MUNICIPALITY on THE TOWNSHIP OF .MARKHAM Having,r purchased the Harness and Saddlery business recently car- \ NOTICE is hen-by given that Ihave “ed on by M!" Trencb’ I 'wl" were- transmitted or delivered to the per- after run the Harness busmess in the sons mentioned in Section 8 of the Voters‘ List Act. the copies required by Said Section to or delivered. of the lists made pursuant. to said Act of all per- SL-ns appearing hv the last revised assessment, Roll of the said Municipal- ity to be entitled to vote in the. said Municipality at the elect ions for mem- he. so transmitted Silns' Moodie store, one door north of Mr. grocery, and solicit the patron. age of the people of Rishmond Hill and vicinity. A full line of Harness, hand and has “the ngismim ASSHHMY and machine sewn, always in stock, also at Municipal Elections. and that said List was ï¬rst posted up in my ofï¬ce utUninnviile. on Thursday. the 231d day of September. there. for inspection. Electorsuu'e called upon to to exam- ine the said lists. and if any omissions or other eirurs are found therein, to take immediate proceedings in have said ex rm-s corrected according to law. [Blankets Whips, Robes, Rugs and ! everything in the Harness and Sad- 1915, and lt’llHlllls‘) dlery line. Repairing ï¬nished with prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. i Clerk of the s’ii’diï¬l‘nï¬aï¬Ã©lity Duth at Uninnrillo the 23rd day uf September, 1915. 15 2 Clerk’s Notice of First Posting; 01“ , 152 tjd Herring. tin 13c Switzer. Fresh roasted coffue. ground pure, per 11:. 400.: Italian Macaroni, pkg 11s.; Quit‘k Tupincr. Chocolate. Custard Pudding. 3 pkgs. 25c; Tiger and red salmon. 15H) [ms 2 for 2.30.; line Kipper- tjd _Herring. tin 13c. â€" Atkinsuu & Court 01' Revision Sr. ILâ€"Brnce Rose 841. Many Manning 73?. Euslnn Pilsnn 489. lrenv Line. Gladys Gromnhridge 460, Ban- (:‘rrahmn 281. Jr. ILâ€"Dmnthy Cooper 58â€, Gilbert Mathewson 571. Lester Pllsnn 30!), John Beck 210. Aberdeen Uumpltrll 150. Gnrdon Line 139. Pearl Mnfl'it 121. Sr. I.â€"0rlund Duwm-y 700. Verna Line 513. Clarence Line 426. Sr. Pixâ€"Viola Byam 426‘ John Leece 2227. Arthur Jones 63. Jr. Pr.â€"-D(\ris Line 401. Rnlh Robinson 394. Nellie Beck 375, Rupert Jackson 371, \Vinnie McDonald 365. Azula Fierheller $37. Irene Pilson 301. Ruth Pollock 221. Pr. (blâ€"Lea] thmor 310. \Villimn Johnson 303. Grace Montgmnery 295, Ruth Fly 275, Gladys Chapman 17-1, James McLan 120. Pl. (u).~â€"Bentrice Muthewsun 136. Dn-ll Jones 104. Irene mes 100, Lizzie King 87, Grace Roland TU, Unchline Line 2-1. A better feeling,r seems now to exist between politicians on both sides of politics, and little is heard of a general election. It is safe to say that Sir Robert Borden’s address in Massey Halldid much to quiet the nerves of many who had been read- ing editorials in the Toronto News and other Conservative papers. The l Premier’s address was entirely free‘ from partisan matter, and the large audience felt he was talking, not to a political party, but to a nation. Sir Robert spoke with conï¬dence, but made it plain that to defeat the enemy Canada and the British Empire must present to the world a united front. VOTERS’ LIST, 1915 Unfortunately there is a tendency in some quartersâ€"11nd this is not conï¬ned to one political party~m poke fun at Sir Sam Hughes particu- larly since the Minister of Militia has been wearing his new title. His best friends will admit that he is not always judicious in his public ut- terances, but he has done a lot of good work in organizing our forces since the war began. and he should receive encouragement rather than‘ ridicule. We need men of courage, and let us remember that the name Hughes has never been associated with that of a coward. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. 0m @119 iiihmi A. J. HUME Clerk of the said Municipality ETHEL MCQUARRIE, Teacher. 