VOLXXXVIII. “ Tillie glam " IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY PHURSDAY MORNING ' AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING £5 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAIâ€"ION. EDITOR & PUBLISHER BUSINESS CARDS. J. H. Naughton BARRIS’J‘ER SOLICITOR NOTARY 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. Yonge & Colborne Sts. TORONTO Telpphnnp Main 3476 Main 44.4 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY~F1VE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE S. S H E P H E R D PAINTER: PAPERHANGER GRAINL‘II, ETi‘. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT. ruoxr‘. 1H1“ 41 12 -â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"..__.________ Dr. C. LaVerne Pabtison Hon. Graduate Royal DI'IItzilSIII-gmuH. Toronto. will 1lL‘ at Richmond Hill t-rory Tuesday and Friday} CRO‘VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce loratcd in Standard Bank Build- ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.3(la.m. to 5 pm. M LENNOX dc MORGAN Barristel s and Solicitors. Regidence Money to Loan on 1 and anucnattel mortgagasat invest. rates Anroraoflice~ReIrowd to the old pose can. one door wsst oi the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket ofllceâ€"Three doors south of be post oilice HEBBERTLENNOX Ann: â€"â€"___._.___________ WILLIAM COOK G V Mono†A‘l mail orders will receive prompt BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC attention. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL; RESIDENCE MINI; nouse north of Atkinson & Switzor 5 store. Phone No. 2402. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to] D. H. PINKERTON, v.5. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE! I‘Ianle, ()nt. Phone No. 23. J. H. Prentice Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Noth Toronto. Specml attention civen to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and Sold on commission. All sales attenied to nshortest notice and conducted by the latest up-io-dato methods. Adm-$.25: 41:5 Bullinl St, North Toronto. Pane in House. North 2292 N K MCEWOH Weston Samoan Maple Salgeon a: McEwen, Licenssd Auctioneers for the County of York Salosuteuded to on shortest notice and at tea,- sot 1b.a rates Patronaua solicited F. C. EGAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER «2‘ For the County Of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEL. LASR‘AY P. O. ONTARIO, 5-3052: .7. ?avidson PIANO TUNING Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 .THORNHILL Organs Bapnired. Expert Work Danton, Grover & Field Barristers. Solicrors, &O NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS :3!) KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada Tvlrphone. Main 311 Cable Address. "Dedo." -â€"â€"â€"___.______ A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICE~SCITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STARRLI)G..18 KING STREET \VEST; Tel. M. 3631 ____________ l VVRIGHT BROS. Uudm'lakers It Emhauuors. RICHMONDHILI, THORNHILI AND UNIONVILIE A large star}: of Funeral Furnishing I 7371 Yungr‘ Sf» Kept at the above places I l Toronto Ofï¬ce. Room r328 Cnufedora Lion Life Bldg.. No.12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liheral‘ ()l’ï¬-rul. erory Thursday fur-(moon. Maple, Thursday HftPrnImn. \Vnodhridsze, Saturday forenoon. Money to loan at Five Per Cent (57,) M H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Richmond. Hill â€"-â€"â€"_____________ J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLlC COMMISSIONER. FONVEY 4Nâ€ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL -â€"â€"_____________ B. v H. LASHER PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND . STEAM FITTER Lawn MoweIs Ground and Repaired Church Six, Richmond