Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1915, p. 1

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AT ThE LIBERAL PRINTING 56 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY BHURSDAY MORNING '1‘. F. McMAHON. J. 11. Naughton ’I‘elophnnp Main 3176 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone J unctmn ’72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Al mail orders will receive prompt attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Calls by phone 01- otherwise promptly _1'espr2nded to] Phone No. £61 per annum, in advance; 6‘ Licensed Auctioneev for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Tononto. Special attention Riven to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to ushorcesc notice and conducted by the latest up-m-dete methods. Address: 415 Benin] St . North Toronto. ‘ Pane in House. North 299?. ulcensed Auctioneers tor the Count Sales “Landed to on shortest notice I so: sb.e rates Patronage solicited BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY VOL.XXXVIII. For the Coimty of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE LASKAY P. 0‘ ONT PIANO TUNING NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Tel: phone, Main 311‘ Cable Address. "Dedo." DR. W. R. PENTLAND filCHMOND HILL! Tel. 3! RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE RESIDENCE rum; unuse north of Atkinson & Swirzm- 3 store. Phone No. 2402. BU SINESS CARDS . JOHN T. ANDERSON Ajlarge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places Benton, Grover & _ Field Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Fhornhill. Uud (‘l'lzlkPl'S .S' Flubnlmors. . H. PINKERTON, V.S, 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg Yunge 8: Colbm'ne SL5. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.1 IS KING (53111: Saugoon w A munwuu Maple Weston Salgcon fit McEwen, sed Auctioneers [or the County of York In! nndad m on shortest notice and at rea- OFFICE AND RESIDENCE! 1‘1 anlo. ()ut. =50fz’n .7. 27avidson LICENSED AUCTIQEEER EDITOR 8: PUBLISHER Barrister, Solicit Organs‘Rnpmred. Expert. Work C. EGAN Barristers. Solictnrs. &c ameron‘ MacNaughton PIANO TUNER WRIGHT BROS. J. H. Prentice 3631 m2 STREET \VEST; {I‘HORNHILL Tomm'rn a» 51% ml ‘licitc: :, Notary, Etc. Residence Main 44.4 N K 5101‘? wen Weston ONTARIO 1’ Dr. C. LaVerne Pabtison Hm}. Graduate Royal College of DvntulSurge-(ms.Tm-untu. will he at, Richmond Hill own-y Tuesday and Fridnvj CRO\YNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard BunkIBuild- iug. Office hours 9.30 aJ'n. to 5 p.m. LENNQX & MORGAN Money to Loan oulnnd anuchattel mortgagesat owest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ben owed to the old post ofiioo one door war of the entrance to the Outano Bank Newmnrket officeâ€"Three doors south of he postomce ’1‘ .HEBBERTLENNOX G V MORGAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Tornntn Oflfice, Room ‘328 Confedel-n Lion Life Bldg.. N0. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal' 0mm. every Thursday forenoun. anje, Thursday afternoon. . \Vnudln'idsze, Saturday forennon. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent, (5%) Riohmonq Iâ€"Iill COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance B. H. LASHER F++++++++++*+++*Â¥$€4+#9ké+ Patriotic stutu'mm y at T111; LIBERAL storo Church 813., Richmond H.111 (Rear Richmond Hill Hardware) ++'E-++++++++++++++++4‘++++++ H. A. NICHOLLS Lawn Mowexs Grqund and Repaired PHONE 1334 RICHMON Oummissiuner, Convoyancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ELLIOTT Barrlsu-l s and Solicitors. J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC 734 Yonge St. Yonge & Charles Sts. THORNHII Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Also agent for Frantz‘ Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elec- tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-dute appli- ances that save time and work for the House Wife. No School Thls is a. School of Resultsâ€" Splendid Results. Meritorious \vurk for our students and for the business public has been an active agent in the uphuilding of our famous school. \Ve assist worthy students '10 got employment. Com- NOTARY PUBLIG menc f ree. S. SHEPHERD l. H. SANDERSON WILLIAM COOK PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Electrician, Richmond Hill PAPERHANGER GRAINER, ETC. among D0 ['1‘ ELECTRICALLY 23 - MAPLF, ONT. TORONTO - ONT. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” AUX”)! AIXTER course ever had truer friends its Graduates than now. Catalogue HY} D HILL, “I J. Elliottl “‘9 Principal given 44 12 L, ONT.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. There were fully 1,200 people present, at the annual rural sclmnl fair. and over 800 entries were made. The Rm] Cross Assncidtinn serH-d lunch and refreshments, and vvm-ythin‘g passed Ufi' smLisfmfim-ily Laughlund. 13.35 Slurk. B.S.A.. Vulwy. Guelph. The figures after lho names refer to thelr respectlve suhunl sections. _ POULTRY Bred To-Lny. Burl-ed Rock )uckerelâ€"Frank Grey 8. Carmel Grde 3. Cecil Heisv’i. Annie McCal- lum 15, \Villie \Vulker 5, Dolly Mc- Intyre 11. GRAIN AND VEGETABLES ()uts, ().A.C. Nu. 72â€"~bcst sunnple‘ one quau‘Lâ€"Rnbt. King 15, Uhus. Ba“ 0'. I)mmld'l‘n'.ilwr, Mm'lc Ham)th l7. Chas. Rnwnuee 12, Lennard Putter- SUI] Bzu-lcy. ().A.(}. Nu. 21â€"llest sample, one quarkâ€"Pvt” McKinnon 9, Ah‘ira Run‘nn-ee 12, SLnany Kefier 8. Sweet Corn. Gnlden Bantam â€" best six earsâ€"Florence \V'ntvson 5, Irene Mnntgonnery U. Mervin Ketfer 9, Agnes King 0'. Ross Stevenson b', Verna Dow- ney (5. Fleld Cur“, \Vismnsin N0. 7 â€" best six eulSâ€"Bezltlitu \Vild 17, Eldin Onwâ€" :ud 1’7. Grunt Uunper'i. LGvl'ie'l‘hnmp- sun 12. Uhns. Sutton 12, Hllghie Hunter. Delaware Familiesâ€"best, sample of [an Putnhwsâ€" Lillie Jum-s 5. Uhus. Bell, FIuSsie Murwom] 9. Edna See-d 9. Alhent Simpslm 17, Lydia Stewart 12. ’I‘urnins. Carter's luvictn ~~ best Turnips. Carter's Invictn ~~ best sample vf five turnips â€" \Villml' Hur- l'isun 9. Chas. Agar 18. Ella June: 5, Irene \Vntsun 5, Ceul Shannon 15, Ruby Alkinsnn 8. Mungels, Yellow Leviathan â€" best sample of five mungels â€" Mary Man- ning 9. Alfred Robinson 9. Ernie Ev- uns 12. Herbert Clark 7, Chas. Cooper 7, Lemmld Seed 3. Peas. Golden Vineâ€"best sample. one quuHâ€"Jns. \\'ild l7. \Villie Devins 17. He: lwrt Jones 5, James King 15. Susie J uliun 9. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL FAIR Marguerite Bailey My 17. Olive erspnnu 11, I- Diseased I Flt Diseased Plants Marv Hullingsheut \Veedsâ€"Olive Train u‘d 17, .‘\InI-jm-iuSmth Annie Stew-11L 12. \Veed Seeds â€" Am‘ don Fl Vellore, September 28111, E915 Insects The antsâ€"Allan Train 17, Keith Thomas Jnhn Sam-lo. Eva \Vilcux 12. Annie :mvnrt 12, Nellie Lrn‘ett 12. Native \Vunds â€" Robert King 15, .ossie Marwond 9, Jnlm Seat-19.. Gor- m Twin 17. Allan Train 17, Aubrey \TURE STU DY COLLECTIONS PRIZE \VINNERS [Ice \Vutsnn M itchL-ll 8. balance of the prize list will be next. week. Grains, Clove Susie Julian ll) we made. The Rm] served lunch and everything pnxsed The judges; were J. ... Collingwnnd; .l. Brampton, and P. aliun 9, Merle Hum- 17. Florence \Vilh- Gihhins 8. Annie Trnyor 13. ' 0‘. Lillie Jones 5. r, Edlm Lowery 18. Jlxwers and Forage n 17, Keith Thoums \ \Vilcux 12. Annie- Annie )SJOIITI Sent-1e, Olga Cow- The al ave Council me Tuwnship Hall on Monday. 0Cl(~bt‘l'. Members present: J. S w Suigl‘nl). councnlm-s. In the absence of Mr. J. B. McLean through illness, Mr. J. McNeil was appointed clerk pm tom. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. \Vhilmoreâ€"Andersunâ€"«Thnt the treasurer he- nuthnrized to accept the bonds furnished by the ('ullectms, \V. O. McDonald and Duguld McDonald, the same [wing consider Pd satisfactory. â€"-(,‘:\rrivd. A resolution was passed authorizing the treasurer to pay :1 largo number of road and general accounts. \Vhitlnnreâ€"-Ander5IIIIâ€"«That the treasurer he :uuthmized L0 pay to Alex. Cameron fur Vaughan & King;r Plnwnwn’s Assuciution, the sum of $20.â€"C.-n-riod. $20.â€"Ozn-rivd. \Vhilmm-uâ€"Un memnâ€"â€"Thut the treasurer be authorized to [my tn E. \V. Brmvn $50 for the VVnudln-idgu Agricultuufl Smiety.â€"Curried. Snigennâ€"C:uner0nâ€"That the clerk be instructed to write \V. A. McLean. engineer of Highways, that, this Council has no objection to the Ymk County system 0t highways changing the UM Vaughan gravel mad through lots 4:1nc15, con. 7. near \Vtmdbridge. in lieu of the mud to the east. which has recently lwon purchased and opened by the Board of Commission. â€"â€"C.