Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Dec 1915, p. 3

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“mm-C SEND FOR .OUR PRICE LIST OF Beautiful Musk 0x ROBES Less Than Half Usual Prices Moat: Suitable for Autos and sleighs. An unusually purchase enables us to offer Hill a. beautiful selection of MUSK ox nouns in i-iit'FS less than lmli’ usual cost. Hm- ot these Robes for sleigh or cutter would make an ideal Christmas Gift. They are a rich brown-black. with beauti- ful lustre and perfectly tan- ned. They are unsurpassed for warmth. wear and appearâ€" ance. Hotel a Luxurious Floor Rug for the Home. \\'rile io-day for price list from the largest, dealers in Canada. LAMONTAGNE. LIMITED 1’. 0. Box 1410. 338 Notro Dome it. Welt. HOMES“. Manufacturer- 01 Quality name". Trunks. 3m. Etc. natal)!!th 1869. fortunate A LL ABOUT RUSSIA. Population Consists of 140 Din'erentl Peoples. The large population of Russia is more varied than the population of any country in the world. The popu- lation consistsof morethan 140 dif- ferent peoples, nationalities, nations, racesâ€"differing in language, reli- gion, dress, customs, mode of living, civilization and living mostly apart from one another. , They are: Fifty million Great Russians, or actual Russians, or “Muscovites” (the inhabitants of the former grand duchy 'of Moskva), now ruling all Russia. Twenty million Little Russians, forâ€" merly a part of Poland. Twelve million Poles. : Six million White Russians, formerâ€" ly a part of Poland. Two and one-half.million Finns. Two million Lithuanians, formerly} part of Poland. Two million Germans. One and one-half million Letts, for- - merly part of Poland. 1 One and one-half million Armen-l ians. One and oneâ€"half million Rouman- ians. ‘ 1 Five million Jews. Sixty million of 139 other different nations and races. as Tartar-s, Kurds, Bashkirs, Samoyedes, Krighizes, Kal- mucks, Turks, Bulgars, Greeks, Per-l ’sians, gypsies and 120 others. Most . less. WAR TRANSPORT SERVICE. "Ignorance" and “Incptitude” in Ad- miralty Methods. the the “From point of view of ishipping man the whole history of the i Pvar. as far as the transport service Iis concerned, is a wicked story of lignorance, ineptitude and colossal waste," declares the editor of Syrcn 5' land Shipping, the leading journal of the British shipping trade. He adds: “Costly and useful ships were used Super- ships like the Aquitanin were employ- for months as prison ships. ed on scouting missions, their mag- nificent passenger equipment gutted. Ships were allowed to load cargo or to book a full paSscnger list and then owners were informed that the Ad- miralty required these boats.” An instance is given of a 7,000-ton boat which was all ready to sail, with 200 passengers, when it was taken over and sent to the west coast of South America, although it might have been loaded with coal and rea- lized a small fortune. Another case is given of a 6,000â€"ton boat at Huelvu about to load with a cargo of iron ore for England, which was requisitioned suddenly and sent empty to the Paci- fic, although there should have been plenty of merchant ships available much nearer the desired destination. "How long," asks the journal, “will .thcse methods be tolerated? In.the national interest, a committee of shipâ€" ping men should have been selected to organize the Admiralty charter- mg." o’oâ€"-.â€".â€" How to Save Your Eyes Try This Free Prescription Do your vyc: give you trouble? Do you already wear eyeglasses or spectacles? Thousands of people wear these "windows" Vijho might easily dispense with them. Sou may be one or these, and it is your duty to save your eyes before it is too late. The eyes are neglected more than any other organ of the entire body. After you finish your day's work you slt down and rest your muscles. but how about your eyes? Do you rest them ? You know you do not. You read or do something else that keeps your eyes busy; you work your eyes until you so to bed. That