WM.H.M._ -Mï¬ (Till: ï¬ihcml k . I. chmzoxn HILL. UV'I‘H (lvr. 14.â€?!sz “19¢?de L?» For war new; we inï¬hlt- page‘s. Thin («n-whine. (if {1w Pnhliw Hulmul :rtlmadml Hz†Tvnrlwr-s" liwliln’†hf Nlu-(h Ynl‘k in Tnhmtp nu Friday Mr“. 1 111'. and MW. lï¬lmun \Vidmnun nnr'm. hum Saturday nw-r Thanksgiv- ing Day will) t'rin-mls 'm vanvr. The Mothmlisl. Lylulmlx “um henuli‘ fully dweurutï¬d Tlmukxglvlug Snmluy with flmvm's. vines‘. fluff. wgvmhlvs and grain in {he sheaf. His many {ziomls wgu-t tn lmz-n than Raw. S. A. L'IWI'PnL-v is suffering fmm a aim-err “Uncle nf plmn-wpm-nv mania. MW. David “Wm-mun of Tumuan and Miss Mylllu \‘lslh'tl Ml. llw lmuu‘ «If lwr slsler, Alas. L. B. liaise. Vivimln Squaw, fur u few days lnsL Week. Elder H. R. Helsv of Gunnle nt‘ Mmlml n cmunmniun which» nf tlw Tanker Church cu Fuz‘tiu'ich. Humn County, nvcr 11m, snhhuth. The nnmml lmuqm-t nf the Epwnnh League. will he lwl‘l in the sum“: Roman 01‘ Um Mbthmlisl. Church nu Mnmluy evening tlw 2511) last. Andrew Alenmdm', aged 67 ywu-s, dlmlut the Industrial F‘zum, Sunday Evening. This is (2:0 lirsL death at UN.- Farm sincv its establishment unn- Richmond Hill. Mrs. I'Vm. Tim-nth. Mr. T. H. Twist-l! and Misses Annie and Mary Trth spent over Sunday and Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. XV. D. Aikinsm: in Cullingmmd. A meeting of the Riclnunud llill Curling Club will bx» held in Um Uuuw cil chmnlwx- nn Saturday evening, Oct. mm. M. 8 u‘clnck shat-p. Electinu (of nï¬ium‘s an!) ulhm‘ hnpm-um; hummus»: Every member is x-vqncsh'd (U be [‘1‘.‘3t‘1)l. Mrs. \Vm. A. (Junk of \Vundstnvk announced the running: nf hm“ danglu tar. Edythe Mam, tn Mr. Alexumlm' \Vilsuu Mussiu «m “'udm'sday, the sixzhuf Octulwr, The bride was Um . yunngesh daughter of the late Arthur Cook. Mr. David Pntfmx of thlmmnd Hill has; jusL pm‘cbnsml .1 ï¬ne mum of San- imvy smhle equipment. {nuludh g steel stalk. manure L‘Hrl'lt‘l‘ and Wax“ howls. He will have a ï¬lm np-twdme inn-n, and mm’ which will he :1 audit to the uuighhmvimml. Buys fvli. bat-3 ï¬ne quality and ï¬nish navy and ln-nwn pr. 60 m 83c.«~L;xdi¢-s hack rulfs. \vlutv and Mark pr. :35 his. and white with Mac); mlgv mgwwmw lawn eullnv and cuï¬â€™ 5M2. lwmsï¬mhrd . Pam‘s at £50.: Seq-wth muslin (:nllsu-s with hlnuk and \vhiu- Slllpc [rimming 30c~Alk3nssm 3t Switzer. .Ww. Ea’ét End Mr. Chas. Hmdv. {mun-er agent at Sndlmry fur (he has! six ymm, has lwtm unpainted at. Rluhmuml Hill. 0.N.O., and will (:tke- uhmgx- the ï¬rst (xi Nm‘vmlwr. Mr. Hardy and family will ncvupy Mr. (.