AND SQUARE“! ITS A PLEASURE To CARRY) OUT 7745 or2_gerr_175_oFÂ¥A 5 SENSIBLE ‘ T PERSON' @ng ‘3 1.‘ H lâ€"F A r R RiCHMoND HIhL. ONT.. Nov. 1], 1915 ' VC' ITIMW . r’ The Vrllage Councrl } The Council met on November 3. in the, Council room. with the Itb‘t'Vt' and 5 councillors Sanderson and Sun-r present. f l l I j Minutes r. ast meeting rear run I confirmed. The following accounts (€92) were presented : \ , ‘N. .1. Glass, cape . . . . . . . _ .5 :32 2‘1L J1 T. & Y.I{.lt.. current. for Sept .. IOS’ 2T ,‘ “H T. & Y.R.R.. freight on: - L. lulu-5 & Sous. qurher , lH (iii ‘3’. t}. Savage. l)!‘rrtril)$., .... l (N) Lenuox (‘1 Lennox. hal. r‘f acct. L. B. Stong, teaming .. .. 5 ()1) ' A letter was read from Mr. I). Lervars in reference to the pusliut' on the Mill property. Mr. Bassett was present to ask the Council to refund his: dog,r tax. he havng disposed of Iii~~ (lot: some months ago. On motion .‘lr. Bassett's request was granted. ‘ In responsr- to a r'eqrrestfrrr'rdo at thu a gun-pr um tiny, \\'o urn last meeting a grant o 33.0!) was Q, - r _ - , - K made to tho Village Band. ‘(Hml‘ “Hm I†H“ PM." ‘ -â€"â€"â€"'â€"‘..â€"â€"â€"- TORONTO LETTER "Service" has heen adopted as the motto of the Liheral (.‘vluh Federation of Ontario and many ('Ulnplinrcnts have been given the organization for its choice of a slogan. Tile Tor-onto Star.for-example. m an editorial on G A ' u v V the question. says :â€"-“As an optimistic & ‘ sign of the tunes. the llrotto of the I E Liberal Cluh Ferlm-atinn of Ontario. “service.†is significant. It marks a real development in political ideals â€"â€" 7 _. I1E1£N FAIR AND $QUARE \\/IIC enjoy the distinction of / . . serving a t'l:l~‘!~' ot ensâ€" ‘ ) tornr'rs that we hold in I'OR high regard. \\'t- are >t‘l‘\‘ll)f_{ lllr’lrr with the lit-st I'rlrrrl< that FRIDAY This week we will have llrn'inrt‘ that, mind lrrr‘rrllirrg could suggest. \\'e inVrtr- your next grocery orrlt'l “Ilr- profits most who seth-s lrest.“ HADDIE CODI‘TSH \VHITEFISIâ€"I and iii a. deï¬nite. vivid Way summatich graphically what may he called the “renaissance of idealism“ in politics." The Liberal Cluh Federation of Ontario. from its inception two and a half years ago has Iii-err a promising and often an inspiring organization. Its adoption of “Service†as a motto is consistent not only with its prospects hut With its history. The Federation lr-rsxe )lendid reCord of actual enlist- urents mythe front from its ofï¬cers and rnenrheis‘. \Titoso who for yarious reasons cannot serve with the. colors at, present are evidently determined that through their organiza ion they will do their share in various kinds of patriotic endcavm-s and activities. The Federation at present is holding a series of conferences to dinnrss further- means of assisting in enter- prizes connected with the war. \Vitlrin the last; week conferences have [won held in Hamilton and London for Centraland Western Ontario respec~ Lively. and similar conferences are planned for Belleville and the County of Dundas. â€"____.‘>____ Presbyterian Church The minister will preach at lrotir service»~ next Sunday. The Sacra rnenr of the Lord's Supper will he ad. ministered at the. morning service. Preparatory Serrice will he held on CAD ADIAN N ()1{'T Through Service Toronto to Winnipeg NOV. lst Via Parry Sound, Sudhnry. Port Arthur and Fort \Villrrrrr CONNECTIONS AT \VINNII’ICG I’NII .‘Q’%'l‘A'l‘lON FOR EDMONTON. CALGARY. PRINCEALBERT. SASKATOON. REGINA, BRANDON. and all llllptrt",:rrtt points in \Vestern Canada and the Paciï¬c Coast. LEAVE TORONTO 10.45 P. M. Monday, \Vednesrlny and Friday ALL MonERN EQUIPMENT RELIABLE EXPRESS SERVICE Through tickets from Richmond Hill to all points. and herth reserva- tions from Y. B. TRACY. Station Agent. or write to R. l.. FAIRBAIHN, Friday evening when Ker". Mr. ._ -. . . , t â€" Robinson of Maple will preach, General Passenger Agent, 08‘ lung bt. luast. lororrto. Out. Ir 4 The members of tire \Vornen‘l E: i Misflonary Society are getting in . touch with their neighhors these (rays. Last week a good number uric rl.m n toThoroliill 'I‘hank-otferirrg rrreetinu; this week .t rrunrher (lime over to 5 MM.“ in he pit-St-ntantl take part in z+1. A . W k, C q .. six ‘96 s tame the meeting there. birch \‘Islls are Hz not only neighborly hut, mutually Young Men at . m encrruragirrg and instr nctiw. The. Young People‘s Society meet this Thursday evening at the rnanse. Miss Alice Mcr’air will give a paper on Browning’s pot-in "Andrea dcl Sarto." Solos will he sung by Mr. Ken. Osborne and Miss Carol Innes. â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"~oo>â€"â€" Economist and Sun.