RICHMOND HILL. own, 'I)E(‘. s), 1915 Mrs. S. M. Brown has returned fmm \Ve‘st H ill. “Shop early†is :1 gum] maxim. SPF stock of Christmas pmt. run-ds and booklets: at The Liberal Oï¬ico. “@512 iiiihcmu If. “m: llet. F‘rid and 1h" and 1h" \anon‘x‘ Hnmt Gund Wm:- :Ig:lin in thr- linwlighr. An :H‘tinn has luwn PntPrPd Ht, Osgnnde Hull h- nontrul certain lnrmnv: nruw in Toronto hunks. 0man Mi<< 1“anle furmez' recruiting sergeants is suoinp’. Mr. Atkins, who cnont. thv pust month with Mt. Allen and Mr. Stirling. utter an attack of tvphmd. returned to the City mt Saturday. fueling nlnunt, uhlu tn n-snnw business. Mr. J. H. Gnu-Hz infnrmc n: that he has givvn up his jewelry Innings: in this \‘illilL’P and has u-tnrnvd tn hie fm'mm' pnsillnn “'ilh thn T. E‘Itlrl] (‘m . Tm-m1tn.nnd :llsn wi-lws tn thunk his putt-nus fm- past. favours. A mnrlimz of llw Exer‘urivn Cum- lllllh‘e of flu‘ Pnfl'lnlln AS9nvl~IllnH will he llvltl :xf tlw hump of Reeve Pugslvv llllS (Thursday) evening. :ll 9.30 (I'clm-k. Each and c-n-rv nwmlmr is rwnw‘lfnllv l‘('QIlPSlP(l In attend. as mutton- nf inmmtnnno will lu- «1h. (mam-(l in rv-szuwl to the future work of lhis Ascnvial inn. Holiday hmdkm‘chir-fs, llu- always suitable, tilwnys him-wing present. and :l nicn hnndkvrrhivf 21mm :1 twat. ï¬nish to :Innlhnr nrvsnnt. hlvntv nf Hu- sorvicenhln kimL us WM] :19 Hm pretty (mos. Atkinson & Swilzvr. Mr. \Vm. Patti-n. hnvinq nnlietpd fnl' nvmsons survive. Pulled nn. mmu‘ friunde (am-l" in the ws-vk. :md .cnid gum] hyP. Mr. I’ann. who Insz tho rntflinn of Qum1m-mnRte‘I'-SPI'QPmH. will nnt enil fur England until mlml‘t Ihn vnd (vf [hie mnnlh. Mnnv wi>h him and mu- nther hnys a s va return. [‘ntitinn Will nut "1“ 0nd him and There have lwon so many mils on the nPnplo’s pnvkots during this yrnl' nf wax- and strife. m-my news!†Who fm-merlv pun-e vulnnhh- pnospnts In their fl'iPHdS at, Christmas :n'z- lhi< year Sf‘lwiinl‘: thv‘m m9er [\Prsmmi cards with thv svnwn's‘ m'nmings. Mm“ we remind tlw public llmtsudi minds are neatly printed at The. Liberal Ofï¬ce. Mr. \V. C. Snvngn hue infm-mm] nu Hint, he has plum-d an (‘l‘WEtliC light in his shed at, HIP rear nf his gnu-my More. and hf'l‘t‘flfll’l' it will he npen fur tlw uccmmnndnlinn (‘f his customers who nre driving. The Motlmdiw S: prvpnrmg fur thI-ir Christmas niuht :1 “TIM" Cum-t Hf lhv Bpsidvs the ctm \' nf will he- twvln- mmh Dnn’t‘ fail tn Pump and onjnv tho rnnm-rt, in Vintnrin Hall. Thm-nhill, (m \V‘Pdnnsdnv I-voninq nvxt. D90. )5. A laughablefarm-«mli1led.“\th’s \VhOJ’ or All in a Fug." “ill conclude the concert prngrnnnnp. 