‘mwlmrst‘s new {nick hmxsve. uppusitv Rnsuview Anmnw. A spmï¬ul pm'liaumnmry train cun- Sihliuiz nf right. (tum:le pnssml lhrnngh ) Rivlmmud Hill at. 12.15;l.m.. Out. 13. Puswngr‘rs nn lmuul iunlmlml many Members of Parliament and tlwir rips- Ilmuinn was Lhu Puuiï¬u (Joust un-r ( h» Canadian Nm‘tlwx'n‘s m-w line {rum Smilnn‘y. 'I‘lw train Wm: mm nf [lu- ï¬stt. Mwipyvd that ever run frmn mastmn Uinmdu. Annilwrspmial u-nm lvft lewc Uin \in Mnnh-eml, lmth [wins [.17 lm cumulidnled um! mm “a; raw thvuuuh train from (‘mprvnl {u (be Paciï¬c. Great care fur tlw In-nh‘clinn v hf {his (win was taken. and vmylnjws WPI‘F requested m 1-0â€):le nn (in! V un- til art“ it had (mssed (he static-n. , Snpm‘iuu-ndpm. Kvily mnmmpanlml l the passengers as fur n5 l’urL Arthur. 3 chm Death of Thcmas Lloyd ' Mr. Thmnns Lloyd. fur mnnv youw I mw of 1m» pxugrpssiw- fnrmrz‘s I)!" “’hitclun'uh (uwuslmn (_“(‘(l :u Max hnnwin Aurm-u nu Mnmlrw. Ml ll)!“ :ulvam‘vd:Igt-nfï¬l? ymlx‘. Mx'. Lluyd wax u {flu-ml iu pnlizivs and ms. M.- n lmuqnm u-mlm-rd in (he. lntz: “Elli-m: Lynn Mnrkvnziu in Anmm Mn bix‘ vlvctiun fm- Ymk. in Augmt nf thia year 1w -‘;Il m an inh-n-sling grnup phntn with 541's. Julm King. H1» “My; surviving (hummer pf My, Mmrkvuziw. at .1 pntx'inti‘: pivniu lull-1 M Kntllrehy. Dvcï¬asml was lmltm' kmm'n in this \‘illugvusn (liwclm- uf lung stzuuling in th Rivhmnml Hlll Agrivnllmwl Such-1y. lli< funeral {mm ilw l’l’wl- deuce yum-(vulay Mlvrnnmx {u ll)» Alli-(7m cymemry “75 la: gnly nth-lulu!» Silas James (lead 311‘. Sikh: Jammy (mt [Ema Superin. temlvm nf Ym'k 121ml: wlwn lln- inll~ gate system “an; in vogue. 40 Venus agu‘ dind in his 82ml yr-nr. Mr. Jame» WM \Vidvly knnwu as :\ pint-91W land sun‘eym' and Was (me {if lhv uldvst meth-s nf mu Oahu-la Ax‘sutriuthlfl. also Um Yuri; i’imwer :mc‘. Histnricnl 30338133 HM. Was .1 nulivc- ul‘ NM“ tnnhruuk. ’l'lw Ymk Culuniznlinn Co. claimed him as Presid-rm. l l l lam . I Hus 3» \HH‘ «'5 NW 53mm Ill" 13:“ ymrlhn! .U‘m “M \N‘V’V‘d- , f l Th: Captain Honored .‘ Mr. H. K. Hivkuum, ('umuin vi 1110‘ . lllrlnnuml Hm llitlv- Aï¬ww'lilfll’u. \ans hutéï¬ml l-nl \\'¢l l; 1w; lwllvr llml hr hull lawn ('lrf'H‘Kl nu llmluxmv 1m mhm‘ hf tlu' Nugmwnl‘s Mi 5s (:l llzt' QM! link: Um: Hellrs. Thlnhll'. ,__..4., ........ A 9. Kindly Oblige war H'H‘L’ 'l'l)!‘ }.l)»‘!’):l) will My)» l“ semi um :uwmmis fur >nlm-1‘ipli'vlw. vi“. \Vill lluw- in nun-xxx kindly HIV .'l( (III-H ('zlllimt (’HEH‘I'hll’lill‘ :n puhlhlu-H um pmziculmly in m-wi (vl . mmwy. A5 :1 )nlv mar :u-uumm :n-vi snml}. lml \Yv lmw‘ nmny 1-5' llwm m: uur bunks all.» {he- yn vsrul \imu. W--Q'~ MW Caps ‘ 'l'ln‘ Int-numb: uf [1w llnllw (lunnl‘: n-ceEH-d Nae-Er :ww raps lee-{aw Alllll( m'm-licv FULan "\‘l'hlll;.