GD RICHMOND HILL. U\'T.. Nm'. 1], 1916 LOCALS For war news see inside pages. Vaughan Tmrnship's cnntrihutir-n tn the Red (lrnss has reached $2,300. Mrs. Jnhn Mitt-Kan. “The Cedars." Niagar-a-nu-Htr-Iarke. is the guest of Mrs. II. A. Nirhnlls. Mr. Frank Collins. Assistant Sen-rt Master, is mm’ erinr- clerk or) the Standard Bank stati’ here. Mr. Frank M. Dutrlnp lr-t't, nu Satur- dav fur Ithica N. Y. to take a rnursn in arlvarmed Fluricttltttrc at (thrnell University. The \venklv nr' etings nf thu- Epwnt tlt League will in future h- held Friday evening r-f ear-h wet-k instead «if Monday as for rnvr l_\'. Bills; will l‘r out in a few days nnti- fyingr the ( itizwns that a car haze. wag- nn \\ ill 20 :rrrurnd fur the Fall delrvmy. Hit hrqrn at nnr-r- tn gather up \‘rurr- hnttesanti bottles and other rubbish. Rev. Ii. )II'Ki-e and Mrs. .‘lt‘Kee left vesterday fur Swat ttst'. N.Y.. tn visit their son “lrn is ;\ statinnml minister itr tlttt city. They will pt-nltthlV re. main the halancc nf the year. TINI Annual meeting «if thr- Iiir-h. vnnnd Ilill I'Inrtirultural Sr‘tr’vty will it" held t‘ll \Vedtte-sdav. Nnrnntlwr 24th. at Spam. in 1er Public, Swluml. fur the electinn hf (-I‘tirms fur 1915-16. Next. Suttdav evening in the Metl‘n. dist. Church Rev. .I. If. Aikenhnad will r‘ontinue his cnurse (if Ferntnns nn the Pnnk nf Darth-l. the subject. hein}: the (.Verthrow (if Bahy‘nrv. Reeve \V. II. I’nsï¬ley and ('K-RO"?U P. G. Savage left last evening hv 7.N.R, tn spend a few days at. (,lrp ramp wilh Capt. Pratt atrd lttt‘ttiltet‘s nfthe Richmond Hill Hunt Club at mile 226. N. Baker Pt al of Eluin Mills have issued a writ. fur $1.500 against S. Soldisky (if Newmttkt-t. for iniuries and damages arising nut of a r-nllisinrr between the lrtttcr~‘s car and the farmer‘s buggy. Mr. C. A. Petclt. Aurora. annrrtrrrr-es the erttxagerrrenl nf his daughter, Clara Vinla, to Mr. Bertram A. Kel- lam (if \\‘it)rripr-;:. sun If Mr. I), Kellatu. cf Titl'trtttu. The trr-rrr-iagr- will take placn very quietly the laltt't' part of Nuvcmhcr. Brushed wnol hockey raps, cnlnr navy. cardinel and tan, in light and dark shades. 50c. Knitted hut-key tnques. all cnlms. 23". )Icrrs‘ lira-rel. ette night. shirts in hlue and white Stripe, each $1.00. Mens’ sweatt-rrnats. plain ur-ay. br-mvn nr navy, frrtrrr $2.50 to $3 75. Atktnsnn & Switzer. Neat-Iv 4,000 people attended the annual Prnvincial plnwirrg match held nn the ()rtarin .»