- _, a» ', ., 7 fl "ll .~ ,3 4.: to glow! iiitiiiiiiiiii l-lltti J Illt' )liiiitiiian Sub-dhiqon at a, [ :7 7 ' ' ' * ’ l h . _ . . .. ,v . - . pro 4‘ illt‘ lllil‘lt‘<i on \\'lllt‘ll “(illlLI Rurnnoxn “in†()5 ITEM“. 11,191.) & l he lt’ss than l'i lll ll illais monthly. ‘ \\'liy p.i\' ll'lll ': OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE -' TORONTO .\ Solid luii'k lli‘ll~l' on ('liuir'h Ht. nearly Iilll\llt‘li‘ l‘p lII-v’llllt' in I every paitienlai'. \Vill IH' sold S. S. No. 5. Vaughan ,. W s Report of Hope School for October: Sr. I\'.r#l{eitli Thomas, Marjoiie. 00K your II:ll'lll‘<< (H't'l‘ when i hitching: your hols-i- and see l I ,I ' H _ ,. "l c ; i V \1 (‘ll".l|l?l.\‘l. 5|:llitl5', t'l' \\‘ill_liiii~li ; \‘.liii‘ll‘\l".2i)lllil\ ‘h‘l‘r-tliialriliefDililiithy iii-Cheri- are any broken parts. It “W1 ‘1Ԡ:11 -‘| li-‘IHI-HH- lll'l -’â€X31"- 1 n so. do not endanger your “to lll'l\'- (liic- liundied aria-\- on L’od (‘on. E W Mortson, Alma .Ilct‘liiskey. ‘ Si. lIl.â€"-li<-alii('i' \Vestlll'nok. I‘lllllli B-m't'ii. Florence \Yalsoii. Ht" Vaughan. lirirk house. gold outbuildings. ill'\l-t'l.|\\’ soil. oin- llllll‘ liom (‘oiporatioli ot' ltit'li- iiioiid llill. ()ne hundred arres in Maikliani, well drained. new buildings, iiig with Harness which needs lt‘» paiiing. In the lll'xi pla'w- ASK Sr. ll. -â€"llil(l:i (lrook, May Ireland. YOI'RSICIllt‘ \VIIY do they" net-ll Ell‘l Jones. \\'i-llington (lrnbam. Ull‘sv repairs ':’ "flit" question I< .lr. ll.â€"l[attie \Valker. \Villie soon aiiswi'redniri nine cases out \Valkri'. lIazel .loiie-z. “f [on they aie Factory and Book I.â€"l“lori-iim- .\l(:('luskey. Mai-y Machine Sewn. \\’li\' not t‘.lll at «m ' R I c H M o N D H I L L B R A N C H Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at highest current rates. m EST’D 1873 ____..4..»â€"â€" . the Test of 'l‘iine.aii(l give the best, 1 . \‘ Rod and Gun of satisfaction. Blankets, ltolies. 11- 19M N "9130115 L- E- HAND, - r.__â€"__Lwfler. , Mitts. and everything in the i - - . _ , ,. . ‘ A glance at the list of contents of SMMINT Hm.‘ Um, 1)â€va “H. l __ the Novuiiiber issue of Rod and Gun in (win. pri'cps. (“in and 3L... “5-. Canada magazine indicates that this ' - number is of general intmest to the i_ 7 if 77‘ NOTICE .’ Ollltliroi' lm er and Sptlll‘lSIllllll, fwhileI a reading of the num ier justi it'3 t W ' To the people of Richmond Ilill l WE ARE AGENTS FOR ï¬rst iiiipiessinn. “Big Alec and the ' A ._ H - r. . Portage “f “Ruth†is a “ulsm‘ B"), W. R. .indsuiioundiiips. angry :iy It. .I. Iti‘ast‘l‘ 0i Piliilt‘l'ih' A.Sheizerhaste-openedtheblack- 1n eres . concerning a \L’l‘l a i e Y 7 V . . . a 'tl sl. >i Fl ' \l'lle A ‘ r- . ’ I v z 03G bTm“ MOM, " LL . on i. i ipa . gin . l .. as 3.4 ii ‘l“"'t“gL' "f death “'thh \vasdhlgqu'lt" E ET Ru†1 oral blacksmith and wood Worker. Ed by 5‘†“"hll'l‘m'ue h’n‘d “t I'ld'imsi He thanks his customers for past FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDI‘ZI‘T, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURAN 1E. Very choicest of Com- panies. All have good ï¬nancial standing. Consult us for t‘ï¬ill'lviiï¬ltill‘lls UT: Bliirtfgiftrg'lli‘is I Pilmumgo' "nil “‘43†Hwy “ i“ W' _ y m _ . Bf H C, H.,dd,,nv,. N.,(,,.i..sl"’.md'1H5 tn do main \ynii hllllt' fin tthe faith-c, iatcs, and we assure “IOU your busmess Wlll be well at- ' ' ‘ “ ‘ ' "i".