Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Nov 1915, p. 8

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- _, a» ', ., 7 fl "ll .~ ,3 4.: to glow! iiitiiiiiiiiii l-lltti J Illt' )liiiitiiian Sub-dhiqon at a, [ :7 7 ' ' ' * ’ l h . _ . . .. ,v . - . pro 4‘ illt‘ lllil‘lt‘<i on \\'lllt‘ll “(illlLI Rurnnoxn “in” ()5 ITEM“. 11,191.) & l he lt’ss than l'i lll ll illais monthly. ‘ \\'liy p.i\' ll'lll ': OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE -' TORONTO .\ Solid luii'k lli‘ll~l' on ('liuir'h Ht. nearly Iilll\llt‘li‘ l‘p lII-v’llllt' in I every paitienlai'. \Vill IH' sold S. S. No. 5. Vaughan ,. W s Report of Hope School for October: Sr. I\'.r#l{eitli Thomas, Marjoiie. 00K your II:ll'lll‘<< (H't'l‘ when i hitching: your hols-i- and see l I ,I ' H _ ,. "l c ; i V \1 (‘ll".l|l?l.\‘l. 5|:llitl5', t'l' \\‘ill_liiii~li ; \‘.liii‘ll‘\l".2i)lllil\ ‘h‘l‘r-tliialriliefDililiithy iii-Cheri- are any broken parts. It “W1 ‘1‘” :11 -‘| li-‘IHI-HH- lll'l -’”X31"- 1 n so. do not endanger your “to lll'l\'- (liic- liundied aria-\- on L’od (‘on. E W Mortson, Alma .Ilct‘liiskey. ‘ Si. lIl.â€"-li<-alii('i' \Vestlll'nok. I‘lllllli B-m't'ii. Florence \Yalsoii. Ht" Vaughan. lirirk house. gold outbuildings. ill'\l-t'l.|\\’ soil. oin- llllll‘ liom (‘oiporatioli ot' ltit'li- iiioiid llill. ()ne hundred arres in Maikliani, well drained. new buildings, iiig with Harness which needs lt‘» paiiing. In the lll'xi pla'w- ASK Sr. ll. -â€"llil(l:i (lrook, May Ireland. YOI'RSICIllt‘ \VIIY do they" net-ll Ell‘l Jones. \\'i-llington (lrnbam. Ull‘sv repairs ':’ "flit" question I< .lr. ll.â€"l[attie \Valker. \Villie soon aiiswi'redniri nine cases out \Valkri'. lIazel .loiie-z. “f [on they aie Factory and Book I.â€"l“lori-iim- .\l(:('luskey. Mai-y Machine Sewn. \\’li\' not t‘.lll at «m ' R I c H M o N D H I L L B R A N C H Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at highest current rates. m EST’D 1873 ____..4..»â€"â€" . the Test of 'l‘iine.aii(l give the best, 1 . \‘ Rod and Gun of satisfaction. Blankets, ltolies. 11- 19M N "9130115 L- E- HAND, - r.__â€"__Lwfler. , Mitts. and everything in the i - - . _ , ,. . ‘ A glance at the list of contents of SMMINT Hm.‘ Um, 1)”va “H. l __ the Novuiiiber issue of Rod and Gun in (win. pri'cps. (“in and 3L... “5-. Canada magazine indicates that this ' - number is of general intmest to the i_ 7 if 77‘ NOTICE .’ Ollltliroi' lm er and Sptlll‘lSIllllll, fwhileI a reading of the num ier justi it'3 t W ' To the people of Richmond Ilill l WE ARE AGENTS FOR first iiiipiessinn. “Big Alec and the ' A ._ H - r. . Portage “f “Ruth” is a “ulsm‘ B"), W. R. .indsuiioundiiips. angry :iy It. .I. Iti‘ast‘l‘ 0i Piliilt‘l'ih' A.Sheizerhaste-openedtheblack- 1n eres . concerning a \L’l‘l a i e Y 7 V . . . a 'tl sl. >i Fl ' \l'lle A ‘ r- . ’ I v z 03G bTm“ MOM, " LL . on i. i ipa . gin . l .. as 3.4 ii ‘l“"'t“gL' "f death “'thh \vasdhlgqu'lt" E ET Ru” 1 oral blacksmith and wood Worker. Ed by 5‘” “"hll'l‘m'ue h’n‘d “t I'ld'imsi He thanks his customers for past FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDI‘ZI‘T, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURAN 1E. Very choicest of Com- panies. All have good financial standing. Consult us for t‘fiill'lviifiltill‘lls UT: Bliirtfgiftrg'lli‘is I Pilmumgo' "nil “‘43” Hwy “ i“ W' _ y m _ . Bf H C, H.,dd,,nv,. N.,(,,"’.md'1H5 tn do main \ynii hllllt' fin tthe faith-c, iatcs, and we assure “IOU your busmess Wlll be well at- ' ' ‘ “ ‘ ' "i".- H .: s;~ 2 - . . . do with the capture of a den of black fox NF“; ADVFRTISEMF "Ts. Hing“ I u m“ ‘S m u tended to if left In the hand 01 . . . . -. r‘u' puppies. "How Saunders caught the ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4‘ “ I Gill"? H03!" i3 :1 SU'I'V “f (1991' “"1”ng Shoes removed . . . . . . . . . , 1;") cents tut/J 4;. by camera vs. deer hunting liy gun. BRING N..“,Shm,s. NUS‘ 1m 4,..“3009'118 P- G. & fry ‘ayill‘tl’n “"d“ ill“=‘““‘I"d “by F- ,V- Largei shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 cents IICIIMOND IIILL PHONE 8002 ' i iaiiis. " iere are n ier stories V ‘ _ Y ‘ L- J r k: that make a like appeal to the readers QL “IR HESL LT?i ” :29. ’W? Furniture and Wall Papers NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the .\'ew Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on hand at all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have it to day, of :‘ sportman's magazine as well as A. the usual special depai tinents devoted to guns and ammunition, fishing. etc. _ -7 a.-. . -. 1.7 , _ \‘V. J. Taylor. Limited. \Voodstock. Ont. are the publishers. â€"â€"â€"¢oo Auction Sales 'lHUltSDAY. Nov. 11â€"86 head of cattle, fresh mileli cows. springers and voting},r cattle. the property of Spark- V The Pressure ilall 85 Talbot. lot '29, con. 3, Seal horo ' I Agiiicourt. This is a first class lot. - - . ‘ - - .,y . is the first essential to mod- ‘ Sah- a‘. 1 o’clock. Terms 0 months. _ _ . t. ,‘ ‘ ern sanitary conditimis and P. G. & YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL W. J. LAWRENCE IVHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST J. H. Prentice. . comfort, in the country SATURDAY. Nov. 13»~Sale of a farm . , . .. _ known as Brookdale Farm, lots 27 home m on "I f‘um‘ and 28. Township of EtobiCoke, at the Town Hall, \Yeston. at one 1am prepared m supply o'clock in the afternoon. .I. T. the abOve system in either Smaeun.Aiwt- hand, electric motor or gasoline. \VEDNESI)AY. Nov. 17â€"Fai-m stock, implements and furniture on lot 34. _ . con. 5. Vaughan. the property of Allklnd Of plumbing done \Vm. Aruiishaw. Terms 6 months. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. Saigeon & Conn-acts taken for [10115ng MCE‘VHL “"“S' new or old, at reasonable prices. ___.. _______‘ __._____ l i l l l l l l All work guaranteed. GREENIIOI'SES RICHMOND HILL (litEENHoL‘sEs AND OFFICE 152 ROSELAWN AVE, Tonox'ro ROPER'I‘IES FOR SALE-Eight roomed frami- lioosi- with cellar‘. furnaee. electric lights and 25 news. on Centre St. Elsi. ()n the Richmond = Ont place is a good Gaiago and other out buildings. \Vill sell all or part. Lots 310 ft. deep. NE‘V Six rimmed flame house on Ainold St... good cellar. furnace, l'}l‘ctl'it‘.“l)igllls,Illilld a‘r‘l so]? a r0 8 ‘V ' r water. tot. 2 ft. '( Ft‘p. ’. . W t G 1 k E: . G""‘h‘”"‘ Rmhmm'd 11"" 20 l'f' V . ‘3 L a m A large quantity of ]1 quart baskets on hand 'I‘O RENT‘Farm on Yonge St,, L a [I g S t a f f suited for daii-ying. giain raising ‘ ‘ BOV 7“Lifilialfstmfii‘lrdpnIng' ‘ ‘ ‘ v Cinders for walks, concrete \voi lc. (‘iC.. $1.50 per team load ' ’ _ HOLSTILIN BULLS AND FEMALES 'V ANTEDâ€"A good family cow. A A fitsfiheprfggfg; Applyodié All Cows are bred to the present stock bull Sumaclmice lots on t‘lim-cii St, Baht-TAN”. and Rose-view )9 a 'u' ' . u ' . v. . _ Lyons Segis Ixing. Avc.. libeial discount for cash, or $1.00 per foot down and Interested parties will be met at Langstafl unet- to five year agieement. Flowers tastefully arranged for weddings, funerals, etc. Roses, Carnations. (‘hrysanthemums and other fiowei s in season Phone I'IiCllllllilltl IIill. or nights and Sundays North 2221. Cin ‘EED POTATOESâ€"A quantity of _ seed potatoes, Early Eurcka and b ,v a noin . Noxall for Sale. lot3627, con. 3. P? tment Vaughan. I’hone Maple: 0. Arthur» Orowhurst. 2” 2 C. R. P‘o° f I) E C E RICHMOND ______,___ ' ~ I ,,. V Phone Thornliill i . J. " \ l. , HILL. 0.\1. OW FOR SALEâ€"A good fresh _ ' - __ '- “‘" " ._. , . s. ' ,, ” ,_. ,_._. milk row and calf for sale. Apply g 7“ a. Fred H. Johnston. Lot 15.31-d . s ’ ' ' ' " ' con..I\Iarkh1iii. 20 2 RICHMOND BIL. 'I‘RAYEI‘._C-ame to 1m. premise-3 C C l of the undeisigned. lot 17. con. 3, ' M"”‘““"“ N""- 6- “ 3““‘P‘h‘rl‘ \Veather probabilities for the next few months Glazier, Grainer and Paper- raiii. The owner may have same by proving;, property and paving expenses. â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"- Norman Brodie. Dollar RD. 20 ’ +++++++H++++++++++++++H$ _. w - , RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL H S " q 0 RENT for winter months. coin- Don't begin to shiver when you think about it, but come and buy J. I A V. ~ - fi’“ ""' ’A ’ MANAGER fortabh- farm house. 20 minutes i walk from Richmond Hill. water smnething ‘0 hl‘ll‘ Y0“ keep “'4le l Add“... Box - Liberal i _ VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY in house. i 0mm” ‘ 19 3f '7 A New Perfection Oil Heater is just the thing foi these AIAVAYS ON HAND, cold :riormiigs and evenings. Easily carried from one room to Come today and see what cx_ TRAYEDvâ€"A red Durham heifer: another. Prices from $3.30 to $4.51) each. . , \ about H Iiiontlis old. Frank . pert ClOthlng men cons‘der the ' 4, ~ . ) ‘ , . me MW" 1-” 15 if; s limiting Stoves rm- ctial m- wood from $8.00 to $20.00. ‘ finest display of new season ‘ “‘H"” - 'fb' wn G I HINAS , ‘ v I _ a n N UNI-.1 1}) “LOQN at ruin-at ‘ ‘ Pandora Ranges, Ilappy Thought Ranges. Inipeiial Oxford « cs they have ever Bho ' ' ' - ‘ iates. . . .‘aiight‘on. 631-2 “amass. ' . mm] figuiril filial." Eml‘lmi-i' 11“!“ ‘ h i ; Tailored-to-Your-Measure has removed his Laundrv to the build . tie... ii. i: V v H,‘ n _ _ I o . . . ' w" ‘ AVA 7 7 r " FL RXAL lsSâ€"“Any I\llltl Manufactured” installed and sums. ,' IS a Hobberlin Suit and ingthiee dmusimithotthel‘bst Ufi’ICt‘ .. ‘ ‘ ,, . i‘ facti in u: rant -e I. ° ‘ ' 1‘1 Ulgi‘l‘. tT0x lill'..\tl In Ri{-\l_iinoln.l ' l g l L i I FInIShed “1 every De' He solicitspatronage and guarantees \ "‘.:)i\' i.-i l‘ wit. ‘ _ a c i . ‘ l I“ H ‘ ‘ my I" l " Inavetroughing and (i;il‘~':ll.iz:‘tl Iron \Vork of all kinds tall In High'Class Silllsf‘dcu‘m- 14 Li. ' promptly done. - Manner. Send list of articles with each paletl l ‘ giving residenceand name in full. COI‘I'AUIE to rent. Apply 1-. Illi‘l's , a Sons. llivlimi-nd lliil. 101:" ++++++++++H++++++M++++++ .‘ ' Goods called for and delivered, if de- Aste HI..-\t‘x.â€"'l‘lie iiiidersigii'l 7 . - sired- B having received a earl-rid (“I Ill:lll_ . l give you a fine Suit. noted Nova Scotia feitilizer. .‘ " ' R:<ic Slag, will have a quantitv a. - - - dispose of at $21) a ton. For P7ll'Iit‘ll- H A ° lSOIe Agent for “Obberhn 1m ihone Richmond Hill. ii. w.‘ . i ' ' ‘ -~ NORMAN BATTY Phone 18 ' W - 13- BASSETTI Advertise in The Liberal Cllllllll“, l-Ilgin Mills. a tf

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