will lu- ginn lw llu~ yzvnng men. Mr. Ilil‘ksun \\‘lâ€'gl\'l‘:lll:I(1(ll'('SS. 'l‘lw Misses ldu Barker and Maude IIvlmkny lqu fur the west Tuvsdnv lust, tn spend :L couple, nf munths in viqitmg frivmls [hm-e. 7 Mr. and Mn. Mnrlvy Barker and dnuglltm' Ada \vn-x-v the gnu-st: of Mr. and Mrs. Ulms. Clark Sunday lust. Miss Nellie B u'ker has arrived lmnu- from \\'innip<-g. Mr. and Mrs. llm-lwl-L Sanderson of TUI'UIIIO spout Sunday “'1le Mr. and Mrs. Elsnn. Miss Pourl Ulnhilm spr‘nt Sunduv with lwr unvle Mr. Albert Hnlmkny. Mr. \Villium \\'e-llm:m huscumpll-tvd his new hnnse and t'XlM‘CLS to move in shnrtly. 0n \Vodnesdny, Sr-ptmnlwr 2.0m, Viclm-iu Square League is vxpvctvd to Visit, the Hume Lvnguu. and take lull 'l‘lw Misseé l IIx-lmkny lqu lust, tn spend :1 \‘iiitlllg fl'il‘lllls Mr. and M1. ("llll'l‘h .‘II‘ Iivndl'z 2611]. at 10.30 n‘c will lu- gin-n hvl Hivksnn \\'ill.gi\'+- which In Dn‘ \Vh \‘ISIL the (-hmge : \vt-ltmme Annivm-smy serviol-s will he ht’ld in the Metlwdist vhurch, (lnncm-d, on Sunday m-xl, :Zï¬Lh inst. Iim‘. J. Oke nf 'i‘hm-nhill will prn-nch at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. nL Special music nL lmth services. A Harvest Hume will he and 7 p. mi Special music nL lmth services. A ll-‘ll'V9St Hume will he lwld (m Mmitluy. Sept. 27. Ten served from 5 in S p.m.. Lu he followed by an omertuimnvnl in \\‘l)l('l1 llw fulluwiny.y will Luke pm 1: Miss Mmguvnle Boyle, Plncullnnlsl: Misses A. Mnsmx. H. Oko. V. Grive and Mr. \V. T. Cluhine. soloists. Slim-t. :ldllH‘SSOS by visiting minislem. Admission 35 cents, k nnc k xll'unl children 15 cents NEW ADVERTISEMENTS llghli ‘TRAYEDâ€"A hlnck livifm' atl'nvvd m: my pI-nperly. our. nf 4m (Hm. of Vaughan. Thm-nhill side mud. lust \vvvk. Owl)?! may have smut- by proving properly and paying exprnsm A. Bnggs l3 ll Music Mills M OCAT pup TOTK‘Eâ€"W'ill [he lll'Olht'l' who 1\ vxchnngod rain C(‘:llS m the Mnsuniv Hull at the lntP Mr. Mc- (‘nnnghy's funvl-nl kindly return it to Thr- Lllwrul nï¬ice. and receive his own. in lhu pnckvtsof “hich were mmwy and matchvs. ml I Ht- 410R SALEâ€"A m-w sean x-nnm hricK hnuse. nn Kvnm-dy SL. Aurora; with sun room. bath, (-Iechic. light and all other can- \‘vnivncvs. Good gun-den and lawn. (‘lnse in Yong" St. Apply to (i. H. L‘iu hi [1 :OR REX 1‘ Milk. in DOR SALE ‘OI‘TAGE to rent. Apply L. Innes A & Sons, Richmond Hill. 10 tf ‘0 LET T 01! S A LE.â€"â€".~ ASIC SLAG.â€"The undersigned having received a cal-load of that noted Nova Scotiu feltilizer. wsic Slug. will have a quantity to spuso of at $20 a. ton. "For particu- lnirtk. 5) :- [ric light I. Immedi: Rmmpre, S3 OR SALEâ€"Tn“ extra gout] thm‘ nughlu'ml Shrnpshire mm lambs. 77 Apply Jnseph Burnett, Elgiq llly S(‘l‘\'i OR SALI‘ OR SALEâ€"A young Jerse-y cuw fresh milk. R. Michuv], Rich mum] Hi“. 12: Cum-UH] l |ll 11:11 d R SALE CHEAP.-â€"Fine ln-mvn driving mare. a’) years uld. Apply to H. R. Heise. Gorlnley. l‘ 4 AID \\'AN'I‘EI).â€"Guml \\‘ \vm-k not heavy. A]me Hughes. Richmond Hill. R SALEâ€"A (‘().'ll ft‘t‘dl‘l' in gum] cundilinn. Apply Gm». Smith. If Harvest Home at Concord nnv jilm '1‘] (‘Y \Vri‘ CAL â€"- Miss Estc pupil Mi<s H. E Studio, Toronto ( RiL-hmnnd Hill In mm: lv mun Oï¬ï¬‚ in Ynngt- 5t.“ Apply tn G. H nziv, “'illmvdule. Out. 12 E ICE ls lwreliy given that Vl-ight &Leeder. Richmond Hill. 19 upon In ï¬gure on all nf plastering and brickwmk. 1nd ornamental. Satisfaction ltl‘t‘d. F. H. Leader. 11 «l ‘s which said ll odnesdny, Sr-ptmnhvr 2.0m, Square League is vxpvctvd to Hme Lvnguu. and take full "f the Illkellllg. Evuxylmdy ll lk and App! \\' l OR FOR SALEâ€"A solid NIXâ€"A cottng on RlCh- St. Apply at The Liberal [Mth Headiord n M ills. Ulnhine spr‘nt Sunday Mr. Alhort Huhnkny. \\'e-ll|n:m huscumpll-tt-d :md t'XlM‘CLS to move in in Hm :v. .11.. I‘ llsilwss 'Hlmm the ‘1) 1mm lmus9. with 9190- nnd flu harp, in Thm'n- ate DUSSPSSiUH.‘ Apply Madisnn Ave†'l‘umntu. Z.â€"â€"â€"A Victm- Victrnln. new. Also a gnnd of records. Apply Box 0. 12 3 ll(-:I(lfnr(l? \Vu ' :IL lrrusr. will lw held in 'z-xd (m Sund:|y,t .‘ll â€"A wuso at Elgill ï¬rst clus: condition. Suit wan-r. electric (X Km-swxl]. 11 If ha UH ll)!" W 1W ‘4 :tvd his cm-n tul RED in cunn-us: I‘TLESIIIP GREY )L'Lmn Wang H] h( Ill) -lle M. Ortnn. the] Shepherd. Mum-rvntku'y nf â€"Thmsd:lv. 4 ant ml The progrjI-m muchl lh I)“ suffm-in ling :tructm m \I‘s Mrs 13 ~’ the 1h Ill m \V ï¬ll-vet. Hit small fruit A. She) 201' has unopened the Muck- smiLh shnphl, Elgin Mills, as gen- m~.