to close an USUIL HM mununl quickly $3.0(l0â€"un improved t'own farm property. A. J. HUME ’Faiaor N O T A R Y P I. CONVEYANCING CLEANING PROPERTIES FOR SALE ‘9. 500 w’s Business Sch to announce Full have yum 0.0% "One hnndn-d new loam soil in ï¬rst-class 2 :ultivntinn. situated on L'tmcvssiun (\f Markham REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL MONEY T0 LOAN One PB ESSING HOUSES FARMS hundrr- Hen REPAIRING vy news, Mark 2% miles vast of l‘hm'nhil], must an estate. Let Lomonvilh mls, Tnumto, I‘m-m Opening to state that JBLIC pu-ns, and it to the new stub- 300 5.. Richmamï¬ ï¬iEE Amex ALL BRANLHES OF THE TRADE “ STRICTLY ATTENDED TO (:3 SEOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE Soucn‘ED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FOR FURTHER TNFORMA'IION WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T, LOCKE: 81 C0, Richmond Hill GENERAL BLACKSM 1TH, New Gormley . J. WUDDWARD. . WDDWARDj Scal‘boro and York Townships, including Yonge Street A. M. DAVISON, UNIONVILLF, dealer for Markham, et Us Serve 3'0“ “’ith Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., BelmL and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. GR()CIERI}C§S For Sale an Easy Terms The .1th9 prices f. (Lb. Fmd. Ont. effective Aug. 2. 1915. No speedometer includr-d in this Year‘s equipment. otherwise ems fullv equipped. Cars on display and sale by Ford Touring Car Price $530 Ford Runabout Price $480 Made in Canada EXCELSIOR MOTOR CX CLER L. C U R T 18 RICHMOND HILL Motcr Repairing rcne L. CURTES 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto AGENT FOR. nt