Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Dec 1915, p. 1

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AT THE LIBERAL PRIYTIN’IBG PUBLISHINE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.ONT. Is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING '1‘. F. McMAHON. J. Iâ€"I. Nanghton Tvlpphnna Main 3176 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctmn 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE A'l mail orders will receive prompt attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to]: Licensed Auctioneer (or the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention uivon to sales of every «Inscription. Farm and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on cnmmissiuu. All sales attended to nsburcest notice and conducted by the latest up-lo-dnte methods. Address: 41:5 Ballinl St . North Toronto: Pone in Hou‘sa. North 229:! maensed Auctioneers tor the County of York Salas Luauded no on shortest notice and at ten- sorsb.e rates Patronage solicited Phone No. 28. LlUn’NSEU AUULIULVnnn For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEL. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO Telehune. Main 31]; Cable Address. "Dado." NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING 5T 8.. TORONTO, Canada PIANO TUNING A. gamerqq _Ma,_cNaughton Tel. 311. 3&1 RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Alamge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY $1 per annum, in advance. ‘4 VOL. XXXVIII. UR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILLI D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. Undorlakers a Embnlmers. Benton, Grover & Field Phone or m lil messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 RESIDENCE rum; nnuse nuth of Atkinson & Switzer 9 store. Phnne N0. 2102. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET W'EST; F. C. EGAN JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. 621-2 Wmdem Bank Bldg YL-nge & Colbm-ne SL8. TORONTO Samoan Map-e LICENSED AUCTION EER RIaDle, ()nt. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 3031: 9. 9avidson @112 @iheral Organs Repaired. Expert. Work Salgcon a: NICEWeII. EDITOR dz PUBLISHER OFFICE AND RESIDENCE! Barristers. Snlictors, &C‘ WRIGHT BROS. J. E. Prentice ,THORNHILL J K McEwen Weston Residence Main 44.4 CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Barrlslcl s and Solicitors. Money to Loan on 1 and nnaohnttel mortgages“ owes: ntou Autonomonâ€"Rovoved to tho old post omen one door vun of the autumn to the Ontario Bank Newman)”: officeâ€"Three doors south of he postomco Eznnuu'meox G V loam! Ofl'lce lnvatod in Standard Bunk Build- ing. Office huurs S).3()u.m. to 5 [MI]. Dr. C. LaVerue Pantison Hun. Graduate Royal CnHPgn"nf DentalSurgtâ€"vmls.Tun-(mm. will he at, Richmond Hill cvnly 'l‘m-sday and Friduv. LENNOX & MORG BARRxerR. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Tom-untn Ofl‘lce, Runm 328 Cnnfederu Linn LifeI Bldg.. Nu. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill omce (‘ Liberal' Offlct-L evory Thumduy fm'enuun. ’ Maplé. Thursday afrurnunn. VVoudbridae, Saturday forennon. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) Richmond Hill CCMA‘USSIONER. CONVEYRN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1915 Patriotic stutume: y at THE LIBERAL stare PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Church St, RichmondCEfll (Rear Richmo 1d Hill Hardware) ++++++++H++++++++++++++H H++++++W++M4N+++§ Hi \VINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3 annnln. Ont. Graduates of this sclh'ml readily nhtuin mnoloyment becansm there are thmh‘nnds nf openings in this city every year and we :1! e culled upon to fill more than we can. Enter any time. Cullege open all year. “Him for (‘amlugua . . . . . 734 Yonge St. ‘V. J. Elliott Yonge & Chzu-lcs 5&5. ., ’ Principal Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at. $32.00, Elec- tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appli- ances that save time and work for the House Wife. Commissioner, Convoyancer. etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHII If You expect High GmdeEmplny- ment yuu must make High Glade Prpnuralion. One school that is well-known throughout Canada for strictly superior training is the PAPERHANGER GRAIN ER. ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT Prion: 133! l. H. SANDERSON NOTARY PUBLIG A. NICHOLLS Electrician. Ric 'lmond Hill 5.0 SHEPHERD WILLIAM COOK EDWARD FRANCIS DO IT ELECTRICALLY NOTARY PUBLIC ELLIOTT . LASHER FPAINTE): Annm In Essentials, Unity; in G V Kola“! 