Hill (Rear Richmond Hill Hardware) â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_________ H++++++mÂ¥%iâ€"R®H‘Q*M Hi0 ‘ . ‘ v t . r I get plastered Willi qud. Patriotic “Mummy at THE LIBERAL 6. Mary KPITLI 8, BeatIILe bhackltton store; ++++++++H++*+H+H+++++++ w DO IT ELECTRICALLY l. H. SANDERSON Electrician. Richmond Hill Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at. $32.00, Elec tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and unto-date appli- ancesthat savctime and work for the House Wife. No School ever had truer friends among its Graduates than ELLIOTT WW TO IIUNTU - 0 NT. 'I‘lus is a School (f Results‘a leI-udid Results. All‘lliilllllllS \"Illk for out sin-Innis and for 111.: 1‘115111955 public has lawn an active agent in Ihv upliuildiug of our faunaw srhwol. \\.I‘}I‘Slb[ worthy l Ninth-Ills U: got mnploymont. t'n'm- mmxcv .~-. L'I'lllrL‘ Izow. l‘atal: gue flt‘r. “I .1. Elliott Yongc & Charles SIS. Principal lulngo of I (‘oNII'ETI'I‘ons ox IIAY or FAIR l l RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, in all ï¬lings, Charity.†OCTOBER 14. 1915 VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL FAlR Vellore, September 2811!. l915 I PRIZE \\'lNNlCRH ((‘ouliuuvd rom 1.151 wwk) APPLES Nor! lll'l'l) Spy Arthur Bit-Noll 9. llolut. Kim: 15, Mildred Sui-ll 18. Lolliv Hamth lh‘, Andy Stewart 12, Paul \Viswavswr ti. Hamlily 1*, Arthur MrNril 9. Sir-Iva: t. 12, Alvira Ilowntroo 122, Paul \\'i<u‘avsspr 6. Any Fall ‘lill‘li'ly»~/Il'l‘llt- Linoii. I’aul Snowâ€"~ Jack McCallqu 15. Lottir Albert Carpenter‘s Letter 'I'hl- following lotte-r from “Noun-- whorl! on 1111‘ llllltll'l“' of Pram-o aml llrlplum." ll.'l\‘ lIm-n l'l‘t‘l'lYlfll by {I lt'll(1> at \III‘LUl‘lll Human". Ilrur l"IiuII<l<,ml now tako (lu- nppmlunily of (hopping you a few luws, and l tru'st you are all wall. I am thankful to say that up to now I am kin-ping prI-tty good, and quill- safP. I 1(‘l‘t’l\'(‘ll your kind ll‘llt'l' dated August 1st. I lIarI‘ horn in Francf‘ Amâ€... uoarlv Z luouths now an wu didn't Ntay \VH'P liut it sei'tus llkl‘ 22 and I van lt‘ll you \"t' in England w-Iy long helm-P wl' ’).lt'kt‘(1 of? hvrv. yvals to uw. \Viswacssoi (i. Mmlo llamhl)‘ 17. Lottie ha"? 5"â€â€œ"l‘l"l~' “‘ 1"â€! “1‘ With. “'3 1L HIHlllllV 17, Roland Harvoy 10, Hugh Eldm 15. Apple Collectinnâ€"~Fanni9 Gould 17, Donald Cameron E), Ernest llamphlll 20, Paul \Viswaesser b', Pl'illl Motfsll (3, UPC†Darker 12. VEGETABLES AND FLowEIzs Shackleton 15. Alicv Bull 20. ’I‘one-I 13. L. It. Rolmrtson 9, Baihara Jillian 9. U:I1IlnagPs~â€"Nr'il Macdouald 9, Alma MuGlusky Mussiv Taggart 6. And row Johnston 13, Fauuin Hamhly l7. Unionsâ€"Ottor Jarrett 9, Savage ll), Darkt-I 12. Huuqllt't of Floweis~ Barbara Julian 9. \Villiam Charles 19,Nv-llit-Lovt-tt12, Vera Holliugsht'ad 17, Anna DaI her 12, Alma Dix 13. GIRLs‘ SEK'TION BAKING Tea Biscuils~liazel Malloy It), Vera Hunter 11), Agnvs MM‘allIIm 15. Mildred Snell 18. Mary Cameron 10, Evvlyu Killips 10. Dozen Cookie-s -â€"Mary Kaiser 12. Evelyn Killips 10, Ella Johnston lti, Sadie Lm‘olt 12, Myrtle Seaile 18, Luella Robertson 18. Loaf of Broadâ€"Susie Julian 9. Mossie Taggarl 0'. Ella. Johnston Iii. Ina Davis 18, Emma Boyce 20, Annie Train 17. Pumpkin Pieâ€"Haer Malloy 1'), Flossie TagQ‘aI-t ll. Jessie King 15. Edith Boxw-u 5, Mary \Vs-athvrill 9. Susie .luliau ll. Layer (lakoâ€"~Auu;t Gammon 9, Florence \Vilht-rspoon ll. Dorothy Mortsuu 5. Mmjnrie Ireland 11. Alum McGluskt‘y 5, Mary Hollingslu-ad IT. SEWINI; Palr‘hu'ox k â€"~- girls under 10 yours - Beatrice )1;ll.ll(“\’¢()ll(5, Marjory Ball G, Maggie Ball (5. Freda Adcock 17. Jean Bornath U. Hemstitchod l‘lul‘ldkel‘t‘lllt‘f â€" girls under ten years "Hattie \Valker 5, Hilda (huuk 5. (‘vvutn- l’iwa- vâ€" Carrie O‘Doll 10, Hwy McMurchv ll), Rnhv Aituhison 8, Annie Troyer 13, Gertie l’utei baugh 9, Bean ice “'estlnook 5. Fancy ApI-ou*Flossie Mai-wood 9, Jean Cameron 10, Basie Cameron 10. Anuic Stewart 12, Jessie Swallow (3, Marjorie \Vatsou F. Spocinwn of Knittingâ€"Hilda Smith \Valkpr 5. \Villie \Vray 13. Edith EdIth Simpson 17, Anna 1."), Ella Bum: 5. BOYS‘ SECTION LIVE srotx Spring (Jolt. Heavy-Jim Brown 16, Fwd Uihh 5, Roy Peterman l], Glillt‘l t Mathewson 6. Gordon \Veldrick 10. Dairy calt'~\\'9slcy Aitchison 8, MISCELLANEOUS Drawing below Sr. III.