SW in HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Efï¬cient and Prompt Service in every Department m SAVINGS BANK at: all Branches. EST'D 1873 RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Manager. L. E. HAND WE ARE AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE G LASS AND erg AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest of Com- panics. Allliuve good ï¬nancial standing. Consult us for rates, and we assure “YOU†your business will be well at- tended to if left in the hand of P. 0. Savage. RICHMOND HILL k &30 PHONE 8002 Furniture and Wall Papers NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the New Willianis Sewingilzieliine Company and have a number on hand at all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have it today, . . . . P. G. SAVAGE & SON RICHMOND HILL YONG E STREET . I I t «is: t i W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON' V. S‘lGlazier. Grainer and Paper- MANAGER Hanger. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AIAVAYS ON IIAND.‘_ when enovesrooit FARM L a ll 5; s ta f f PRESEN OFFERING . HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MAKES . All cox's are bred to the present stock biill Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafl by appointment. 0. R. James Langstaff 13.0. lltESlDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Phone Thornhill We Wish our friends and patrons a. Happy and Prosperous New Year RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. NORMAN BATTV Phone 18 134‘} ‘ as: A» 7 if F "7 r l eta it a it M a E; 1 “LL lglrlt‘IlMUNl) lliri,i., ()N’l‘..rlvlit‘. Ho. 1915 . .. . . i Runny intiicimz I The ~t"‘til.ll \niiii il liilwi (i Illl' ilnfg: wax lull we. (lil‘."ltlt"~ «l-y .it tli»-‘ lltllllt‘t‘l' \ll’. .\Iii;ili.iiii Hill-r, \\ll t’ll i4 ll)“ I‘lil Niko] lo ll!"‘ll"'|l. 'llll‘ll'i Mere ll.) lili‘\>‘lll, -iiii--: :: \‘lll‘lll \u-ie \li“ .‘l |l\' l:ll\l'l Irl('|1l\llll'?lll|lIlll'. .-\. lll'll~ln'll_{4‘l zrl l.::lili n lit-poi“ iiiilii'ali' -'l lilH‘l i-iij '}.v\llll' lilllt‘. t m- Notion“ 1 o (Ta-edit 02's.; Pursuant to the Ntaliiles‘ in that, be. half. nolii-i- is llt‘lt'll)’ gin-ii that :ill partieshavingi-l-iinis against. lllt' is late (if MARIA (lllliZAstilt, l‘lll’ of lliel Township of Vaughan. widow, ('t'asr-(l. who tliml on or about the- 27th d;i_\'ol'01,-tolier. A.l)., l915,are requir- ed. on «w lirt'oie Tuesday. the 2351b day of January. Mild, to send to l \Villiam (treason Maple. the ICXL-etitor of the said estate. a staieiiieut of their claims. with their names and addiess- es. And take fuitlier iiotit-e. that after the lust mentioned date. the Exemitor will proceed to distilliiite the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to such claims as he shall then have received notice of. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1915. COOK dz GILCH RIST. 33 Richmond St., \V. Toronto, Solicitors for the Executor. ile- The Pressure Water System is the first essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. I am prepared to supply the above SVStem in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing clone. Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. JOHN‘ HICKSON l‘lil = Ont. Richmond l Advertising Artistieally Arranged. Always Attracts Attention And Arouses Admiration The Liberal Office W. H. BASSETT Has a ï¬ne selection of Tweeds Grey at $15. in Brown and Call and see them. Do you want a shell put on your for. Now is the time. Shells from $20. Richmond Hill 'izis], 1.. Murphy am. .\I. l.eiitit'.\k_\'1l$l‘l. S. S. No. 4. Markham imam, it‘l‘nlt l‘iit‘ XUY. :tiitl lieu: i l’tipi's \‘llt-xt'l‘dllliw 'llt' i’ilii'ii"e-ls' gagin: Qg‘a ’1'; :iii- lt‘l‘lilllllil‘litlltl t'iii in x! nude, 'l g ‘ ‘ . kiwi ‘ J“ z ‘ Hi. l\'.~.t‘.. i‘iiiit-lslzail; isi: .\, 23 'J E Jh’l" " Iii-Vii!- ll hill-‘4. .li'. l\’. [\l. Mit':I;_-iii~ H:-’~[. (lluizs .litziiiii' .‘i‘iil in all tleliaitâ€" Viol» titan lull}. :Ii’, li-lu-l liiilll. Ili.'l.i\ of 5ll-I\\'.\' llii~ii t"\ Ft llt l'lS, 'l‘hl‘llllt. tliii t'.|l.|lt gun explains (tllii\‘ lit“ l. l'willy lii'fl. o'i'. ‘ll‘H‘llt.>lIl_\' iii input-lurid.Stall‘. Si. ill. I'. 'l‘lmii I,i~. i. I'll-3. , (3,in 5,1,7. .lltllitiiwuml i:l"ll]:‘. \lJlrlll‘ ii)- . . ..' “.t‘liouiitnloriiil'iiitviiistitl in’ .l. _ . i. ““. .. . I 1“! ,.l,1.' [.1 H M Kim," _f." ll. 1, tlio hind i. 51 hold until; \\ll\t‘lll-uiii'i l--\i‘, l.l'lll'l\l\\ l-.‘llJ \\.. ' iron l"“l ll t' .im- 7». 'i-‘ ii. ii ~ "'Hw lmi «w rv-s. Armies “- 70;, â€â€˜ ‘ ' " " " m ll. Hliaii‘. l)ll‘.\ltlt'lll, Yoiigzv and _-" ' ‘ _ H (il'lltiltl Silt't‘ii ll‘l‘ll'lllt‘. (lilliiliii. hi. Il.’ l‘. (ti-o lul‘u‘. l.. \\ ale-man l l , i 1.73:. (i. 3l1('.i"_'|tr‘l:l‘ii_l,, \\'l:t (l\\:|]ll lliiil, Hal‘t‘l' lCill. .\l.llii-l l._\‘Iv|\ liliil,ll :\. l.r[l<rl'~'ls)' ill-u .‘l. \‘Vllt.ll\’.al(l HUI, l'. liakt'x Tit“. l .n. ii, in. ii mar 1343]. in. lit-ally! Hi. l.r All pupilsii-;oiiiiiiriiilt-tl for .lr, ll. l’i lllll’l' Io .lr. l. Lani-a (il't', I.nlu' lit-titty. Nellie \\'ood\\':titl, .\l:iigaiet( Lynn. On Ilt‘t't’llllN‘l‘ 22 a (ii-hate was held at, the iiioiitlilv meeting of the I’rtgii-es (‘liili, the siilijeet ol' \\'lllt'l) was "Rt-solved that (lily Lite is better than Rural Life.“ The score was 457â€"40 in favour of alliiiintire. Ni-liuiil rte-opens on Tuesday, Jon. 4. Itllti. I ()OK your Harness over when A hitching your horse and see if there are any broken parts. If so. do not endanger vour life. driv- ing with Harness which needs re- pairing. In the next plane ASK YUI'ItSEltF \VHY do they need these repairs? The question is' soon answered~in nine cases out and (1.8. IIAZEN. TEAt'IIER. “m'§1 n , if t) [l ’ .' F; .t ' li\I.-iehtiiie Stligll. "IVIiy‘htitlyeall at _W_ 7 7 r d ._ RUBINFUN‘S and buy Harness HAND SEW’N, which will stand the Test Of Time,aii(l give the best of satisfaction. Blankets. Robes. DINNER POTATOES. ~ About 5U“ bugs for sale. Apply, J. \V. \Vellman. Elgin Mills. 27 6 Mitts. and everything in the ,fl. A. , _ , . .,.. "j Saddlery line. Our Pi ices ale 0“ SALE w Mdï¬mghï¬n cuum.‘ 0in Prices. Call and see us. . l nearly new. with Child's seat. and W. R. Robinson bells. \V'ill sell reasonable. N. .l. Smellie. 'l‘liornhill. 