J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS 0N HAND; REAL ESTATE NORMAN BATTY Cool RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL ‘J A New Perfection Oil Heater is just the thing fol these cold warnings and evenings. Ensilv carried from one mom to another. Prices from $3.50 to $4.50 each. ‘J Heating Stm‘es ful' coal or WOOd from $8.00 to $20.00- ‘J FURNACESâ€""Any Kind Manufactured" installed and satis- faction guaranteed. WI Euvetmughing nnd Gnlvnnizd Iron \Vork of all kinds prompUy done. Don't begin to shiver when you think about it, but come and buy 9? Pa ndm-n. Rang Rn n gcs. EST'D 1873 ~ STANMRD BANK C. R. James Wallnut Grove Stock Farm Langstaff PRESEN OFFERING ' HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafl by appointment. Weather probabilities for the next few months â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" MANAGER RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. ++++H+++++++H+++++++++++ W+H+++++++H++++++++ something to help you keep warm gos‘ SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. Happy Thought Ranges. Imperial Oxford Cold Eflicient and Prompt Service in every Department Phone Thornhill OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL W. HEWI§ON HOUSE PAlNTER, Langstaff 53.0. Phone 18 Manager. 212 FOR SALE. â€" Livery, bus and trunk business. also beautiful stone building in thriving Immu- facturing town of 2,000 pimple. An old established stand. with 18 horses, and ï¬rst class outï¬ts. Really nu opposition in town Supplies all the undertaker work in tnwn both with horses and rigs for funerals. as well as the black team fur the undertaker. Finest equipped barn in the ProvincP. Doing a business of approximately $1500 for bus and $6000 for livery. Price $10000, half cush. Immediate possessiun. If interested uppr to The Liberal ofï¬ce. 22 2 0R SALEâ€"A large coal Stm-e, “Parlor Cook." hot air pipes. dining mmn table and chairs. cheap. Apply at The Liberal ()flicp. 21 4 onto. f x-unuwd fmnn- huuse‘ with cellar“ flll'IHIPP“. vlvclric lights and 2} acres, un Cenlw St. Emt. On the place is :1 guud Gnmgé- and other nut, huildingc. \Vill svll ull or part. Lots 310 ft. deep. NE\V Sixtu<mwdf1mne llmlse on Alnnld SL. gnud vellur, furnace, electric lights. hmd and soft water. Lnt 210 ft. deep. \V. H. Graham, Richmond Hill. 20 Lf. \Vill nui Fleelzmd. Ym‘k. {OR SALEâ€"A quantity of heavy lumber for lmrn building. Apply G. Hex-ridge, May Avenue. Rich- mond Hill. 21 2 hill. RICHMoxn 111 L1 Elm i’ibrml 59" gnsulone Close uf th Dnvisnu. Ur: NEW ADV ERTISEM ENTS Hichnmml Hi fur quirk snlv. 71 Ath-hide SL ‘ ASOLENE OR SALEâ€"Holstein heifer calf, wr-ll marked, age 3 months, from very heavy mllker. Price $22. ill not svll her to butcher. W. aelund. Lot. 13, (Jon. 3, \Vesl rk. 23 2 TRAYEDâ€"A red Durham heifer ‘ about 14 months old. Frank Line, Maple RC. 18 [f OTl‘tAU E g9 pent. _App_l_y L. Ipnes OS'I‘.â€"â€"-An automobile hub cup and . flange in the shape of a crowu. Finder kindly phone Stoufl’vjflg OR RENEâ€"Two gnhd houses. six mums and hnsvmt-nt in mwh. J. 1'). Francis, Thornhill. 23 l 0R SALEâ€"6 01C SA LE R0 P15 [{‘l‘l ES FOR SALEâ€"Eight, OUSE TO RENT (In Richmond Street. Apply to Amos ‘Vright. 14 Lf. ONEY T0 LOAN at cuxrent mtes. J. H. Naughton. 621-2 Traders Bank Building, Tor- Phone M. 3476. 