â€"~Gladys Savage 111. Lillian (Iowan II. Mei-193 Hamth 1'}, Mary Marwood 9, Duke Jul roll 9, Otter \Valkvl' 5. Drawiqu Sr. 111. and Ahove~Annie Lovott 12, Olixe Train 17. Olga Coward 17, Annie Stewart 12. Florence \Vilht‘rspoou 11. Susie Julian 9. SpPL‘llllt’Il ol Penmanship L'ndur Sr. lll.~Hamll Mallov ll), Lillian L‘owau 11.1{olwlt Button 15.1.nella ltolIt-rt- sou 1.3, Bessie Naltrvss 15. Many .‘Iaru'luul 9. Essay, Sr. 111. and Ahm‘n a Ire-no “Calm-u 5. Marjolio \Vatsou 5, Mary lit-lllntzx'llt‘fld 17. \Villii- (‘haI-lvs 19, Ulivl- TIMI!) 17. Ulgu Coward 17. Boy winning highost number of {Hill'sâ€""Von by Paul \Yiswacsscr, 5.8. NH. U. (liIl winning.r highrst numlwr of ptixwâ€"H'ou liy Suslu Julian, S. S. No. 9. School winning highost nunilwr if pii'l.o<.â€"~ \Vou hy RS. Kg, 1'}, a lit-st 1)l\‘pl.‘l_\'(lf Flou'ms l-y Sulmolâ€" I I to ho grown on whom] gI'oIIIIIlaâ€"WVIIII . lIyHï¬.NI-.17,2udhy 5.8.331. 14’. l ha I II i l' g: Competition ~ )larjmy \\'atsuu 5, Lillit- .loutw‘ 5, ('allio ()‘leh IU, lI-HII- \\'aI~nn 5, Olga Cowatd IT.l Tomatoesâ€"John Seatle IR. Beatrice George Gould 17. Lottie Is pretty rough and as you nay awful. But thank Gdd I am alright so far, although we never know whose turn I it is m-xt. Things Hl't' awful ore-r here. The country is in ruins. \‘l'hore we are is pretty much likv around yom IIPlglllurl'hUlul for faI um eta, hut not a lzuilding is left standing (‘xcopt now and again a low of tho walls are still standing. Towns and \‘illagos are all [ho sauw, all liluwu {u alums. I am not allowed to tell you any casualtivs, or where wu are. or what we are doing as all lettorsare examined 1)l‘flll'l’ living sent UH". \Vo an: only 300 yds. from the DIsz Germans and Often shout ovct 1119 [l'fâ€"‘llCllC‘S to (’Huh olth'. “’9 often make 1116‘!†pretty sure. and wo ï¬nish up by having a short scrap hptwe-en us. They shout over and ask us for smokes. “'9 loll till‘lll to walk over and get them. but of course they don‘t sown) to care about it. \Ve are sniping at each other day and night, and the artillery semi shells orer us. and the-y scream awful as they fly over us. But Ll’lE‘1|()_\‘\‘Set‘lll Very iudii’l’eitnt ahout it. “‘1on don't surm to get, scarod much, in fact you can lwar some of them singing down the lino. othms playing IIIoIIlli-oigan:. It, sveuis wickml Iuyuu nodoul)t to he ptactically laughing at dmth, hut it is no use giving way to dismal feelings. So We just as Well keep chevrt‘ul as other- wisv. At the same time everyone of us will beglad when it is. ()Vt'l'. But 1 they will want gut. \YDIIH \‘I'ry \VI'll for fund, as lllt’)‘ all thc men they can in a mile of the liIing lino. Germans put shells oror into the load to try and catch us. \\'e do our own (:Ioking in the trenches. The. only thin),r that wm rivs us is not llr‘lllg illlll! to take our cloilles Off. Have not taken my pants olf sinL‘t'I have llt’t'll out her». “'0 (491 what sloop We can in thedaytimtu but when we got l‘t" lit-red from the ï¬ring line. we drop hack about 4 or 5 miles and have a rest,aud then We get the chance to have a good wash-down and a change of clothes. with the 3rd Battalion. \Ve were put with them to take the plat-e of others that were I-ithvr killed or Wuuudud. The weather has been pIeLty fair here but \\'I'l):l\t-l)m1 some rain; thou