Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Feb 1916, p. 8

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OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE TORONTO DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at highest current rates. 213 EST’D tan RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, Manager. M ~ 5.. rig WE ARE AGENTS FOR FIRE, Lti‘n, ACCIDE."I‘, PLATE GLASS AND a. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest 0t" Coni- panies. All have good financial standing. Consult us for rates, and we assure “YOU” your business will be well at- tended to it‘lct‘t in the hand of . . P. G. Savage & Son RICHMOND IIILI. PHONE 800‘.’ .w, Furniture and Wall Papers NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on hand at all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"~and you can have it to day, . P. G. SAVAG YONGE STREET ‘ 2 ,‘sh ‘5 WW E&SON RICHMOND IIILL f I. 4. RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE â€"AGENCY~â€"â€" HOUSE PA IN TEE, J, H, SANDERSQN‘ V_ S_‘G1azier, Grainer and Paper- . Hanger. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW’AYS 0N HAND; | RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL WALiiUT GRâ€"OVECSTâ€"OCK Finite L a ti g s t a t l PRESENT OFFERING HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock ball Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at I..angstatl by appointment. 0. R. James Langstaff RO. Phone Thornhill Winter Specials I-Iand Sleighs suitable for the boys, girls or the baby from 75c. to 2 oo Skates per pair lrom 50c to ...... . ..... .. 5 00 Hockey Sticks, Ioc, 15c, 25c and 50 Hockey Pucks, Ankle Supports, Etc. Snow Shovels, 25c to ......... . ...................... 5o Lanterns, each, trom 65c to ........... .. ....... 75 Flash Lights and Batteries, up from 75 New Perlection Coal Oil Heaters will help keep that odd room warm, each, from $3.75 to ................... . 4 25 Ten per cent. discount on all heating stoves this month. Pandora, Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges at lowest prices RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. NOR.“th BATTY Phone I 00 no l . S't‘t H‘K grow Ricinioxn llit.i.. t).\"r.. FEM. :2, ltllt'.‘ Sccl Fai: v Tllt‘ :Iltrrttal Seed Fair ltl t'olrrtt't'liwl, With the Itidtmotid Hill Agricultural Society will he held in the Lorne Ilall. Saturday. the 12th of lit-luttary. First and second prizes of $2ltltr and $3.1“), respectively, will IH' given lot Spring \\ Ill'dl, littley, Oats. l’t-ns, I‘ltH‘t'l' Ht‘t'tl, 'l‘iltrollry Nt‘t‘tl. Alfalfa :trrd I’ottt- toes. Each cxliiliitor must he a mem- her of the Society for ltllti. 'I‘he no-m- her-ship too is $l.lltl, Addresses will he given hy a representative of the ()u- tario lit-pattmt-nt. of Agriculture, and oth-ts. For particulars see hills. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- 0-7 Rod and Gun Ilonnyeasllo II-tle contributes tlte leading artich- to the I“chrtr:trv issue ot Rod atrd (-lnn itr Canada, pnhlished by \V. .I. Tn)lor, Limited, \Voodstoek, Ont... writinp,r with his usual skill on observations whiclt he has made of wild animals itt Htitish (‘oluanri.t. "The Home Trail” is llre tale ot :tl heart. breaking trek to ()xfottl Ilottse and is related by II. .I. Fraser. I". V. \Villiaurs entitrihutes a story. “The Ranger‘s Friend.” and a (‘th‘l‘ design illustrating the story. which portrays a fight. to the death Ire-tween a moose and a pack of woltos. The regular- departments are well maintained and the number as a “hole an :tIII'fllIth’ one particularly to sportsmen and lovers of ottt~door life iii its various phases. ++++++++++++++++++$+++++++ PRlNTED BUTTER \VIIAPI‘RRS ALW'AYS ON HAND AT THE LI BE .IAI. OFFICE e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ATTENTION I W. HEWIS0N DAIRYMEN and STOCK RAISERS REASONS \Viiv lnmt. STOCK Foot) SHOI‘LD MERIT YOUR CONFIDENCE €373 LIL is guaranteed free from poisonous drugs. and has the highest Dominion (loictnment Analysis of any Stock Food on the market. 2. I: has no equal for the production of Irutter fat and greatly increases the flow of milk. lit-sides keeping your CttWS iii a healthy condition. It is good forany animal. Nothing like it for pigs, its use will keep tltettt tree from indigestion, and are ready earlier for the mat-kit when you use IDEAL STOCK FOOD. 3. If your (ttoect- provided you with funds «10., containing poison would \‘trll lruy them for your fatttilics use if. you knew they contained poison. No! Then why feed your animals stork foods containing poison. when harm can only result. If you will write to the Inland Revenue Department. Ottawa, and ask for Bulletins No. 283 arid 2H6, you will then sce for your- selves what the (loxerntneul says legatdittg poison. It' you do this it will pay you. lit-sides yott will SI‘I’ what some stock foods t-ontain. Try our ptniltry food: its as good as our stock. and stands trpott the same equality for pnroncss and good results. Our IIlICAI. (‘ALF I‘IIEAM is good. I‘alvos can he raised Ivy its use, with or without milk. I)_\’ l't‘llowini; our directions. It is made ottt of pure healthy ingredients. Irving free from poisonous Ill ttgs. and is so srit-ntiliirallv put together that calves tttakc head- way itt tptieklitne, and the fat I that we, are continually lll teccipt of repeated orders from our- many cttstotricts is proof positive that We have sotttcthing good l’or- you. 'l‘i y these foods. They are for sale liy Messrs. l Rosie & .\II‘.\Ill.l.\.\', Maple. Ontario, arid are tnanut'aetutetl Irv thr- ltrtc.\t., k I’ot'i't'in' Foon t‘o., Burlington, Illtl. :’.o t â€"_ WEI. BASSETTl Has a fine selection of l Tweeds Gray at $15. in Brown and i . 1 Call and 1 see them. 3 Do you want a shell put on your fur. Now is the time. Shells from $20. Richmond Hill! 1» :tl'l“£. t-tr I't-rttte .‘xt. I“,|\I. (In llt. , ,plare is a good Ii nag:- .ittd t'Illt’I l|llIi Iotildirtt's. \\lll~lll:tlltrt trait. I.IIIII” II. (loop. \\'. ll. (illillulll, ltirh- llt‘ ILd Hill. ‘3” LI. Auction Sales 1 Friday. Felt. 17- Farm stock, imple- Illt‘lll“. Int-nitrite, .\'e.. on lot 'Jti. con. Ii, I’t 'kt-riutz, the property of \YIIIII'I' \Vtigltl. Sal.- at I II t‘ll‘l k. 'l‘t‘l ttr~ ll months. J. II. I’tt-ntice, ;tt:(‘I. ‘ SatnIday. Fr-II. 3 A Farm slot-k.x Implements. t\'r.. lot 26, c In. 9. Markham, the property of II. .\I. Hat kt y. N do at I o'clock. 