\r:r-irultsrr-al (,‘r-ilege Farm last Friday. In the ï¬rst, or npen, class Th ts. Shadlnck r-t' Agirrcnrrr-t. tnnk ï¬rst, prizd, 'l‘lrvvmas Huirrdle uf ()rillia, second, atrd \Villiaur Orr of Maple. third, Mn J. ll. Iltrnlnp left Tuesday night for Cleveland. Chin, tn attrnd “In great Fluwer- thw where he was ap- pnintt-d (HIP hf the judges. He tnrrk a sample nf Rirhtnnnd Ilill [USPS as an t-Xhihitâ€"nnt fer cnrrrpetitinn. as he wandeharred itnm cntnprtincr. heing a In Iqe. in this Plus“. The show will he the largr-ét cf the snasnn, its glittend: Cheese rrf appetizing Ila\nt'. crumbly rlteesr; fnr- 22c. lh. Blue sea I‘una. prep ltP(I ready tn eat, fur a (leliritvtts sal rd add tn this tin of 'I‘tttrr fish $rup- nf rtelr-r-v r-hnpped titre. mix with rqttal par-t t-f salad dressing and Cream. pint tin 20c. h‘nrall \vlritc hearts, lh. llt‘. Atkinaru & HtVit'IA‘l‘. ...... I'llllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIllIIlllIIIITImI] MADE m CANADA tuuu mnmtn I" .... . eglrgee Shirts $I°°flnd Over tllttttllllllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllllltlllllll ll ““ WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO. BERLIN. ONTARIO “m B lllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllltmt Child Life in Japan l Lime light views illustrating "('hild I.ifein.l.-rpan" will he shnwrr at the ‘Iptwrrlh League tn-nrnttnw (Friday! evening at 8 rr't‘lra'k. Silver ruller'tinn at the (Innr. The pictures will he most instructive tn lu-th grnwlt-nps ‘ and boys and girls. «(râ€"~â€" Six Weeks Course It is; tn he h'rprd Illftlty' young rnr‘n ‘ will take advantage «If lltr' six weeks". v C(llll‘l‘ tt-fr-rr t d ltt' Thr- Untarirrl in Agriculture. elsewhere in this paper. I)t-p:rrtnrr-ntnf Agriculture will start thccnurse in Richmond Hill nu the 4th «if January. lint-further parti- culars write the sr-ntatiVe. Mr Newrrrarkt't. .l U. Stt‘t-kley, ,,, - . __ Cottage Burned That. neat little dwelling in The! nltill hnllnw, npprrsitr- the Mineral Springs, was burnt-d tn the grnuud I ithtttlt 5 o'clnck Sunday rr-t-rning, with all Ll.e (ontvnts. The pmpr-r ty. futlttt‘l'ly belonged to Mr. Ivan \\'r-ight ‘ wlrn beautified thr- gt'nttttds. and run- vet-ted the fnr'trrt‘ hnuse itrtn a heattti in] little home. The prupn-ly was recently purchased by Lawyer \\"atsntr as a residence for his clrantl'cur. Good Time Tuesday alternr‘arn a nntttrlret‘ of the Ilnard ni' I‘:tlll“:rlitttt in\itr-d three nr f-vllt' citizens tn lnnk tltrnugh the new I’nblrc Hchnnl lrrrilding. As tire drill is practith itr all thr- dr-pat tntr-nts thr- trustec pressed the tire alarm lrntlnrr. and at, mice the pupils in lllr' live rrurms carne nut in twns, marching as crtnllv as a. rrrrnpany nt' snldiets itr their regular drill. Mr. Jerry Smith tnnk the time frntrr thr- lllltlttt'ttl lltr' huttrrtr was tnut-hed till tlte L‘llildl‘lll \Yt-l e safely outside. Time 45 >L‘t'tllltlr. ._.