1 EDITORIAL i 5.5. No. 6. Vaughan H. >S'I‘IVER. machine sewn, always in Blankets, Whips, Robes, everything in the Harness dlerv line. W. R. Robinson ‘ 1915 +4-401-4-++H+++++++++++++++++ Leave Richmond Hill 1034 a.m daily except, Sunday, for Been erton, Parry Sound, Sudbur; and intermediate paints. Leave Richmond Hill, 10.07 :1.m,, 7.30 p.111., dztilv except Sunday, for Toronto and intermediate 'oz' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lave Richmond Hill 6.18 p. 11).. daily except Sunday. for Beav- ex-tnn, Orillia and intermediate points. further information apply to Y. B. TRACY WATCHMAKER - JEWELER Sivers Block - Richmond Hill beg to call your attention that 1 have opened up a. \Vatch. Clock and Jewel- ry Store and \\ ill do my best to select gnnds that. will give entire satisfaction, and still arrange to keep within the. City prices. A call will convince you. In ad- dition Idllllll kinds of \Vatcl), Clock and Jewelry Repairing (in the premises. Also any patrons who have Sewing Machines, Phnnvgmphs, Music Boxes, etc.. can have them put in order.~ and satisfaction guaranteed. A call solicited. . . . . points NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING, ETC. lug “lgâ€? (HI H. Shnw J'urnntn. C Cull-951mm Business C gragh & R Cin Br;an provide ex‘ NEW JEWELRY STORE CLEANING (Inge NOTICE Shaw’s Schools J- HUME Tailor IRST PB ESSING REPAIRING s Gullem‘. The Us , Railroad Sch'ml mch Busine55 Sc excvllenL cum-505 :n'ied pnsilinns. ‘ wawgt‘. \Vrite ', Prosidem. Ht! .nd Gerrard SL5. Fall Service H. GRATZ Vanudn, includt‘ The Shaw it-nce Schnol. The Central ullegv. The Central Tele- uilrnud Sch'ml. and Four 11 Blliillt‘SS Schuolm All SEPTEMBER 8 Station Agent, IN EFFECT tock, also Rugs and and Sud- :n'ml. and Four 55 Sclmol<. All (uses lending to ms. Free Catn- Jrite for it. \V. Head Ofï¬ces, ‘av- 'urnnm. trial you will use Standard" Pain: to “(EVE BES'I Ire important features to know before the time comes to do the work. Get our booklets and pamphlets and “read up" on these :ubjocts. You will agree with usâ€"that “High Standard" Paint Products are the bat for everv needâ€"aï¬Ã©ri Every householder in this city Ihould be well informed on paint questionsâ€"WHY? Because there is hardly one article in your house that is not ï¬nished with a. paint, varnish, enamel or stain. 0 “(LIVE BEST RESULTS." 3" THE RH‘HMOND HILL HARDKYARE COMPANY The iPeace†Patent The kind of paint Proper condition of the Sn) The weather conditions The cost per years of wear “GET PAINT WISE†Metal Weather Strip For Windows and Doors 1? One whole acre situated on Richmond St.. Richmund Hill. Terms: $50.00 cash. balance $5.00 mcmlhly. A good investment. T Six - mnde brick house, beautifully decorated. hardwood floors, electric light. sink, Inun- dry tubs, but water lmilpr. tin-De piece bath. septic tank. full 5120 cellar, furnncv. Lot GGXIGS. A bargain. F. ATKINSON RICHNOND HILL AGENT NORMAN BA’I‘TY MORTG . E. GLASS PROPERTIES F OR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL BI‘ILDING LOTS every needâ€"after a 2 no other. “High Products are made Improved AGES rips can he ï¬tted to and old shaky and can he nmde wind absolutely noiseless surface BOUGHT ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED '1“) B SEOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY ‘ATRONAGE Soucx'rED AND SATISFACTION G . J. WUUDWAHDQ‘PT‘â€: ‘. J. WUUDWARD. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, EA‘ 7 7’ A.» New Gormley Riahmond iii“ Annex . A. M. DAVISON, UNIONVILLE. dealer for Markham Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and MetrOpolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. :For Sale an Easy; Terms GR()CI£R The :Ihm‘o n1-i<-rsf.n.b. Fmd. Ont. effertive Aug. 2. 1915. N0 speedunwtm- includbd in this year‘s equipmu-nt. otherwise can fully equipped. Cans un display and sale by . MCDONALD 8: SUN :‘rUARA NTEED Ford Touring Car Price $530 Ford Runabout Price $480 Made in Canada EXCELSIOR MOTCR CYCLER RICHMOND HILL Motor Repairing Icne TERMEZIGWEN CN CURTIS 3'0“ VVilh . CURTIS ., Belmknt AGENT FOR 'ICR CYCES