In Marble or Granite. Good work nnsonube charges. Town or Country Write, onto 17 13 ASIU SLAG.â€"The undersigned having rvcvived :L carload of that nnted Nnvn Scotin fertilizer. Basic Slug, will have :1 quantity to dispose of at, $20 .1. ton. For particu- lars phone Richmond Hill. D. \V. Cluhine, Elgin Mills. _3 tf NOTICE is herphy given that I, Mulwl Mills. of the City of Toronto. in the ()uunty of York, in the province 0! Ontznin. nmrriud Woman. will apply [0 the Parliament of Canada at, the nvxt session thereof. for .1 bill of diVnrm' from mv huslmml, \VllSlHl Brmnd Mills. of the said City ('f Tumntu. Grncer‘s Salesman. on thu gruunds nl' impnluncy. mm-unnsummution of the marriage and desex'tinn. Dutedut 'l'm‘untu [his 1911) day (If October. 1915. NOTICE is here-by givnn that Henry John Thomas \Vurdluw. of the Town of \Veston, in tlw County nf Yul-k. in the Province of Ontario. le Estate Bmker. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session therenf, fora Bill of Divorce from his wife, Eda Luella. Roxenia. \Vnrdluw, now resid- ing in the City of Detroit‘ in the State of Michig‘znn. one of the United States of America. on the grounds nfudultery and desertion. Dated at Toronto, Province of On- tario. this third day of September A. D.. 1915. 13 where in this paper. and leave your I‘OUND.â€"A pulse containing 21 4 . sum†sum of mcmoy was funnd in the school room of H10 Methndist Church. Alsu u bunch of kvys near the church. Apply to Mr. Gm). Metcwlf. 18 l orders at The Liberal Ofï¬ce RICHMOND HILL. 0x12. Nov. 4, 1915 H ++++++++++++++++++++++++~Hl NORMAN BATTV NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' O RENT fur \vian- months. cmn- fnrtnhlu funu hnusv. 20 minutes walk from Richmond Hill, water in housv. Atldl-vss Bux 7, Liberal Ofï¬ce. 19 Z ++++++ ++++++++ 1-4"!- We :‘Qili€1’fll!R|GHMUND HILL ï¬ggmy Divorce Notice l)iv01'oe Notice "EDAR 01' cu of sn v Read over Olll' clubbing rates else- Monuments. Markers and Corner Posts AONEY TO LOAN :It current 77‘,L‘_._ {3.)10 OAL HEATERâ€"About new, fur sale. . Apply at The Liberal Office. 17 2 OR SALEâ€"ll young pigs‘ 6 weeks old, Tumwmth and Berkshire. Geo. Harding. 17 2 Tombstone Lettering 01"}‘AGE to rent. Apply L. Innvs & Sons, Richmond Hill. 10 If 0 RENTâ€"Comfortable C(IttilgS‘ suitable for man and wife. Ap- ply. Rev. R. Herbison. 15 If. TIL-\YI‘II) OUSE T0 RENT on Richmond St. Secnnd [muse off Yonge. Apply Geo. Smith. 16 lf UUSE TO RENT on Righmqnd ét-xjéebi. Apply to Amos \Vn ight. 14 Lt. Solicitors for the Applicant. 43 Imperial Life Bldg.. Toronto. J. H. Nuughtnn. 621-2 Traders Bunk Building, Tor- Phune M. 3476. 16 12 fL Lerwnnd. Addl-L: up 52. Elgin Mills. \V. POSTERâ€"A limited numhm lur pnsts. Alsnil qnnnliyy GRAY & GRAY. A. JONES. 2‘2 Buchanan St.. of me)va w :honl mom 1). Alsu u M A B E I. M I LLS rod Dun-h 1m heifer Frank 13 Lf Toronto 18 YONGE STREET Harness & Saddlery RUBINSON‘S and HAND SEW’N, \Vhix the Test of Time,an of satisfaction. Blzll Mitts, and evex-ytl' Saddlery line. On ‘lity Prices. (1:111 2m: 00K your Hut] _4 hiLching ymu if them are :my hr 50. do not, ondnngm inp; with Hnl-nvss \V pnviling. 1n the mle phlce Ann YOURSELF \VHY do they "00d these repairs? The question is soon answeredâ€"in nine cases out, 0f Len they :uc Fuctm-y and Machine Sewn. \V’hy not (3:111 at is the ï¬rst essential to mo 1‘ em sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. I am prepared to supply the above system in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing done Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. JONH HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. Cool The Pressure Water System NE \V ADVERTISEMENTS 1? FURNACESâ€"“Any Kind Manufactured†installed and satis- faction guaranteed. '..' Eavetmughing and promptly done. ‘1 A New Perfection 011 Heater is just the thing fl)! these cold mornings and evenings. Easily carried from one room to another. Prices from $3.50 to $4.50 each. ‘I Pandora Ranges, Happy Thought Ranges, Impelial Oxford Ranges. Don't begin to shiver when you think about Wallnut Grove Stock L a n g staff C. R. James QI'ICK RESULTS BOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALE CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstaï¬ by appointment. Weather probabilities for the next few months R. Robinson Heating Stoves for coal or wood from $8.00 to $20.00. 