NOTICE is hereby given that Henry John Thomas \erlluw, of the Town of \Vhswn. in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario. Real Estate Broker. will Apply to the Parliament of Canada. :It the next session thereof. for :\ Bill of Divorce from his wife, Eda Lnellu Roxeniu \Vurdlaw, now resid- ing in the City 0f Detroit. in the State of Michigan. one of the United States of America. on the grounds of adultery and desertinn. Dated at. Tnmnto, Province of On- tario. this third day of September A. D.. 1915. Mr. Clarence Duner is again taking up farming: uu the old hunw, and is anxiously lnuking forward to the (lay when he may have an help mate. Quite a nuuilmr of our young men haw gnm- tn Kinderslev. Saaku fur the harvest and threshing. The pnmm ('rup in this lncalily IS almmt a total failure. and the farmers urn plowing LhPlll undvr. The Tunkard church nf Markham district adhurl- m the Saviuur's \vurds whew he says "Tho Pour haw [lu- Gospel preached to them.“ and have an appniutlncut at, the Industrial Home every six \vpoks. The appoint- ment, was ï¬lled last. Sunday by Mr. H. R. Heise. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS auras m) Yungc Sll't‘l‘l is tn wnt for u tmm uf vmu-s. Brick huuse. gum! farm lunildil)g<. urnhmd. &(2. Apply. James Stewart. Phone King 222. 14 3 After .1 lung pull, :1 strong pull. and a pull :Illngulhm' tlw fill'lllL’lS have ï¬nally (:nxnplvll-d their Inuwrsl, and :ll’t' nmv lnlh‘v pulling llH-‘il‘ wrn into the silus. and getting in their second crup of (lover of which the-re is :1†abundance. hill ASIC- SLAG.â€"The undersigned having received :1 czu‘lnud of that noted Nova Scotia fertilizer. Basic Slug. will have a quantity to dispme of at $20 :1 tun. Fur particu- lars phone Riuhmund Hill. D. \V. Cluhine, Elgiu Mills. 3 tf ANTEDâ€"A boy to learn the shown-akng trade. Apply, F. A. Franklin. Shoemaker. "FOR SALEâ€"Ten \\'hilo \Vyundotte Hu-ns. 1.3 months uld. in pink of condition. im-luding 5 head hatched fl. m lmught livgnl vggs. the remain- der hulf Bvuluh strain. sire‘s side. $10 tuke< thu hunch, hr $1.51) per hvud fm- Nm-lin hinls only. Alsn 3 head of Philn slmiu \Vhite 0rpingtnns. 17 monthw-ltl. Gnudhwers. $1.50mch. Gen. P. Bnmnquet. Maple, Out. 15 3 V 01:5»: To REST (Efrainuiï¬iï¬d Street. Apply Lu Amns \\’[igl]t. Music plenty bf has set in O RENTâ€"Comfortable cottng9 suilahle fur man and wife. Rent to ho paid in :ervico 17v the woman. Apply. Rev. R. Herhisnn. 15 tf. 1‘10]? SALE CHEAP Keith l’l‘iZe-lnkt’l' over an :mI'P nf (‘n Richmuml Hill I’.O. Richmond Hill \ Richmund Hill Ru'nMuxr) HILL. ONT helm“ of the U)“ 5) p lll 333w Eihmfl' l)iv01-ce Notice ‘01"!‘AGE MI "0 LET OR FOR SALFr-A solid Ovm \Vll brick. 5) mum house. with elec- tric light and fut-mum, in Thorn- ]. Ilunwdinle pussession. Apply Bvuupru, 83 Madison Ava. Tmuntu. 'll) 0R 0L‘AL--.\Iiss Estelle M. Orton. pupil .‘Ii~‘S H. Ethel Sheplwrd. Studio. 'l‘m-nntn Conservator-y (.f sic. Richumnd Hillâ€"Thursday 4 AR .\[ TU RE [ANTEDâ€"A girl for a. month. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. John HicksUn, Centre St. East, It Suns. R RENTâ€"A cnttugo 0n Rich- mnnd St. Apply at The Liberal Oï¬ico. \n' put I huhl inviluli (If H)!‘ Hl Solicitors for the Applicant. 3 Imperial Life Bldg, Toronto. )lll' n“ puylnt uL huv mm that \\':|nls work. ï¬nds it‘ now since the ï¬ne weather October. frul113 n’clnck fullnwinp; list will cxpl »f the guLhm'ing: n mn- nnl'ty amd makt p(:\'(‘ H†[luv coin you may wish to rent. Apply L. Innes Richmond Hill. 10 If ignutun GRAY & GRAY, HI] sl'l)’ York Mills nt Gormley llmvn. (:(‘IHL‘ EAP.â€"â€"2 nr 3 tnns of lnkt’l‘ ninngels. also of (.‘nvn. E. Devine. .0. l4 2 no huin It (In Mills pennios for 1nd Mis hwï¬sh on Rirshmund Amns “Night. 