-__‘.*_._- Scottish Dancing \Ve nnticed in the Turnnttt dai'y papers of last Friday rrrnr-rrtug Iltr- account (If the “Annual Scan-Ir ()nncert" irt Massey Hall. tr‘n'rat citrnmrnt was made un the dancing ruf ML-s Geraldine I‘T. Harris and Nader Bert I’rrwell, this being their first appearance irr Massey Hall. By all accnurtts they captivated the hearts hi the vast audience. Master Bert is the sun of Mr. \V. L, I’nwell fur-merly nf Richtnurrd Hill. and try the accmnrt given It) has few equals at Scottish dancing in 't‘urnntn. -â€"â€"â€"-.o>â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Red Cross New; At th-- tt-gttlrr meeting cf the lied Cross Auxiliary a r.-snlnrinrr (it thanks was passed tn Mr. line, Mr. Hirksnrr, .\Ir. (irraharrr, Mr. Lytrett. and tn their assistants. and tn all nthets \vlrn sn kindly assisted in the preparatinrrs and carrying out r-f the Hallnwe‘en evening. The total sum n)" money raised since thc Red Crns‘ Auxiliary organized, ï¬ve months agn. is Sill-16.76. \Vc ll:l\(. a grrnd sum ahead In lrny materials. and we hope every woman wlrr, can will (In surne sewing or knit- ting every week. ~ï¬ooâ€" â€"â€"~â€"- Maple Quarterly Services were hr-ld in the Mrtlrndist Church (at Sundry last. The rrrntrthly meeting tut" the \Vnrrren’s Institute was held on Frirlavr IISI. at the Irnrrrc of Mrs. (lieu) S. U Rnhinsmr. Papers ireâ€"re read My Mrs. \\'. J. Oliver and Mrs. J. B. McLean. Mr. A. L. Campbell. I’uhlic Seltnnl Iltspvcttrl‘. visited the schnnl here last 'I‘Irursdav. Miss Islay llnward (if Tnz'ntrt i Nr't'mal Sclttrttl \‘isitrd her uncle and arrnt. Mr. and Mrs. A. llrrfl’v, last Saturday. ' BIr. Thus. Oliver and family have mrrvr-d {trim the farm tn their new hnme ttr the South of the \ illagr. ‘o-â€"-wâ€" BORN .\lrt.t<:.xx*0u anrrrlwr- «I, IBIS. at “Braeside.†\Vnnrllrr idge. tn Dr. and Mrs. (i. I). McLean. a daughtrr (Jean Armour-J. ~â€"â€"â€"â€"~ooo~â€" â€" IlIEI) . V.\.‘ DE :ttt‘Rtttt ~ At or. Nun-tuber l, Mrs. H. V. \'.-rnderh.trgh, a sun. Mm»? BEHTâ€" ()tt .\l’\'(‘l|lltt‘l' 3. I915. Iva Mala-l Brodie. infant daughlur- nt' _\lr-. ard Mrs. I).t\'td Iii-edit- aged 5 Weeks. 3I.\t'i'.\t.t.t'.\tr-Itt :‘lll'lrt'a, trtt Thursday. NH“. 4. I913. :rIaltlt-t \Vt‘ll» .‘IIII‘- (“tillltlh widnw [it the late MacCallurrr. in her Tt‘rth year. Funeral Sunday at 2pm. tn the Ant-ma (‘entetrt-y. Sylvan†At [I10l’t4>i(I"lll'ttflh‘l'itrtl, It. A. Slivu'. I‘tri.»rrville, widow (If the late Ruhr-1t Sliver, itt her 87th vear. Funeral “Walnrsdav. It), illlfr. Interment at Cemetery. Lutheran ~~ony _.