Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1915, p. 5

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O therat RICHMOND HILL. 0st. ()("I‘. T. 191.“; like 2; K For war news see inside pages. Next Monday being Thanksgiving. Day will be a general holiday in (‘an- } ada. _ J“ 1 Mrs. Chas. I’eggott and little daughter Thelma. ot' \Vost Torontiur spent a few days with Mrs. H. H. Hopper. Miss Muriel Stamp and Stewart Stamp of Symington Ann. also Mr.| Ed. Lyons of ()akville. spent Sunday with Miss Eva I. Hopper. ‘uidav (‘anada's largrst county fair \vilI.’ I'I()>t' at Markham llr-Illtll'l'ti\\" I’Iiday.l ()ii the progranirrrr- are live tr-vtrint: races and eight pony running rat-rs. Mr. and Mrs. 1’. (i. Savage- and Mr. \A. (i. Havaur- .rtlrnllr-rl the opening of Dunlop's nr-w llrrl'nl store in Torr-nto‘ yesterday, \Voodbiidgt- Fair will be held Sut- arrd Monday \\'ilh litre weather the attendanr-r- will he very large in the closing day. bâ€"‘owr riâ€" H. S. Alumnae The regular meeting of the Hit‘ll- moirrl Hill High School Alumnae was held in IIH- school on Friday. ()r-lolrr-r 1st. The Treasurer reported that she llilti Dilitl to the (‘arradian Iii-r1 t‘ross Society. $150.00 to purchase and main- tain for oire year. two beds in the (‘vliverlon Hospital. $113.00ol this was You (tan get a good assortment of ’I‘hanksgiving and Hallowe‘en post, cards at The Liberal store. Don‘t. for-- get your friends. I A moving picture show in the Masonic Hall has drawn a good attendance for three. nights. closing last. evening. The pictures are very good. Rev. It. McKee will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday morning. and Rev. N. \Vellwood in the evening. There will be. special musicer the choir. Mr. H. Ii. Heise of Gormley has an abundant cropof pumpkins two feet. in length. and left .1 beauty at The Liberal Office 5 feet 7 inches in circum- fereuce. Mr. \V. A. Doner. Manager of the Bank of Toronto at Stayner. Out... with his family. rrrotored down on Friday last and spent the. week-end with their cnusins. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph \Vidernmr. Elgin Mills. Dr. Adam Lynd. who practised as a physician in I’arkdale for 35 Years, died on Thursday. He was born in Aurora 70 years ago. Dr. Lynrl once 'coutested \Vest York in the Liberal causr. The \Vomen’s Institute will meet at the Ironic of Mrs. Donald \Vatson. Roseview Avenue. on \Vednesdav, October 13th. at 3o'clock. Programme by the Maple \Voinen’s Institute. Refreshments will be served. Men‘s mocha. gloves with warm wool lining. pr. $1.00; men's 2/1 ribbt‘tl grvy woolsorzks. pr. 40cm: boy‘s PerrAngle wool underwear. all sixes: Irish linen ln-mstitched handketchirfs. small size 2 for 5".. ladies‘ size, 2 for 25c.â€"Atkin- son & Switzer. â€"â€"gooâ€"â€"â€" Killed By Car Mr. George Svrne. formerly Reeve of York Township and County Police Magistrate with Mr. T. H. Brunton. was struck by a Metropolitan car Tuesdav about. 