Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1915, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL nppuintvd M Thanksgiving Sunday U Ml'. Miltlm “'0 N. \Vrllwuud (Ift the Missimrulgn I active U-uiniug in }(r. H. HmL Ernest U. P-xlu Militalrv (Lamp u for Ovutsuus 35m- Lihvnl Ufiiu‘e.‘ mumvndcd hv cation fut Ht Srpumtv suhtw Nam Sum!» Snmhy Suhunl Aikvnlwm), v srrmnu {u (’11 Church at H u n'mg 1mm the A rm-y pa in the SUM”- h‘vpt. 18. [mum-3’ HHI Aikvnhx‘n'Fn Aikvnhvnd Mr. Dung! Mr. :w and Mrs ingwnmfi with MI [humid Mumbly Mrs S‘ k PHIH‘PL‘ Dvcvm Juhn it uh ¢I\\’l sumilu! lh Mr. 3. IL 0m” hundx-w in Uh“ High 5; HM plums xvi-h Ihis [4“ m will It, \unks‘ “in udditimul 1U wmk in 1h» 2) Hf Educ-Him) ! sums (u nmel watt-f 11w mentor HI ‘l‘hc ( Idny :AL'UH- 11 [mm Squun A'n intou Grant, 5m) met-'1" of R Inst Frid‘n' IllemI-wr uf With {1w 1" 0 HIV yuur hnm H Tmop Orders Rk‘hnmnd HI“ and Thurnhill Tum; Buy Sculls Inm’t nu Hzllllldny“ 2.2% p. “5., at Lut ML (\vmlhm- pvt-milling) Prns‘nectivv Sunnis invin (or mm!” uwur. ‘f‘JI‘IH‘SL E. Cullinghum, Scuut Int-uh nfii I" Thv ('i LOCAL The 4’ l T11 'Hl‘ agility h ‘d 'flhwt mmt VI («NV «puny In haw Kn 4;!1-1Aet,hl\9 Mum) and amber 1. wat . the uiiL-l nrnull‘!‘ U “latch hi Dominion uflvisr's _\‘ ' hm: in“: r (-nlnxll hnwh-wl nun” Atkinsnu, mu! m E'mmluy living Rn! fitthmils [ht-,- pastur, ul. \viH prvuch Lu (’hildz'vn in Khu n H «.111. Srnmm n the Bunk nt’ mm 1dr #1 Mrs. P. G. ,i’~\.G. Szu‘ag Saturday. * <. \V. I). A Kim. and Vaughan Match but L u! ( *KH uan :1 \l H Â¥ \\‘ Mnrtsml n mzhiv iliz n :t 11) ll" 1:” wruy liLlll- slury nppmn‘t-d nV Schnvl pulww’Uuward,“ Th» liHv i< “Her Snldim I} the writm is Gun-hum: I) dunghrvr nf RM“. J. R 0f this \‘thu. I‘Ln- Shh uul dire» :u li<L Hf 1 n Il-ule ‘md d :r (H ffhc ‘Plnwnu m Ihv f m hwv ‘u ).| no! ’ulmcr “Una home him cl \V'ell\u»-.u».L s Hf this \"illag‘. 5" H‘WSr'. sun ichm Eu w w L lwaud. ‘ . vmu' nnnn If Srhwnl 1m n N H \kuy 15m” (1 un Tm'sâ€" lhk‘ 'l‘nrunlu RMHWHY 'uw- thv {xivnsim} uf HS me u.- Furnhnm :u'mmfi m1 curs running by 1h m; (L m-u‘ Dnih' reach. if m . :1 me-Lh um. and my futnw. )wvo Rant f the influx. hrm ll! in the I of Dunn-h plmving mat lllLIthH BL-mu iv: I‘SHII up in stuck at 'iwsu hunks :n-n ht Hf H“ )h-tml :m u (h (he M'l Oct: 3LH1H m “4-! wid ascly m) “f Hank-l 3'» mntnrml tn Cull- wpent (H'Ql Sunng Atkinx‘nn in“! Mr_ m1 n-tnrned hnmu ll Il'!” (-f Ml 31M: wwk hnfl thu unwd :It Hw Puma" nm-ully should look “mus lhi< In“ as nnmunt hf smfm‘u rt' lyphnitl will he vet-nIm-nt Mi “ism-1‘ Suvugu and My .hn Igv. has juicwd md 15 nnw in u- ({urtimaihmll the prize hum, \QCPsSful at Hm 'gptlnlflu Eihibiâ€" ~ Pl'iZl’S by )nec‘ \ the treasurer, Rally d p\ izus H‘D nuw Nun ‘brin Lu'u (:thN‘ in Amelia 3 0f Rmch rme”, splint . L. B. “via-E. SUI! (ht 1) Lb up (re Lmuml nhl‘u MM hmlis' 'n: [111.