'nnr Harness over when ling your horse and so? 3 :my broken purl-S. It' endanger VOIH' life driv- [:u-ness which needs re- In the nvxt place ASK BRING \Vhy not (3:111 at and [my Harness ', which will stand w,und givothe best Blanktets, Robes, vex-ything in the Our Prices me all and see us. . . RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. +++++++Hf++++++HH++++++ ++++ H+MH++++++++++++ 4-i- RICHMOND HILL something to help you keep PRESENT OFFERING Cold Colder Phone Thornhill Hized Iron \Vork of all kinds New house and good large lot on the Monknmn Sub-division at a price the inn-rest on which would he loss than four dollars monthly. \Vhy puv ran 1’ ASulid ln-ich hnuce on Chmoh SL. hourly ï¬nished. Up to-dute in every particular: \Vill _he sgld Shoes 1'em0vod.......» New shoes. Nos. 1 to 4, Lnrgex shoes.......... Langstaff P.O. €110;va and se One hundlcd 1 of Vaughan, 1) outbuildings. ï¬r mile from corp mnnd Hill. To the people of Richmond Hill and surroundings : A.Sherzerhnsreopenedtheiflack- smith shupnt. Elgin Mills, as gen- vndlflackquth:uul\vond wwwken He thanks his custumel-s for push patronage,und hupvslhvy “inn?- main with him in the fntncv. guaranteeing satisfaction as in the past. One hundred acres in Markham, well drained, new buildings. Iï¬â€˜( )l{ SA/LIJE II. Both A. SHERZER NOTECE farms at a bargain A. Nicholls it, but come and buy “'21 rm firstv-class soil, (me m-pux'ution of Rich- EMALES IndS. u-gain news (In 2nd (Inn brick house, gum stv-class St Farm on Chmoh p to-dute in ill he sold will ï¬nish Lot. 50x2“). Phone 15 cents 30 cents 35 cents 13 lVV. H. BASSETT fWill give you a fine suit. XVHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1ELORIST 'E’OUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Come today and see what ex- pert clothing men consider the ï¬nest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. Sole Agent for Hobbean Tailoring @Eï¬Ã©ï¬jg .33 “ + 3 .. _ 7, Furniture and Wall Papers NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company V and have a number on hand at all times. Terms very g easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have. it: today, . . . . . . % Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in every De- tail in High-Class Manner. L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH W. T. LAWRENCE EST'D 1373 STANDARD BANK . HEWISON $22.50 Flows-rs tastefully arranged for weddings, funerals, etc. Roses, Carnations. Chrysanthemums and other flowers in season Prone Richmond Hill, or nights and Sundays North 2221. City Some chuiceluts nn Chm-ch St, BakerAve. and Roseview Avon libelal discount for cash, or $1.00 per {got down and three u) ï¬ve year agreement. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS AN'D AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest of Com- panies. All have good ï¬nancial standing. Consult us for rates, and we assure “YOU†your business will be well at- tended to if left in the hand of . . . . GREENHOL’SES RICHMOND HILL GREENHOUSES AND OFFICE 152 ROSELA )inders fur Walks. concrete woxk. etc large quantity of 11 quart baskets on hand YONGE STREET P. 0. Savage & Son RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8002 WE ARE AGENTS FOR P. G. SAVAGE & SON SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. LAWRENCE. Eflicient and Prompt Service in every Department OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO 52 ROSELAWN AVE, TORONTO â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY [=_|.AL\VAYS 0N HAND. has removed his Laundry to the build {Ie solicits patronage and guarantees satisfaction. Send list of articles with each parcel giving residence and name in full. sired. REAL ESTATE ing three doors north of the Post Ofï¬ce Goods called for and delivered, if de- Advertise in The Liberal RICHMOND HILL C. I. HINAS THE RICHMOND H ILL $1.50 per team loud MANAGER RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Manager 212