44 12 Mr. G. A. M. Dmvison. who has given :1 Fun] Tuuring Our. 1916 model, price $530. In the Uniunvillc Rod Uruss girls, was in the village yvsteldny :md lt'ft [Ickka for em]:- ML $1 much at, the Stunduld Bunk. Nurnmn Gluss‘ sLm-v. girls, was in the village ycsteldny and left tickets for wnln- ut, $l each at, the Stuntluld Bunk. Norman Gluss' stm'v. E. Gl-ninger’s lmrhct- shop and the Lihernl Office. The duuving will close Friday evening. December ll). win-n a concert, will he held in the Town Hall, Markham. The drawing drrungv- rnenls will he in the hands of thP Reeves of Mn: k huln Vil- lage, Markham Township and Scur- hnrn Township. So that the person holding the lucky ticket will feel sun- thnt tln- contest, will he conducted on the. square. The cur will he standing in front of the Town Hall on the night of the COHCEIt. and if the person hold- ing the lucky ticket is prescnt he can jump in the car and drive it, home. And should the winner not be present it: will be shipped tn him or her free of charge. Buy a ticket. If you do not get the car ynn will at least. he helping a wot-thy causeâ€"The Red Cross. The illustrations in “The Cnnndinn Magazine for Decmnhrr :ue particu- larly attl-nctiv». Apart, from the full-page reproductions of pictures by well-known painters, there are drawâ€" ings by Dorothy Stevens. who recently wun the Canadian Government's {ru- velling scholarship nf one thnusund dollars. and by Hurly \V. Mayer. J. Huherc Beynon. with several vxuel- lent war-time- pictures by Marion Long. Theillnstmlions accompanying Estelle Kerr’s article on “Those \Vur- Time Jig-Saw Toys" are novel and decidedly clever. ’l‘he make-up Of the entire number is highly creditable. Of the 2,838 in-patients last year 1,771 were medical cases and 1,067 surgical. In the orthopedic department of the 2,838 in-patients, 264 were treated for deformities, 21 Pott’s dis- ease of the spine. 10 lateral curvature of the spine, 10 bow-legs, 57 club-feet. 17 dislocations of hip, 42 tubercular disease of knee, hip, ankle, wrist and elbow; 76 infantile paralysis, 8 wry neck, and 21 miscellaneous. Thanks for your kindness in allow- ing me the privilege of appealing at this Christmas time on behalf of the Hospital for Sllk Children, Toronto. Dear Mr. Editorâ€"â€" In the 40 years of the Hospital's ox- istence there have been treated within its walls 26,108 children as in-patients; 231,768 as out-patients; a grand total of 257,876 in and out-patients. The Hospital for Sick Children gives a province-wide service. for little patients from every section of On- tarlo have sought its aid. Last year 499 patients were admitted from 232 places outside the city of Toronto. In 1914 there were 394 from 210 places. Our battle is never-endingâ€"is one that will continue while the world lasts, for it is the fight. between the armies of life and death. to save the child life, the sick little ones, sons and daughters not. only 0! our soldier men, but of the fathers and mothers still in this homeland province. , So we appeal to the generous people of Ontario not to forget those so near and dear to us, who lie in the beds and cots of this great charity. FOR The Hospital for Sick children The Hospital is beating back dis- ease and death, the enemies that as- sail the lives of little children as the British Empire is beating back Ger- many. Austria and Turkey, the ene- mies that assail the life of liberty. The Hospital has waged its war for forty years. The people of Toronto and Ontario have been its friend, and this year of all years it requires help. Surely you will give to a charity that cares for every sick child in Ontario, for only as your money reaches the Hospital can the Hospital's mercy reach the children. Will the people at large, as of old. respond to our call? Will they remem- ber that every year ls a. war year for the Hospital, every day a day of battle. and that the Hospital needs money. not for Its own sake, but for the chll' dren's sake? Every dollar is a link of kindness in the chain of mercy that joins the money in your pocket to the miseries of some child's life. some mother’s heart. Remember that Christmas calls you to open the purse of yourrklndness to the Hospital that the Hospital may open the heart of its help to the children. Willwsfiu send a dollar. or more it you can. to Douglas Davidson. Secre- tary-Treasurer. or Christmas Appeal J. ROSS ROBERTSON. Chan-man of the Board of Trustees. Torcnto. COLLEGE ST.. TORONTO. Pictures by Canadian: Ford Car for $1 Non-Essentials. Liberty; in all things, Charity." The above Cnuncil met at Ann- strnng's Hutel, King City, nn Sutur- duy, Nov. 13. A nnmhpr of bills were presented and m-derr-d in he paid. \Vutson â€" Campbell. â€"Th:lt James Mumng and George Bate-mun he uppnintvd. Come to place a quantity of bloke-n stnne frmu Ml". Ruthwfll's promises «‘n the Aurora sidu-I-umd in lhe lsb (Von. at, the. rate of 75c per yard, providiqu thPy do not exceed thu sum of $150. 