4 p.ui.. and died on his way to the general hospital. It. ap- pears he tried to cross in front; of the car. For many years he had been one of thn active men of York township. and was a past president of \Vest York Conservative Association. â€"â€"fi.o Dunlop's New Store It will be. seen by notice Ill another r Column that Mr. J. H. Dunlnp extends an invitation to attend the public opening: to-day of his new lloral store. Sand 10 \Vr'st Adeliade St.. Toronto. or at. any time when in the city. The new premises are said to be the finest on the continent. and we are, sure a visit to the store will be time pleasantly spent. â€"_._ Thanksgivmg Service Special Thanksgh irrg Sei vice will he held in St. Mary‘s Anglican Church of this village on this Thursday evening: at 8 o’clock. Rev. Canon Binrrkeof Christ Church Toronto will preach the sermon. Special music by the choir. The services will be continued on Sunday' next. both morning and evening. At the morning service Holv ' Communion will be celebrated. . - Reproduced Inst Friday evening in the. Masonic Hall Madame .iarley repeated the en- tertainment with her wax figures to an interested audience. although the attendance was not large owing to the downpour of rain all through the eve- l ding. Iii-lore closing. Mrs. McMahon. on behalf of the Red Cross Societv. presented Miss Trench. who elr vr'rly acted the part of Madame JarIr-y. with a beautiful bouquet rrf roses for her untirrng elTrri-ts in connection with the r play. Miss Trench thinItt-d thr- don- ers in folilrit'rirs it‘l'ltl’. «LLâ€"4.5 Red Cross News The regular meeting of the Red: Cross Auxili rry will be held on Tues- day. ()4. 12:11. instead of Mvndav. (Thanksgiving Dry). It l“1\0;15'tl that everv member. wlr-r p iss‘Ilily our will be Dr'es'iit. as plurs irris’. b: 1:1...1r: for the Ilallowe‘eu I’artv in the rink. Tire girls are also iv-q‘t-str-ti to be present. and everyone ' asked bring all the ideas they Irrve for a H?|11l|\\‘r‘.t‘llQ’llil‘l’lilllllllt‘lll. The Girls. lit-.inch will inert on Siturdav afternoon at 23'! o‘clock. There was a good number of the girls at the last in 'eting, and lots of Work acconiplishvrl. The It 'rl t‘rrrss Anxii? rr \' :r:-v| gl “1 Irl is I'Ppfilt the pt‘nt'vr'llstrf M id Hue Jat‘lr‘yis ' entertai umeut $118.45. raisr-d at the booth at the Fair on May 31th. and the balance by subscription from members of the society Two excellent, papers were given on the lite and works of English artists. Sir IC.(,‘r. Borneâ€"Jones 1833-1803. by Mrs. \V. I)uncan;SirThomas Lawrence. 1’. R.A.. 1700-1830 by Mrs. Godwin. Afternoon tea was served by Mrs. A. (i. Savage. Miss Trench arid Miss Marjorie Boyle. â€"~7A 4--7 â€"â€" York Pioneers Visit Newmarket A feature of the Newmarkct It'air this year \vas a visit by the York Pioneers and Historical Society, Members and their ladies to thr- nunrher of about 140 went up by -sprcia1 Metropolitan cars. and were guests of the Agricultural Sor‘ietv for a couple of hours. Later in the after- noon llrev went lry special invitation to Pickering College “here they were royally entertained by the Trustee Board and Dr. Firth, the Principal of the College. Neaer meiy visitor ascended the stair-ways to the top storey where in all directions they feasted their eye! on scenery. the beauty of which can scarcely be excelled on the CrrlililiPiit. The College grounds comprise twmrty- live acres. nearly all under cultiva- tionâ€"vegetables Hints and fruit. After a Social hour renewing ac- quaintance