AT THE LIBERAL PRINTINGIS: PUBLISHING HOUSE BIOHMON D HILL. ONT. Is PUBLISHEDEVEBY THURSDAY MORNING '1‘. F. McMAHON. J.‘ II. Nanghton Telephone Main 3176 300 BERESFO‘BD AVE. W EST TORONTO Phone Junction ’72. TWENTY~FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIEHC! A'l mail order! will receive prompt attonziun. VOL. XXXVIII. “ JOHN R. CAMPBELL. BABRISTEIL:SOLICITOR NOTARY 621-2 's‘l‘mdem Bmxk Bldg. Yhnge 6L Colbm‘ne Sis. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respnnded to Phone No. 28. Aucuavu uuv..v..~-. -_, u ,7, , Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention eiven to stuns of every description. Farm and (um stock nabs a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on conlmissiun. All sales attended to nshortesc none. and conducted bv the latest up-to-date methods. Address: 415 Buninl St . North Toronto: Fans in House. Norm 22’92 “R. W. R. PENTLAND moansed Auctioneers for the County of York buosnmmxed Lo on shortestnotice and or. ran- aox-abm rates Patronage solicited LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County (If York. SATXSPAC‘TION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO PIANO TUNING BUSINESS CARDS. Rusmwxca: rum; mouse north uf Atkinson & Switzer 3 store. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER ties of York .. ‘ -u-..;:.w Licensed Aqqnqpegr for the Co NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada TPlehnnP. Main 31)} Cable Address. "Dedo. per annum, in advance. Phone Ni). 2(02. Tel. M. 3631‘ A. Cameron MacNaughton @112 Cgillmal VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Fhornhill. RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A huge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places . H. PINKERTON, V.S. Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 Benton. Grover & Field EDITOR 6: PUBLISHER Under-takers & Embnlmers. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET \YEST DIa‘Dle, ()nt. 88.120011 {Maple OFFICE AND RESIDENCE! 501?): 3. Qavidson Salgeon & McEwen. RICHMOND HILL Organs Repaired. Expert Work a C. EGAN Barristers, Snlicmrs. 8m J. H. Prentice WRIGHT BROS. Tonoxm THORNHILL} Recidonce Main 44.4 J K McEwen Weston RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER '10. 191.5 Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Hm). Graduate Roy“ CnHrge of DentalSm‘gr‘nhs.annntu. will he an. Richmond HiH evrry Tuesday] and Fridnv. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce Ior‘uted in. Stanlhrd Bank Build’ ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.3) mm. to 5 pm. LENNOX & MORGAN Money to boom onlnud :10“;an mot-wens 01¢" "kl Aurornomcoâ€"Royovoa to tho old pol: at?!» one door vu: or Ibo omnuu to m. Outono Rink Ruwmsrkn amour-Thu. doc" nub on! b- pouoflho T HIIBIBTLIIIOX G V Ronni BARRISTER. Somcrrou, NOTARY E'rc Toronto Office. Room 328 Confederu tint: Life Bldg.. Nu. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hm Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal’ Office‘. every Thursday frwrenoon. an19. Thursday aftermmn. VVnodhridue. Saturday fun-noon. Mmer to 1mm at Five Per Cent (57.) Richmond. Hill COMMISSIONER. (‘ONVEY ANâ€ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance B. H. LASHER Box 23 - PHONE 1831 PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Church St... Richmond Hill (Rear Richnmnd Hill Hardware) M++++++N+Hm¢ï¬%+ï¬ HG- Patriotic statxonery at THE LSBRRAL store H. A, NICHOLLS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Barristcl I and lollcltors. Commissioner. Cnnvoyancer, etc InsurnnCe, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC THORNHILL \VINTEIL TERM OPENS JAN. 3 S. SHEPHERD Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elec~ tric Iro'ns $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and upto-date appli- ances that save time and work for the House Wife. élnllege npen all ye catalogue. . 