'I‘hp fullmvinq is lhe cast of 611:11-1ctm-s: MI'. Simnnides Swamhnpper. n mudel young bachelor, Mr. Frank Cullins‘: Luwrencs Luvnn- dm‘. :1 valet {mm Tm-nntn. Mr. E. E. Unttinglmm: Mr. Blnnmh‘n-ld [SI-:unhlu- tan. :1 mmnhy amulvmnn. Mr. T. Culling: Cir-91v. Brmn‘flntnm’s daugh- tPl'. Mia‘s Ida Kn-hv: Matilda Jamâ€"u .'I superior hnuseumid. Miss Cecile Pear- son. Ml". A. A. Jurdnn, 1hr How Public SChOfIl Inspector fur lhiH district. paid un nï¬ivinl visit. tn llu- Rirhnmnd Hill Puhlic Schonl nn Tuvsdnv nnd \Vud- nosdny. Thn Lihm-ul will hr- sunk to new subscribers from this date tn Jnmmrv l. 1917 fur $1.00. Take full udvnnlngu nf this offer by subscribing at once. For \vm' news see inside page-s. Eï¬lï¬gï¬igee SE NH““I"ï¬lllllillfllï¬llï¬mllllllHlllllllllllllflllllllli“W m WELLIAMS, GREENE @- ROME cm} ‘9 mumomamo “m 1 ‘nInmuuummuulmumuuumumnunuuuxmlum 1mmumuumumlHlllilllllmmullllllll‘ “MADE IN CANADA mgnmnnnmmnnnmmmumn Shllm‘ -u\' Ill $I°°flnd Ova! i=L Suhhnlh Schnnl an“: Hwir vntt-Itninnwnt un rhr n (‘rnntum entitled ' llw Chridnnm 'l‘rmw." ‘1 v nI' lho (Jnntnltu there musical numbers. ‘If Mk- T"“n!lt0 \Vm-M “UN Some person u few nights ago broke into the hluuksmilh‘s shop xvcvlltly kept by Alfred Suht-Izer, and carried away n quantity of Lunls. So far thus has been no clue in the theft. Mr. Srrln-rzm-‘s pn-st-nt :lhiding place up- penrs to he \vrnppL-d in mystery. The Villnm- Ulvrk has n-ceiN-(l :1 letter frum Mnjm B. H. Brmvn. 127th Batu-Hun, Ynl'k Rangvrs. acknowledg- ing his apprecinliuu of the Council's uï¬m- In pxm‘idu quanvrs fur recruit- ing, and inliumting that :1 Recruiting Ofï¬cer “ill be plum-d in lhls luculin at once. :IISU cluh SIH‘CiH‘ flu bust pullyt. and spwï¬ul fur hast culvu-L-d Rwsu (‘nmh pullel. This i< :In «Axrvptimm‘Jy ï¬m- winning. {lg}: x-luss lwin: \el-y stumg in qualily. :md nim-(y-lhrvv hint~ in the class. from Canada. and the United StuttN. Numlu-r (If hilds in (antin- exhihiL were m'vr 5,501), all of high standard. Next Sundaynwrhiluz‘.l1wH3v. Dr \V. F. \Vilsnn. of Elm Street “hurt-h. annnto, one nf thu must pr‘pulnr preachers in the City. and n fnl‘lnl'l' pnstm- of RiChmI-ml Hill. will preach :It 11 (I‘ullu'k. Exeryhmly “Thump. In lhe [waning Lht- Pastor will (:uu» tinlw his rmurse of Sermon: 1-†1h:- ank (If Daniel: suhjmtl. “DJllill in the Lions’ Don.†Annual fwewill nfl’vling: will In? taken fur thv’I‘I-nslvp Bun-.1. The Rev. J. R. Aikenhvnd will pn-uvh in 191111 Slum-L Church in lhv morning. The death has “cum-20d at his hmm- in Ottawa of (hp {mu I)r.Is.