1.xmpho-llâ€"W'umumâ€"That lhc- Clerk lw :Ippuinlvd (p writeI a lettm- hf finn- dulence tn Mrs. Ruin-wt Norman. The lettm Ln be subject, to the approval of tho Uuu_ncil at. the next meeting. 0amphellâ€"Kauke.â€"Thnt the Council confirm the action of the Reeve and Clerk in paying WmJVillinms balance on account for making tile amounting to $146.20. Knnkvâ€"(lnmplwll.â€"Th-It the Treas- m-e-r receive from J. A. \Vntsnn $2.54. nnmunL of disonum on stub-l set. \Vatsonâ€"Knake.â€"â€"That J. B. Ross he appointed road overseer in heu of Jagxes Qul_l_. refiigned. 7A Campbellâ€"Kéglke.â€"That a grant of 85 be given to the Flee Library for the Blind. By-Luw No. 297, appointing H. H. Coffey a member of the Board of Health in Hull uf Robm't Nnrmnn, deceased; and By-Luw No. 298. up- pointing place for holding Nomina- tinn. Pulling Bunths. Deputy Return- ing Officvrs and Poll Clerks. received their several rerudings and passed. ~ Council udjuurnpa In m-ePL at Sut- tnn‘u Hate]. Schmnherg. on Sntuxday, Dec. 4th. The campaign to secure recruits for the 121!) York Rangvl's' Oversms Battalion opened Tm-sday night, in Heather Hall. Agincnul t. with Mr. \V. The ane Sewing 7ircle gave :1 fowl supper and entertainment in the church lust \Vudnesdny evening in aid uf the Red CIIISS Society. The pm. ceeds amounted to about $50. H. Pattensnn in the chair. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Home Guard, and was nddlessed by Major Bruwn. Mr. Nmmnn Sumer. ville, )npt. Cuckhm-n. n returde snldiex-. and Capt. \Vindmm-rv. Tho Home Guard gave an vxhihitinn of drill. A hard time-s social was held by the Epwmth League on Monday evening. Those dressed in suitable costumes got in for half price. The entertainment in aid (If the Red Crnsz-i under the auspices (If the \Vnmen’s Institute was a mat success. The (:nuiedy drama “Mrfinh” Was the feature of the evening and the characters sustained their pants must creditably. Miss Jean Set-It as Miss Rebecca Luke iiupersoinated the maiden lady, fund of cats. peifectly. Mr. Stanley Buyntun as Jenkins the butler was as dignified as became a good butler. Patty. the hnusemaid, Miss May Meek. was irresistible and added to the part played a lu-iskness and charming manner lhat pleased tllel audience. Marin" Bryant. (Miss Trewin): Katherine. (Miss Marguerite ‘ Brown). also acted their parts rleverly. \V'liile Philip Rys'm. (Lurne Perkins). } and Mr. Brown nf Beusmi & Benson. (Mr. H. Cullard). were pelfectinu in their parts. one asthe nephew (if Miss Luke, the other as the bewildered lawyers clvrk. Tu say that "Thel Square" is behind in liistrinnic ability would be untrue as We seem tn possess the material tn fill any part. ’l'hele. Were chm-uses and solos, and a sale nfl homemade candy at the Muse brought the pleasant evening to an end. l Prnr-eeds $40.20. ' Preparations are being made for the i Xmas Entertainment. A cantata. ‘ “Bell Bender’s Xmas“ has been chuseu and no pains Will be spared tn make it a sateess. There will also he nther' features. Pinceeds fl'ulll llllS enter- tainuient will gu to the Canadian Red i Annivm-s'ary services in connection with Hope Metlmdist Church will be held on Sunday, Jun. 2. 1916. D R. S 0 M E R S Dentist - - - Toronto has removed to his new office on corner of YONGE and QUEES Sls.. which has been equipped with the most modern of dentn appliances. Out of town patients attended wilhuut previous up- pnintment. grams; anagram Campaign for Men KING COUNCKL Victoria Sqfi’nre Maple TH ESTELLE M. ORTON (PUPIL 0F MISS H. ETHEL SHEPHERD) VOCAL INSTRUCTION Pupils prepared for examinations Studio. Toronto Conservatory of Music Richmond Hill on Monday and Tuesday of Each ‘Veek. Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat. Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale We have the D.L. 6c W. Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better” Order now Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES for pure drugs, patent medicines, useful and fancy articles. Puhtic Attention is the first essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. I-am prepared to supply the above svstem in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing done. Contracts taken for hcuses, new or old, at reasonabie prices. All work guaranteed. Richmond Hill - Ont. J. H. RAMER The Pressure Water System [Single copies, 3 cts. JOHN HICKSON Telephone Store Sanderson’s Richmond Hill Drug Store “AND” Go to No. 23

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