{. Tl»: non" lwrulgyni is m-Halnly vm‘,‘ ln‘~z~rdz>i:>;:. } in sum-kl cum tumult-ruling in nix-5 pnnmncn buys in y: 1mg; mun. If Hull mmulmls hull (he-Er full unil'nrm ï¬bril" wivvsnml S\\'(‘l.‘l|H'Hl'lH‘ wunld ulmngt, z‘c-quim :m inuuduulitm (u lbwâ€. é w-N‘-0~\â€"â€"-â€"-â€" Secnnd Growth NU (lt'llllt 2)):‘ \\‘Pl Svath lllt‘ Musenhmu‘h (If thv M'Crvfkl glmnh this autumn. A l't-w (lays ugh Hu- u'rilm- was almn’rl yum: way mmn’. npplv Mussme {tum 3h: Julm flislnp's ’ mullszHL :wd 'l‘ur-sclm‘ (’\‘I‘Hlllg M'x'e-rnl l (I‘J'flh'fs “um (li<<'az.~s,-Hl lry mnny “1' thus;- pz'vsl'm. Thv teachers “(we lll‘fllu'hnsnf )ipe “’11. and Mark rasp- nlmut rquully Lllvidvd as in lln- :nlviwâ€"g Opening Lelters An xml'nuunntv family affair \mc up lwfnw Magistran Bumhm in llw Cum-L Runm hun- nn Saturday. T110 clung? was; \hv mking fu-m \he l’usL 0131306 and “pm;ng and Wading: :I “'Hl’l' (hut. hull (wen 50M lw u sisu-r-iwlmv. The Magistrate [minle nut the 5mm imxsnvss nf (ln- ull‘mws‘. saying it. was in his pnu m- {u make llu- px-uulty inn pxlsmmwnt. After warning the: [MN lies CUlICk‘I'hml Hwy were :lllnwml lu g.) nn snsgwualad sentence, puying (he cnsw ut‘ the tum-r. aw ~ New Views An oxxwllwlt oullurï¬nn «f luau} views “my th be We" M. The Liiwrul Oï¬icv. 'l‘hnse rervutly :uldvd (u Llw {tn-111w llst im-lndv n nvw vimv Hf llw Puhlir: Salami. the Mulmpvlitan \Vuitissg Rman Alllnld Sum-t lunking Dust, A iron» m-nr lhv Munch: u sin-M. seem- shms‘ins: Unto-l Rh'hmnml and Mn- Lrll'ne Blvd; on Llw \hw‘t sidv. and Sims‘gwcm'yuml mlwr lmntlings un mest 5M» hf Ynngv Slrwt: and srwml xix-ws fill'llll‘l' nnrth. This 5111*?! car is tum-h in m-idwum in sev- vml nf ll)» \‘lt‘xs, T379 lucul vimw wll at 25 m ms. MUM Teachers†Convention The Nnmh Ym-k wachprs' Inx'limle mel, in the Cmmty Ununml (‘lnunlu-w, 'l‘ummtu, nn Thursday :mtl lv‘udzw, 01-1. 7 and 8. le mt't’ling: “(WP presided liver by (he. [tvsidz-nt. Miss Twin-h. Thu subject nf AM in llw puma Sllmul» Was mkvu cm in (Wu :uhlrvssl‘s by er‘m‘ Mrth (:f I’vlvr» lmrngh anzml Sclxnul. Miss .lulwmh ul’ 'l‘urnulu spnko MI Ilw (‘qnipmrm n'qnézvd by lhv primary hmcllz'!’ Ln 110 (he \‘JUSL vawxfnl \uxrk Sn lhuL llr‘f'lélllnwul hf llm wr‘lmnl, le Bill. innmlnmd hm: ll)“ Lugislmizm at {law Lat avmiuu. xv tlw Suppl/mums«(inn nf lwrrivs wmw hrmzlml in l'rmn Mr. Amm \Vx'tglu’s uuulrn. This is mu cnmmuu ill. this twin-1m uf llw yvnr. vAo.oâ€"â€"â€"~»~-~ Milly Hf Hm su'lwlllw. Mr. IVA. CHI'llt-H hf Nuwmxrlwl wn< vlvvtwl prr‘sillrnl {"ux‘ HIV (awning: yum; and Mr. J. (3. McDonald ul’ Aux-um as liven-tut}: NW4.» . MED AXDEIWOXMAL l’sliamvillv. m3 llw 81h (If {)(flï¬llk‘l‘. Kills. 