"landing. Capt. and Mrs. qu-x-ett. Capt. R. \Vulker. Lit‘nf. A. R. Law- rence(udjut:ml).:Lnd Mrs. Luwl'c‘nm‘. Lleut. G. Ulcgg. A.M.C., Lieut, N. R. \Vright. Lieut. Price. Lieut. G. B. Snow. Lieuh. G. T. Onushy, Lieut. T. D. McIntosh. Lieut. G. Heighingtun, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. \anl. Rev. A. HAL bert, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stem-Hr, Bishop Anderson. Mr. Harry Mun. Mr. Stanley \Vhittingham. The gift of tho groom to the best man. Mr. Fred Foster, Was a pair of diamond cuï¬- links. other end of the foam. when-E :\ recepâ€" tion was held. During the Signng uf the ï¬ghter Mrs. Albert StewurL sung in a very pleasing voice "Promise Me." Then folhm'ed .the y’adding sup The uï¬icers‘ hungalnw of the Kapuskasing Military lntemment Camp. Ileat' Sudhury, was the scene of a prettv military wedding on \Ved- nesday evening, Nnvetnher 10th, when Bertha Mabel Hughes. (if \Voodbritlgn. was united in marriage to Rev. F. ' ‘. Graham. B.A., of Richmnnd Hill. the camp chaplain. The weddingceremony took place in the large. ante-mum at the nï¬icers’ bungalth before the huge ï¬replace, under the colors uf the Union Jack, whii‘h was drade from a large spread If moose horns. At, the cummencument 01‘ the mar- riage ceremony lhe Ofï¬cm‘s were drawn in two lines, facing inwards, with suutnls drawn at the carry to alluw the bridal party tn pass. ’l‘ln-y then formed inwards and made a lino 10 emes behind the party ('Xtentling “(31083 the mess l'UUlll. At the conclu- sion nt' the, wedding march, which was played by l‘tv U. A. M. Pickering of the A. M. 0.. the Rev, A. A. \Vall. nt' Ohochrane. assisted by the Rev. A. Halheit. (If .lacksnnlmru, the bride. whn was unattended. was given away by Chi. F. l“. Uiillkt‘, commanding nflIc-r of 1112 Camp. “lie Mr. Fred Fmt t' acted as best man. linuwdi- ntely after the ceremony the bugle band. of the dt-tachment of guards sounded the reveille to designate the commencement of a new day, thou the ofï¬cers having received the cum- Inand cmssed swords and allowed the bridal party to pass through to the At. London Mr. Rnwell expressvd the hope that lepresenmtix‘es of India should he asked to IIIH‘L with the Imperial Conference this year in a. War session. He thought that such an invitation to India \vmfld stir the iunaginutiun and still further quicken the devntiun of thc mure than three hundred millions of people in India who had allendy shown such loyalty and sacriï¬ce In this war and had earned the right to appeal for it place in the Imperml Conference. “Ourgnlhlnt C inudiun suns." he said, “of both Bl‘iLish and Eiench origin, have on the plains of Eul‘in. ï¬ghting m a common muse. 50.1ch with their blood a. covenmt whlLll should bind together the UH; great races in Canada.†Mr. Rowell said that the people of Canada would not permit any snmll nationalist movement here. whether represented nutsldc the guvermnent or inside the guverulnent. as Mr. Luvergne suggests, (u deter them hum doing thir duty as Canadian citizens in this supreme hour. and the people of Gamndu of both British and h'renph origin would unite ilS Britons and Boers in. South Africa hald united in fight for [he common cause of Liln-l ty and justicv. At Windsor Mr. Rowe†addressed an audience composed of Canadians of both French and English origin from the County of Essex and made an appeal to all Canadians, irrespective of ranciul origin, and on the grounds of their common Canadian citizenship Ln join the colors. The Montreal Herald descrihod Mr. Howell‘s speech before the Montreal Reform Club us “at recruicing speech which should ï¬nd its place into every Canadian home." Mr. Rowell‘s speaking engagements on the war within the lust week include an address delivered at u complimentary dinner tendered him: by the Montreal Reform Uluh mid (mo given to the Young People‘s Such-Ly 0f Shiler Hushumzlyim of Montreal, n. recruiting nweting at, \Vindsm- in connection with Lhe formation at an Essax County Battalion, and M) address in London before the Older Boys’ Conference. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., Nov. 18, 1915 @112 flihem‘l A MILITARY WEDDING TORONTO L ETTE R See pa tge three. BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY Nurserymen, Limited Brown's Nurseries, Wenand (30., Ont. ‘21 4 BROWN’S TREES Mr. and Mrs. Peter '1 110mm left ful‘ England on tm- Allan Line Steamer, Sicilian. {rum Muntreal on thv 12th. Bl-fnre leaving Mr. and Mrs. Thomas received a pleasant surmise in the shape (If a purse each cuntaining a lovely and useful sample of Canadian gold coins in appreciation of their services at Trinity Chunch during the last six years. A large cix-t l: of friends l-vgwted to see them leave. \V» wish them a safe and pleaSant voyage. THE BEST THAT (VAX BE GROW’N. \V'HO IS OUR AGENT IN YOUR TO\V.\' '3 neally and prempfly Yï¬e L’t'ï¬eral @ffice E enjoy the distinction of serving a class of cus- tomers that we hold in high regard. “’9 are serving them with the best fonds mm; a. grocer can buy. \Ve are sewing them in the pulitmt manner that good hreeding could suggest. \Ve invite your next, grocery order “ He proï¬ts must, who serves best.†G. A. MCDONALD & SON For Particulms \Vrite Special Excursions DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Lectures and practical Work in Stock Judging. Seed and Grain Judging, Identiï¬cation of “leads. \Veed Seeds, Insvcts, Etc,, Farm Bookkeeping. Fruit Growing. Soils. Fertilizexs, Em. AGRICULTURE FAIR AND SQUARE .706 {Printing .7711 [finds of RICHMOND HELL COMMENCING JAN. 4, 1916 done a! Six Week’s Course in Thomhill For Young Men at J. ~C. Steckley FAIR AND SQUARE RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL I“. II. 141C131) 133R annntn. Canada. includleer Shaw Corn-spondence Schuul. The Central Business Cullegru The Central Tele- gragh & Railroad Sch‘ml. and Fun!‘ City Brunch Bua‘im-ss Schools. All provide excellan cuurses lending in good salaried pnsitinns. Free cata- lngun nn roam-Ct. \Vrirp for it. \V. H. Shaw, President. Head Ofï¬ces, Yunge and Gel-land SLs., Toronto. 18 H Outï¬t free, exclusivr‘ territory and money making specialties. Om ngenciesure the lK‘St. in the busi- ness, fur we sell the highest grade of stock :it most, reasonable prices and guarantee dphwries in first- Clnss condition. Nursvry stock is selling well this yz'ur and pond money can he made in this district. For particulars write SALES MANAGER PELHAM NURSERY 7n. Shaw’s Schenls NE\VM ARK ET, ONTARIO This week we will have HADDIE FISH Special Illnstratml Lectures Reliable salesman to act as agent in York County. PLAIN AND ()RNAMENTAL . PLASTERER . . . Advertise in The Liberal. Estimates Furnished Terms Reasonable WANTED NOW PAY WEEKLY CODFISH WHITE FISH TURON’PO, ONT ii. The Central Central Tele- 'ml. and lel' Schools. All '395 lending m Free cata- -ir9 for if. \V. FRIDAY ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE TSTRICTLY ATTENDED T0 F. J. WDUDWARHi PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SEOEING LAKE AND INTERFE .ING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUUDWARD. The Nth Sitting of DiVlSIOH Court to N0. 3, Country of York, Will be held in the Court Room. DWISIDN - 8011M \V M. ROBINSON, RICHMOND H I LL FOR FURTHER INI“ORI\’IA'IIC)N WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE‘ J. T. LOCKE- 8 C0,, Richmond Hill GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley agency for tho D. Smith 00.. \Vinona, for all kinds of Nursery Stock. Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1915 (Jummencms: at 9.30 mm. NURSERY STflBK Richmam flil! Amex Order now for spring delivvl'y T10 undersignPd has taken the RICHMOND HILL G.A. M. DAVISON, UNIONVILLE. dealer for ‘A'arkbam, Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry: ' Building Lots on Yonge St., Belant and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms The above m'icm f.n~. h. Fold. Ont.. effuclive Aug. 2. 1915. N0 spec-dunth included in this year‘s equipment. atherwise Ct-ns, fully equipped. Uill's on display and sale lny Ford Touring Car Price $530 Ford Runabout Price $480 Made in Canada EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLER L. C U R T [S RICHMOND HILL In Marble 01' Grnnlto. Good work rousrmube charges, Town 01 Uuunhy \‘Vl ile, \V. A. JONES. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANGING, ETC. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++M++++++++++++++++ Motcr Repairing Done TERMS GIVEN (N M'ICR CHIS Monuments. Tombstone L entering L. CURTIS A. J. HUME Tailor 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto CLEANING AGENT FOR PRESSING RE PA I R I NG Markers and Comer Pusts Buchanan Sh, Toronto