-n-ried. Suigeonâ€"-Andersonâ€"-~That whereas an appeal frnm Lord Lunsdowne, submitted tn this Cnuncil by llieur. Gm‘ernm- J. S. Hondx'ie asking aid for the Red Cross Society, be it, resolved that the Trmsurer he ilistlucted to pay $200 to the same. and further be it, resolved that thefollmving coHech-s be appointed tn make a thorough canvass of the Township for the Red Cross Society, and the reeve he in. strucled to procure the necescm-y hand bills explaining the ohjeut of the same : YONGE STREET: H. Lung. Gen. Dibh 3RD : J. McLean. \V. I). Scnlt J. \V. BI'anPV, J. H. Francis. 2x1) Cox. LINE: J. McNui1-. Henry Cnseley B. Grady, F. Graham Thus. Buwes, Louis Page. (J. Jones. F. Rumth R. \Valkingtnn, A. \Vinger H, Fisher. F. Teasdale. 4TH : Nnah Hniles. M. Mchax-rie J. T. Saigunn. Dr. Huntley J. McNeil, Arthur Fry Alfred Baggs. Ed. Gordnn. 5TH : Jas. A. Cameron. B. \Vvldxick UhaS. Han-ism). M. \VMsmI \V. Anllmsuu. Jhs. Mitchvll. 6TH 8TH 9T H 10TH : Frank McClnskie, R. Agar Jnnws Neil. Gen. Miller A. \Vithersporm. Thus. anland. 11TH : Peter Mitchell, \Vm. Thomas. Dunlnp’s Hora! Shop JOHN H. DUNLOP mammm mmmwmcg pmnuueuL. sigmzfimm mm film HHBâ€"‘HHH H Jas. Clnhine. Ohms. Dicmnnn John NL'Nr-il. Alt-x. McNaughton \Vm. Hutchlnsmn. R. Bmwnlee. John Alex. Cameron. J. A. )lcUl Dr. Rnhinsun. Chas. Shaw Geo. Elder, \Vn:. \ICGillin' »; J. G. \Vhitmore, deputy-reeve Anderson. A. Came 11m and J. '1 mn. councillors. You are cordially invited to tho opening of Dunlnp‘s new Flm'ul Sun-o. 8 and H) \Vt-St Adelaide 81.. Toronto, tn-duy, or :my time con- venient when in the City. D R. S 0 M E R S Dentist - - = Toronto inn McGillivmy. Jns. Robson R. \Vilsnn. R. Robertson G. \Vhitmow. \VnXVutsnn. AND LITTLE Cox. : Egan. \Vm. \Vhlte Be“, J. Thnmpsnn. F. Cnusi; Johnston, J. Huson. has removed to his new office on corner of YOXGE and QUEEN Sts.. which has been equipped with the most modern 0f dentn appliances. Out of town patients attended without. previous ap- pnintment. VAUGHAN COUNCIL mnghouse, A. Farr. A. )IcUutcheon L :11; the the 4th of 191.5 Jousins McNair, Proprietor Church of England - um. and 7 p.111. } nu the 3rd Sunday (lhmuh of England â€"Sex-vices :1t- 11 :l.m. and 7 p.m. Holy Communion unllw 3rd Sumlny in the mnnlh :1! 11 .mm. and the 4th Sunday at 8.30am). Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 o'clock. Presbyterian Church â€" Services at, 11 zl.ln. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at, 2.3“. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve- Roman Catholic Church £â€" Services on alternate Sundays at 9 £1.11). and 10.30 :1.m. Methodist Churchâ€"Set vices at 11mm. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30. General Prayer Meetmg Thursday evenmg. Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Mon- day at 8 p.11). Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets every Fri- day at 8 p.11). Village Councilâ€"Meets lst Tuesday in the month Fire Brigade -â€" Meets lst, Monday of each Month. Band Practiceâ€"Monday of each week at 8 p.m. Home Guard -â€" Meets every Friday evening. lPuhlic Library and Reading Room â€" Open Tuesday and Saturday eve- niugs. Ric-hmrmd Lodge. A.F. & A. M.~â€"Meets Monday on or before full moon. Hill Crest Lodge, I.0.0.F.â€"Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of euxh month. Victoria. L.O.L.. 2368â€"Meets 4th Wed- nesday of each month. ’ Court, Richmond, A.O.F. â€" Meets 4th Friday. I.O.F.â€"Meets 31d Thursday of every month. Camp Elgin, S.O.S.-â€"Meets 2nd and 4th VVednesdav. :mn. : nu [In :If 11 niI Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat. Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale I ALso HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 8c W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better” Order now for pure drugs, patent medicines, useful and fancy articles. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Puhiic Attention [Single copies, 3 cts. Village Directory J. H. BAMER Sanderson’s Telephone Store Richmond Hill Drug Store 00 to No. Is

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