a meeting was held in the large hall. presided over by Mr. \Vni. Crocker. President of the Society. The speakers included Sir \Vm. Mulor-k. Hon. E. .1. Davis, Geo. Henry, M.I’.I’.. Err-Mayor Pearson who represented the Newnrarket Fair directors: Dr. James T1. Hughes. Mrs. (Dix) Torring- ton. President National Ioirncil of \Vornerr; President Rogers, and Dr. Firth. ‘ Thr-speakr'rs referred to the enter~ taiumerrt, and kind Irospitalitv of the Newrnaiket Agricultural Society and the Frir-irds’ Society. to the moral training of the College which stood for the. best things in education. l‘ut they could not retain from referring to the tremeirdous sacrifices made by the motherland in coming to the assistance of little Belgium in her efforts to maintain the peace of the world, to the good work already done bv Canada's brave sons. and Closing “it h a strong.r plea for even greatersacrifices in providing the necessary comforts for those on active service in the horrible war. After a verv tempting: tea the visitors were driven h" motors to the station. arriving in Toronto shortly after 9 o‘clock. â€"â€"â€"â€"vu.â€"-â€"-â€" KING COUNCIL The above Council met at Music Hall. Nolrletou. on Saturday. Sept. 2.}. Members all present with Her-re. \Vells in the chair. Minutes of last. meeting read and conlirirred. A large number- of hills presented. and ordered to be paid. Cainpbellâ€"\V’atsonâ€"That the sum of $35.00 be granted to Schomherg Agri- cultural Society. and $20.00 to King (K' Vaughan Plowinen’s Association. \\'atsr:uâ€"Kaakeâ€"â€"That \Vellington Dore Ire paid the sum of $6.00 for excess of statute labor . t‘amphellrâ€"Ilobirrsonâ€"â€"That t he Treasurer- be instructed to pay account of [lice Lewis tk Sons for steel. when presented. \Vatsotthaakeâ€"That. this Council accept. the Bonds of the Collectors for 1915 as suflirtent. Council adjourned to meet at Sliney's Hotel. Schoiulrerg. on Satur- (laY. October 3lllli. T im‘ Wg9 “'L‘I‘t“ iiruriiiIiiltltlllltlIiiltllIllllltllUlllllllllll MADE IN CANADA [ll] IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIllllllllllllllll lllll'lllllll iiiiillllllli ill x il ' lllllll 13? l l it till ll _ - r illlllli'm | .11.; .. 1 II" t”. Ill 1 l i l.l i $100flndOVer ii i in} .llllillilllllllllllllllilllillllllllllllillililllillllll.ll l l "“ WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO~ ' B BERLIN. ONTARIO “"m l llllIIIl11lIIIIIIIIIll|llIllllllllllllilllllllIlllIlllllIIlllllIlll (Thanksgivian ll Presbyterian Church The Minister will pir-ar I. at boll. srrtrr-r-s Siriida). (ht. Itlili, 'I'lrrul.s» “ grunt: Her \irr- lll thr- rrr-vr IllllLI. hpr-r-ial inusir- b_\' the r-lioir at brrtlr sv-r\ ir’r-s. 'l‘liornhill I’resbvtwiiarrs modelling.r their I‘llllli'li. .Ilt' It'- Inningr thr- r'rw-oristriir-lioir. union seniors ll:l\'r' ‘boeir :II'I'HIiLZHI for in llir' Methodist .t'liuri-lr. earli minister to lr‘lkl' 4.1a- sort It'r' a Sunday. 'I'hvsr- ar I':lllf_{t‘tllt'lll s have lrr'i'tr made with great r’rrtrll:llll\' and are an interesting I‘Xllt‘lillll'lll in view of tho \olr- or: (‘Illllt'll union that is to be taken shortly. In t'otrm'rt ion with the 'l‘hanksgh int: Heiwicr-s. the 1.:rdir-s' Aid arr- askini.r people‘s srwioly. All :rlt- \\'t’1(.