'I'ei ttrs ‘J months. .I. II. I‘tentit-c. An 'I. i \Vednesday. Feb. 07 Auction sale ll‘i faint slot-k. itnpletro-nts. Illllllltllt'. ett'., lot III. con. 2. I'Iast York. the property ol .\Its. Alllttit‘ .\t’t‘)'. Sale at I (l-l'llll‘k. 'l‘t‘ltth N IllllllIII". .I. ll. Prentice, [\llt‘l. : Thursday. Vol). III I‘arnr stock, llltllltht merits, &c.. on lot 22. con. 3, Hear- Iioto, the property of Jun. (Green. Sale at IZo't-Iot:k. Terms 9 months. i .I. II. I’rcntit-e. aut‘t. Thursday, Feb. 17 7 Auction Sale of farm stock. lllrplt'lllt'llI!“ «kin. lot III, Hull. :3, Vaughan, the property oi \Vt-sley l’tttt-tlraugh. Sale at. I (t‘t'lot k. .I. T. Snigt'ott. :tlt(‘t. \Vednosday. Feb. :13 # Farm Sllrt'lx‘ registered Clydesdale-s and thorouglr lm-d IIlrl~IPIII cattle. implements. Sun. Belback Farm. )Iilliken, lot 32. con. 5, Strarhoro, the property of N. J. Breakey. Hrrle at 12 o'clock. Terms SI months. J. II. Prentice. Thursday, Felt. ‘24 ~Fairn stock imple- ments, &e.. lot. 25. coir. ti. .Ilarkltartr, the property of H. A Storey. Sale at I I o'clock. Terms 9 months. .I.H. Prentice, auct. “Wednesday. March 1 â€" Pure Bred Holsteins. faint stock. 8m. lot 20. con. 9. Markham. the property of Roht. Eagleson. Sale at 12. o‘clcck. 'l‘ei ms 8 months. J. II. Prentice. Thursday, March 2â€" Farm stock. implements, the” lot 5. Iron. 9. )Itllh- ham, the property of I“. M. lit-’PSUI'. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. J. II. Prentice. auct. Friday, March Bv‘Farm stock. imple- ments. &c.. lot. It], con. '7. Mat kharn, the property of A. \V. Snowball. Hale atl o'clock. Terms 8 months .I. II. Prentice, ant't. Saturday. March Iâ€"Gi-ade and thoro- lrred stock. implements &c.. on lot, 2, con. 1, Vaughan, Yonge St. the property of F. \V. .Iackes. J. H. Prentice. Anct. Tuesday. March T#Farrn stock. imple- ments. &c., lot. 3tl_ con. 13, Scarhoro, the property of M. 0. Stevens. Sale at 12 o'clock, Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. \Veduesday, March 8â€" Faint stock, implements, &c.. ’l‘hornhill, the property of Jas. Ryan. Sale. at 1 o‘clock. Terms 8 trtontlis. J. H. Prentice. tlllCt. CHANGE OF TIME EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 6 Loire Ilt‘llllllllltl Hill for Patty Hound. Htttlluit'y, I'ott Arthur. Fort. \Villinnt. \Vinriipeg. Haskm toou, Edmonton, Vancoun-r arid Victoria. “.1” p. Monday, \Vcdittsday and Friday. Ill.. Iwavt' IIlt‘Illlll'lllI Ilill tot Toron- to. Ottawa and all itrtcitttcdittte points, 3.5.3 p.m.. Monday, \Vt‘tI- tiesday and Friday. For through tickets to all points, herth reservations and hill tttta- tion, apply to I‘. HARDY, Station Agent. 32 L’. The Pressure Water System is the first essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. Iam prepared to supply the above system in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing done. Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at. reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. JOHN HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. thllllrltlll HIIL NEWTAWERTIâ€"SEMENTS Harness & Saddlery OS'IhrIn Richmond Hill. \Vednes- day evening. January 2(i, a lady's fur, with six tails. Reward at McDonald’s store, Richmond Hill. 322 'rO RENT â€" Blackstttith shop at A Elgin Mills. Possessiongivcn at any time. t‘. KetsWell, Itlgin Mills tf IIOH SALEâ€"A Holstein (low,frcslr. lot 23. Con. 3. Mat kltam. John Chellcw, Hcadt'oid. 32 2 ,oii SALti a A Baking Cabinet. large size, nearly news Mrs. Bet-t Hopper, Arnold Stt net. 3'3 '3 IpORIEEIIVlt‘Ee-rYiorksthit- \Vlritfie Hog. lot 45. Yonge St. Terms $l.tlo. \Vin. I’alttrer. Richmond Hill. I jolt SALT“. HrIn Rmrootnied solid ht-ick dwellingr on Arnold St. Hard and soft water. Good furnace and electric light. L. Ilonei', Richntoud Ilill. :514 ijlit titular: tittit'sta trAIN't‘riti. I’ape rlra ttge r and g ra i n er. Estimates furnished. ti. Saul, Elgin Mills, Bell Telephone. 31 I one dark cow, dttc Ifon Isl-{1.12. IZIh oI' I“!‘I)l'll:ll\'. lot 33. con. 3, I‘lt'hh; arid Markham. \V. .I. IIcamarr. (It'l'llllt‘y. II. II. 2 31 3 \ .\N'I‘I‘3II#A few old Ilt’ll tttikeys, ‘ Bronze ptct't-rted. Freeland, Ilttll‘iL-Id Ii‘at ttt, Faitlrank. 313 # One spotted I cow, UH'I‘W A white hound with tan lit-ad, tan spot on right side and tan spot across hip. Lost 4 weeks ago. Reward, Ii. Bone, Maple. II. II. 1. ill) 3‘ roiri2trt'ttciiroii satacétcnirr I‘vl'llll‘tl l'tttttro Iltlll\t‘ \\lIll cellar t'ttrttat-e. t‘ll't‘IllI‘ light-s and Ill, II S,\I.I':."IIIIIII‘Vt't‘tI, [titre and cedar posts. Apply. Strphr-tts & ('o., lliti Victoria 81., l‘trrorrto_ is rt iro'i‘fv'i‘orcs. m About App y. .I. \V. 1‘0 . "oirnraitn f‘tltt lrags for salt'. \\'t-llman. I‘lluii. Mills. ‘17 Ii ’HIRI.‘ \\'.»\.\"l‘l~‘.lt .\'t‘ oxcn ' G Apply. Mrs. .I. II. Dirnlop, lliclittrt ltd Hill 37 If tlrortzlrted‘ one and SIIIIt‘y, it it For} ltl~l:\"l'.~A m....r....;;r.r.. Ha... on Richmond Street, second h-v ‘ UR HALIC. â€"~ Two llolsttin I‘llllsill5lll: Illtt‘.‘ \oat (III. John It .' ‘5. For). 2. Vaughan. ill' Yonge. at a moderati- tent. \or Iv IoIic’olgL‘StltlII]. til it ‘OI'I‘AGI’. to rent. Apply I. [tines .v Sons. Richmond Hill. lllt I ()(d{ your Harness over when _, hitching your horse and see if there are any broken parts. It' so. do not endanger vour life driv- ing with Harness which needs l‘tâ€"‘< pairing. In the next place ASK YOURSELF \VHY do they need these repairs? The question is Soon answeredâ€"in nine cases not of ten they are Faetoty and Machine Sewn. Why not call at RUBINSON‘S and hay Harness HAND SIEAYN, which will stand the Test of ’l‘itttc,and give the best of satisfaction. Blankets, Robes. Mitts. and everything in the Saddlery lllll‘. Our Prices are City Prices. (tall and see its. . . W. II. Robinson IIlt‘llMt).\‘l) Illl.l. Yoxotc S't‘utars'i‘ 55 I1 141?. E‘OR Several good l‘ttlltliitrll9 iii Vaughan near Richmond Hill. a first-class farm at Victoria Sillltll‘t‘.:l§11|tttI l'aitt: itr Mail;- ham near Yonge Street. One hundred feet frontage. good In use and small stahle Illr‘lt‘I'll, on Yottgc Street, Iticlrtttotrd Hill. St lid I'l irk house on (‘ltnrtli St. south, Richmond Hill. Sexual Stooo lot,» 1,, 1...“, L,“ first ttiottgage. II. A . Nicholle; C. I. HINAS has retrieved his Laundry to the build- ing tlri cc doors north of the Post Ufii Ile solicits patronage and guarantees, satisfaction. Send list of articles with each parcel giving residenccand name in full. Goods called for and delivered, if LI: sited.

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