Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Sep 1915, p. 5

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{litre g2in ’itl RicrrMoxD HILL. UVT.. Ricr'r. :to. 1915 LS For war news see inside pages. The monthly meeting of the \V. (‘. T. I'. will he held at the home of Mrs. McMahon next Tuesday alternoon at 3 o‘clodt. The King lll'ttllt‘ll of the Red Cross Auxili try pitipost‘ holding: a Cor-n ltoast Friday evening. (let. 1. at the i home of Mr. Alla-rt \Vells. nt-ar King. , Mr. John l’alrnei's 3 year old hay irrir'e. "Miss Moko." won four mixis. :it. Sutton lt‘all Fair. including sweep- stakes for lrcst light horse. Mr. John Darling. who went to the North \Vest for the innit-st. had his hip dislocated hy falling,r fionr a wagon at a threshing at Holden. and who it- ed hour” a few days ago, The lecture “How to l’raetise." which Mr. Newton was to havi- given on the 22nd has heen ptrstpirnotl to \Vednesday. Ort. (31h. at H o'clock. All parents and pupils and the puhlic generally are Cordially itl\ ited. Men's iiior-lia gloves with war it] wool lining. pr. $1.0”: men’s 2,’1rinht-d grey wool socks. pr. 40c: hoy's Pt'll-Atltllt' wool underwear. all sizes: Irish liireir heurstitched handkert-hiri's. small size 2 for 5:2. ladies~ size 21 for Binâ€"Atkin- son & Switzer. The Board of Education has en- gaged for lil'th teacher iii the Pirhliizl School. Mrs. 15. \\'. unitiion. at .t salary of $.30“. duties to hegin Monday. the hit of Ui'ttilh'l'. There were over tit) applications for Garrison ol Dun-t r ‘ll.(1it'.'lll|lll. \\ . ll. (iralrain. .iirterr'slinq the position. A Church Parade ofthe 1st Canadian l B )y Scout, Brigade of Toronto will he held irr the Methodist, Church here I Sunday irrornirrg, ()et. 3. An apnro- . priate sermon will he preached liy Mr. J. F. Hicksort. The Lilieral was pleased to receiu! l\ card from Mr. ll. B. 'l‘eel'y showing an ext-ell: nt view of the Canadian Building at the l’an-l’ai'. Int. Exposi- tion at San Francisco. This huilding. which greatly resernhles some of those of the Toronto National Exhiliition, is said to he the best on tlte grounds. Fresh roasted collee. ground pure. per llr. ~ltJe.: ltalian Macaroni. pkg 1111.; . Quick 'l‘apioi‘r. Chocolate. Custard Pudding. 3 pkgs. 23(32'1‘iger Brand red .,- s.ll|liirti..1:llillti>‘ 2.). [or _; h'ne Kipper- ed Herring. tilt 13c. â€" Atkinson N1 SwiIZer. l A i 7777 l Notice Vaughan Count-it met-ts next Mot... day at. It) a.irr. The regular husirre s I will l‘L‘ transacted. hut as the clerk wid he ahseirt on account of illness 11': morn-y will he paid our on that day. â€"â€"â€"â€"-.o.â€"- erious Accident .\lr. .l--hn Mortsou, who has heeri iii the employ of the Toronto tk' York Radial Railway Company a nurnher of years. ltad his left and hadly trrnsh- ed last Friday while putting on a lrelt I at the power house at Kenvick. He was removed to Newrnarket where lt.S arirr was amputated. and he uas :rlt»-r-. wards taken to St. Michael‘s Hospital. The patient is doing as Well as can he expected. an.â€"â€"- Athletic Tournament High School Grounds and Park, \Vediiesday. Oct. (3. ()n the :ilriivu date three games will he played he- ginningatzxu p. rm. 1. Basket, Ball. Aurora vs. Richmond Hill. 2. Foot- hall. Newmarket vs. Iiichrriond Hill.