Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Sep 1915, p. 8

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The Rally {My l-xm-uisns held last Sumluv \vm-equitv succamful, nlllmugh th“ \\’I‘ lllll‘l‘ kvpt. In my away. and Lhr attend me:- “:19 small cmnp.u-ud with lust your. Thx-prngmm, "The Ideal King" was carried (ml, with some changes. and thus» Lukmg p:er did well. Rev. Mr. Aikvuhpud gum his talk on “Ship,” and m'Prynnu enjnyvd his remnki. The chm-ch was \'Pl'y nicely (loom-um] with fllnge. which suited the prncm-(lingQ nf the. day. The cullectiun \V.‘h‘ $1.69. On their rv-Lnrn from thhir honvy- nmnn Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. \Vilsnn Wore hindered :L H‘chLiun at. thv hnme of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown, pur'vnts of the hritlv. Relutivvs of the bride and gI-nmn Wm"? prurient :Iml wrquvd :1 (Mint)! l'l’pilil, in the prettily decmwltod dining rnum. Mr. nnd Mrs. \Vilsun will reside at Gm-rnlev where the-y hrn'P p‘ll'CllilSPd the store frum MI. 0. H. Keys. The fmwrnl nf the late Miss Connie Elder Brown nf Mmml. Jer trunk place on Mnndny :rftvrnrmn. Miss wan had lwen ailing fursmrm years. The Ducensml was :r former l‘PSldPnt nf this vicinity. After services in the Mennonite Church, Monday, thr- re- nmins were interred in Victnrizr Sq_nnre Cemetery. he I h Tth 'J'nL‘l w'fifi-f"Rib-AIRS"; ‘Ixis’ti‘tffiie intend holding an entertainment in aid of the Red Crms. A (ll-nun will he the main feature of the pmmum. RICHMOND HILL. 0qu Sm stories The huvs enjovw] the proceeds of the chm-ivuri Saluxdny evening. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS F :ml'Ps nn Yongt! Stu-«mt. is tn rent for a term uf veal-s. Brick house, grind farm lmildings‘. orr-hmd. 8:0. Apply. Jnmvs Stewart. thw King 222. H 3 OR B ENI 31111:. in haul and lighting. App] 1: Keith i’l-izl over an arm) Richnmnd Hill P ‘TRAYEDâ€"A Muck hrifwr straw-d nn my pI'OpI-l'l)‘. our. x-f 4th Cm). uf Vaughan. 'l‘hurnhill side mud. last week. Owner may have snme hy proving property and paying expenses. A. Bnggs. l3 2 r1‘0 LET OR FOR SALEâ€"A snlid hrick.9 mum house, with elec- tric light and flll'n-‘Ilff‘, in ’I‘hm-n- hill. Inunmliuu- pussession. Apply J. Reunpre; 83 Madisnn Ana. Tumuln. l3 OCALwMiss Estelle )l. ()rtnn. pupil Miss H. Ethel Sllellf‘l'd. Studio. 'l‘uruntn Conservatory nf Music. RichmondHillâ€"Thursday. 4 Mills. classes nf plain and gum‘anteu 1‘10R SALEâ€"~A new sewn mum brick house. un Kennedy 81.. Aurnra: wuh sun 11mm. lmlh. elecllic light and all other cnn- veniencvs. Good garden and lawn. (“use m Ynngo St. Apply to G. H. MuKPnziv, \Villnwllnle. Out. 12 3 M unin Mutt < well as FOR SALE CHEAP.â€"Fine hrmvn driving mnro‘ 5 years old. Apply to H. R. Heise, Gnl‘mley. l‘ 4 TOR SALE ‘0 I‘ FAG mums: "l’uxllme of 3. Arthur Murphy; urnhm." by It Go] ‘he Ux". by Bx-ittun B ‘ulnn- and Lifv". hy J :n'k; “Thu (Yul-inns OR SALEâ€"Two extra gnml Hmr‘ nughlu-ed Shropshire mm lnmhs~ Apply Joseph Burnett. Elgin HS. 13 2 )R SAL‘ 0R SALEâ€"A cnul feeder in gnod cnndilinn. Apply Gen. Smith. tf OTICE Is hm-ehy mva that \Vright & Lomlm', Richmond Hill. Ale npun tn figmo on all :ses of plastering and hrickwmk. in and ornament-1L Satisfaction u-axnterd. F. H. Leader. ]1 4 llv OR AR.“ T0 RENT.â€"A Farm Of 130 UUSE TO RENT on Rirhmund Street. Apply to Amos \VE-ight‘. ASIC SL;\G.â€"The N )ll(‘( mm 1-! v mum Ofiic AI D \V.â€"\N'1‘E[).~‘Gmu] havil notu wm-k nut hem‘y. App] Hughes. Richmond Hill. lH ll) Canadian Mazazine x-lv new. Also a good ‘ctinn of records. Apply Bux Il'd P. 0. l2 3 Viztoria Square IIU‘HHI EHIr-A muse at Elgil] in first ('l;|s§ condition, and soft \vntm‘. electric Apply '1. Karswfll. 11 [f E m rvnt. Apply L. Innes 5. Richmond Hill. 10 [f will (Hummus Unsx» (.1 mm- by Irving E. gll'llfln'l'fi mnulwr of 'gmud shunt CHEAP:- HA gly intt‘H mudiun st Uunudiu n .Ik”l‘ m nf (.‘m'u. A cuttugn on thh- Applv at Thv Liberal hth lw llnrulxl )ll( Eibtral hv Victor f Enzlmhy.” by y; "(Ihl'isL :Ilul Enldwin Smith: BA Ctmkt-z "Lit- 1e undersigned Li. 'au'loud of that cotin. fertilizer. 3 a quantity to . For pal-tin]. unueually \Vvslm-n ( Hill Hing unm mdpuinl. i. nr 3 tons l-f mgek~ also E. [)9Villl’. 'uul \vngrs, épply Mrs. Victmlzx. 