the trruches are in a ï¬ne moss and wv Some days it is lather hot. and makes it had for marching, huL at night it is rallwr cold. There are a few Crops growing here up close to the ï¬ringlim'. in fact the trenches are all dug through some crop or another. but of QOIII SL‘ they are crops that were growing when war broke out, and the grain had been allowed to shell out and grow again as it could not he harvestt-d. It makes good covor hrtwvrn us and the Germans, only thry get out and lay in it and if u‘c happen to get inquisitive and put our heads (ll-'9! the top of trenches, “pop†you guta hullt-t. ’l'ht‘n at night thvy put up sky I‘Uukt‘tl In lighten tht- ground in front: as I think they are afraid \vI- arr always going to attack them in the night. So about. [Wu nights ago [hey set. ï¬le to the tall grass in limit of us. and we had ai dandy lire for about two hours. only they got the Wurst of the dual for the wind Izot up and 1Il('\V it all over. towards them. So they must have been almost smoked out. “'I-ll I gue-ss you aro almost through am afraid it will he some time yet and I bring it up in wagons as door as with- ‘ ThI-u men 1 go tlIt-Io to cairy it. even then llw' You will see that laml ' fill harvest and will soon he starting fall ploughing. \\'o all llopt‘ In [no homoi fm Xmas. Now I think I must hid I I ,you guml-lu'r for tho pl‘k‘s‘l‘lll, trusting? ’you \I'lll think of me in your mayoral and if l don‘t romv Ililt'k all I can any is "'l‘lly will not Iuiuo, 0 Lord." I (ioml-luys». my host )‘thH‘ls to you rllI I rvumiu you-rs \‘I-ry alllilt‘l‘t‘ly. ‘ Sgt. ALBERT l'I. t‘AIII’I-JN'IEN. 3Inl Battalion. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Iua \Vl‘lill’liik 1â€. ‘ Fivo \liIIqu Aildi I-\<»â€"Hol\*u )liti'lwl S.Do1~ulliv \\'at_wu 5.31ary llnllinqs-I‘ IWII 17. '.\I.Iy Immy 1U. Donaldi 'l‘rainor 13. Alv'x. Biwlu-II ll. \Vmid and luqu Naming ('outvstâ€" 1 NEW ADVER'I'ISICAIliNTS l BRING tgl'lt‘li Ill-ISI'L'IYN .Iamos Mai-wood 1'). Annie 'I‘rriym I3. (Hive Tm†11.1mm: Lima 12. .‘Ilaryl Lonyham, Annie Stewart. 4++++++++++++++é++++++++++ , “None better" ESTELLE M. ORTON (l’l’l’ll. or NIIss II. li'l‘lllï¬l. suIErIIEIIu) YUl‘AI. INSTRI'L‘TION Pupil-I pre‘parl'd for examinations Sludiu, Toronto ('ousvrratory of Music Ilir-hmoud Hill on Monday and 'I‘Iivmlay of Each “'eck. MM- SIarlupwflamilton Tho uIarrIage of Susy, daughter of Mr. .I. 'l‘. Htarlup. to Mr. John Hamilâ€" ton. Son of Mr. and \Irs. David Hamil- ton, ‘15 Bowdou Ara, was solomnized at sown o'clock \Vt‘dnesday evening at. the home of the bride‘s father, 90 Ilearlmurne Ave†by the Rev. Mr. Kanuawiu of North Bmadview Pres- hyteriuu Church. The bride who was givon away by her father wore a gown of while silk crepe. Afterthe ceremony luncheon was seru-d. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left on a trip to Montreal and Ottawa, the bride travelllng in a. navy hlue suit and black hat with white ospravs. On their return they will reside at 105 Arundle Ave†Toronto. m Child's knitted Wool suits. close ï¬t- ting swvator, m'erall with feet, and (Irawmrd at waist. toque to match. color brown, pair $2: Boys navy, pull uversweatm-S. cardinal stripe collar. sizes 24 to 32, pr. 50 to (lie. Boys coat sweaters $129 26 to 32 plain stitch. col- ors brown and fawn and garnet with gray. pr.$1,25â€"Atkinson dc Switzer. v n Go to Sanderson’s Drug Store for pure drugs, patent medicines, useful and fancy articles. Telephone Store Richmond Hill fl Public Attention Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. ' Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. uL .5; r r , »â€" ,, L Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. : We have the D.L. & W. Scranton Hard Coal. and Kennel-Coal Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES l. H. llllllEll