2T 2 ‘ liNERAI. SERVANT \VANTEI) 1 Apply, Mrs. J. II. Duiilop, {mm'm'l‘l H'Hv 3' l l . Yoon STREET Itu'iiaioxn HILL R SALEâ€"One your);r Yorkshire snw in pig. Apply to James Carnegie. Richmond Hill. 27 '2. F0 DSTâ€"Black Steer Robe. south of Richmond Hill. on Finlay, December 17th. Finder will receiie a suitable ieiraid by leaning same at "The. Libeiol" ()flicv. 'y’" 2 ...l litters! one better e year I in essence (to . ANTED~A girl to do general \/ lioiisewoik. No washing. Mrs. Arthur Boyle, Richmond Hill. 25 t.f. BARN FOR SALEâ€"CHEAP. â€" Size liéxtit), al~o building stone. Apply to .l. Lyons. Schomberg Junction, Oak Ridges l’.t). 2H 3 70RK \\'.\NTED. â€"â€" A sober, \V/ respet table. married man. \t'lsllt‘.~ steady work by day. Applv :it The Uberal (llIinw. EU :1 E‘ (P R S ALIJE New house and good large lot on the Monhmon Sub-division at a prite the interest on \Ylllt‘ll would he lt‘s‘b‘ than ii iii- dallais monthly. \Yhy pav lent ‘: on SALE. ~ - 'l‘ivr. tlltil‘i lll't-‘d I . 1 I'Illlbit‘lll llllllï¬~ll\lllg one and A S('lttl lllll'k house (in (‘hurrli three year r-hl. John Sliney, 5L. neailytiiiislii-d, {'pttwi‘iziteiii lot 35,0oii.2.Vaughan. :‘l [f L'Vt‘l'y p:t_ltlt:til:il‘. \Vill be sold stands. or will finish Lot. BtleIll. One hundred news on 2nd (‘oiL (‘lit-ap as 1'; and sell at a bargain. ?()lt ltl‘lN'l'.â€"..\ i-oiiifoi-(alile Iloiise (in Richmond Street, second house I olf Yoiige. at a moderate rent. Apply “E \Vsnslmm l’l‘iCK llllllseg Emu/1 u. (tum... Sum“ :3; If outbuildings. inst-Class Soil, one D 1 _ ‘__ iiiile- Iioni eoiporaiioii of Rich- mond Hill. ‘0“ SALI‘ "U W‘de “"1"†One hundred arsres in Markham. cottage. barn, orchard and Zzici-es of land on Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. Oii-nei- \\‘lll saeriï¬ee fur quit-k Snlt'. Applv, Nollt’l' Realty. 71 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. 23 8 well drained, new buildings. Both farms at a bargain. II. A. Nicholls ROPER'I‘IER FOR SALEâ€"Eight i'nmiied frame house with Cellar furnace. electric lights and 25 on Centre St. East. On the good Garage and other out buildings. \Vill sell all or part. Lots 310i]. deep. NE‘V Six roomed flame hnusu on Arnold 5L. good cellar, furnace, electric lights, liaid and soft C. I. HINAS has reiiicved his Laundry to the build- ing three doors north of the Post omce aCi es, place is a water. Lot 210 ft. deep. \\’. H. Graham. Riclnnond Hill. 20 t.f. IIe solicits patronage and guarantees ONEY T0 LOAN “t cmrem satisfaction. “‘1‘35- '1' H- Nmmm‘mi GZLZ Send list of articles with each parcel Traders Bank Building. Tor- Plione M. 3476. 16 12 Hitlng residenceand name in full: Goods called for and delivered, if de sired. onto. to TTAGE to rent. & Sons. Richmond Hill. Apply L. Innes 10t “iiiaiit _ TICKET" To WINNIPEG and the COAST Your train leaves Richmond Hill “.40 p. m., Mom. \Veil., Fii., iiiih Connections to and from all \Vestern points. I‘Jlectrie lighted sleepeis, dinining Cars and ï¬rst class coach- es. Through tlt‘k"t~ from C. Haid)‘, Station Agent. or It. L. Fdll'ln‘llll,'(ii'nt’l:|l Passenger Agent. Toronto, Ont: HERâ€, AlllllE WAY. 1