Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1915, p. 8

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and desertinn. Dated at, TV- tnrin. thls thin D.. 1915. of \Vvston. in the County nf York. in tho Prm‘incenf Ontario. Real Estate Bruker. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next. session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Eda Luella Roxenia \Vardlaw. now resid- ing in the City of Dzatmit. in the State of Mivhigan. one of the United States of America, on 1119 grounds of adultery NOTICE is lwreby given that, Henry John Thomas \VuI-dlnw. of the Town ASIC SLAG.â€"The undprsigned having received :L C:ll'l()1ld of that muted Nova Scotin fertilizer. Basic Slug. will have .1 quantity to dispose of at $20:L tun. Fur particu- hrs phone Richmnnd Hill. D. \V. Cluhiuo, Elgiu Mills. 3 1f King ARM T0 RICHIEâ€"A Farm of 130 acres (in Yungo Street is Ln rent for n tum uf years. Brick hunsP, gnnd farm buildings. m-uhuid. &c. Apply. James Stewart. Phone Kinn- 9-») 1 4 ‘2 1FOR SA LEâ€"~Ten \Vhilv \Vyzmdntte _ ans. 15 munllrs (vhl. in pink uf (‘nndil‘iom including: '5 head hatched fit-m lmught. Regal eggs. the remnin~ dvl- half Beulah SU'HlH. six-v’s side. $10 takes the- hunch. m- $1.50 per hvml for Marlin l)il'll.\ Hilly. Also 3 head of Philn strain \Vhile ()rpingtlms. 17 mnnlhsuhl. Gnud layers. 5151.500210]). Gen. P. ananquet. Maple. Out. 15 3 UUS'E‘ TO RIch nn Riclhnhhll Street. Apply to Amos \VI ight. H Lt. \Vf A2311}? Jnhn Hic‘ksun, COM-lie 8!. 1' Richmond Hill. onto Richmond Hill \Y‘"? 0R SALE â€"-- A few bags of semi potatoes. Price reasonable if they are take-n at (mop. A. E. Jones, Maple P. 0. Phone anlv Exchange 1260. 16 2 ?OR SALEâ€"Two stnves, one :1 med. 1 ium sized heater fm- coal or wood. almost, new; the othr :1 self feeder Parlor (Junk. \Vm Bx'uckin. Elgin Mills. 16 2 F vnxiuus kind} of 32. Concession 2. Phone Richmond Hill. Mls. Jm spending l M rs. J. T. S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ARGAINâ€" “Artist Mndel" Banjo. with case. guml us new. (lust $16.95. will sell for $5 much if taken at, UlH‘t’. Apply at The Lilwml Office. 16 2 preached in large (‘ungi-ogulmns. '1he church was suitably (lr-(‘uruled with f: Hit. and flmvw s‘. Mr. (Jr-u“ Keys and family of GUI'IHlPY lmvv mun-(l into the \‘illzlgtI and will occupy Mr. C. Camper‘s new 1101159. M of pnlpits with Rev. J. 11. Oku uf 'Ihnrnhill nu Sunduv. ThanksgiVing services were held in St. SLpplwn’s church lnsLSnmlny. when Ai-chdenrmn \Vurren of Toronto preached to large mingrogalinns. The church was suitably (ls-Curated with f: nit. um] fluww s. l)iv01'00 Notice will I)” In Qllilv nttr-mlml Thanks; "‘ 0 PTA G E _, & Sons, mum and I and t t'rmu .u-tist :iml ulhvr :lCl't‘ssul'll-‘s will he sorvwl l'rmn 5 In '3 u'cl-wk. Bl'Sldl'S th artists l‘t-‘fl‘l'l‘t'tl u- on the posters the Innsiml part (If [hr- l‘nlt'l'lilllllllt‘lll W!“ I)» slrvngthvnvd by Miss Bryson. Ad- mis'einn [n suppm' nml vim-rminnwnt 250.. children 15c. Half the pmcmls will I)” hevoLed Ln RHl (iI'USS work. Quilv a number fun!) the village nth-mlpd lhu fair at, \Vumlhridge on Thanksgiving Day. Rev. H.S. lmvming liml an exchange of nnlpits with Rev. J. 11. film nf ()cLuln-l prmu-h at I will :xl-iu hr- the :Il'u-rnn RICHMOND HILL M 14 OR RENT.â€"A Annivvl OR SALE~OI19 sow pig. Apply Jas. Carnegie. Riuhnmnd Hill. 16 OR SALEâ€"S IGS FOR SALFâ€"Jl‘en young pigs. Int 41. Yonge St. James McLean, Richmond Hill. 16 2 OUSE TO RENT on Richmnnd St. Second house nfl" Yvnge. Apply Gen. Smith. 16 If mnnd St. Ofi‘ice. ONEY T0 LOAN at cmwnt IIHIIH ANT” D REVT.â€"Cmufm*tnl)le c suilulule fur man and wife ply, Rm: R. Hel-hisnn. 43 Imp \l H laws. Trude; l’hune {TIMIâ€"A hwy tn learn 11w hueunking nude. Apply, 7. A. anklin. bhnenmkm: ry 'l‘mnnln Confluence, :llvlann. and 7 p.111, Tl ulwnSumlny Hrlmul I'ullV -I'nnun. On [llf‘ fullmving (l y. :1suppm'fullnwvd hy an nwnL will lw held under snf llw Ludies' Aid. A P m Suppm: with pumpkin ivr ncuossm-ius will he so!" H'(I w. I’m-r of Klvlnhurg IS the week with hex- sister, Snigoon. nry sr-x-vicvs of Maple )[8” h will he held on Snndn; Rov. A. M. SLJUhnrliA to rent. Apply L. Innes Richmond Hill. 10 If Panto, Prqvince of On- d day of September A. citm's for the Applicant. rial Life Bldg, Toronto. GRA Y & wages M H. Nunghtnn. Bunk Building. 3470‘. Apply EZihrrul’ ples. Maple gill 0x11. OCT. 14.1915 cottage Greenings. and full :lpplvs, Int Riclnuund Hill. at, fur a mnnlh. Apply p) 911-5. Kleinlmrg is GRA Y. {e on Rich- Tbu Liberal (11mg? 16 12 143 621 Tlu ,_.