is why so many have strained eyes. and tinâ€" ally other eye troubles that threaten pur- tiai or total blindness. Eyeglasses are merely crutches; they never cure. This free prescription, which has benefitth the eyes of so many, may work equal won- ders for you. Use it a short time. Would ' you like. your eye troubles to disa pear as it by magic? Try this prescript on. Go to the nearest wide-awake drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets; fill a twovounce bottle with warm water, drop in one tablet and allow it to thoroughly dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. Just note how quickly your eyes clear up and how soon the inflammation will disuppcar. Don't be afraid to use it: it is absolutely harm- Many who are now blind might have saved their eyes had they started to care for them In time. This is a simple treat- ment, but marvellously effective in multi~ iudes of cases. Now that you have been warned don't delay a day, but do what you can to save your eyes, and you are likely to thank us as long ns you live for pub: lishing this prescription. The Valmus Drug (‘0. of oronto will fill the above presul‘tlpilon by mail. if your druggist canno . all of these live in groups and clansI on their ancient territory. . It. would take centuries to melt these 140 different nations of different races, with 140 (lifl'erent languages and almost as many different reli- gions~into one solid Russian nation.l In the meantime, scores of thomj hope to become fr'ee and independent ‘ countries and thus preserve their am '.-ient homes, nationality. language, no ligion and all. i I l i i â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".'I"_-. THE VERY TIME When Powerful Food Is Most Needed. The need of delicatc yet nutritious food is never felt so keenly as when a convalescent gets. a set back on ac- count of weak stomach. Then is when Grape-Nuts shows its power, for it is a most scientific and easily digested food. “About a year ago," writes a \vt-st- ern woman, “my little six-yenrâ€"old niece moved to a new home. She naturally had a change of diet and of course :hchange of water, and some-‘ how she contracted typhoid fever. "After a long siege her case scum. ed hopeless, doctors gave her up, and she was nothing but skin and bones, couldn't eat anything. and for weeks did not know her father even or mother. Her parents. in trying to get something delicate and nourishing that she could eat. finally hit upon Grapeâ€"Nuts food, and it turncd out to be just the thing. “She seemed to rclish it. was soon conscious of her surroundings. and beâ€" gan to gain strcng‘th so rapidly that in a short time she was as well. playâ€" ful and ii \hc had been ill. “Wc all feel ill:.’. th‘;ipc»f\'t:i> was the predominating factor in. (he S’th‘l littlc girl's lii'c." Name givtn by (unaiinr l‘ostgm (0.. \Vlllthol‘, Ollt. Ever read the above letter ? one appears from time to time. are frennine. true. and full of interest- rob‘usi us llt‘Yf‘l‘ A new They human I l l l l l >Ii\'ll‘.L"' â€"â€"_â€"rl'____ Complete Reformation. “Muh wife mar’d me to refawn me, sah," stated Brother Hilsondigger, “and I’m so plumb bodaciously re- fawmed dat I wouldn’t marry ag’in if I done lived to be as old as Methoo- zelum." ‘ â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"->Z~ Minard's Liniment Cure: Distemper.‘ >3â€" ABSENCE OF GOLD. 1 Stamps Displace Copper Small Change 5 In France. 3 Notices have been posted in many .of the Parisian cafes that patrons who .do not have the right change to payi for refreshments will have to accept postage stamps or checks for change for any sum less than 10 sous. This iis another indication of the scarcity? of coppers, which numerous collec- tions for charitable purposes have wvithdrmvn temporarily from circula- tion, and list i'nct that since small money to cling,r to what they have. Some people are said to be hoarding- coppers because they are afraid they will get entirely out of them, and others. it is charged, are collecting them with the less worthy motive of making five francs premium on every hundred francs in copper coins livercd at certain confidential points. It is the old story of the Germans trying to drain France of its coppcrfi The real reason is thought in ofiicial' circles to be simply that the absence of gold ovcrworks all the minor dc- liltlnlllllillOIlF, coppcr and nickel. as well as silver. The mini is handicapped by liloblilxdllg of some of its mac‘niucs for _otbcr or}:an Work for the national idct‘tnsc. and thc copper t'tlllillQ‘N full lust inotih to 1110.000 franc-9. v ,v. __ .,>,<_k V__4 . A ~-iu:‘lc projectile from :1 l7- inch gnaw-3: gum \i'cigli< 1,930 lb. de- ‘ thc . _______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"v BIG AUSTRALIAN CRUISER. l l . . .I-‘irst of Type Constructed Entirely by ' British Colony. . ‘in Tiic cruiser Brisbane, the latest unit the Australian navy, which was :launchcd successfully at the Cockatoo ‘lsland Naval Yard, Sydney, last 1month, is the largest vessel of any typc yct launched under the Union iJack in the southern hemisphere. The lBrisbanc is of 5,400 tons, 29nd is the ‘i‘irst cruiser to be constructed comâ€" ,plctely by any of the ovcrsca British ldoininions. At. the launching: she was cliristcncd 'by Mrs. Fisher, the wifc ol‘ the Prime Minister, who is from Queensland. It is after the capital of that State that the cruiser is named. It is hoped to place the Brisbane in commission next August. Shc is to be followed on the stock.“- by another vessel of the same type, to be called the Adelaide, in honor of the capital of South Australia. it,â€" A GENTLE LAXATIVE Baby's Own Tablets are a gentle laxative. They are absolutely safe and so pleasant in action, that once the mother has used them for her little ones, she will never again resort to that harsh, ill-smelling, bad-tasting castor oil, which baby always fought against taking. Baby will take the Tablets with a smile, and thousands of mothers tell us their little ones will coax for them. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillc, Ont. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'l-â€"_..._. His Chance. “What chance has he to win that suit? The evidence is all against him." “I know he’s on the wrong side of the facts, but he has the best lawyer in term." Minard’l Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Explained. “Your daughter plays some robust pieces.” “She’s got a bean in the parlor,” growled pa, “and that loud music is to drown the sound of her mother washing the dishes." vcry I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD’S LINIMENT. LT.-COL. C. CREWE READ. Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Lakefield, Que, Oct. 9, 1907. In Court. “Do you know the nature oath, madame?" “Well, I ought to, sir. moved and my husband has ing‘ the carpets. :Sore of an We’ve just been lay- Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- , sure to Sun, Dusland Wind l Euickly relieved by Murlne ‘ ye Remedy. No Smarting'. ‘ just Eye Comfort. At 5 Your Dmggiu‘s 50¢ per Bottle. Murine Eye l SalvcinTubeZSc. ForBookoIlheEycficcask Di’uggists or Murine Eye Remedy 60., Chicago E, Make Your Own Selection. “Could you recommend a (physician ?” 1] “I’m sorry, but there are two per- sons that I no longer recommend â€"â€" .‘doctors and servant girls." good Minard‘s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows l ’l‘he Beneficiary. j Mudgeâ€"‘Your wife certainly will of her own. ‘1 Meekâ€"«Yes. and I l beneficiary. has a am the sole bccamc scarce there has been3 a tendency on the part of the people. Going Some. Pcssiniistâ€"Is he prosperous? Optimistâ€"Is be? Why he owes ‘twice what. he owns. FOR LITTLE ONES his health. pany. 73 \\'est Adelaide St. Toronto. n ATUL BISU! CONTAINS NO ALUM We unhcsitatingly recommend Magic Baking Powder as being the bestpurcst and most liealtblul baking powder that it IS possible to produce All ingredients are plainly printed on the label MADE IN CANADA EWGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO.’ONT. INNIPEC , MONTREAL ‘ a .: isconposm urine” " .- - rouowme INGREDI- ; . ENISANDNONEOTHER "Amuse ago I" Glrum conPAuv imufll , . NT an.” Discouraginq. l IIlViillilr-il'tl like to see the priotor of this sanilm‘ium. Clerkâ€"He has gone away. sir, for The small boy’s stomach is usually m.o_ in apple pie order. , _. l-nio ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed _ Y - Mailed free to any address by Imam: s the Author Pioneer H. CLAY CLOVER, V. S. Dag Remedies 118 West 3I:tSIreel,New York ; Minot-(1’s Liniment Cures Colds. &c. Married men are not so very bad‘ off, they always have the last word but one. 5 WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3R1). FARMS r03. SALE. . a L IOTT {ARMS ~ ALL SIZES â€" srocx,‘ Liruin. Dairy or Fruit. “'lien you! W want to buy, write H. \Y. Daii'son.-‘ Bram )ton. Ont. . l ‘ Yongo and Charles 3m. Toronto â€". Demand for our Graduates for last (on, nnwsrugns Eon SAL‘" : months fully {our times our supply, ROFI'IxAIALiING NE‘VS AND JOB Calendar l’ree. Wu}. ELLIOTT. much)“ Offices for sale in good Ontarloj ,_ . 1 . , BSORBINE. towns. The most useful and interesting. of all businesses. Full information on. a, .pr‘oE Burnousmm 5r}: wil‘ inflamed. swollen application to iVIlson Publishing Com-l re ducc M'SCELLANEO‘Js' Joints. Sprains, Bruises, Soft ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, E'rc. Bunches: Heals Bails, Poll internal and external. cured With-j Evil'ouinor‘Fistlfl-and out pain by our home treatment. “rite ' infected sores quickly us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medch : 00.. Limited. Colllngwood. Ont. r as it is a positive amilcptic and germtcadc. Pleasant to use; does not blister or "more . Go G O L D - the hair. and you can work the bone. . _ E o"; £1 00 per bottle delivered W'rite me for Special Information on r ' v . ookv7‘M tree ABSORBINE. JR..ihc IMIICDIIC limmcnt iar mankind. reduces Paintul. swollen Veins. Went. Sirllna. Bruiscu Ilop! pain and inflammation. Price Stoop" bottle 2: dealers or delivered. Will [all you more If you write. Liberal Trill Bottle lo! 101‘ III lumps. ‘ l W. F. VOUNB. P. D. F.. 516 Lymans Bldg.. Nontreav. Gan. TORONTO , lbsorhlnr ind Absorbln: Jr.. arr :m.l.~ In fauldl. MONROE CONSOLIDATED GOLD MIN E, Limited 1‘. S. HAIRSTON, 1328 Traders Bank, __â€"____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ._â€"____â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" RACCOON Revillon Freres 134 McGILLSTREET, - MONTREAL I are manufacturers and can pay you best prices for furs of all kinds. Send for our price list. Will there be a Vict'rola in . your home this ‘ Christmas? ” Victrola IV $21 With 15 ten-inch, rloublc-sided Victor Records {30 selections, your choicel $34.50. . it Other Victrolas, 313.50 'o 3.4m) The real value of your gift is the happiness it will bring, not alone at Christmas. but in days to follow. A gen- uine Victrola will give the family hours of en- joyment that can come from no other source The World's best music right at your fireside. the greatest living artists to sing and play For you. the most tuneful of popular melodies. delightful band and instrumental selec- tion::; all to brighten the home during the long winter months. Easy payments desired. Write for our Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. including all standard and popular music on ten-inch. doubleâ€"sided records as low as 90 cents for two selections. Any of "lli< )lasicr's Voice" dralcl4 trill iv. j.ii'l ilv‘iJ’ 'l.v":l. .m a... If flier» l.‘ not one in your \'l('ll.ll}' notify u~ .onl «0 Illil' 3":1 am not dimimwin'ml vi. l‘l.i‘l~' ill(|‘ll v s BERLin ouAino-Pnoxe co. Limited Hill Lenoir Street. Montreal DEALERS IN EVERY T0117“ AND .311“: ONE PRICE PROM COAST TO COAST VICTOR RECORDSâ€"MADE II" CANADA LOOK TOP. "3118 MASTEES VOICE" â€"-T'£‘.ADE MARK.

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