1-1 (.f. why this hug UH Farm of 130 191 A. Slwrzer has [ml-opened the Mark- smiLh shnpuL Elgin Mills, us gru- ('1':|ll)l:leSH.lll] :md wood mwker. He thanks his cuslmnm's for past, palmnngv, :md hnpvs [hay will re- muin with him in the filtllrl'. guaranteeing suLisfucLion as in the past. Shoes remuved ...... Newshues. Nos. 1 to 4, Large-1 shoes ‘ . . . . . . . . . One bundled :u; 0f Vaughan, hrh nulhuildings. ï¬rst mile frnm curpm mnnd Hill. New house and good large lot, m the Mnnkmnn Sub-division alt ‘ price the inn-lost ml which won]: be less than fulll‘ dollars uanhly \Vhy puv n-nL 2’ St Che-uh n- and S?“ is the ï¬rst essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the 0 many home 01‘ on :1 farm. I am prepared to supply the abm'u svstcm in either hand, electric motor 01‘ gasoline. Contracts taken for houses, new 01' old, at reasonable prices. All kind of plumbing done. All work guaranteed. JONH HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. II. A. Nioholls I†() I} NORMAN BATTY Cool One hundred L'“ druim-d, n Both fan-ms at The Pressure Water System A.’ SHERZER the people of Richm and surroundings " A New Perfection 011 Heater is just. the thing fol those cold mornings and evenings. Etsily curxied from one room to another. Prices from 5.350 to $4.50 each. Ranges. f FURNACESâ€""Any Kind Ma. xuf;-.cturod†installed and satis- factiogx glim-nnlrvd. Don’t begin to shiver when ynn think about it. but ‘7 Ezwetl‘mxghing and promptly done. HP C. R. James Wallnut Grove Stock Farm Langstaff BOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MAKES All cows are bred to the present stock bnll Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafl by appointment. NOTJCE Weather probabilities for the next few months Heating Pandora Rm 1hri 1y ï¬nished :11 ticulm‘. mds RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. 1 good large lot, on Sub-division :It a ton which would HI) tnves for c ++++++++++M+4f++++++++++ '1' ~1- es in Markham, buildings. IIQP something to help you keep warm hl 1H) PRESENT OFFERING md Hill Cold Colder 30 ‘0 CE lppy Phone Thoruhill cents cents lx21() QU( nts Tlvoug'nt '+++++++++++++++ went] from $8.00 to $20.00. WM. TRENCH & SON Repairing neutlyuud promptly done Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs,’ \Vhips and Blankets. Trench’s Gamaqe Works All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. Langstaff P.O. HIGHMQND HILL HARNESS 8H0? IN CONNECTION \VITII n \Vork of all kinds COME AND SEE US Impexial Oxford c0 me and buy Phone 18 Will give you a fine suit. Sole Agent for Hobberlin Tailoring HOUSE PAlNTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICH MON D HILL Come Ito-day and see what ex- pert clothing men consider the ï¬nest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. W. H. BASS ‘N. HEWISON LAWRENCE GREEN] Richmond Hill Furniture and Wall Papers “ C Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in every De- tail in High-Class Manner. THE STANDARD BANK 11 m ma: Baskets FOR SALE Lots of 25 to 1000 or more at reasonable prices $22.50 \" \‘!'b‘ K‘III; 453$ x," NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on Vlmnd at: all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have it to day. . . . . . . Branr'nes also 3! Maple. Markham, Stouffville. Uniunvilie and Locus! ‘anies. P. G. Savage & Son RICHMOND IIILL PHONE 8002 YO.\' G E STR E ET WE ARE AGENTS FOR P. G. SAVAGE & SON ots on Baker Ave. at reasonable prices Established over Forfyâ€"one Years ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking Get the Savings Habit: Highest Current RatesAllow- ed, and Interest Compounded Half- Yearly on Deposits. 175 We solicit your account in our aved street for Automobiles with cover if required OF CANADA TWP‘T‘ â€"â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. REAL ESTATE VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\\'AYS ON HAND. has removed his Laundry to the build ing three doors north of the Post OfliCt‘ satisfaction giving residence and name in full. sired. Send Goods called for and delivered, if de- He solicit/s patronage and guarantees Advertise in The Liberal EENHOUSES RICHIVIOND G. I. HINAS RICHMOND HILL hs MANAGER :u't with each p n col