14 Lf. ll'lH‘ an 101 III‘ m A. Shk‘l‘Zl‘l‘ has l'P-inlH‘d tho Muck- smith shup n1, Elgin Milk. :IS gen- eral Mackunilh :Ind wund Wurker. He thanks his custnlnm-s fur pust- patmnnge, and hupPS [ht-y will 1-0- nmin with him in the) fnmve. guaranteeing satisfaction as in the past. Shoes rum)de . . . . .. New shoes. Nos. 1w 4, Largel shoes .. . . . . . . . To the people nf Richmond Hill and surroundings : Slrm‘l. RI! small fruit Om- lmmllm nf Vaughan, nuihnildingm miiu irum CU Immd Hill. New house and good 1 the Munkmnn Sub-div price the illLt‘H he loss than fun \Vhy puv rent One hundred acres in Markham, \vvll drained. new buildings. is the first essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. 121m prcrnrcd to supply the ab0ve svstem in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. Contracts taken fur house's, new or old, at reasonable prices. All kind of plumbing done. All work guaranteed. II. A. B'iv l_*‘( )I{ JONH HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. Both fill'lllS :lt :‘ORH ‘ V B ‘ T'H‘ Cool The Pressure Water System A. SHERZER '.\' A New Perfection OI] Heater is just the thing f0). those cold mornings and evenings. Easily carried from one room to another. Prices from $3.50 to $4.50 each. Don't. begin to shiver when you think about it, but come and buy R ‘7 FURNACESâ€""Am; Kind Ma \ul'ncturm" installed and satisâ€" faction guaranteed. Wallnut Grove Stock Farm " Envetmnghing promptly done. C. R. James NOTICE unges HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafi by appointment. Weather probabilities for the next few months Heating Stoves for CO Pandora. Ranges, Happy Thought Ranges. Impexiul Oxfurd n roamed hnusw Richmond Hill. lil’. £10m] cellnr,‘ 1nd good lat lll first-Mu ‘x'pnruli RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. L on \Vhi( ‘ dollars ++H+++H++++++++++++++++é ++++++++++++++é+++++++++ i- i' something to help you keep warm hnn 11011.6 (in PRESENT OFFERING lll nzd 15’ cents 30 cents 35 cents Cold Golder 1d (7m: Ri Phone Thornhill nnge rms ‘llltl My. \1 or wood from $8.00 to $20.00. Ill Wresth Saniaqel l mm 1 I gggfimfig W i Established werFomner ! Hams 8H8? ' "EHE STANDARD EEK {WE f“ ANTAhA ize staff Repairing nmtlyzmd pxu-mptly done WM. TRENCH & SON Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. All grades of Te: Light Harness, Made or Factory Everything in the Line. Langstaff RO. hm] IN CONNECTION \VITII COME AND SEE US \Vork of all kinds Team and 55. Home Phone Harness 13 WW. H. BASSETT HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICH MON D HILL LAWRENCE GREENEOUSES Richmond Hill Come to-day and see what ex- pert clothing men consider the finest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. \‘ - râ€" » ‘p' r\. v v ewe ~- Furniture and Wall Papers % NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND é We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on hand at; all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures one-and w you can have. it today. . . . . . . \‘1 ~ Will give you a fine suit. Sole Agent for Hobberlin Tailoring SAVINGS DEPARTMENT RECHMOND HILL BRANCH Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in every De- tail in High-Class Manner. ll Qt) Fruit Baskets FOR SALE . HEWISON Lots of 25 to 1000 or more at reasonable prices $22.50 FIRE, Ll FE, A CIDEN T, PLATE GLASS AND AUTO OBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest of Com- panies. All have good financial standing. Consult us for rates, and we assure “YOU” your business will be well at- tended to ifleft in the hand of . . . . Branches aiso at Maple. Markham, Stouffville, Unionville and Locust RICHMOND HILL YO.\ GE STREET WE ARE AGENTS FOR P. G. SAVAGE & SON ots on Baker Ave. at reasonable prices '. 0. Savage & Son ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking Deposit Your Savings Reg- ularly 1'_rom Date of Deposit 174 We solicit your account in our dVCd street for Automobiles with cover if required ‘very Dollar Earns Interest OF CANADA DUE] â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW’AYS ON HAND. REAL ESTATE has removed lfis Laundry to the build satisfaction. ing three doors north of the Post Office giving residence and name in full. sired. He solicits patronage and guarantee: Send list of articles with each parcel Goods called for and delivered, if de. A dvertise in The Liberal RICHMOND HILL C. I. HINAS RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8002 MANAGER Man-3e Hill.

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