‘ Foothall. AuroraJuniors.Richmond Hill Junior-s. I Only one garrre in the Basket Ball League has so far been played. re- sulting in a tie Hr that an interesting exhibition of that game maybe ex-' peeled. The results of this year's league games (‘lt cide the possession of l the foothrill trophy. so that all the; competing teams may he expected to ' put forth their best efforts. To help pay expenses an admission charge of 100. will he collected ad- mitting to all three games. Come aird encourage the boys and girls in their sports. “Sly \V‘K‘r \\"x \\\\\\\\"2 \\\\\\V\\\\\\\“ \ \E\ \\\\\\\\\\\"r\\\\\\\\\\ New Rifle Club Another t‘lltli has lnwtr t'oi nod to lei known as lhz- l‘llhow l.Ikr- Spitting (‘llllh 'l‘ltl' viii-arts :tiv- t'. if. \\'-wdA iiitl'. ('.rpt..i:i. and ii. lllll. Hr i"_\'-’l‘rr-.t<.‘ (lllll'l' itn'inlii'is oi the l'lhlll (llt' (i. H. Hitl‘.<. (i. and (h dli‘ll-itiald. (i. v|tiil (l. '.'H\Vii-. .l. and \\ . lirirrs. .l. lliitiil 1.». Th 'i‘itili aii' erecting a lli'tltt iin‘nt camp on the short- t-t' the Lake. 'l'his is said to in the heart oi the tlt‘t't and ll~llilt_'_( Laitntry'. lin __«.â€"â€"â€" County Oilicers The following: UlllCt'tS for Yin k and ‘ Peel (‘oirntit-s were tlt‘(‘lt'tl last wot-k l I at the \\‘.(‘.'l'.l'. "(|ll\'l't|lllttt iir New- l market: l’iesidr-n'. Mrs. (lt‘llisliV-I .\limii‘o Reach: \'iei--l’t-i-s.. York. Mrs. (lieu) Thomas. Newioaiket : Vice-r l’ii‘s . l’w-l. \lts‘. tilt-v.) \Vhiti'. Alton : llrii-.-St'i:'_\'. Mrs. McMahon. Richmond Hill: lti-i-.-Ht-t-‘y. Mrs. Allen. lliehnnnd 3 Hill. 1 _.â€"â€"~‘.> â€"â€"â€" Church of England On Thursday evening. (let. I. andl on Sunday morning and evening. (tr-t. ltllh. Stir-:‘iril 'l'harikspziviner Sat-virus forthehlessinus of Harvest will helield in St. Mary‘s Church. Anglican. The. lit-v. (‘anon Brooke. .\l..»\.. Rector of‘ (‘hrist (‘llltt't'lL Toronto, will he thr- special preacher at th" 'l‘hirr'sdav evening: seriii-i'. 'l‘he lli'i'tor‘ will Umt‘l-Ill‘ at lioth Sunday services. â€"â€"â€"<>o*â€"â€"â€"-â€" H. C. Alumnae g 'l‘h" ()i-tohm' llit‘Pl n'" of the Rich-l innnd Hill lllL'll School Alumnae Assot-iation iiiil he held in the High. School on Friday. lllkllltitl‘t'r“ ). (let, I, at l‘oiti' o‘cloi'k. and promises to hr- an meeting. l’apeis on lllt" r-eh-hrated artists. “Sir l‘l. P. Horneâ€"- Jones. lt'SillKllH" and “Sir Tlnvn-Is' Lawrence. l’.ll.:\.. l7t3ll lh’litl," will ltl'l air: it hy Mrs. \\'. Duncan and Mrs. 0. Godwin. respectively. All the mem- hers are urged to ho present. and hr in: a friend. â€"â€"â€"<o>â€"-â€"â€"â€" Tit-day aitd to-rnorrow the Preser. terian r-hurr-h at linioiiville will reâ€" t-t-ive diutations in fruit which will he lot-warded to the soldiers at the front. BORN BESTâ€"At the Victoria Memorial Hospital. Si‘pteinlier 2qth. 191:3, to Mr. and Mrs. David Brodie Best. Toronto. a daughter. 'l‘tn'rjifid Stayuer. Tuesday. Sept, lltl5. to Rev. and Mrs. E. ll. To :1 SUI). 9Q .‘ 9 .V‘W -_.A4o- ~â€"â€"â€" DlED .‘~l("iI:E"iiiR ~.\t Thornhill. Tuesday, Septeinlror 3R. lllla. l’. \V. Mi'Lii'i-gol‘. in his 73rd )‘K‘ai'. Funeral front his late residence. Thrust] ti', tit-pt 30. at 3 o‘clock to i 'l‘horirhill cemetery. Mott’i‘soNâ€"At Bond Lake. Saturday. Heptenrller 25. 1915, Joseph Mortsori, in his 78th year. ‘ lirtetrnent in St. John‘s Ctlttt’ttft')‘. i Oak Ridges. Monday. Sept. 27. 'ln‘ld on 'l‘hinsdav and Fr itlav. tin- for50£ .3 VALOR New Fall&Winter ' Collars " WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME c LerYco . ' 'vr BERLIN. ONTARIO 32:13?- ‘ i \\'t>ilnesday. Don't Miss it (trying to the t'li \\llt'll house lasl t‘\t‘tt-ttit[. litany not in in: .‘tlrlr‘ to ,1 tin nltnissnin. \l rd rn.~ .1 :rl. y's \\'.r ~\\'iit ks t‘ltlt‘|tr'|li'lll \\ tll tie it llt‘.il(‘ll l't ill" .‘ilzrsonit' llall . - lit-ltltiIIi \\‘ it'iidavi evening. 0.-...vâ€"_ Presbyterian Church The lllllll\it‘[' will [)lt’.lt'll at lwlli jit'l'tlt'l's‘ Sunday. ()1 t. I’lid. ‘ l,'i~t Sunday (\‘i'nint‘r those utto \Vr't't' pit-sent enjoyed a print tit-at in an address lt‘iIItI llev. l)r. Klar- .\ on "The Sr rvit e ot l'raisr.” .\ fllll .‘lllt‘lllllllll't‘ t'l- (lti' i'lliili' requested for the rehearsal on l“tltl.l\' evening. as wot k of important e \\ ill he taken up. ‘ Vl‘lttll‘lllllll has lost one of her devoted and most esteemed in .\lr. lhilip .‘lt‘lilt‘gt l'. away '1 tlt"(lit_\' short illness. nit st rIri-rnlrets who passed ltllillttltLI atii-r a l“l|ltt't?tl Thursday Itllt’l- iitt .irnirli at 2'3“ t-ii'ltll k. Mr. and Mrs. \V. l). Scott tirade a niotn' trip to Hrlli-ville. spending the \\'t't k-end with their old minister. Mr. ('iiriio. The Sunday School children had an ('\i‘ttltig of real pleasure on Monday; after supper- they played games ainl had a general good llllri‘ together. The young pi'opli‘ofthe t'ltltlt'll Itit't’i for their lrantprr-t 'l‘hursdav evening. fl-.-..a News Notes i\l:ri Lhani Village on Monday passed a h\' law to raise hv tlt‘llt'lllllll‘ $ltt‘tll‘tl lttt‘Xlt‘lttl the \\':rter'titains anil iirstal a system i-i \\'.Ii('l'\\’t‘ll\'.\' for ilonnslii‘ put poses. \Vati-i' will he set-uri d from a spring tilt the lat tn ol' .loiias liaynn‘r just. outside the (:opoi-ation limits. â€"<).<\~~â€"â€" Bond Lake The late Joseph Moi'tson. one ol'the liest known and most highly respei-tr-d lSslili‘llli till lltls‘ lilai't' It’l\.\t'tl ;r\\':r.\' ion Httittttlu)‘. :lllt’l‘tlll lllllt’\\' t‘Xit'l‘tllllg over many months. lie was in 78th year. and hail livid iir leiuhhoihoiid nearly all his life. The funeral on Monday afternoon was higzely attended try a. d friends. and alter a short memorial si‘iiir-e at :he lroitv- the remains were interred in St. John's cemetery. (L-k Hid-His. ’l‘hi- semici- at the home arid at the errrn-tery was his lltiI .lakt‘ii hy Her. .I. H. Aiki-nlnvatl. lt>\. N. \\'i‘l|\\'ood :rrtt llev. I). L. l)"\])r|ltl. ’ Deceased is slir\i\til |i\' one son. “'alter. and a daughter. Alrxina, llt‘lll at llllllit‘.‘ .â€"â€"‘O” Schcrnberg Fair Hi-hi-inlierg hair this year in- ill: llli' will ()L’l'ilit‘l‘. liesirl. s r-xhihits in light and ltt‘:l\}' rattle, sheep. swine. grain. roots. \‘egoiahli-s and ladies work and there will he two interesting merits iii the horse ring on Ft iday. ’l‘ln-ri- will he a free-for all Hot for =l purse til. 53‘”. and a 2.3511'nt for $75. A roneert will he held on the last eveningof the Fair. and lCilli t'l trsiial liirl Si'S. < I ‘7‘.â€" Tcstcn 'l‘lii- lrrdii s Aid on cling at the home .