REAL ESTATE V I LI. {WALEUT GROVE STOCK FARM Langstaff L. E. HAND, And suggestions for buyers Christmas Greetings Furniture gsT’D 101a RICHMOND HILL ome in and LAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS 0N HAND.“ NORMAN BATTY NEW STOC} We represent the New and have a number on C. R. James RICHMOND HILL BOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at La by appointment. ngstaï¬ __AGENC SANDERSON. YONGE STREET MANAGER TABLE AND POCKET CCTLERY Uau‘ving Sets from . .. . . . Scissors......... . . . . . . . . . . anm-s..... $1.25, Safety anm-i . . . . . Razor Six-ups, Brushes : SPORTING GOODS Skates. including “Autonth Hockey Sticks and Pucks Ilund Sleighs. ouch, from .. .‘ MITTS AND GLOYES Leather Mits and Gloves in great variety, per pair. up from H . . . . . . . .. . . RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE GO. seeâ€"and buy HEAD OFFICE - TORONIU A General Banking Business Conducted. Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Mann- facturers receive careful attention. TRUST FUNDS should be deposited in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Highest current rates of Interest are ‘ m paid half yearly. PRESEN OFFERING Hardware Company Phone Thoruhill ' something useful for Christmas I . . . . . .....T;'Jcto Brushes and Soap Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RES1 From The Richmond Hill Langsï¬aff 13.0. SS‘DENCE. RICHMOND HILL HOUSE PAINTER, $1.25. 1.50, 1 ,ANADA :5 . TORONTO . HEWISON ‘hile" 500 to .$1.25 to tn (IO 00 00 Manager. Phone 18 The monthly moi-hug h! Lli.‘ ' \Vnmon’s lnslilulu was llvlkl on \Vcdnesdny (vf lust wm-k at the hmue nf Mrs. '1‘. Unusms, and was in lhv‘ form (If a baking contest. 1’1 izcs were awarded to Mrs. T. I{t'_\‘t’$ and Mrs. I. VVmsun fur pic-. and Lu Mrs. T. Cousins for cake. Tun \vus sorvvd “L the- (:lnsr. A miscellaneous showm- was hold at, tho home of Mrs. Richardson last, Thursday evening. in hunnur 0f Miss Margaret Gui-row. A lurgv number of useful and beautiful presents were received. An address and n. pursp of money were presentvd lust, Saturday evening to Miss Myrtle Suigemi hy llw congre- gation of the Methodist, Church._ in appreciation of her sex-views us louder of the choir. Mr. M. Mumt has resumed his (\ld trade in the shop just nanh of [he Temperance Hotvl. The young people are looking forward to ihe opening nf thi- skating rink :md‘urn hoping it. will be very soon. Richmond is the ï¬rst essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a f'urm., I am prepared to supply the above s‘vstem in either hand, eiectric motor or gasoline. Advertising All kind of plumbing done. Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonabie Artistically prices. Arranged, Always Attracts All work guaranteed. Attention And Arouses The Pressure Water System JOHN HICKSON Richmond Hi1 = Ont. Has a ï¬ne seiection ot Tweeds in Brown and (2rva at QM. Call and see them. Admiration Grey at t Do you want a shell put on your fur. Now is the time. Shells from $20. The Liberal Oï¬ice (13,0 9 Maple Una. nut BASSE‘I‘T} meatlng ibsral n'Mrs. T. Cousins vcd at, the- c1059. rwm- was held at, Ric-hm (lsnn last hunnln'wtf Miss selection of ‘g (If Uh? 5 ho-Id on \Lthv [mine was in the Pl izes were w, 1915 McQuun-h 51'. III “755‘ '0me k r. May Jr. II.»~H \Villio Wu†Sr. I.â€" McUluskoy. Jr. I.â€"â€"IC\‘ Luvllu Dihh Prime-r ( Watsrm. “1 Pr. UUâ€"DM Clarence June If you wish to gi friends at Christmas, in good time at The I N EW ADVERTISEMENTS STRAY NOTICEâ€"A yearling heifer came to the. premin of the undersigned, Int 42, Yong:- St.. some time in November. The owner may have same by proving m-rvpr-rty and paying oxprnws. \Vm. Marsh & Son, Richmond Hill. '25 3 OR SALE. â€" Two lhurnln-ed lelateill hullsâ€"~1-ising one and thlee ymu' (\ld. John Slim-y. lot 28, con. 2. Vaughan. 