3.1ka Amlmmm. hgvd 74 Yf'JlS. hum-man in Anglican szwlmy, Outuhex' Ill. Bo“ nmx-w Al Shawn-r. leulwr 4, INS, Rnllfi't. H. R'm’mnn, “gm? 33 Manx lnu-I'mvul M Thnrulxiil. (lclulmr T. LLVIYDMAl Amum, Mumlug‘. Dclnhm' ll, ML}, Thumas Lluyd. in his h‘ihlx year. lem'nl from lll: l5(1(‘_l'l‘>ll}¢'n(3" tn Anrum Cmm'lvxy, \Vs'xlnesduy, Oct. 131)). uuxzlnnumummmzmmmmmmml: MADE EN CANADA ii ï¬looflndOver l :zzmmuummmnmnncummmnmmmA W WILLIAMS. GREENE a ROME co. 5 . arm». ONTAMO “w†mummmmumnmmummmumwuuuumuu xllagc Louncil The ('mlnvil 11le (Id. U. all puma-13L, in llâ€- llvmr. (‘wumï¬iliux’ Fumlvnwn iunk 12.n- clmil. Alix-1- (‘nniinnlng llw miram-a a mum lwr Hl' :xm'luhlp n‘mu UHlIle Lu fw- puitl. A [H'lllh‘lv signul l:\' E. {s‘inx'vr :xml ;\ snl'xlcinm “main-1 t‘l’ nllwn \\':z~ gun-A :(‘UU’Klnth-UK {m :1 m-mvnl alllt‘quk mi llxv luv-2L \l’lt' Ml 31mg“ )4!†fun): ('vnzrcï¬z. In Hull'rliu 3: . Thu poli- The \" (‘mnmilh-xs ulmp’nw- :2. ll tr A claim furtlAm-lgus m Jump fwu: (lv‘uï¬ xxx-m pit-he'lllml lay Mr, 1‘. [ï¬llian \vhivll Uw Tnumun‘x' \\‘;\.~‘ imixm-hwl in :uljm-I. 2 A (*(«mumnit-nlinn “4:; wml frnm Liml'.pulwm'nm‘ Hl‘)n1)‘ll‘!l‘ Hm} PM)“ rennin-menu. nu Whiuh :wtiuu “‘35 dc» " fn H'tl. A (lupumflmt {mm llw Villmgv linul “um pn'wul. Lu ask lhu Cnum‘ll luv u wrmll 54mm. Un mulinn (lw iilm‘hfv 1.521511 (‘vnr mlssimz Was mnpuwm‘ml [n muku (-z-r» min exu-nsil-ns :nul nnprmwm-nts tn. Llw “gluing sysh'm. Tm,» Uvuuvil mljum Red. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITOR?) AND OTHERS In the muer nf 1hr: 175mm nf Alvxmulnr Gf‘Hlun, lnH- uf ilif' vanv ship nf Vaughan, (lvcvusml. Nuticois ln‘whv gin-n gun-mum (n tho Rtututr in Um: lll‘llulf HM? :Ill rrmlginm and ler pmqms‘ luu ing ulninw again“ llw Pstnn‘ Hf ll)» :llmvv name!) Alvmmlm- Guulnn. “(w dim? "11 I‘m "(mm lhl‘ fnm'lw ml) (luv (If Ht-plvmlwr. 2935. an» rquziwd m .seml hv pemi prnpuid m- dolivrr kn Hm my vlmrsignrd oxvmrzm' H? the Mva ml} am} {Mlzmwnt nf tlw mull dc-rmmvd (m nr lH-fnrl- the 9H; (luv Hf vamlwr. 29315. Ilwir Humps 1nd full purlivnlnrs Hf (22e- rlnims. duly unified, and llw n-mm‘ uf 1hr M‘NH‘SUDR. if :mv. lif'lil hy llwm. and uer I lw Raid 9t l1 duny Nnvomhor. 19K). ll)? Said (‘xvcmm‘ will {Hucm-«l 11’ diatrihnlc (he 3&5le nf {hr said Almwns- m , among Ilw [whzuna mmle lhmr- ln. havin rr-gnml nuly tn Ht"- rluilm m- {Mm-0M. nf which lw shall ihm) lmwz mum). and (he said ('xvcutur will HM lw linhlvfm’ such assets ï¬x any run-l (hm-vnfhx :my pm'mm m- pmsmm nf whnsmvluim ux- inlvwst he shall m»: have had ymficv. ,lhtml :it-Thcwnhill thii 12“: Guy (It Ovtuhm‘. A.l).,l9l5. J. ED\VAHD FRANUIS. Exzzr‘x'rmn. ’I'hm-nhill 0m, 162 Al L"R\‘_0*A’D and Tt-ls'm-npln‘ Cnm'sns nf (he tnnst cmnplvte and mmlâ€" , pm kind taught. llg’lll Ht. yum‘ mm home by 5‘3}va 'l‘vlvgmph and Railmml S('l‘.uul, len unl St. Eusx. 