‘\lrs. \\'..shington Dive-titan on Si'plt-rnher 21. was a great 'l‘ln-re were seionly- tire pit-sent iii the afii-i noon, and one hundred and sixty liie pai'took ol‘ Ilri- i‘e rteanr and rake \\llit’ll was set-\t-d in the wetting. Last Sunday llt'lllt: llaliy Day. the Methodist Church was well attended try hoth old and young. lit the root trio; the service was taken -up hy Rev. Mr. (tray ot this circuit. t l|| Slit i‘i'><. transit iiatisn Including every phase it" Railway Station work and Telegraph ()prrâ€" ating is taught in a thorough roari- ner liy Shaw's Railway aird 'l‘elr- graph School, Toronto. Home study courses are tl\':lll.lltlt‘ and eor- respondence is invited. (iradirates readilyohtain employment on our (.‘anadian Railways. '1‘. .l. .lt'llll- ston, Principal: \V. H. Shari, l’res. tion. Send small your Red Bull you book of 5 i) on the jars. it‘laliu‘s‘ l r t r rme‘ L. 4 BflNCBElE HllllSE 1%“ m d Ilrcse Cool autumn rims should tl‘flGC think oi the dva to tollow, ll()\V ABOUT YOUR '1 his applies to zilthen. and Childrenâ€"WC need. __ \\'i men's white and you and prepare for them. if N 1,) li lx’ \\’ EA R .3 . \\‘0inen, Young l ecple Will try to supply all ‘thrrt you natural vr-sts -rrd drawers to lll‘lltll. pri- gainn-nt. L‘Tn'. “x _\Votni-tr‘s fall ijii'ani ('nlir rest and garment drawers. weight. per 35). x Men's unslirrrrkahle, elastic knit shirts to $l.tlll ('.'I(‘ll. .‘Il|(l dinners. from 75c. x“ R \Vonii-n'si‘realn wt ' ' ' ' iol tornlrrnations. long sleeves. drawr-rs ankle length. $l..‘l't to $l lift a suit. : l-Imi ire twill. light ground. with hlark dot or small red figure per yard Me. . ix \â€" lleai v. stripe llalittr‘lt'itt'. Clti inrln-s wide, per yard 15c. Idearhed tahle linen. titre weaie. sin-ill dot design and floral ‘ horder, per yard $1.00. : (ir-ry r'ottovi. Rfi ll)('llt'.\‘ wide. ei'en thread. per yard lite. , - . [ultllt\ hlai-k cashmere hose. p r pair L’Trr. . lllilillSfltt é. Switzer :S’I‘Ultli (‘LOSICS M O N I) A Y AT ‘\ N I) SIX ()‘ULOCK ()N \V E l.) N E S D A Y 0 m _ . imamâ€"m .W .. 7 A, if, if V A V _7_r‘l~m PM N»°"“v~r‘I‘-"‘f‘v-r"‘”"‘\«* N". Norma-«Pr rum: -~ p... Fle“~r-. wow... .. -â€".- g_ )2.“ ~ e gr i; it: (who waiE “fit lâ€" \» i: ‘.{‘.,r‘ \.t\ F‘._>,. xterm}. r“ . ,» . .23: is. “u . m n; “rm- m ‘ by .' ‘â€"' THE RICHMOND HILL FiiillllSHlNG , E953 r7 STan E3 ‘93 3.. {â€"1.5 . Err MEN’S llATSâ€" us show you what \"(5 have in soft L; and stitl‘ hats for Fall, all the bcst shades and latest shapes, 1. m ~“ Ext“. :1“ A4 Ju‘w.’ in price than $1.50 to $13.50. . rte-an ,Wk RH V s M MEN'S SHIRTSâ€"We have, do Ilagarr Shirts, ktroiitr the country o\'i‘l' for their tit, style and quality. In pt'ic: from $1.00 to $2.00. .fvr‘ it t” .rh‘mp! .. .. . Ater W J ALSGâ€"a good choice ot‘Tics. Collars, n‘ox, Suspenders, ctc. uwma .. fit... to.) NORMAN J. GLASS t “mm Preserving Time Choose your sugar as carefully as you do your fruits. LANTIC Sugar makes clear jellies and perfect preserves because it is pure cane sugar, granulated extra fine and is kept clean and 2 lb. and 5 lb. cartons and 10 lb. and 20 lb. bags. 100 lb. bags coarser granula- Weight guaranteed. Buy in original packages and look for the LANTIC Red Ball on each package. address Mark from bag or top end Of carton and we will mail assorted Fruit Jar Labels~printed and gurrrrrred ready to put “were 5 or.) I v a. PROPRIETOR thuw' 3.3.- mi...“ 'F‘RW " titl- isn't“ aumrhlth rm. Lt'? Li. L t'rs'ia'é i...“ but": pure by the packages. and Trade Lantic Sugar Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited. MONTREAL. QUE. sr. JOHN.N. B. 61

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