~lll)1;lck<n.ilh and wan \vm'km'. He thanks his custnnwrs for push patronage. and hnpvs [hoy will re- nmin with him in lhv futuuu. guaranteeing snLisfucLinn as in the past. Shoes removed . . . . .. NeWShnes, Nos. 1m 4, Lm-zel shoes . . . . . . . . . he loss than \Vhy pilV 1' nut building milu fmm mond Hill. To the people of Richmond Hill and surroundings : is the ï¬rst essential to mod- em sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or. on :1 farm. m [g I“ ( P I} Lam prepared to supply the above svstem in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. ’ II. A. Nicholls All kind of plumbing done. Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Om- lmndl ‘ Vaughan One hundred at: 1-H drained, new Both farm's at JONH HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. The Pressure Water System th SHERZER The New Perfection Oil Stove with two, three or {our burnerS, used whh Royalite Oil at 15¢. per gal., is the best and most economical stove for summer use. Call and see them. Screen Doors and Windows all sizes and prices from 20c. to $2.2 . Afew nice Hammocks priced from $I.5o to $3 50 each. C. R. James HOT WEATHER NEEDS Wallnut Grove Steak Farm L a n g s t a f f Timsmithing and all kinds of Galvanized Iron work promptly done. A good time now to in. stall at Furnace, estimates given and satisfaction guaranteed. NOTBCE PRESENT OFFERING HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARE-S All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafl by appointment. H) mo rlm: l'l'n Lawn Mowers at special prices to clear 50 to $6.00. HI ï¬rst-('11! n-pnruti ed lmu RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. Hill 11m" a in Markham, uildingzs. ++++++++++++++++¢+++++++ + i- +++++++H++++++++++++++++é ‘d lnrg divisiu which ht \in USE 15 cents 30 cents 35 Cents 1d ( Rich ungt x163 mus Phone Thoruhill 11V Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Whips and Blankets. Repairing nontlynnd promptly done WM. TRENCH & SON Tiennh’s Samage kas All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factor)» Everything in the flame Line. %BB%§MBEÂ¥: Langstaff P.O. COME AND SEE US MEG? EBB ION \VITII i 33%? Furniture and Wall Papers 1 L. E. HAN @mm VWâ€" .,.\r'a7- ' 'i' HOUSE PA 1N TER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMON D HILL LAV’VRENCE THE STANDARD BANK Come to-day and see what ex- pert clothing men consider the ï¬nest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. Will give you a fine suit. Sole Agent for Hobberlin Tailoring W. H. BASSETT Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in every De- tail in High-Class Manner. H QED Emit Baskets FOR SALE . HEWISON Lots of 25 to 1000 or more at reasonable prices panics. All have good ï¬nancial standing. Consult us for rates, and we assure "YOU" your business will be we,“ at- tended to iflcfc in the hand of . . . . . JHMOND HELL BRANCH FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT,, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest of Com- panies. All have good ï¬nancial standing. Consult us for $22.50 We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on hand at all times. Terms' very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"am} you can have it today, . . . . . . RICHMOND HILL VJE ARE AGENTS FOR YOXGE STREET Lots on Baker Ave. at reasonable prices P. G. SAVAGE & SON Z a E] Mange: he: -\:m at rflaplc, Markham. Stauffvillc, Uniunville and Locust Hill. P. G. Savage & Son Established over Forfy-one Years NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND The A, B, C of Banking SAVINGS DEPARTMENT gourteous Treatment 173 We solicit your account in our NOE GREENEOUSES Richmond Hill Absolute Security aved street for Automobiles ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 with cover if required OF CANADA est of Service REAL ESTATE J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALXVAYS ON HAND. has removed his Laundry to the build ing three doors noth of the Post Ofï¬ce satisfaction giving residence and name in full siren He solicits patronage and guarantees Send list of m-tic Goods cnlled for and delivered, if de- Advertise in The Liberal RICHMOND HILL C. I. HINAS RICHMOND HILL â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" PHONE 8002 MANAGER 195 with each parcel H