- cw nacho: ThI' Runl'd additional nu] MI Jill'lf‘ I‘L‘plll are wu- uf Edn- lic and "Ship mnnHt-{i ul nf the bu gx-hxm) Flu I! HI Ill 10} Dmxnhl, s: Dmirs to Mr. J. A. mvmbm- ul' succevdiug reaiguwl. Hi” It, will be 500)) by zulv. vlsmvhm-e- in this paper than MI". \V. Ii. Robinsun has pm ulmsml [he llall‘hhsfi nml Sil‘llllt'l y lausun-ss rvcvntly curried nu hy Mr. Trench. Hummer the hnsinms will be um vied nn in me Muudie b'lnrr. Mr. itnhinsun will keep 2) full liuL-nf ill'llkih‘s usually kvpc in u firm-chm lmrnuss «hummul he snlicibs 5|. gt’nm'nus putlun- sh-q b” Uni 1mg Hutu: y inform firming ‘\f 'rlh‘ Sm: this anHy pn- H nnte ceilun heuut has Lhil puhl‘wh 2'0” the \wdrspw . 125' “I il‘I inning Hn ' it ’14 ()u (h :ur'lul on In H insun u m L‘L-u My krpc in ‘7‘qu he sulici frum Ki 2mm)ng urig lump l‘f Buy Sam ummullud hy Llw l Huv Scnnt aneul in}: tul‘uwd imtwm'u U and 'J‘h-xruhill dishin- nf Hg" and upward ing \hv h'nup :uv H‘q‘l .{he thrir mum-s u its. i’n‘ul piuhue. tin!) “0:: MW Fivld (If nod [he [mi-fishy): Id have in mim Mutiunplut'v. If meat, twat in 51 \Unu 1mm ruhii Hill“ [luwnhm 5 win sucr'e-vd Fir-H nf Huunl MI :ltlt'nliul) in Harness Shop hum n um H-ceuv-l by a: A Nflvumt'kvt CunvL-ye- m that his sun. I)!“ :IHm‘hed (v 15w M'Lillt n! mfl; hi:~ (ll-nth wh Yulmg Gruingvr 11 HI I) Szhoul Board uumwm G l‘k'l‘lh! he Pub} M 1-. izmo {\llil (mat .in unfly “U m mun. Died in ml}: ft Lhut jt. pickuu Boy Scouts nuke ulvly Ll (I1 Uibs 5!. gene: (ic‘numml ghlmrhuud Tuning Hllll im- nu-n Id L‘HU‘H 1me sum] 51d cf Honour" SI) Ill] J'LC‘x‘ZHI angugwneni S and \Vusom' (he (-th L-nnn (If uun‘m IL is wl‘s of him FMHHV ind using iL :H u If Hum is a“) thun- 5mm: few x-vmlms 'l‘nld :IIHI \Vee-k3)' In [7451 years Thu NunLuâ€"ul has burn the \vmsdw-(ui PX- 7W H \\ vudquArLurs ul' nb :11 C.-~.\n:\d.x, the Richmuml llll‘s \mmiuu h ii)! hid but Th as pww mxih‘ U ling in We fw‘) Soul. UL'I, hy 5”:me nvuve-d (1w Hill {It than six HII‘I “I M six-nus «H uhus Lh \Vl-dâ€" :nizvd Nu m wh “10 all“ It)» 111 I” .[Lm md The \H)’ Hi 1H (1H L1H in; kuiLLiuH Thnsv \\-h with ham umv hp b he ()ctr. L’ml \Vi“ (-k‘cl' uf UH: snui ut' the”! st)‘ Th Fund. mmsists Chm mlwr sung and HH'L‘I \Vinklv. chumhm- pmlikrnlur pnrlivnlnr inn-rest In the kiddies. h] it. will he sx‘un, Little .3305". Hunwr, Muflwr (hmsv. Little Miss MHWMJ. Nu. kc. Thv chnmhvr nf mely unntnins Sim-ping anmy and the I‘Iim-v, Juhu AMt-n and l’xismllzl, KC. Thr Shukrspmiem L‘hullflml‘ ummins many ilnpnsing (iglu‘vszls lh-m'y VIII” Indy MAL-Bath. Quceu mu;me and “HM-ls. Last, hnL nut lvusl, lhvl'e will he» a chmnlu-l- of Hnl'lum, which uhznv. is worth the price nf :ulmissinn. In in are The Urm-l Nurse. Maid, Cnpmin Kidd and His Victim. and [hu Ruffian Dixu-uwd Ivy u Smilv. «Kan, &('. Th? must, H'mmkahh’ fvnhn't' nf Muduuw 1.):nl'ley‘s \vn}: figmns. is that Hwy un- fitted with nnvchuniuzll (mnhivnnces. [by which “'th lln-ym1nvmmdnphy Hue :ruendzmts‘ Pexm- and Julm. thvy g0 tin-Hugh (shut-:wlrriskiu IHUVQ‘IIH‘IHS, ' which uva (11“ figures n-ry life-11km 1Amutherfvutuw Hf [ha-(waning will be !u [MU‘iUUC (thm'us. umduutvd by Mu iNewtmx. ‘ Thv Band win he in utlvnduncr ! Coth and haw the timv of ymxr lifu uxih uhli TREXCHâ€"AL 'Prcscul b‘rph‘mht-l' 19:1915. \Vyulisfu Trendh. u l'nm‘v, Jul fhr Shakt umuy ilnlm Cnmn and h mud 1191p th \thl‘k. (V H 'l‘RENcn day, 5 Mrs. \n y Gambit uniqu tlil Omitted giriugthv list. nf’ Hum) nifr'xings 5d ml Mt. Sunlmsnh'n cuske-L l\\'u mninl‘d in I'l'l‘lll‘. UM) \_\'t-l'c y will 1: Sum Red Cross New I'll ~AL Bl‘HL‘f' )list‘ um brpu-mhu' if), HHS, tn \Vm L. TH‘Hch. a 51-1), id hf um- lucul In [or u'mmkuhlc c. f flue chum!» s. ' u-pwsonls chnrucu shu'v. and incindrs ud Lil 'iL'k and Mrs. [in cm. Mul'hwr. Rip many ullwls. Nursz y Rhymes ‘mhm bring (:ntth 1' I it- HUI. m1 he in attendant-n 9 L119 tiuw M ynur lifx .xuud cnusuâ€"Rvd Cm: 1h BORN hcl-o :lfLH m'xL i‘l‘évtlx Mr. and 311's and MI. and Mrs (um-5 lllll (h Lt. on Sunday. (0 Mr. and Mrs. daughter. ' im‘s‘ In) “'00wa HHS, tn Rev. um “DUNS Hl mcutmg nth hmncht many picm 01' 2| inulu ll Red bum: lc cxhihitimx 's. Thu first meters fmm Ink-s the im: Mrs. Burden. ullvcli \11 ull «t, S a p sul‘gx nu hand. Imu- m: hll her exhil will h \vim HH‘S‘ aldic UP! \ho will m :l\t Lh Md! UH V nu The h] m1 1 rwpr. 7;. mqv‘v.ré"{“.?rm1:~ “529"”? m ‘ .vl,‘ final“: “‘9‘ “‘1 J“ m, WWY‘WWE at.» am»: MMAQ... have come round to with reliable supplies Tl SEGA R :1 nd JA RS~OuI work economical and the price is right. SPlUESâ€"W'0 m l'l'Y usud in picklin ViNFZGARS~J mm-ket \Vhw. Cider :md Mulbvund give THE RICHMOND HILL FURNI STORE mic and MEN’S SHIRTS~We have the country mcr for their (it, style £51.00 In $2.00. ALS Q-â€"a good. choice of Tim“, Collars, NORMAN J- GLAS PRC PRIETOR MONDAY 5TORE CLOSES AT SIX O’CLOCK ON fiikénssn & Switzer and C-leup makin NGRETE EQUSE great. variety of \thl@ and Bl'C Wt AND \VEDNESDAY n when you have to b fun tl'V lssm-tuu‘nt UM: hes! we can prm'm-e nu the: best mud um Hagan Shir 11d quality. hr, lCl'Câ€"ODCC ave what; you need vi! 1 vgnrs h m make In k n nw n )1 \Vhin 1) pt (h SO Hm ll)

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