__ IN MEMORIAM BONSAI“ Irwin}.y memory n. “'illiaur Rune \vltn departed this life Nun: 11.1914. Dr- nut ask us if we miss hint. 0h. therr-‘s such a vacant place. 0ft we think we, hear his ft!('l.~t(‘p$,, ()ft we see his smiling face. He has guise tn higher tr-girrns, Safe l't'ntrr every cart- and pain : \Ve shall nteet again in ltt‘:t\t‘: , Never tnnre tn part again. \Vifc and Family (invertrtrrettt's ll‘t)l't'-' the l Jaw, , l9l5, in Mr. atrrll I’t‘tr‘t" Ann Nina.- .\'n\eurlwr r Best, anntrtn. .4 l l l l ! t l ‘1tf‘lttSt'liVa lirst t'l:t\‘I)l:itlr:I|it' Enter-r .tatntnt-nt Stole Potatoes Home t'\‘ill}‘-tli>[il|.~t‘tl [L‘lstltl tl‘ pr-t'snns Within the past wet-t; >lt'lt' :rnrt lamk:r\\"I)':tlutIIl L’ll lugs nil [tithtlm'ï¬ itnrrr a pit in .‘dt, Lawrence's ilt'ltl llt'ill' the :rr-r-rrlrnnsw. Six rnntrtlrs in irtr wnulri llrrl la- tut Int»: I Il'tttr t‘nr the pt't-snrr \\’lttr \vntrld lru gniltv mi such :1 ttlt'.‘ttl trick. ‘ W «o- Bazaar 'I‘he (‘htistiatr (‘hurclt nf Nett'nrar iwt, are lrnldirrcr Illt-il' Furtttlr Animal Bazaar arid Hut and anl Snprcrs for“ twirdays. \I'vdnesrlav and Thursday. Nmrrrrhur l'r'th and lï¬â€˜th, in the 'I‘mvn Hall. As usual. llll‘lt‘ will llt‘ Ilrtt‘ Meat Dinners and lint I"n\vl Htrppr-ts‘ each day. I’arh (Wetting: will t't nrr- In“ §_’l\'t‘ll Irv lu‘al talent. "( rarrlre: ry (‘rrr ltt‘t‘~‘."\\'ill he presented 1 mt \\ edtresdav ('\vltill§_’. and “Silas Mar llt‘l ,“ err 'I‘httrwla'y t‘\ rnirvg. -â€"...._.._ ‘ ,S. Rumbleâ€"~Nixon The marriage of .‘dt'. Russel Ilutrrlrle’ and Miss (lrrtrurlr- Nixmr wasr snlerrrrrizvd in Iltrpr- t‘hlttt lt vnl \Vednesday nt~ last \"l‘l'k in the present-t- t‘l a large rrttttrl'er‘tvt' guests and spottatnrs. The r-r-rr-rrrrmy was [lt'tfttllllt'tl lry Its-v. ILH.\t‘!ittt:. and the Wetlrlttrg Ill:ll'('lt Was plavrrl h" Mrs. A. Mutts-rm, lll|'('l‘ nf thr- ltritll‘. The bride was gi\t*lt away hy her- Ill‘llllll‘l‘. .\It. 'I‘. O. Niant. :rttd llttl‘rU'd cltarnrim: in a gown r‘t' i\‘ttl'\' s-rtin. with hridal veil and mangr- llllt\5tlll‘..",, and cattvitrg a. :sltnw-Ir linurptrl. pf (‘l‘t'itttl ruses. She Was attended try her sister Miss Ilattic NlXttlt, \\hn was dresscd In pale l'lttt' satin and carrird :t litrtltlllt't nipink “uses. The grrtntn was suppnrtr-d h\' his ertrrsin .‘Il‘. Frank Runrhle. Mr. I’wttv “'atsmr and Mr. \V. Ilnilt-s :tt‘ietl as ushers. A receptinn was held at llrt- ltrltttl‘ «f the lttide's trrnlher. after \\llit'll thr- ynntrttr r-nttple lei't mt a trip tulltttfaln and Akron. The gnitrg away dresq was (if glen-n ln'ttadchtlh \\ilh i'ttt' trimming. and ltat tn titatr-h. Thv hride rr-cr-hrd many handsntrre and llSt‘flll presents. . AILROAD and Telegraphv Courses nf the nrmt. currrplete and mud- ern kind taught tight at ynur nwn ltnrru- ltV lN'haw‘s 'I'elegraph and Railroad Schnnl, I Gerrard St. East. an-urrtn, \\'rite fur particulars and simple lessons. \\". II.,Sl]a\\', I’r‘rs. I} ivorce NOTICE is hereby given that CLARIUE SMITH of the city of 'I‘ntnntn itr the Cnunty (-f ank. in the I’r-nvirrce nf Ontarin. will .rpply tn the Parliament (If Canada. at the next; Sr-ssinn tlteteef. fur a hill nf divlure frrrur ltt-r httsharrd JAMES HENRY HM I'I‘I‘I Hi the City (if Tnt'trrtttt. ill the Urunty nt' Yntk. and I‘rnvinci- rrf ()ntarin, Newspaper agent. npnn tltc grntrnd (if adult ry and (lest-r-tinn. DATED at 'I'nrnntn iii the (lutrntv Hf Yl)t'l{,:ttt(1 I’rmitrrv nf ()ntarin. this Ninth dry wt Nuverrrhrr, A. I).. 1915. UI‘RH Y. O‘CONNOR. (K' \VALLAL‘IL‘, 136 Queen Street. East, 'I‘irtntttu. N'Otioe i 20 ll Snlieitnrs fur thc Applicant. m†r- PROPEI’JI‘IES FOR SALE ’ New st‘Vt‘ll-t‘tttrllll'tl hrick house \\illl sun rrrtrnr and sunr- rrrer kitt'lrt'll. full size divided cellar, furnace, electric light, r-t(-.: situated nrr (‘hurt'h Street. Itir-lttrrnnd Iiill. This is a very deeirahlr- [ll‘l‘pt‘l’l)'. is trtnderate- ly lttll't'tl. and, we will aria-pt a cash payment ni $5M“. l " Six ~ trttrlnr'rl hr-ick hnusr. lu-atttiinllv (leer-rated, hatdwnnd limit-s. I‘Il'tftl'it‘ light. sink, l-rtttr- dt'y ttrhs. lrnt water lltrllt'l. three [ti-wr- lutllr, sl-tttit‘ tank. full My,†rrllar. tur rrarr. Imt UtixltiS. A bargain. FA It .\I " S.’r,.'rtt{t A One hundred acres nt' gnrrrlclay l l'llll. vicinity r-t' Iietlr~ rdsi;t. grind six lttrlltt'tl frame ltttttst- and ltankharrr. :rlsn tit‘st- class hut; pens and hennrvry. A small cswh paymen ll‘~qllllt‘tI and thr- halanve may l't'tll'lill nn nrnrtgngr- at the per cent, IEI'IIdlthi LOTS " ()nr whnle acre situated nn Iiit'lltttr'litl 5L. Iliclttnnrrd Ilill. 'I‘er ms: SSHJJU cash. halatrt 1- $3.00 rrrnnthly. A gtllltl investment. .‘IOIl l‘ti AGES ISUI'U III A. E. G L A S S I REAL ESTATE AGENT I‘lICIIIIOND HILL I-__‘â€" ‘_â€"â€"â€" Atkinson & Switzet l7 A Few SIGNS of ~ m )Ir-Ir‘s \Yrutl and Fleece-lit Illar'k Leather (,i'attttth'L Mitts. lined. $1.00. men‘s III Ilihlrr-d (‘ashmctr IInsv, (lnuhle heel and snle, 55c. (‘hildrctr (It-s Navy, Cardinal and \Vhite. 23c. (‘lrrill, hall' lh. tins, 2 fru- 23c. (iillrrrd's It: Iish. per hnttle il‘it pr-t' tilt Itlc. Sweet, Sherwitrâ€"\Villi.rtrrs Stnvc l)iv0r(:0 NOTICE is hereby gltt'tt that. I.5 Mala-l Mills, nf t h-- (Pity nf 'I‘nrntrtn, in the (lnunty nt' an k. in the pun incr- (rt ()ntatin. married \vntrratr. will apply tttl {STORE CLOSIQS A'I‘ MONDAY AND Notice the I’at-liatrrerrt nt' Urrrada at the next sessinn therenf. fur a hill nt' diVnrr-e frnrrr my husband, \\'ilsnrr Breatd' Mills. «if the erritl City (If 'I‘rrrnrrtrt. Grncer's Saltsnran, tar tlrr- grrrutrds nf irltptltet‘try. trnu-cnnsurrrmatintt nt' the marriage and desertitrn. Dated at 'l‘nt‘utrtn this I9.h day (if Otttnht'r'. llllf). 