> 75' g! ist. ‘nr- In My. I’ll- the ark pie ill A. Slit-17.91-hasreâ€"openodllwblack- smith shupal, Elgin Mills. as gm]- eml blacksmilh and wm-d Wurker. He- thanks his onstmnm-s for past patronage. and huva they will re- main with him in [he futnuv. guaranteeing satisfaction as in the past. Shoes removvd . . . . . . . Newshoes. Nos. 1 L0 4,. Large: shovs‘.......... NORMAN BATTY Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at; reasonable prices. is the first essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the cauntry home 01' on a farm. I am prepared to supply the ab0ve system in either hand, electric motor 01' gasoline. All kind of plumbing done. All work guaranteed. JONH HICKSON Richmond Hi" = Ont. New house and gnod large lot on the Munkmnn Sub-division at :l price the interest on which Would be less than four dollars monthly. \Vhy puv rent ? ASulid brick home on Church St” nearly finished, Up to-dute in every pulliculzu'. \Vill lw Sulll chumpnsi: stunds. or will finish and sell :1Lu bargain. I.qu 5(1x21l). Ono hundwd acres on 2nd (Fun. of Vaughan. brick house, gum] outbuildings, firs Iss snil, nnv mile, fmm corporation of Richâ€" muml Hill. One hundred acres in Markham, well drained, new buildings. Cool '0 the people of II. A. R'ic IFOR SALIAIC The Pressure Water System Both fan-ms at A. SHERZER T FURNACESâ€""Any Kind Manufzwlured" installed and sutiS< faction guaranteed. r . ~ . ‘ . E.“ etmnghmg promptly done. 1 A New Perfection 011 Heater is just the thing fm these cold mot-rungs and evenings. Easily carried from one room to another. Prices from $3.50 to $4.50 each. ‘J szdom Rang Ranges. Don’t, begin to shin-w- when you think about it, but come and buy C. R. James Wallnut Grove Stock Farm L a n g s t a f f PRESENT OFFERING HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafi by appointment. Heating Stoves fur ( Weather probabilities for the next few months NOTHCE and sm-mumlingg 3 and good large lot on an Sub-division at :L nest on which Would four dollms monthly. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. +++++++++++++++++++++++é + i‘ +++++++H++++++++++++++++~E something to help you keep warm Richmond IO 1nd holls tin Happy Thought Bungee, Impuiul Oxford Cold Golder 15 cents 30 cents cents Phone Thornhill Gal I] m- wood from $8.00 to $20.00 Hill ll TickuLs and all information at â€"-RIGHMOND HILL STATIONâ€" T0 flunters Langstaff P.0. y Hunters Spocinl train leâ€"‘nvvs Rlchmnnd Hill lZn‘cluck midnight m) Oct. 30, c msisting of standard sleepers, etc. Trnin lenvns at 10.34 :1. m. point nnrlh «If train Iluntexs. Summvr tourist fur hunters. Fn (ll-stim-Livns : 1 French and Even Sudbnry $11.70. Iron Via C. N. 0. \Vork of “ daily excoptSunduy m., stopping at any uf Pun-y Svund to de- Fare to PUI’IIHZk French Riv 70. all kinds Phone 18 ll‘CS fullum'inu $10.30 'l'l' $9. ‘ We Will give you a fine suit. Sole Agent for Hobbean Tailoring Come to-day and see what ex- pert clothing men consider the finest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDEN CE. RICHMON D HILL W. H. BASSETT LAVVRENCE Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in every De- tail in ‘High-Class Manner. "2‘ Mflw _« 7‘. “It ._ I ,N w k _“k 77, WE ARE FIRE, LIFE, ACC AUTOMOBILE INS panics. All have gooc rates, and we assure “1 tended to if left in the Peg L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HELL BRANCH THE STANDARD BANK 1E Qt) Emit Baskets FOR SALE $22.50 Lots of 25 to 1000 or more at reasonable prises Furniture and Wall Papers NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a uumber on hand at; all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and 332.00 per month secures Oneâ€"and you can have it to day, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest of Com- panies. All have good financial standing. Consult us for rates, and we assure “YOU” your business will be well at- tended to if left in the hand of . . . . D, a a Z] Manager. Branches 3.150 at Maple. Markham. Slouffville, Uniunvine and Locust Hi". P. G. Savage & Son RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8002 YOA GB STREET Lots on Baker Ave. at reasonable prices TEXâ€"Bfiévf’éaxflfing P. G. SAVAGE & $0N Established aver ForfyoneYe Paved street for Automobiles NOE GREENHOUSE S Richmond Hill IJoint Accounts are 8 Con- vemence. Keep 3 Savings Account, and et Your Money A c c u - mulate. 176 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT with cover if required ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 OF CANADA v AGENTS FOR sired. giving residencennd name in full satisfaction. ing three dum's north of the Post Ofli VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\V'AYS ON HAND. has removed his Laundry to the build â€"â€"._A.GENCY~â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. REAL ESTATE Send list, of m-ticlvs with each pzn-ccl Goods called for and delivered, if de- He solicits patronage and gum antee Advertise in The Liberal C. I. HINAS RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL MANAGER

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