- H .: s;~ 2 - . . . do with the capture of a den of black fox NF“; ADVFRTISEMF "Ts. Hing“ I u m“ ‘S m u tended to if left In the hand 01 . . . . -. r‘u' puppies. "How Saunders caught the ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4‘ “ I Gill"? H03!" i3 :1 SU'I'V “f (1991' “"1â€ng Shoes removed . . . . . . . . . , 1;") cents tut/J 4;. by camera vs. deer hunting liy gun. BRING N..“,Shm,s. NUS‘ 1m 4,..“3009'118 P- G. & fry ‘ayill‘tl’n “"d“ ill“=‘““‘I"d “by F- ,V- Largei shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 cents IICIIMOND IIILL PHONE 8002 ' i iaiiis. " iere are n ier stories V ‘ _ Y ‘ L- J r k: that make a like appeal to the readers QL “IR HESL LT?i †:29. ’W? Furniture and Wall Papers NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the .\'ew Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on hand at all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have it to day, of :‘ sportman's magazine as well as A. the usual special depai tinents devoted to guns and ammunition, ï¬shing. etc. _ -7 a.-. . -. 1.7 , _ \‘V. J. Taylor. Limited. \Voodstock. Ont. are the publishers. â€"â€"â€"¢oo Auction Sales 'lHUltSDAY. Nov. 11â€"86 head of cattle, fresh mileli cows. springers and voting},r cattle. the property of Spark- V The Pressure ilall 85 Talbot. lot '29, con. 3, Seal horo ' I Agiiicourt. This is a ï¬rst class lot. - - . ‘ - - .,y . is the first essential to mod- ‘ Sah- a‘. 1 o’clock. Terms 0 months. _ _ . t. ,‘ ‘ ern sanitary conditimis and P. G. & YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL W. J. LAWRENCE IVHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST J. H. Prentice. . comfort, in the country SATURDAY. Nov. 13»~Sale of a farm . , . .. _ known as Brookdale Farm, lots 27 home m on "I f‘um‘ and 28. Township of EtobiCoke, at the Town Hall, \Yeston. at one 1am prepared m supply o'clock in the afternoon. .I. T. the abOve system in either Smaeun.Aiwt- hand, electric motor or gasoline. \VEDNESI)AY. Nov. 17â€"Fai-m stock, implements and furniture on lot 34. _ . con. 5. Vaughan. the property of Allklnd Of plumbing done \Vm. Aruiishaw. Terms 6 months. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. Saigeon & Conn-acts taken for [10115ng MCE‘VHL “"“S' new or old, at reasonable prices. ___.. _______‘ __._____ l i l l l l l l All work guaranteed. GREENIIOI'SES RICHMOND HILL (litEENHoL‘sEs AND OFFICE 152 ROSELAWN AVE, Tonox'ro ROPER'I‘IES FOR SALE-Eight roomed frami- lioosi- with cellar‘. furnaee. electric lights and 25 news. on Centre St. Elsi. ()n the Richmond = Ont place is a good Gaiago and other out buildings. \Vill sell all or part. Lots 310 ft. deep. NE‘V Six rimmed flame house on Ainold St... good cellar. furnace, l'}l‘ctl'it‘.“l)igllls,Illilld a‘r‘l so]? a r0 8 ‘V ' r water. tot. 2 ft. '( Ft‘p. ’. . W t G 1 k E: . G""‘h‘â€"‘ Rmhmm'd 11"" 20 l'f' V . ‘3 L a m A large quantity of ]1 quart baskets on hand 'I‘O RENT‘Farm on Yonge St,, L a [I g S t a f f suited for daii-ying. giain raising ‘ ‘ BOV 7“Liï¬lialfstmï¬i‘lrdpnIng' ‘ ‘ ‘ v Cinders for walks, concrete \voi lc. (‘iC.. $1.50 per team load ' ’ _ HOLSTILIN BULLS AND FEMALES 'V ANTEDâ€"A good family cow. A A ï¬tsï¬heprfggfg; Applyodié All Cows are bred to the present stock bull Sumaclmice lots on t‘lim-cii St, Baht-TANâ€. and Rose-view )9 a 'u' ' . u ' . v. . _ Lyons Segis Ixing. Avc.. libeial discount for cash, or $1.00 per foot down and Interested parties will be met at Langstafl unet- to ï¬ve year agieement. Flowers tastefully arranged for weddings, funerals, etc. Roses, Carnations. (‘hrysanthemums and other ï¬owei s in season Phone I'IiCllllllilltl IIill. or nights and Sundays North 2221. Cin ‘EED POTATOESâ€"A quantity of _ seed potatoes, Early Eurcka and b ,v a noin . Noxall for Sale. lot3627, con. 3. P? tment Vaughan. I’hone Maple: 0. Arthur» Orowhurst. 2†2 C. R. P‘o° f I) E C E RICHMOND ______,___ ' ~ I ,,. V Phone Thornliill i . J. " \ l. , HILL. 0.\1. OW FOR SALEâ€"A good fresh _ ' - __ '- “‘" " ._. , . s. ' ,, †,_. ,_._. milk row and calf for sale. Apply g 7“ a. Fred H. Johnston. Lot 15.31-d . s ’ ' ' ' " ' con..I\Iarkh1iii. 20 2 RICHMOND BIL. 'I‘RAYEI‘._C-ame to 1m. premise-3 C C l of the undeisigned. lot 17. con. 3, ' M"â€â€˜â€œâ€œ"“ N""- 6- “ 3““‘P‘h‘rl‘ \Veather probabilities for the next few months Glazier, Grainer and Paper- raiii. The owner may have same by proving;, property and paving expenses. â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"- Norman Brodie. Dollar RD. 20 ’ +++++++H++++++++++++++H$ _. w - , RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL H S " q 0 RENT for winter months. coin- Don't begin to shiver when you think about it, but come and buy J. I A V. ~ - ï¬â€™â€œ ""' ’A ’ MANAGER fortabh- farm house. 20 minutes i walk from Richmond Hill. water smnething ‘0 hl‘ll‘ Y0“ keep “'4le l Add“... Box - Liberal i _ VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY in house. i 0mm†‘ 19 3f '7 A New Perfection Oil Heater is just the thing foi these AIAVAYS ON HAND, cold :riormiigs and evenings. Easily carried from one room to Come today and see what cx_ TRAYEDvâ€"A red Durham heifer: another. Prices from $3.30 to $4.51) each. . , \ about H Iiiontlis old. Frank . pert ClOthlng men cons‘der the ' 4, ~ . ) ‘ , . me MW" 1-†15 if; s limiting Stoves rm- ctial m- wood from $8.00 to $20.00. ‘ ï¬nest display of new season ‘ “‘H"†- 'fb' wn G I HINAS , ‘ v I _ a n N UNI-.1 1}) “LOQN at ruin-at ‘ ‘ Pandora Ranges, Ilappy Thought Ranges. Inipeiial Oxford « cs they have ever Bho ' ' ' - ‘ iates. . . .‘aiight‘on. 631-2 “amass. ' . mm] ï¬guiril filial." Eml‘lmi-i' 11“!“ ‘ h i ; Tailored-to-Your-Measure has removed his Laundrv to the build . tie... ii. i: V v H,‘ n _ _ I o . . . ' w" ‘ AVA 7 7 r " FL RXAL lsSâ€"“Any I\llltl Manufactured†installed and sums. ,' IS a Hobberlin Suit and ingthiee dmusimithotthel‘bst Uï¬â€™ICt‘ .. ‘ ‘ ,, . i‘ facti in u: rant -e I. ° ‘ ' 1‘1 Ulgi‘l‘. tT0x lill'..\tl In Ri{-\l_iinoln.l ' l g l L i I FInIShed “1 every De' He solicitspatronage and guarantees \ "‘.:)i\' i.-i l‘ wit. ‘ _ a c i . ‘ l I“ H ‘ ‘ my I" l " Inavetroughing and (i;il‘~':ll.iz:‘tl Iron \Vork of all kinds tall In High'Class Silllsf‘dcu‘m- 14 Li. ' promptly done. - Manner. Send list of articles with each paletl l ‘ giving residenceand name in full. COI‘I'AUIE to rent. Apply 1-. Illi‘l's , a Sons. llivlimi-nd lliil. 101:" ++++++++++H++++++M++++++ .‘ ' Goods called for and delivered, if de- Aste HI..-\t‘x.â€"'l‘lie iiiidersigii'l 7 . - sired- B having received a earl-rid (“I Ill:lll_ . l give you a fine Suit. noted Nova Scotia feitilizer. .‘ " ' R:<ic Slag, will have a quantitv a. - - - dispose of at $21) a ton. For P7ll'Iit‘ll- H A ° lSOIe Agent for “Obberhn 1m ihone Richmond Hill. ii. w.‘ . i ' ' ‘ -~ NORMAN BATTY Phone 18 ' W - 13- BASSETTI Advertise in The Liberal Cllllllll“, l-Ilgin Mills. a tf