1'] l3 )IABI‘II. MILLS leorcc Fer otico NOTICE is heteer given that Henry; Jnhrr 'I‘httlttas \\'ardlaw, iii the 'I‘nwrr ‘, (if \V'estnn, iii the (jnrrnty nf an It. in the l’r‘nt'itrcenf tlrrtarin. Real I‘Istate Br‘r-lu-r, will apply tn the I’arliarrrent nf (latrrda at ll)u rrI-xt. sessinn there-if. , fnr a Bill of Dinu-r-e from his wife. Eda Luella Rnxenia \‘l'ardlaw, trnw resid- ing in the City nf Detrrrit. in the State‘ nf Michigan, (rite of the United States, nf America, on the grnurrds nt'arlultery and descrtinn. ‘ Dated at Throttle. Province of On- tarin. this third day ur' Septerrrhcr A. 1).. 15315. 13 It (i It .\ Y & GRAY. Snlivitnrs fur the Applicant, '5‘ Iiingwcnd (ilnvcs, cul- pt-r' square yard 331'. Finest I'nrcrlurr-d Japrrr Tea, per ll). 30c. “'hnle Green Ilin Coffee, lh. 2.3L". Mixed Pickles, I’ipc l l3 Itrrperial Life Bldg. anntrtn. Business ted Under-Wear. Men's \Vrr. Fltvrlt‘ (lil- Ited Salrrrmt Cut n. Peas and Tnmatnes per hnttle 132'. Varnish, prr- tin Itlc. six 0171.0th 0N w an N r: s n A Y I? NEW JEWELRY STORE S‘s’zï¬â€˜} I It S 'I‘ 0 I“ A I. I. I beg tn call your attention that I havc (tpPIIt'll up a “'atrdr. Clnrk and Jewel- ry Store and will (In my best to sch-rt grinds that \\ ill give entire satist'at'thvn, atrd will arrange to keep within the City prices. A call will (-nrrvtnce ynu. In ail-u tlitintr I dnall kinds (if \Yatch, Cluck and Jewelry Repairing on the prrrrrises. Alsn attv patrons who have Sewing Machines, Plrnrrrngraphs. Music anes, etc, cart hzue them p.rt itr order, arid A call splicited. . . . . . . . . . was J. H. GRATZ WATCHMAKER - JEWELER Sivers Block Richmond Hill satisfaction guaranteed. ï¬rrrvnwvéiéï¬wgwmr’v‘n l‘l ‘tl l r_. ,‘ . ‘2." pi i. ill STU MEN‘S SlVliAl‘Elt (JOA’I‘J‘ i heavy \veight. . ‘.T'r'\~""‘.; “w ‘m a. .; 3.“: mid M r‘ “CT 1 m m and “'ucsley at $2.UU. gr \er $1.5 HAVE a full Ir c and Children. {nil (I W“? N ORMAN mamwmwwwa, ‘BHMUNB HILL lURlll-SHIIIG The nnlv cnat with nice titling shnrrldcrs, ; rrd tn al. the good shades, at $4.50. MEN‘S HEAVY \VINI‘ER L'NI)I§It\VEAR, all kinds, frurrr Ilcere lint-d at, SUc a garrrreut and wnol at 752-. $1.0â€, $1.5 U, PROPRIETOR w. irru'a M iv NE‘WNF‘. Mt \ m f \ . \ - W“: "W and“ Rt} rr line \Vrrrsted \Vnnl, a gum] ()thrrs frnrrr $2.01) up. nt~ Rubbers fur Men, \Vorrrrn J- GLASS a†'m"r'.a’m"'â€a~.r.."‘.""3.r .mw .. j.