'l‘nnmln. “’1'in im- (mrlicnlntx-s‘ and sample lkessuus. W‘. H. Shaw. i’ws. WWW WWW Fall Selma IN EFFECT SEP'I‘EMBER B Luau: Riuhmmui Hill, 10.“? mm" 7.30941!“ dailv vxce’pz Sunday. fur Turnqu and inlmuwtliule pints. . “W MAJâ€"me. M Lune llh-lmmml Hill 10.3% sum. daily con-(1)1 Sunday. fur Emu (Ix-luv, ’uny Smuul. Stullmzy and iulutmulinle paints. LNH'P Rivlmnuml Hill (318 p. m.‘ d lily PXCPp‘l Sunday, fur Brav- u-hm, Urilllzl and inh-smvdinxu l puims. For further iufmmutiun :smlly‘ (n Y. '8. ’i‘ltAt‘Y Stutiun Agvnt mm ’ z , g . . 11.1“ng purclmswl r'r-o Harm“. am! Snrfxllux'ï¬' lilsi2w<s ll‘l.fI,‘Il'.l)' ricll (m luy Mr. Trench. l “ill ui'm' run tlw Harness businvss in Mm Mmth slum, mm dmr norm of Blr.‘ Fill" ' Slms‘ grocery. and .‘wllclt the patron, “5:0 0f “10 [KONG (If Riglmmud Hill and vicinity. A fulllinevol' Harness, lmml and machine sewn. always in stuck, zzlm .' Illuukets, Whips, Robes. Hugs and everything in the Harness and 8;: (11ch line. In Repalt'ing finished with prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. W. R. Robinson llcl'c- . v Red Cross News At, (lw rc'-;:11l;u nwvling nf Xlw Rle L um Anxilémy (4 \I-(v nl' (hunks was: “\le In all n'lzu cuuuilmh‘d {n [(w mnle ml" lln- )lrulznm} Jarch inimm-m. (lull entwâ€" ‘l'lw Hu‘loly illipl't‘riuuw’ (lu- 1| grmxt deal nY \imv ngw by MW ngcl‘a-Hum‘s, :md nllu-z’ l'liwmls \vhu ussislul in \\‘ l_\'-. lm'l wn.» many mrlmw (hlestmlv In llw 1mm}, and L" {lw Rudier Hallway {my 3 sprvinl (rule-r Le Mun :ul Hm Hull. nuns :llsu included is) 3M4 l‘X}U(‘R~lwll u! thunk»: .\ rhuwvr xvl' 1311mm} {10131. jrtmn: :tml ’ "1 5" D‘m' .jt-llH-X. “ill lw lll'lkl at (by lmnw wl‘ Mrs. l’ngduv. HI'KL Monday nflm‘nmm. = 04-2. hill. Eva y \x‘cvmnn is phluwl ln (*unlzilnzlu what «lw kt \ . [hrs-v {lung-6 lur (lu- \“lbllvl :4. Vi!“ l l i l l l l Presbyterian Church Sam‘me mm hing. ()vt. 17m: “133‘. \Y. E. “:(sRqu. )1.:\. 8.2L Ruxn'lmy hf 1h Bilnln Sucivlg‘ Hill pwmill. giving; pluuu'cs‘que glimpses of Hit mu l; (lu- Bi 'lL‘ Swmxy is muryiug ('tl. 1:) NW (Vt-:1ng 11w lnil‘llrzlt‘r will pnwusll {Akin}: as :4â€:ij "The Ch‘il \\ :Ir nf‘ Hu- “curl.†Tl!" Ya (m1! l’vnplvk‘ HM‘EDX)’ {Hi5 «my-ll m); will; u gum) <w$1«g.-xmh\Ԥl hull Us fix «t (Ugul u~ uuwf 1311.; '(‘iunsdn ‘ Ml“. le‘wall \\'.l~ {JUMP {Nt'x‘ldl'llL .‘Ifï¬x‘ Pvntlflh‘l vicwgzrvsa (lv’m. 11v. Al-‘x. .‘Ivlmul, ï¬rm-Mary. The.) “Jazzka Missimmry 30030“ “‘4‘ :unmm-d (n lnwlll llw Ammal llmnlolllfmiug nswling \Vuduesdny, Hm. 2am. u-l1.«n Mrs, Dr. MM‘luw “‘m) A sprawl rimming 15ft)â€. KM} pm“ “:96 lwvn (up w mzmy yum»; in China, A'mhmy “in h.» mm nle Mumlgu‘l m†WWW- :lhl‘llHNIll, “M. lth. :11 4 'l'dmk in {glyph-Iv plum: I‘m- {3w llnllmvv‘uu burr. 