731 Y0an St. Yonge & Charles S NOTARY PUBLIG If you expect High Grade Employ- ment yuu must, make High Glade Preparation. One schnnl thut is well-known throughout Canada for strictly superior training is _the WILLIAM COOK I‘m-onto. Ont. Graduates of this schonl readily obtain empioyment hecmme there are thousands nf openings in [hie city every year and We axe cane-d upnn to ï¬ll mme than we can. Enter any time. ‘lulleze ODE“ all year. VV'lile for l. H. SANDERSON I PAINTER PA PERIJANGER GnAIxER, ETC. 23 ~ MAPLE, ONT. Electrician, Richmond Hill DO IT ELECTRICALLY CL.le I I ‘ LEILLIOTT Alrm In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†\V. .1. Elliott Principal 44 12 A meeting of lhr- Executive committee nf the Rii-hnmnd Hill hunch nf [he Tm-untu and York Pntiiutic ASSUClJ-Illlln was held «"1. tho home l‘f the oliuiimun, Ron's- Pugsley, last, Thursday rwning. Present. Mr. Pugsloy. Mrs. I’ngslvy. RH. J. R. Aikenhmd. Miss Trz-nrh. Miss McLean. Mr. J. H. Sundeismi. and the seercinry. Mr. A. J Hnmr. The chairman stated that 1h? prvnent ‘ View at the County Council was that. the mmwy lle’l'dt‘d fnr pati-iniic purposes should he miss-(l by a levy on the Whole Cunntv lobe collocth in Lhc same munm-r us the rirdinaly county rates. This plan was mn- aidcn‘d as being nun-e equitable than %@ § Lhr same manner at the m'dinaly cmmty rates. This plan was run- aidcn-d as being more rqnitahle than I public subscriptinn. The chairmnn ulsnsch-d thenhject 01' the ()vntrnl Pntliotic cmnmitleea with wgard ll) necessary work in connection with war matters, and that, all 10ml cnmmitlr‘eshe urged tnassiat. in (my way pnssihle. ‘ ' ,I _.l ,J_ rm, . A tx-vsulukinu was (nu-vied pledging the Richmond Hill Awuciaï¬on to assist in any way puss“)!!! Hm Joint Central Cnmmittvv, and that, the svprvtnl‘y notify Mr. Boylen to that effect. pr. bar. Limes um- musnn um “Inâ€..- with insertion and frill of ï¬ne iacr. either dam-d or plain, each 596. Pure lint-n hnckulmck guts-L towels with scallaped edge, pr. h‘Uu. Light hmwn brusth wnnl Infantves. with deep cufl', ï¬nished with silk Iibhrm. pr.25c.; Linen cushion mum-s unruly embroidâ€" ered in eulnrud silk, en. :30c.~ALkinson & Swilzer. Dcputation Asked That Hotels Be Cloud A lurgP (lepntutirm fmm \Vest York appeared lwfme the ()nlaxiu Lice-use l Bnal'd on Monday. and advocated that the Lwn licenses at. \Vnudhridzr and one each at Fisherville and Thistle~ town be discontinued. IL was argued that Lhcso licenses were uul, necessary. The tomperuuma hotel at, \Vnudhridge. it «as stated. did the catering to Lhe travelling public, and also \lw cnm-‘ merclnl business. The de-pntnllnnists declared that the places they wished ‘dnne away with wmo Simply drinking places. Chain-mun Fluvr-llc luld the opponents hf these licenses that they Would have another nppm-lnnity of heng hem-d when the and met. in Toronto for the County If Yul'k. Thnse who spnke before the Board were RPV. J. \V. Min-gun. \Vnndhridge; Rev. H. S. Lm'vring. Maple; Rev. A. N. St. John. Boltun; A. S. Ruther- fnrd‘ Bnltun; \Vlllizun A. Riley. near Thistletuwu. and Councillor John \Vhitmm-e. Vaughan. lnfants white kid shops, ‘2 buttons, 55v. leies ï¬nc- mushn tn} uni-0n- The Liberal has good clubbing rates with the principal daily and weekly papers, and the popular mag azines. Why not; subscribe at The Liberal ofï¬ce forall your papers at reduced rates. We club with the following and can get you 'any paper you wish :â€"~ Clubbing Rates THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe . . . . . . . . . . Daily Mail and Empire. . Daily World . . . . . . . . . . Daily Star . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily News . . . . . . . . . . . THE LIBERAL and Family Herald & Weekly THE LIBERAL and Ladies} Home Journal. . . Red Book McClm-es ....... The Delineator . . . . . . . . Munsey .......... Quiver Canadian Poultry Review “Ford and Works. with Hick‘s Almanac. . . . EXECUTIVE MEETING When remitting, address Stax‘ Farmers Advocate . . . Canadian Farm . . . . . \Veekly Sun . . . . . . . WITH MAGAZINES W 1TH W EEKLI ES WITH DAILIES T. F. McMahon. Liberal Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, Ont. \ .l.(.o~-COID ~ , nu- -.I~I|I§.. neator .....