16 12 & Suns. Richmond Iii-ill: NH 4â€". garage SOLENE â€" “:u for Pom-lvss Gns‘ 1-ni_su in prif-u. I : land “in :11 201-. :1 present, innvill“. .â€"â€"Fine hrivk hhlle‘. ten furnace, e-lvctI-ic light, J. E. Francis, Thum- lâ€"(i I'mmn-(l trum- n'n. nrclmrd and L’ncn's (-n Iï¬ivlmmnd 5L. . Owno-r \\ ill sm'I-iï¬ca Applv. NUHI'I' Ruahy. East. 'l‘m-nmn. 23 8 Hg cvntl‘mrlt‘d 'Ill! horn“) the- u plt‘pill'kll to Hun until the m EGRWERN AM. THE WAY fl"! Hll 10 L aired. 1915 h- He solicits patronage and guarantees satisfaction. ' Send list of articles with each parcel giving residence and name in full. Goods called for and delivered, if de- ing three doors north of the Post Ofï¬ce BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY has removed his Laundry to the build Nurserymen, Limited Brown’s Nurseries, Welland Co.,-0ut. ' '21 4 The m-xt, Inn-Ming of the Cummil 0f the Municipality uf Vaughan will he hrld in the Town Hull. Vel- lnn‘, (In BROWN’S TREES Th» Rem II'I R. Hiqu 1916 Almanac. ishyfur lhv ï¬nvst. lmge‘st, and best mar lu-t'm-t- prinln-d. 'l‘nv Hicks sluvrm and Weather furrcnsts fur 191.3 again have’ plm‘vn their truth and \' uluv. and this splt mlid Almanac ful' 1916 shuulnl ï¬nd il- w=xy sil'ulghL inLn m'm-v lwmv and ( flim- in America. Thl‘ Rev. “I R. Hick“: Mug mine, \Vuul and \\'m kx; :Ind hh 1miqu A!n:1n:mshuul(l nlu'nys gm lngnthm', lmlvh fur nnly $1.1)Unyunl'. The Alumllm: ulqu i< 3.3m. prnpnid. Send In “’01:! and \Vm ks Publishing Company, 3101 Franklin Ann. St. Lullis. MN. 23 2 Vaughan Council New hnuse and gnnd large lot on the Monknngn Sub-division .nt a price the interest on which wnuld he less than four dollzus monthly. \Vhy puv rent. ? ASulid brick house on Church St... nearly ï¬nished, Unto-(late in every particular. \Vill he sold clump asi: stands. or will ï¬nish and sell at a bargain. Lur. 50x2“). One hundred acres on 2nd (Jon. of Vaughan. hx-ick house. mde outbuildings. ï¬rst-class soil. (me mile from corporation of Rich- mond Hill. One hundred acres in Markham, well drained, new buildings. The Rev. lrl R. “le5 NH) Almanac 130R SAIJE II. A. Nicholls Monday, Dec. 6, 1915 THE BEST THAT CAN BE GROW‘N. \VHO IS OUR AGENT IN YOUR TO\VN? Both fan-ms at, a bargain. G. I. HINAS J. B. McLEAN. Clelk at. 10 u'uluck man.- 0. :d best 5' Sll'l’lll 3 :nplin lll’. and Win give you a fine suit. Sole Agent for Hobberlin Tailoring W. R. Robinson Come to-day and see what ex- pert clothing men consider the ï¬nest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. W. H. BASSE'I‘T YONGE STREET RIGï¬f‘v’Mél] HIlL Harngss & Saddiery Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hohherlin Suit and Finished in every De- tail in ‘High-Class Manner. To the penple of Richmond Hill and surroundings : A. She) 291- has: re-npenod the hlnck- smith shnp n1, Elgin Mills. us gen- eral hlut~k~‘n.ith and \vnod worker. He thanks his cusuuners for past patronage. and huva Hwy will re- muin with him in the future. guaranteeing satisfaction as in the past. Shoes removed. . . . . . . . . . . 15 cents New shoes, Nos. 1 to 4, . . . .30 cents Large: shoes . . . . . .........35 cents Lm‘sv I'vpnn snun :mswvn-d- «If h-n lhu-y Machine Su-u'n. iflh A. SHERZER UUK yum hitching $22.50 NOTECE t'lllll‘ Harness over when ling your hmse and see l' any Inukun puns. If nndnngu-r your life driv~ lulu-35 \\ hich nm-ds re- \ RICHMOND HILL