'l'lw wunwu :Unl girls mu mng lo :ulrml lllls mm-(iezg,:md tn hrlmz in all finished \"Hl k. us :lllu'lll‘l‘ shipment will lu' mmlv x‘w'y mum. A 12.1anan ("air will (He [H‘lll (an ï¬nlmxluy mn-nlhgz. Ur). all mu) :1 you; interesting tiuw is vxpwrlvd. Calumet}- (le‘lélilï¬ uf lhl~* fair will he published 2mm. wvvk. Kwp Ilw owning {we and Von will not 1w dimppmmctl. “AAA... .. .,. Fall Fairs Ruth Markham :Hul “Mmllwidge had uwnn‘l (‘Hnuk vn llw flUsiug days Of (lwir fncm {his 3mm Markham is said m hun- hzul Lam pm‘plm and the? same numlwr Ea H'pul’tri} fur \‘u’umlbridge. 'l‘lw pmgmnnm' “L wurh place was; wry thcï¬meL in llw Uniting ring much fmâ€"m- Um».- was mad»: by the nurses at Mnrkhmn. v ‘1. ,, , . WWWâ€"“M†3’ These cool autumn days sl thmk of the days to follow, HOW ABOU T YOU R lCUld make you and prepare for them. UNDERWEAR ? This applies to allm'flen, Women, Young People and Childrenmwe will try to supply all th need. at you \Vmucn‘s whicv :md natural \w-sts ru‘d druwvrs lu nnltls, per gunm-nn 25c. l I \me-n‘s cx-mm Culbr W5: and druwem, full weight. pPl‘ gm "mm. 339. Men's unsbymknhlo. elastic knit. shilis and (ha-meta. {mm 75c. in $1.00 9:11:21. mm ’«WWWW “Emu-H’s tummy wmxl tssmlslnniizm‘a lung slam-res. (In: W915 ankle length, $.30 in $1.60 a suit, w Empire (will, ligln gmuml, with Muck Gui or small red ï¬gure per yard 13c. WW Hmwy, ilz'ipe ilnmrlctle, 36 iuclws wide, pm' yznd 15:). Bleached (ilhlL‘ linvu. ï¬ne weave. small dnï¬ Â«leaign and Hum! lxux'der, px-r yard $1.00. Gwy Crxltlm. 36 inclws widv. even llxrrsul‘ pw‘ yard lilo, Lmlirs' llllu‘k uzmlmwx-e lmse. per pair 2-30. Allinssn. 8:. SWllZï¬l’ STORE (31.08 KB Ill 0 N D A Y A ’1‘ WWW A N I) I SlX O'CU'MFK UN \Y E I) N E B D A Y "V1"? r Irv." ‘ ï¬, l. 3;? II.“ V“. .flï¬l‘llitiifl fl 3 v M are: ‘ ,1 . 1' .l. a" reï¬rrw \, i 5 be 3 m puce tram $1410 to 352.00. A y" MEN‘S SiiiRTSwWe have the Hagan Shirts, knnwn {he ‘1‘ cuuncry over fur Lllcil' tit, scle and quality. :33 $51.00 w $2.520. a r 5;; ALSOâ€"wax gmnl choice (If Tics, Cullm‘s, Sux, Suspenders, etc; k . "1"? mm ‘ LEW flab: prflgjm‘mrfplï¬prfï¬rmmrjmmï¬mmï¬ (“ï¬g is‘v'ws; PM RlCHMBNB lllLL FURlllS. STG‘BB MEN’S llA'i‘Swâ€"llct us show you what we have in Sufi and am hats for l’nll, all the best. alludes and latest shapes, NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR m E???" " "‘hlzz x m, .. . '71" y’wâ€˜ï¬ ,f‘r\f‘*£“5(‘~‘l‘(§_ lâ€. » D h.. - y “‘18 . â€˜ï¬ i HN Tl W“ G cm. y-..r...‘ ., . w. “.5. mm Tummxhd Quit W? 3L}:. l halt lu price from 3r 'Nw 7‘ awwm 3’. w;!ka ' 3 W m