‘l |rrr'. _.â€".7¢o¢4 7...â€" Issued 3 Bench Warrant I’olit'e Magistrate Hrunloii yesterday issued a bench warrant tor the arrest ofJoIr Ground, who for the past six Itioulhs or more has been engaged in running a temperance house at I‘llgin Mills. a short distanre north oi Itich- nrorrd Ilill. (Jl Yonge strr-et. A week ago Ground was apprehended by Coniin Constable Thompson while on a Metropolitan Railway car. with Iralf a dozen bottles of whiskey in his: pos- session. liquor on his pl't‘llIISUS.“ \Vednesday's \\ or ld. â€"â€" -097 5.5. No. 5. Vaughan The following is the September re- port for I‘I()p(' School: Sr. IV.â€"Marjorie “'atson. Irene \Vatson. Keith Thomas. Ella Burns. Jr. IV.â€"-Dorothv Morison. Alina McCluskey. Oli\ i.t McQuai r-ie. Sr. TILâ€"“Fll‘tt’tlf‘e \Vatson. Edith Bowen. Beatrice \Vcslbrook. Sr. II.--Hild:l L‘ror k. May Ireland. Ella Jones, \Vellington (irahain. .Ir. II.â€"Haze*l Jones. Hattie \Valker. \Villie \Valker. Stanley Sr-ott. (“lass 1.â€".\1ai_v Hart, Florence Mc- (Tlliskr y. \Villie Cooper. Earl Jones. and Telegraphv Courses of the most complete and mod- ern kind taught, right at your own home Irv Shaw’s Telegraph and Railroad School. ] Gerrard St. Eafl. Tor-onto. “'rite I'oi- particulars and sample lessons. \V. H. Shaw. I’res. l WW“- CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Thanksgiving Day Fares SINGLE FARE For the roun trip Good going arid returning Oct. 11th only FARE AND ONE-THIRD For the round trip Good going Oct. 9th. 10th, 11th. Return limit Oct. 12. 1015 For all particulars apply to Y. B. TRACY Station Agent. WANTED NOW lit-liable salesman to act as agent in York County. PAY WEEKLY Outfit free. eXr-Iusivr- territory and money making spruialtit's. Our ageticiosai‘o the best iii the busi- noss. for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first- class condition. Nursery stock is selling Well this year and good money can be made in this district. For particulars write E SALES l‘I.\.\'.\(iICIt \ 1’ur.ri.\:»i Nt’rrsrarv (‘o. i 11 IS TURUN'I‘H. UNI‘. illilliflfll‘l - GiiEIRI I‘Ire Next Sitting.r of Division Court to N0. 3, County of York. will he held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL _0\'_ Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1915 Commencing at 11.110 a.rn. 'I‘. F. McMAIIUN l t (.‘LERK v NIHV ADVi-IIITISEMliNTS BRING QUICK RESULTS Thins-(lav. S p.m.. to organize a young' Mrs. Baker Injured DIED Mrs. Nathaniel lialir'l‘rrf I‘Ilgin Mills lierlrr .-'\t l’iiioinillr. Monday. Ol'l. \\.rs iojillrd in a collision with air '1- “’15. Mls. I‘Llimbr-iir llond. in In-r automobile last evening on Yongr- "lid-“ML sizer-t for their annual thank oll"orin;_:.i r-nvr-lopr-s for \\lll','ll are being distributed. The vr-nng people aro irir-r-tiog l ‘ week from Interment iu Anglirru ('r-irrctcl')‘. (itli t'lill. Markham. \\'erliresrl.r_\'. Mill lio:irl.-\'unr1:r\'.()‘l. iir-ar- Langstati'. Shr- irrrrrnrd to Dr. IarngstalI's srrrqerv. \\'II> l)l£\'l.\'li ~()n -â€"*â€".’°â€" 1". 