24 H ANTED. in Egiintnn. young girl fur light housework. Small family. Nn washing. Apply Mrs. Gibson, 63 Orchzud View Boulevard. Phone Nu. 4491'. El 2 { 0R SALEâ€"Pure brrd Barren Rock (Jockex-els. Price $2 each. U. Murphy. 45 Hillsdnle Ave. 24 2 { OR RENEâ€"A C(IlnfUX'inhh' House on Richmond Street. second lmuso off Ynngp. at, n mndel‘atu rent. Apply to George Smith. 24 lf for Pverless Gusnlenc before the raise in price, I am prepared to sell gusnlene at 200. :l gallon until the close of the present, yezu. G. A. M. Duvison, Unionvill“. 23 3 GASOLENE â€"â€" Having contracted OR SALEâ€"G rnnnwd frame cottage. ban-n, orchard and 2:1c1‘es of land on Richmond St., Richmond Hill. Owner will sacriï¬ce for quick snlv. Apply,an1vr Realty. 71 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. 23 8 éiri‘lilviIVln. Richmond Hill. onto. HOROBRED SHORTHORN BULL. About. :\ year old. for sale. 1m 28. 3rd con. Max khlm. Apply tn, Gen. McCague. Vlclm-iu Square. 25 2 MAPLE BAKERY The best, and cheapest plzwe to buy your Christmas guods is at the Maple Bakery. Also a fresh stock of raisins, run-rants: ï¬gs. dates, etc. Christmas cakes made to Older. Give us a call. 24 3 "OTTAGE to rent. Apply L. Innes & Suns. Richmond Hill. 10 t, Purity flour .. . . $6.30 per 5 Lin ï¬nur . . . . $6.00 per Pastry flour . . . . $5.20p91‘ Ontario hmn . . $24.00 per Shm-ts . . . . . . . . $25.00 per Rodpath sugar. . $6.80 per Golden yellow. . $6.40 per ONEY T0 LOAN nt cmrent lutes. J. H. Nuughtnn. 621-2 Traders Bank Building. Tor- Phune M. 3476. 16 12 1'71] HO! «FOE DUmLh)‘ .Edhb A l mu Willie :\ lIt-n Hope P. S. Maj nip M. to give bnoks to your tnms, leave your order The Liberle Ofï¬cv. ndxic Tnsvph uwvn. R CHRISTMAS I): \Vatsun. oilh 'l‘lu CKSUN. .rt. POI HMUIL \\'illi(‘ Grey wwn Hurt lanes, Finn-n01 HIJS. Olivia ilf h-i ‘l‘lll "PS hm hhl. blfl. hhl. tun. tun. hug. 24 3 ' sired. ichmond Hill 11.40 p.m.. Mom. \Vpd., uns m and from all \Vcslorn points. poi-s, dinining cars and ï¬rst. class coach- s frnln C. qudy, Station Agent. or m-nul Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. RIBHMM HILL ï¬amess & Saï¬dlery YONGE STREET BROWN’S TREES BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY Nursermen, Limited Brown's Nurseries, Welland (30., Out. '21 4- LOOK your Harness over when hitching your horse and see’ if there are :my broken parts. If sh. do not, endanger vmu- life driv- ing with Harness which needs r9- pniiing. In the nth place ASK YOURSELF \VHY do they need those repairs? The question is snnn answeredâ€"in nine cuses out. hf ten they at? Factory and Machine Sewn. “’hy not call at ROBINSON‘S and buy Harness HAND SEVVN, which will stand the Twst of Time-,nnd give the best. of satisfaction. Blnnkpts. Robes. Mine. and everything in the Saddlery line. Our Prices :ue City Prices. Call and see us. . . $63k??? $83339“ “HERE’S YOUR TICKETS :9" WINNEPEG and the CGAST has removed b3s Laundry to the build- ing three doors north of the Post Ofï¬ce ZIe solicits patronage and gunmntees satisfaction. Send list of articles with each parcel giving residencennd name in full.f Goods called for and delivered, if de- New house and guud large lot. on the Mnnkmun Sub-division at, u. {wise the lute-test, on which would me less than fun- (lollzus monthly. \Vhy puv renL ? ASulidhrick lmuse on Church SL., nearly ï¬nished. Up to-(late in every particular. Will he sold clwnp asi: stands. 01- will ï¬nish zmd sell at. a lull-gain. LUL 50x210. Om: hundred acres on 2nd (Inn. of Vaughan, brick house, good nulbuildings. ï¬rst-class soil. one mile from corporation of Rich- mond Hill. One hundred acres in Markham, well drained, new buildings. Both fan-ms at a bargain. THE BEST THAT CAN BE GRO\VN. \VHO IS OUR AGENT IN YOUR TOWN? H. A. Nicholls . I. HINAS renL ? i“ Equipmt' ld in all dopmt- Business Schools, "5":guo explains Equimm-nLStnï¬. 1115‘. You are In- > Ynngt- nnd Tmonln, Ontario. Robinson Laundry to the buildâ€" RICHMOND HILL You my In- nlorvslrd in ymk which Address \V. ge and guarantees Efé'lï¬Ã©