transmitted or delivered tn the per- sons mentioned in Sectiun 8 nf tho Vntcrs’ List Act. the Copies l'eqlllrvd by Said Section to he so transmittvd or delivered. nf the lists made pursuant to said Act of all purâ€" suns appearingr hy the: last revist'd assessnu-nt Roll of the said Municipal- ity to be entitled to Vuth in the said Municipality at. the electiuns fur meni- hers of the Legislative Assvmhly and at Municipal Elections. and that said List was ï¬rst, posted up in my ofï¬ce utUninm’ille. un Thursday. the Bid dav of Septmnher. 1915, and xemalns there for inspection. Electors are called upon to to exam; ine the said lists. and if any mnissiuns or other errors are fnund therein. to take immediate proceedings (n have said en‘nrs corrected according to law. Clerk of the said Dated at Uninnville the September, 1915. Clerk’s Notice of 01“ mnissiuns in [In-1 VuLeis’ List of the Municipality of Richmond Hill fat-1914. All persons lnving business at the Court, are I'Pquired to attend at. the said time and place‘. Dated the 4th day of Octolmr, 191-5 York. in the Council Chum- hrr Richnmnd Hill on \Vednesdny. [[1027le day of October, 1915, KL 10 o'clock a.m.. tu hear and determine lhuseveml complaints of errors and nunissiuns in the VuLcns’ List of [he Notice is hurt-by given that :L Court, will he held. pursuant, to the! Vulers' List, Act. by His Honol- the Judge uf the County Court of the County nf SATURDAY. Oct. lï¬â€"Farm stock, im- plements, Sun. on Int, 24, con. 8. Markham. the pmpm‘ty uf Mennn Grove. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 11 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. \VEDXESDAY, OCT. 20-17291!) stock, implements. furniture, &c.. on lot 17. con. 9, Markham, the property of the late John Cowio. Sale HL 1 o’clock. Tex-ms 1'). months. J.ll. 'Prentxce, aucr. SATURDAY. OCT. 23â€"qu-m stock. implements. &c., 10L 14. (full. 8. Markham. the prupm'ly uf \V. A. Farrier. Suh- :1: 1 o’clock. Tmms 12 months. J. H. Prentice, :lucl. M: J. E. Rmvhutham having sold his home and shop to Mrs. Elizuhrth Brnyntnn has removed with his daughter. Miss L. Rmvhutham In Stoui’fvillo. As Mx. Rmvhuthnm has been in business at The Square fur mzuIv years. and has hven one of on r best citizens. he will be greatly missed in church and lndge circle-s. Miss Rowhntham was an active meth- of the 8.8.. League and Church. Sn that her departure will he rvgletted by her fliends. \Ve wish them success in their new abode. :lt Heise‘s Hill Cenu-tery on Sunday morning. A large gathering of relatives and friends nttvnded the service. Mr. UUl)Cl' and four childrvn survive. The family have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. The Thanksgiving services on Sunday were \vell attended. The church was tastefully decn-nted fur the occasion, and Rev. Mr. McKee hud clnuge of the meeting. u â€" a -. . .. .,,___M M†.... "D. . m", Mr. Mark \Vntson. Mr. Jnhn Wat- son Miss \Vutson. Mr. and Mrs. J‘ Nichol of York and Bliss L. \Villiumsnn nf Toronto were tlw guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stoutenhnrgh on Sunday. Mls. Joseph Uulwl' (m the 3rd line nssed away nu Thursday lust. Mrs. Cuber had been ill for some time but had pal_ti:\lly recovered when death , A A. l I, “Lnâ€, Mr. Max-t, Brown of the Stmling Bunk. Mmlktnn Rd.. Miss Nollie Jennings of Toronto. and Mr. and His. Roy Boynton of'l‘nranm-wure home fm- 'l‘hglAnksgjyjng. ‘1 v 1‘, \m.‘ \Vhab might have lwon a more serious accident occurred on Saturday night last when the autos (If Mr. Russ Klnick and Dr. Kelly of Butumvillo came togethm- near 1hr cmnPr. almost in front nf Brown‘s sture. [{linck was on the “Hang side of the load. and apparently became confused by tlu- lights from the store and the lights nf the approaching auto. Tlu- right side at both autos suffered. lmlh axle-s being bent. lamps smashed and ()ler pal-ls injuled. G. A. M. Davisnn of Unionvnlle was called by phmm, and after aSSIstance from those prr-sent succeeded m grilling both autos in their respective hmneS. Fortunately no serious injuries were sustained, hut Dr. Kellv was somewhat shaken up by thje_imp_act._ " r AL,_ Lu... NOTICE RICHMOND HILL. 0512. “ ,,...-..._., ,, :zuno suddenly. Interment tm-k place tHeise‘s Hill Cemetery on Sunday morning. A large gathering of @112 flihemi Jour MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM VOTERS’ LIST, 1915 Clerk of the said Municipality is hexehy Victoria SCI uare Auction Sales otI{evision C. H. STIVER. A. J. HUME given that I ha ve First Posting Municipality 23rd day 0f 15 2 OCT. 14, 191 %+++++++++++++é++++++++++é ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Our book “Common Sense about Interiors†should be read by everyone intending to decorate this season. See us before painï¬néi THE RICHMOND ~HILL HARD‘WARE COMPANY 245 l. The most Sanitary Finish 2. The “Soft as the Rainbow Tints†Finish. 