-mc(1:unp- lwll, ilt‘ one Lime lninislvr Hf Ih(- Pres- byterian Uhuluh, Richmond Hill. and lulu-1y (If the Erskine Uhuuth. ()Lanu. ’l‘he- Ilium-2:1 lnuk place Ml Sunday :lfll‘l‘llUUII from Chuhuel's‘ Church, Ottawa. The L'Idivs‘ Aid Such-Ly will lu-ld lhvir lnumhlv Ton (‘vnt Tom in thv sclmvl-mnm of the Mdlmdist Ulmrr‘h next \VPdm-sday evening. 1mm 5 In 7.30. An invitation is ('xtemlvd tn the cungrvgnlinn and all who can :Illvnd. On llu- sum? evening :l Burg:an Sull‘ will he lwld. nf :lplhns :mr] nthvr useful and funny :n'liclrs luft m H {mm 1119 last bazaar. Out of live Ruse (Jun-.1) Rhudos Island Reds enlt'rml :It the Ontariu Provincial \Vintnr Fan- heing held this \Vet'k :It Guelph. Mr. ()mmud L. \Vright vap- and first pullvl, snacnnd ht'l). third Cnckercl, :Ilul svvvnlh puller l'ith'llS. [inn was he Friday ilfll un “[11an I Was given was much SIâ€"‘m. Rep: The election of ofï¬cers rosullvd as fullnws: Pres" Mrs. T. F. McMuhnn; 890.. Miss Gladys Ll'ggc; Treus.‘ Miss A. Boyh'. the Asswi Umss lines Aftermmn tea was servvd by Mrs. Davidson. Miss A. Bnylv. and Miss Loggn, and :\ th-nsunt SUCiiIl half-hour brought the meeting tn :1 than The following letlvr from [he Ontnlin 'I‘n-nsm y Dvpnrtnwnt explains ilsrlf: “DI’HI' Sinâ€"Yum xepnrt and leth of the lst instant tn Dr. Ahlmlt onclnsing clwque fur $1,065 in aid nf the British Red Cross Sinciety and the 0] (im- nf St. John. from the Village «If Riclxnruul Hill. ll.‘l\‘(' lll‘t‘n trzmsl'orrwl tn the llunnurnlnle Mr. McGuH-y. 'l‘rvnsnier uf the Cvnlrul Provincial (J‘mnmittee. \vln) has directed HIP tn :uknmvlvdgc rvcvipt lhl'l'Ptlf. nnd tn vxprrss his thanks and the [hunks nf lllv Unlllâ€" lnitleevfur ‘.ln- generous cnnLrilmtinn. Yuurs wry ttnlv. rvcvipt tIn-I-enf. mud to [banks and the [bunks he gin-n nu "First Cullvs. :I Grnduute (v: Amhulnnco Corps. despulch cnrrymg n'i up by lll" Ches. unanimously lny tho admit lhl' "boy scouts Firs: [um-ling tn he A Classâ€"tn ho known as tho “Rich- mond Bill Young Ladit-s’ First Aid Assncialiml"â€"wus urgnnizod un Mun- dny mvning. A course of leclurvs will Snllcitnls. clc (res in Cunfed their lww 4 nu'mlwl- Kentm-l \Veslvv Buildin \Vesl, Toronto. A Big Day in {he Methodist Church reasu l‘k‘l Turnntn. Nov )pmmplly Letter to the Village A Record to be Proud of Rev. Dr. Campbell Dead rs (‘vm-k 8.: Gilchrist, Bun-idem n s. etc. have rmnuvwl frnm ntfi .‘nnfede-mtiuu Life Building. t( lww nï¬icvs nu Svcnnd flm-l ' Building, 33 Riclnunnd Strea-l The Council Thanked. Ilile School Alumnae First Aid Association [3(’l':\\:€(:k y'il Ten-Cent Tea Elgin Mills ludiw inï¬lvd :Ipinntcd Se (In A. MATTHEWS. Minis‘er's Sccretur} , 1915.†nurse of lecturvs will ~sL Aids†by th‘llL. e. of the St. Juhn‘s ;. Signalling and ; will also he lulu-n It was dvcitlwl ho yuung ladies to mls" tn th lecturvs. l-o llt‘ltl in the Rul n- Pnlnlic Schm‘l, at Mt-nduym‘vning. A will lw paid by much :lthOxfl. “Uumzl m Annual frvewill k9†fur the 'I‘I-nslm‘ .R. Aikenhvnd will wt Church in [In- l Clerk. Secretary n broke 1 Two more bugles arrived this week eccntly ' and have already lu-en give-n tn lnlglms curried so lhe prnspvcts 1m- 2; big m-ise on u- thele Friday night next. look good. u. 31...] m, v ,. ._ . nu . Take anicvâ€"Thut it is pnsitixely nect-ssury that (:hlldl'f‘ll km'p uwny fruit! the Kink 4m Friday nights as they svrinnslv inlvlfm-v with the pructlm-nf the Home Guard and the Bugle Band. Youngstexs are kindly requested tn stay out. The attondanrv has grown during the lust month until the nvm'ugu nnw stands HlM-ul eixlv instvnd u-t the six In twenty whn turned up tn drill until a shout time ago. Tm'n nnt, I-egulm lv. (weary une llt lps’tmvurd* the hnndn-d nmrk. Th0 ludivs’ 11mm in 1119 Rink will he rusmu'd nu Fridnv nighls fur the use of tho Bllgle B:ll|(1:ll.d ull nlhms :IIP resperttfully reqm-stvd m nhsvrvv this and lt-t, [he lmys got some pr-Icticv. seldom mism Schnol. Thv Uhmt'h Union \‘vutp is nmv ('mnplPtr. In Hirhnmnd Hill the lulul \‘nlv was 77 fur and 59 ugninsl. in ’I‘lmrnhill l7 fur nnd39nguinst. In annnln Pl'é‘ï¬lï¬â€˜tf'l')‘ thon- wns .I l|1:ljl)!'lly against nf 398. The ï¬gmvs fu- lhe whhlv ('huu'l‘. hnn- nut yL-l ln-on pnhlishml but the issnl- is nn lnngm' 1n (Innht. “’hutuvm- the- rvsrlt fur P1 PshylPI-innimn, CImn-h Uninn is nu lungur n livu qnvs‘inn. nul- will it h.- "Lil‘t- mf Dr. G(’([(“('," our ï¬rst Canadian Missionmy. The death vf Mm. Fnllr-r on 'J‘nr-sduy rnnmw-s from 'l‘hnlnhill Uhlm-h (me of our uldnst and moat. lwlnu-d mr‘mlwrs. Mrs. Fqur Lad nnL her†well for ulmut ln'n Venus. but so gII-nt‘ wns IH-r lnvv l'nr lhv house «1' Gm] that sht- A new Lndgv was inslihltvd last, Friday evening hy R. \V. Bin. \V. U. Loggv, I).D.G.M.. Na. Na, 'J‘nrrmln East, Di<t|icl, in (ho Mm’hnin ’l‘emplu. Gerrard Strevt aan Lngan Arc'nuv. [u Iw knmvn as “(‘nnada" Lndgv. After the new trï¬â€˜icm's tnnk their plan‘s and routine lmsim-Ss tl’illliilk‘tt‘d. [11». Imng was (:hust'l'. and all retired Ln th Imvvr rmun. whom a lmnqul-L “as S(‘l‘\'r‘d. A gum] pruglamnm (if speeches and smng fullnu'ml, and a pleas-MIL fvalurr- nf lhv owning was [he prvsentntiun ()f a ht'nllliful lmnquol, of carnatinns fur Mrs. Legg». The D.D.G.M. “in: :lCt‘Ulll- paniml by Buns. 11. A. Ninhulls. 'J‘. A. Imumn. and 1‘. F. M(:I\1al)(;n,nfl{1ch- mond Lodgv. Ill} {01‘ Sunday morning m-xt, Dev. 1211), Rev. Mr. Oko will prrurh. Sunday eu‘ning 11n- rnini-tnr “'1†preach on "\thsnm 91' l-vlivvr IIL" 'l‘he' Ynnng l’vnplv’s Society. ’l‘lnn's- (luv 6 U- !) :It/ “)0 Manse. thiwt. le (.‘ln-islmns Txee :md (‘nnnort that is living pi-epnrvd by the pupils uml (-x-pupils ul Cullculd Public Schnnl will he ginm in the sclmnl-hnuse un Tuesday f'\l'liillg. Dur. 21. zit, S n‘clock. 'l‘ho prnglnmme includes lecitnlinns. (linlogm-s, vliills. pull'inllc (-hmusos. tableaux. Mu. Admission. adults 250., children lUc. JONES â€"AL ano, Vaughan, nn Mon- day. Dvcvmher l, 1915. Muh'ill Kenneth. sun HE Mr. and Mrs. Pum- Jnues, :ngrd 9 months, 14 day'x‘. Turn out in good lilm Sunday ‘C New sun-n - mmnvd luick home with sun rumn and sum- mm- kilt‘llel). full size divided cellnl‘, l‘m-nncn, rlectriu lignt, 01(3.2Sllll:ltI-(l on Church Sheet, llitrlmmnd Hill. This is n u-ry desimlblu- [)I'Upe-l't)‘, is mmlel-ntvâ€" ly piim-(l. and. we will acne-pt u. cash payment (If $500. Illllgul' :l Ii\‘L' a gum-tut uf luu-mtil'ully (k ï¬mu's. t‘lmill'ik dry lule 1101 pivu- lullh. so- izrlln I“ burgu and UN 0!] H10“ '7 Gum] Richmm Small Xe A. GLASS PROPERTIES FOR SALE small I} (1 LI)» MORTG A G ES BO CG HT Presbyterian Church Home Guard Notes New Masonic REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL furme u-h Union \‘vutp is nmv In Hirhlnnnd Hill the lulul '7 fur and 59 ugninsl. in l fur and 39:1}:uinst. In IOUâ€)? lâ€"Unc hundred 1mm. vicinity md six n-mnm nt FOR RE six-rooms 5L. Hit: ll, immo pens and ln-nm-ry. Isl) paying†re-quirvd lmlzmcu may rennin "v at ï¬ve per cvnf, Concord th'v Manse C mid ié'.’ DIED mkl) Pd brick house. ‘Clll‘dlt’d, hardwnnd : light, sink, laun- \\':IU'I' huilvr. thx-ce [\Lic tank. full sxzv u. Lu! U‘JXIGZ). A Chm ch C(‘HUII AR M Lodge ‘d hnnsu (‘n hrunnd Hill. diute posses- :1c1 (-s Hf If BU“)- frame so ï¬rst- Sllhjmtf. "1' ï¬rst hut Ah 1‘ Sundu v lh, NOTICE is hereby given that, I, Mabel Mills, (If thy City of Toronto. in the (Juunty of York, in the prm‘incool Ontmin. married wnmun. will apply to the Purlinnwnt of Canada at the next session then-of. for a hill of divorce {mm mv husband, \Vilsun Bremd Mills. of llxe suid City of Turnnto. Gmcer‘s Salesman, (\n the grounds of impou-ncy. nun-cnnsunuuntion of the umrriuge and desortinn. r .) ,3: . Me“. . . .5“: W‘ï¬1r"“FEIWF’KT}F-"N§q: ‘“'{â€';E‘¢"'T€3.Fa_ ‘ x‘ , \ ‘H\ \ at“ V‘ x Date-d at, Tc Octnbvl', 1915. 17 13 NOTICE is hereby given that, va'y John Thomas \Vni-dlaw, of the Town of \Veston. in the County of Ym-k, in the Province uf Ontarin. Real Estate Broker, will apply to the Parlimuent of Canada at the next. sessinn' lhereuf. for a Bill of Divm-ce from his witv, Eda T} . by TH 13 H Luella Roxeniu \Vardluw, now resid- ing in the City of Detroit, in the State of Michigan. one of the United States of America, on the grounds ofadultery and dvserliun. Dzltvd at Turano, Province of On- turin, this third day of September A. D.. 1915. For your Christmas baking we have the ï¬nest ingredients I)iv01'ce Notice l)ivorce Notice Icing Sugar, in packages, pink. lemon, carame‘, choco- Nut-u-S: M use-nu Grimm‘s Seeded “3; have been fun Lunnle in gel- ling in :1 supply of good clean fruit. 2111's.. I’I'RE EXTRACTSâ€" Almond. Ornngv. Vunill Shvl GRAY & GRAY. Solicitors fur the Applicant, 43 Imperial Life Bldg... Torontu. MEN’S S‘lVEATER COATS in ï¬ne worsted won]. a gum! heavy weight. The only cont with nice lining shoulders and In all the good shades, at $4.50. OLllcrs flmu $100 up MEN'S HEAVY \VINTER UN DER\\'EAR, all knrtls, frun fleece lined at 50c :1 garment an d “‘uol at 75c. $1.00, $1.50 and “"ocsley at $2.00. l-St‘Cd Raisins. .[)('l' I!) I‘nstI-y Spico, per tin, Toronto this 1931) day of (JURRANTS. vands and \annuts, LS HAVE 8 full Inn and Children. NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOB STORE GLOSES AT SIX O‘CLOCK ON MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY 25c. 100. NUTS. late, 10c., and white, per lb , 10c. MABEL MILLS Alkinsen & Swiizer HUHMUND HILL FURNISHING STORE BGNERETE Hï¬ï¬‚SE Let us suggest a few of them lbs lbs Mm, F‘. 1-1. IJEE I)ER RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL NOTICE ie lit-ruby given that; QLARIGE SMITHH of uleycny of Tux-mum in the (.‘nnnty of York, in the Prm‘inm- uf Onlnrin. will apply tn the Parliament of Cnnndn. at the next Session UH‘IH f. fm- :n hill 12f divnrce fl'mn hvr huslmnd JAMES HENRY SMITH Ur the (my L‘nunty nf Ym k. and Province of Ontuxio. NHvspnper agent, upon the ground (.f ndultry and descrtion. DATED at, Torr-um in the Countv of Ymk, mm Pnn'incu of Ontario, this Nimh dny of NUVt‘lllhf‘r, A. D.. 1915. CURRY, O’CONNOR & \VALLACE, 20 14 FEELS. All kinds of vals are ready. Citron, [)(‘1' 1b., It ival'co l‘fotice Lemon and Omngv. pm- ll) Golden Sling. per tin, For the Poultry Drr‘ssing, we have Savory. Sage. Thyme, and Swept, Mmfurmn. pvr tin. Choice Hullmvee Dates, pet 1h Lone Star. per Lin, Fine Uuoking f Ruhbel 26 Queen Stun-t 4 Solicitors Centre flowers and brackets made . PLASTERER . . . PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL BAKING S YRI Estimates Furnished f the City of Turnnln. in the nf Ym k. and Province in, _Ne-\\'_spnper _ngent, rupon ‘vrms 300. 200. ()X 120 100. 100 100. 100. Men, Renso m1 ble- per “I at. Toronto, the Applicant. \V ( 111 ('1') order.