1013. Margaret. widow of the late John I)e\ ine. aged 51 years. Maple Iirtoiinr-rrt in 'I‘hornhill II. C. , , (‘erireleny \Vednesrlav. Ilarvr-st IIornesr-ivn-es \\'llI lrr- Ilt'Itl ' in St. Stephen‘s r'IillIt'li on Hurrrlav GRAHAM. Al .'l".lf"'5“”‘ “Limb” 6' irr'xl. err-n Archdeacon \\'arron of 1mm Ml“ “Wm” (i'v‘lh'lm' Toronto will 1)l(':lt‘ll both rrror ning and I‘l'mil'“! I'll‘l'w “:13” 1“ «\u““l“ evening. Conn-terry. ’l‘llt‘l‘l‘ 1“ lillk of having: a skating *â€"’_'”‘" “*_‘ rink in the \ illage thr- corriini.r winter. I\.r doubt the young people will be glad of this. Rev. 11. (‘. Lon-ring returned last a month’s vacation and resumed his work on Sunday. Auction Sales Svrr'itluv. (let. Iliirl“.lllil stock. inr- plernonts. .\'r-.. on lot 131. ('tHI. 8. Markham, llir' property of Merino (itrrvr'. Hole at I ll‘t'lt't'k. Terms 11. ' months. .1. II. Prentice. Ain‘t. “Mr. ICarl Ma rwood who has been at, I\'iagar a trainier for ()versr-as Her vir-e. visited friends here over Sunday. Mr. I). 1“. Brown of McKeespor-l. \\'i-:o.\'r:so.\v. (it"l‘. :20- Farm Stork. implements. furniture, we. on lot 17. eon. 0. Mar klranr. the property (If , .» ‘. .. ‘ llll‘ late John ('trtYio. Sale at l i '1' h “Sm”: "t Ml" n‘ 0' Bi'111'y'5- o'r'Ior-k. Terms 12?. months. .I. II. The ladies (.f Muple Mplhudist‘ Int-utiri-rgauct. (‘mm'h 11""l"”‘" “Mal”; Iheir' :Illlri- Swa‘t'nnav. 0("1‘. 221419arni stock. ‘Vmi‘wuiy i)” 1h" 1711‘ “f()‘5l“"(‘|‘- Iim‘. implements. kin. lot H. con. .. .1. N. ht. John. secretarv Toronto Markham. the property of \V, A, Conference. Bolton, _ . will oiIir‘iate morning and t‘\t’llllig. Ferrier. Sub-at I o‘clock. 12 months. Terms .1. II. Prentice. anct. and is charged wilIr srlling Mâ€" â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"h UDNBREIE HIIUSE fl These cool autumn days should make you think of the days to follow, and prepare for them. HQV’V ABOUT YOUR UNDERWEAR ? This applies to allâ€"Men, Women, Young I’cople anddChiIdrenâ€"we will try to supply all that you nee . M \Vomen's white and natural vests and drawers tornatch, per garment, 25c. ~â€"_ \Vomen‘s cream fall color vest and gar rnent. drawer-s. 37m. weight. per Men‘s niishrmkahle, elastic knit shirts arid drawers. from 75c. to $1.00 each. â€"_â€"â€". “iomen‘s cream wool combinations. long sleeves. drawer-s ankle length. $1.30 to $115011 suit. â€"+_â€"‘__â€" Empire twill. light ground. with black dot or snrall red figure 5 per yard 13m Ileavy, stripe flannelette, 36 inches wide. per yard 15c. Bleached table linen. tine weave. small dot design and floral border, per yard $1.00. w Grey cotton. 36 inches wide. even thread. per yard lllc. Ladies' black cashmere hose, per pair 25c. Atkinson & Switzei STORE CLOSES AT SIX O'CLOCK ON MONDAY AND \V'EDNESDAY ngrtti-‘tt‘rw‘ff‘f‘rw renews"? Witt"r‘~tr?“f’ti?ci"é”r?rt‘ z' . ' '4» "1” 11111111} 711118111“ 11G ’3 Tilt-.8101 .r. l' u '3 STORE MEN'S HATS sâ€"Lct us show you what we have in soft and stiti' hats for Fall, all the best shades and latest shapes. in price from $1.50 to $2.50. MEN‘S SHIRTSâ€"We have the Ilagzrii Shirts, knrrun tlrc country over for their tit, style and quality. In place lr'arirr $1.00 a. $2.00. ‘7; h e ‘ ALSOâ€"a good choice ofTics, Collars, Sex, Suspenders. ctc. it E? C}! ,i NORMAN J. GLASS iii PROPRIETOR t; l 7 y '5’ ‘3 mam “mam-v -W.L.£SW" “ v’;........"'\"u'=.'.r~l11‘s....” 2'3... “L- t...” :L :33 K."

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