â€"â€"-\Vhen the old j-il oitlre City and County become- enrpty of prisoners inach days, by their transfer to the Jail Farm near Thorrrlrill, the present ofï¬cials will lose their jobs. or at least will not draw pay from the. county and city, viz :â€"i{c\‘. A. B. (Jhanrtrers, governor, salary, $2,200; Dr. \V. 1‘. Party. physician. $1,500; John McMillan. steward, $3,700; John \\'ilson, deputy~ governor. $1.350: , John Brown. entrineer. $1.IUU;Juhrr Lower-v. turn- key, $9.30. and 15 others with salariu of $9.30 rach. CF. II. 1413 AI)ER For RICHMOND iiiLI. ‘COMMENCING JAN. 4, 1916 Lectures and practical work in Stock Judging. Seed and Grain Judging, Identiï¬cation of \Veeds. \Vred Seeds. Insects. Etc, Far-m Bookkeeping. Fruit Growing, Soils. Fertilizers. Etc. Special Illustrated Lectures N t) F E IC S Special Excursions PLAIN ANDORNAMENTAL For Particulars Write . PLASTERER . . . J. C. Steckley Centre flowers and brackets tirade - to ~ order. I)EI’.\It'l‘.\Il-I.\"I‘ or .\t?lt]t‘t‘l.’1‘t‘itl§ NIC\\'.\IAI{I{I£'I‘. ONTARIO ____.______________ MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN ’ Court of I{evisi0n You are herein“ riotiti-d that. [HIP-l Estimates Furnished Teran Reasonable RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL Shaw’s Scheols Toronto. Canada. include The Sharr- Correspondence School, The (‘ent ral Business College. The Central Tele- gragh & Railroad Sch-ml. and Four City Branch Btrsiucss Schoon All provide excellent courses leadingr to good salaried positions. Free cata- logue on request. \\'r-ite for it. \\'. H. Show, President. Head Ofï¬ces. Yonge and Gerrard Sun. Toronto. I“ stunt to the Statute in that heir iii, a ‘(W'llit i'or tru- Ilr‘\'l_~iuli of the \‘Hlt‘l~‘ 1 List (f 1915. for :1)" Murrlr'iprlilv oil Vaughan. \\iII Ire Iii-Id Iiy Judge Dru-i "trrn. Judge of tho (fourrtv Court or thr- l I l I Itr-Iialrlr- s:rlc~rrr:rn to act as \Vrll k PAY WEEKLY agent in County. d'nuntj’ of York. at the AIHWIIIH' Hall. Maple. on Thursday. the 18th rlav oi November. 1.01.3. ‘rl 9.530 to hear . and determine the several complaints of errors and onri<~iens in the \‘ott-rs‘ fList of the» Municipality of the Town-1 ship of Vaughan for the year lill5.J Lr§ll persons liming husimws at tirei Loni-t are requested to attend at Said I . time and place. i Dated at Maple this Isl. day of Ne~ l number. 1915. money making specialties. ()nr agent-insurr- lllt‘ host in the hush noes. for We sell the highest grade of stock at most l't-:r<i\il:tlilt’ prices and guarantee deliveries in first- clnss condition. Nursery stock is sellinr: well this year and good money Can he made in this district. For p.11 tieulars write SALES MANAGER Pr:1.rr.\.\r Nt'rtsEItY Co. Torrox'r'o. 0ST. .I. B. MCI.E.\.V Clerk of the Municipality of Vaughan. and (‘Ietk of the said Court. 19 ‘3 I WANTED now Outï¬t free. exclu>ivo territory and l I l i ’ .lade in Canada Ford Runabout Price $480 Ford Touring Car Price $530 The ahove pr ir‘~r».~i‘.o.h. Ford. (lrrt.. 1 III ("IIVP Aug. 2. WIS. No spoedonrvtr-r included in IIIIS \‘I‘:Il“.\ r'rrliipnrr'lrt. otherwise cm tullv equipped. t‘ais on tli~'play and Agile hy G. A. M. DAVISON, IfNIONVII.I.F.. dealer for Markham, Scar‘hor‘o and York TmrnsliipS, including Yongc Street; N U +++++++++w+++++++++++++++ I A. J. HUME Tailor l Tie under-signed has taken the agency for the E. I). Smith Co.. \Vinorra, for all kinds of Nursery CLEANING Stock. PRESSING _~Ti TV I REPAIRING Order now for sprrug delrxery ‘ H him 1.» 9â€"4..â€" \VM. ROBINSON. RICHMOND HILL BiilSIflN - BflIIRT The Next Sitting of Dirrsron Court to N0. 3, County of York. will he held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL N 0 T A It Y (IONV EYANCING, 4-i- +++++++++++++++++++++++ P U B L I (‘ ETL‘. Tombstone L entering In Marhloor- Granite. Good work reasorralre charges. Town or Country \i'iite. “ONT IV. A. JONES. Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1915 231311charr:1riSr.. Toronto Uonrzrrencrnc at 9.3Ua.m. . ' Monuments. Markers and (‘orner 'I‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK Posts dichotth iiili Armor For Sale on Easy Terms Buildingr Lots on Yonge St., Belmcnt and Clarence Avenues. F Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE 8: C0,, Richmond Ilill Ii) Adelaide St. E, Toronto L7 c#_ . F. I. WUOWARD GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley l _ 7 ALL BRAN( [IRS 01“ THE TRADE L- C U S :STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 ‘r‘ Aarsz FUR SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERL'G HORSES A SPECIALTY EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLER Motor Repairing Done ETERL‘S GIVE? CI? MCTCR {ICES » PATRONAGE SotrchED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ‘ F. I. WUUDWARD. L. C U R T 18 RICHMOND HILL