‘-o~ uses that they ppm-innity 01' Bumd met. in “4.31 The Hmmuralilv T. (Ihas‘e‘ Caï¬glnlll. Postmaster (lvnrml cf Onnndu, has been successful. as n 1-man «.l‘ Iwgmia- tinns ante-red into with llw Impvnnl Pulml Amhm'itie-s. in rife-Ming nn arrangement. will) llm Bl'llirll Gnu-1n- mc‘nl, whet-0h)! parcels frnm (Innntlu fur Canadian soldiers in Franco and Flanders will he r-nrriod at thv snllll’ rate of postage us upplivs tn [nun-ls from the Unin Kingdom {m (In- Expeditiunni-y Fume-s M) the Conti- m-nLâ€"athnt is: Fm' paleIs wvighing up in For par-crls Wrighng run-[- And new: mm-r- than 7 lhs. Fm- ral-(wls Weighing m [-1- And unL more than 11 lbs This "H'Ilns a Hutu-la] rnlurtinn on tho- cost 0! purer-ls. and it in hunt-ll it will he a sunrre of mliz-fuutinn to the (Jan-dint) puhlim This x-vductiun lms hepn brnught almut, by Canada. furo- going all pnslnl (‘hsrgus fur ll)!- mm- YQ)‘2UC(‘ of (hen- puxcz-ls in (Tnnndn and on the Allamic. The public an- runindrd. huwen‘r. in «cam-dune wiLh the cirx-nlar issue-d by thu Department )I-uemly, that until men-x- untirr, nn p'ncul can he iu-nt weighing m or sl-vrn pounds Epwm-tb League tn-mm-mw running at my mum! hum. Thu nuhjvct, "The Power M Exnulplv." will he Xakeu by Mr. McMahon. Thu-(- will he 1 ML) by Mini \Viuifred Hume», and insh‘n- menml ft'lcCLiUHs hy Miss OHVe Mun- son. “Fruit Tree Diseases of Snuthein Ontario†is the Iii}:- nf a Very illn‘lllllf- Live BuliL-tin (N0. 24 nf {he Sec-0nd Smios hf BHHPUDS vi the Dnmiuivn Expel-inwnlal Funny), of which Mr. \V. A. McCuhhin. M.A., ASsistunt in (-hm-ge of [he Umnininn Plant Pullm- logiuul Luhm‘ulm'y. St. ()HHIJ-U‘HIEF, 0nt.. is the author. In this hnilrtin, ‘ prepared under the Iiirvclinn hf Mr. H. T. Gusmw. Dominiun BnLnnist. H4 disuasr‘s Hf Hw npplv “we. .3 hf the pour “or. 4 nf lin- qlzixII-r. 7 ul‘ 1th :xplicvt. 5 hf lhv vhrn-y. T ut' 11w plum tree, and 12 ME the pmwh, :ue- (la-LIL with. In each ('nse the-m is giw-n :descxiptmn nt (1w (iiSl‘fl's‘i‘S and xhvir naLm-e: infm-mnkiou is furmshrd fur theix idenliï¬cminn, and \‘m inns moans nf puwvntiun and cnntl'nl :n'u nuliinnd. In ndditiun In these dc-scxiptiuns, the' value of which is greatly (-nhnnvu] by numerous original “mu-mans. the opening Chapter dt’flia‘ in :L general manner with disease. its nature, manner with disease. its nature, types of diseasv due to Varian fungi. transmission of Spnrcs, wintering of diseases, ianctinn, methods m’ meeting diseases. and other cuusrs of uniwulthv conditions, as winter injury. die-hack, bud iujurv. sun scald, crown or Cullur rot, etc. Friday. Dec. 17.â€"Auction snlv of fresh milk (um-s. springer-s :md stnclu-rs at Armsu'ung‘s Ilntv]. King City. the property of J. 11. BI-iHingmx Sale at 1 o’clnck. 'l'u-rms 3 months. J. T. Saturday, Dec. lSâ€"Auctinn Sale ('2 cuLLlc at. the Maple [.mf Hule‘l yard. Maple, the rmperty uf H. A‘ Jifkinl. Sale at 1 u'cluck. Totals 3 and 10 nmnths. J. T. Snigenn. Auct. 7 J. '1‘. Snigecn. Auct. Tuesday. Dec. 21â€"â€"Auction snle of standing timber on lot 32. con. 3, Vaughan, the properly of A. E. Jones. Sal» M 1 n‘uluck. Terms 1'). months. J. T. Snigenu, Auct. ESTELLE M. ORTON Pupils prepurr-d fnr exnminatium Studio. Tm'anluCunsrrrutory of Music Richmond Hill on Monday and Tm-adny nf Enuh \Veek. (PUPIL 0F MISS H. E Dentist 1 ticlnc'k Saugoun. n has removed to his new ofï¬ce on 3 corner nf YOXGE and QCEEX ï¬ $15.. which has boen equipped g with the most modern of dent» fl % appliances. Outnf town patients attended \vitlmut previous up- a if pninluwnt. B mama: 9555:: VOCAL FRUIT TREE DXSEASES Ofï¬cial Siatcmcnt uuct. Auction Sales up to "\‘l'l' 7 “ls. (l‘ l‘)‘ (STRUUTION )hasv Cnsglmn. f Cmmdn, hns Shh hf lu'gnlia- h Hw Impvnnl 7TH EL SHEPHERD) Hus lbs Young Man â€"â€" Let your next suit be one of “Khaki†Uniforms are ready and your pay will start at once YORK RANGERS Gvex'seas Battalion Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale apply to Recruiting Officer Hotel Richmond Men Wanted Orders taken We have the D.L. &: W. Scranton Hard Coal. and Kennel-Coal “N one better" Order now for pure drugs, patent medicines, useful and fancy articles. Richmond Hill [Single copies, 3 cts. Pubtic Attention ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES I ALSO HANDLE TEE ‘anada. Portland Cement . . AND . . Sanderson’s I. H. REMER Telephone Store Tile for Draining. 5 taken ior Red Clay Pressed Brick. Richmond Hill Drug Store for the Go to No. 25