3. The ï¬nish that is durable fadeless, spotlessâ€"yet washable. Correct color combinations for every room may be had at our store. is sold exclusively by us, and samples of work should be seen to be appreciated. 4-. The one that is better than wall paper, kalsomine or water paints. iii): Brunt pmvide le anué 70171 Imus-9t. \Vrile fur it. \V H. Shaw, President. Head Officvs Yuuge :md Gerrard Sls., Toronto Toronto. ( Cnrrespon Business( grngh & R NEW JEWELRY STORE IRST OF ALL I lwg to call your nuvminn that l have inned up u \Vutch. Clm-k and Jewel- ry Store and Will do mv best In Select, gnnds that will give entire satisfaction, and still arrange to kE’Pp within the City prices. A call will convince you. In ad- diLinn I dual] kinds of \Vntch. Clock and JeWehy Repairing on the pn-mises. Also any patrons who have Sewing Muclmws, Phnnngruphs, Music Boxes, etc, can have them put in mder, and satisfactiongum-unwed. A call Snliciled. . . . . . Sivers Block 5. The Most economical ï¬nish 6. This satisfactory ï¬nish called Shaw’s Schsnls NOTARY PUBLI_C CONVEYANCING, ETC A. J. HUME Tailor J. H. GRATZ WATCHHAKER - JEWELER CLEANING mdencc Schm ‘ ()ullego. The Rnilrnnd Sch nch Business =xcel|onL cum nl-ied position NORMAN BATI‘Y PRES-SING REPAIRING muda enccé You Shoulci ionsider Is Startedâ€" Refinishing inclndo Tho Sh :hnol. Theo/em The Central T1 Sch'ml, and Ft Richmond Hill HIS Before Schm Id Fum- )ls. All Ming tn 1%? cum- ntrnl 1“ J. F. ATKINSON RICHNOND HILL AGENT Parties interested will please ( write, or phone No. 260. The illustration above shows the Metal \Venther Strip applied to Win- dows. and the manner in which it works, and its effectiveness in keeping out the cold and dust. The \Veather Strips can be ï¬tted to old or new work. and old shaky and rattling windows can be made wind and dust-pl'cof and absolutely noiseles BEVESEUN The ‘Peace’ Patent The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Com'tto N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. Improved Metal Weather Strip agencies u‘ nvss. for \of Stock at and guur: Class cond selling we money Can selling well money Can l For pal-lieu] 14 IS Outï¬t fr agencies are the best in the nvss, for we sell the highest; of stock at most i‘vnsnnuhh' and guarantee (it-‘IH't‘l‘ik'S in class condition. Nursery sh selling: well this year and umva m Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1915 fl Six - mode brick house. beautifully decnmted, hardwood floors. electric light. sink, lnun< dry tubs. hot water boiler. three piece bull). septic tank. full 3120 cellar. furnace. Lot Uï¬xlï¬ï¬. A bargain. *1 New seven - rnumod brick house with sun room and sum- mer kitchen. full size divided cellzu'. flit-(mom electric light, eta: situutpd on Chum-h Street, Richnmnd Hill. This is u very desirath property, is model-ute- ly priced, and, we will accept a. cash payment of $500. ‘H One whole acre situated on Richmond St. Richmond Hill. Terms: $50.00 cash. lmlzmte uanth. A good investment. A. E. GLASS For Windows and Doors PROPERTIES FOR SALE Commencing (US 9.30 Hum. RICHMOND HILL MORTGAGES BOUGHT Reliable salesman to act :1 agent in York County REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL WANTED NOW BUILDING LOTS SALES MA NAGER PELHA M NURSERY TORON‘ T. F. MCMAHON, CLERK PAY WEEKLY exclusive ten-itorj {ing apecinllies. the host in the sell the highest; this year 7:1 ’6 made in this us write will please Call: 26c. price- ï¬rst gnnd u ict. 0x1 and Om busi- crude ééL BRANLHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO B Q SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERIN HORSES A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C. A. SKEELE F. J. WUUDWARD. Richmond Hill GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Richmmd Em! Annex G. A. M. DAVISON, UNIONVILLE. dealer for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street G. A. MCDONALD 8: SON OR FURTHER 1NFOR‘.\IA’II()J.\I WRITE OR SEE wunnwmmi Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmmt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms The above pricesf.0.h. Ford. Ont, efl’n ctive Aug. 1915. No speedunwter included in this year’s equipment, otherwise cans fully equipped. Cars on display and sale by Ford Touring Car Price $530 Us Serve 17011 ‘Vith Ford Runabï¬ut Price $480 Made in an ada J. T. LOCKEo. & CC., EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLER RICHMOND HILL L. CURTIS L. CURTIS IO Adelaide St. E, Toronzo AGENT FOR Pk: