\V 0f Tun services. The 51 evening 8 p. m. Lieut. Fluud reports {hat I'et'ruiting is moving slI-ndily ;nhm;'. :md lhut. 11w 127m hnanlitln nuw has m-ur 700 mm . Ammu has dune H-umrknhly “‘le in rvcruiiing. and n Vivid Kitnlwn is mmmg the px-nhrlhililie-s. In Newnrukut lheru :u-e- uver SH em-ullml. and the Dmis lmnlha-r Cu. alluuehuvv prmniswd $2.703! fur hum! instruments und nthel- mlnipm mt. All gaod citizens are exlwch-d to attend a nweting (If the Rnw'nuyels Association in (he Cummil Chaunhex- next, Mnnduy evening at S n'clmzk. The cuuuniuw appuintvd at (1M- lust meeting mid! hand in its rupnrt us in llwndvisnhiljtynf buying the Crushy pmp'ei-ty fur a Fire Hall, t-lc. Mr.Sl¢mu slnlml [hurl fnrm Ila-m ln- scul'uu lhu cumin}: sunmcm Slidthut thew is 1| I-L-usnnzufulxy chance fur farmers securing Mn. 1?. \V. Sloan, Inspector (If Jumiigmliun :lg‘I‘HL‘iI‘E‘. was in the \‘illngwon Tllt‘SliK)’. and called 4m Mr. T. F. McMuhnn. Emplnynwnc Agent. MLSImm slnlml [but i'nrm lia-mls will ln- soul-cu lhu cumin}: sunmcvr, hut SliLi that there is :i I-cusunufuixy good chance fur farmers securing hvlp .thruugll the) Dumininn Guve-nmwnt Immigration Department ifthvexy leave an application with the [meal agent. Snnplmnks will he supplied. Mr. Savage hn' kindly luaned his Victml.‘ which will dimmuse aWCE‘t music. Fru-nds 1m invited. A unique mum tninnwnl H plumlvd fur ln-umrrnw (Friday) HYPHng an Un- Lrugu». Me-Iuh -rs an) quuested lt-m bring old mugnainw, ulw scissors. Thv ohject, is M) make sump mmks fur muse ‘of soldiers at the hunt, by making a I'ulleclinn nf wise and funny remarks. hospitality hi MI-Iulwm are 3 3 3 car fl-nm T.‘w Rmhmuml Hill Brum‘h nf the \VI-Im-n‘s In<lilul~ \\ill iu-lhv ullvsts nf'l‘lmrnhill Indium-at llw 'IUIIN“ hf Mrs. \V. D. Smut, 'l‘hursdu)‘. FM‘. 17. There- will lw :\ gund pl'nglumnw. and us many nwmllers us pnsxihie are askvd tn cmm- um, um! s-ninv lhv Blntk xvi-go, per yd. 30¢. BI 44 in. widv, yd. r'ht-lrk Unruldinn and gnu-n. : lint-n, yd. (ï¬t navy with : lmrdm‘. yd. l Sunday. F ' Turunlu Mr. J. 17. Hickim: will pl-mrh :1) ll)? Methodist. Ulmu-ll uqu Snnvluv mm H» mu. In Ihv mulling Mm. Allu‘lllll'nl! will pl'l'nn'h. lL ls upwlr-d llu- yawn: men nmv (Milling: ln-rc will nth-ml in :1 will prom-h. IL i5 r nwn nmr (Mining ht lmd)‘. Jam. s!|-.~I\\‘lu-rry with upplv. j-ur 13v. peanut hullm. ju raisins. 21“. fur 27w. for 25¢. I’t-ml Lnniu Kinderslv. Husk . \\ Im Hailing H'Inlix'us in .‘Jn \Vhilchun‘h. lva flu- ll hmvw m-nr Stvvvnsvillc ful Ten-until. Mr. S. ll-lophmm Inwim-ss RICHMOND HILL. own. Fx‘ Gunner day for m- Ilnvkev \Inll'h lwtu’m-u Nl-wuml kvt and Richmond Hilldvpnlsuthv127th Bu. York Rangers :Il, Ricmmld Hill this (Thlll sdny) u-n-ninu. ThPI‘C will lw skatingâ€"Wm†milking: â€"un Saturday night rink of thv 127m B-Illulinn. Fur")er and mlwrs inh-rvstml me asked nut In fnrgvt thr‘ Anmml Sum] Fair In tho Lnrno Hull Snlunlny aflel'nlmn Inf 1 his week. Mr. at his days who is The next Ioctmv in Fin! AM Will lw give-n Mnmlny (-wnil‘g. 14. in tln- Public School, Mr. I. Ellis. puinlm; i< mw l IlevsL [u vnlist, in Richmnm] Hill u-coivcd his uniform nn 'l‘m-sdnv “(Tyke fliheml Atkinsnn Mr. Marshall Mrs lung people Will have at the Manse. Thuls w-n. and wd and whiru tnlwle- _\'d. (55v. 40in. :Ipmn ginglnnn. with small ï¬gure and nun-“w . yd. 151-.-â€"Ackinsnn & Su'ilzer. York County B malion Presbyterian Church The Call to Busmrss Lr-vi Elliott of 'I‘nf-untn fallm’s. Rev. F. Elliuu': )gn. Ratepayersv (Ru Igw-svilll- I seriously i†cnmr' nut. and w)ij Hu- y of llu- 'l‘hnrnhill BHIIIL'II. :ll‘t‘ I'vqueslmi In lake the I'm Richmund Hlll. Llnvd A.Hill left last Thms ill by Skngingâ€"wtfutlwr pm ml Lupine; & Swilzv) . 13. Rev. R. M. Dickey will prrnch at both :1! mm], 36 m. widv, wk lnvllon dwss gnmls 25". Blue and “hill‘ shirling. yd. 17C. RPd nlervsls nt Unmdu n-e disturbed than istment. Business 11' assistance {rum 1d frmu the \vumnn 10 [run] the won)†pnsxtinns m Bunk s. The druman i [wk-re and gum! obtained hv those \Vlny: Elliott Imp-Ir mu] wife (‘1' “Im h'uu- been in Mmkhnm and for llu- pan-Mu] CiHU int n \isil. Meeting nnu hisphl‘l ry Bv-w'hnm Brude 251'. Mama†:1 1nd H'Il I 1C0 31115. f lt-ft Inst. wm-k tv hm- nmlln-r xlly 1'). 1916 on illu visit In \an .lb‘ II the Ho \V \V i PI“ nfï¬l‘m-s “'l-‘I‘A' plowed dpnl. \Vm. Dnhmly PI-psitlvnw. L. Smil h .7. Luckie- Jumps M1 Barrio, G G'Il-hnlt. \V. 0|“. . F}. Maw. At llwir :Innunl mm on Mnndny the On! Assmsiu'iun D'I~‘Q¢|(l :mlhnrizing thl il- Run thlJ Miniatnruf Agril-n} him tn get, in lnmn (If’ï¬vel's in rural disui lhut. :It lenir mm map hp luft. un mwh 1“UH Prm‘inm- nf ()nlm-m. hand; nut lvlll'l' Il‘.:m ‘.l:|H‘ll llllh. Huh must :It‘c‘lvlnpully :Ill nulms fu-l plums. Sin-(is. law-e. vlt- ‘ vX/uptim: thaw from Mwssw. lleI-un's m- \ansnnK‘ lix‘h‘. Tl\H(li~‘('nllnt c-htninwl will he humlml husk tn ynu will) :my gnnd: ynu (H‘Ill‘l‘. “"9 will hundlp ()lllt'l'\‘ frnm any inc ll semlSmn n: Burpom «)I'Philndylphiu nr Virk< «If Rurlwstm: N. Y.. :nlw ‘m'tlw-s for fruit [tel-s, Ptr. fl mu Gnu-H‘s Nurxvlies, Rm'lwstvlu N Y. Shnukl ynn :«Irundy know by pm iPIH't‘ uf ssrds' Unit give _\‘nll e-I Sutisfaclinn \vv um NH'P yuu :1 20% an your withâ€; H in sm-rr't; humk nn-l I'llu-r Ilmn ‘.|.-Irvh llllh. ( :Im-tvlnpuny :Ill HHIPIS fr-l pl: {I'm-e. Pll' \ l'X/Pl)(il‘l!th(1.\f’ i Such-(y is supplying \‘u-qunhlv Run!“ at. m (hix‘ yum-in «u-dvr tn strains unnhtainzlhlu pJL'kPls‘. The liq \x'ilflu- may m m-xt wm-k. Full purliuulu \vilh Ihr- ï¬st. r, was dP/‘illl‘d In ’rnvincin! Pinwing M f R. J. Fleming, nvul this new nf‘ï¬co Mr. 'l'm-l'y isl thv \vvst as ( lin-Im-iurs in :I‘ "9 is (H19 01' {hr lht‘ \':ullP_\'. hm: that. his timv i< always cmu (rm! In ghin-g :m m-vm mgunizml inin [Him] l‘l‘l'l'l’a‘ In Mr. 'l‘wI-fy Tr. fir. Hm lwn' [nu-<54) (:ushim- in nnmlvm- ( In-mnnliun Um? sum-1's will IIP pruulnlinll 5 THE CHEVROLET E Mr. L sudden who w day nu “3- um) plvusml In nhsvrw‘ in u (-diljnn of The I‘lw‘ning Mui] (If tun. (‘r-ulifm‘nin. llmt. Mr. R. B. x01) U!" the lat:- MuHhL-w 'J‘uvfy ' [his village. has lwvn nppuinlefl (1011!. (It the Sun thlqllill Valley mwmly ergnnizml as :I N: Imlilulinn. Aft-w uth-ndin Richlmvnd Hill Public :uul High Baldwin [(mk .1 pnsilinn in [hp (.f Llu- Patterson Agu-ix-ullm ~|l 1; miles wI-st, uf lhis plum). 1m, went. to 'I‘m-umlu. um! :xt'lc-rwa lhl’ U. S. l‘lt' hrld luwn swuvlu (my nun-mu days old. doing Him-13 pnemnnniu ink :Ilmut U Sllll In“ univul. imprcseivv SPI' REV. J. R. A the Imnuins We Hint. n. change had [:Ikl hurriedly sumnmnm] [In the patient. dim! :1 fvw I Villa Maw. Milwsil mpm-n m-nrillv: A. Dichivsnn “S The: (IN-pest, On‘arin Plowmen’s Association (NY is lhl- ï¬lm SCUI'US ( R. B. Teefy Bank President III Mr. Tw-fy:â€"" lln- mm' pzw-cidvnt. um l'f [he lu;.nk sim md his splendid sen p'usL H)t‘l'il~7 his pn‘ -‘ll‘ :IIHHIHI "lurking in To“)an "My H79 ()nhu'iu levmmf< ’iun D'h‘mul :I wsnlnlinn ting thv il- Ekur'ntive Lu wait}: I) fathl'llf Agril-nlluw mu] reqms‘i get, in tnmn will) rer'ruiling in l'lll'nl dismith and annnge leacr um- l-apuhlu farm hum! un WH‘II 100nm» farm in lhu 0 Of ()nlurm. 'l'ht' fulhnving “'Pl‘t‘ PIIN‘IPll fru- HHG:â€" Pund- Concerning I’Pfr‘l'hlll'n' B‘W‘ilH F‘ ' Minesing B. Sunny: and death Hf {Ill- us auddenlv l: Id Hill Public Mid High Schnul («wk .1 pnsilinn in Ihv 0mm Illerson Agl‘it'lllllll'll \mGs. wv-snuf [his [)L‘H'P. 1nd lutm 'l‘m-nnlu. um! :kflc'l'H‘JIIIS Xu \ 'l‘m-nnlu. um! :kflc'nv.†Ho hrud hwn Svi‘lvlul tho lunkut Stm'ktun of ye r< [)I'r\i:rlls‘ ll . IN. 'l‘l supplying enwlery {d s splendid szmwit'v Hf the null-in" his prnmnli-l‘ In icP hf high I'vspmuihilil)‘. is locngnizml lln-nnglmlll IS mm nf the gI-r-wlr'st Sl‘l'Vll‘t‘ \\‘ (\ikL’Hl)! Sudden Death :'I’| aside-.1â€. “'9 :u rum “feuds in this mused In Ivm u u 1) u: zen: H. \YATSON. Sm LII 51ini hllSiIlPS< [Dd must pnpnlm- men uHu Imin‘ilhs‘ldm] llI'\‘Pl‘ his own. he 9 And hl‘spitnlllr rsu sympu! hy D1 [M HI and see-mm! Sumlny nighl prd. Mmulnv [‘hu z T. H. 1,951.29. . Hanna. Prrth; Hw-kwrmd: A. R. Hark. HHQHSV‘IHU. hnld Hm next. Jutrh un llu- farm u' \Vhilhy. Horticulture :A‘ja w. r V Y. ’htifx ‘ 5m. */ r“ ‘x E VKK§ Q†1 K A‘ . L I; a ‘4' \ E q‘» a» 3», S:â€" ‘._.. .v lines; fully tamer, Dl'il Ihv~ Ulll'st .1 taken ll "Ink? out vum w Hultivulzuml NH. 1 iIupIu-wd (wt. In [lit-lhhlâ€"‘I'S illtltrdllb’ Sun": 3 in m-diun-y 0. Cousins, Weston mt Hf {In tin- Han I Huh‘ I) UH- Duct! ‘v IIIHHIN“ I\' "flu-m s cm)qu d. :Ifh'l' hildrun We and ’0. Oi'illiu Agincnnl'l ynu entire! yuu uhmu Sv-rrr'ln r)“; \(‘ktllll l'nl' . Ills‘ In his “'9 :Il'(‘ sum distihntinn s are! given price ‘Mr. has inclur on (Ill [luv 11- Iil lhu Aplil in the nmtlu-I 1y Mon- .lhy two Hiding he is 323W? ’ Xï¬ï¬lï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬ 15¢IIIK. :nlinnnl {I Ulv whit In Lh when mm-n- w; r-u-ont Stuckâ€" [mufï¬n St; and smxth of Maple Sidemud Eng Maple. . . . . \nd lX' md hut his ll] rman RICHMOND Hlm 'J‘hose. ’l‘honnson lClnlhank le (1:: Bram-h '. r'nmnwm- fnlu' n‘cfu Clearing: $5310 The IIIPIIIIH‘I'S wish In vxlvml th sn kindly hvlm’d I I’ully u sun-(1'55. and our thliv . he lwld as usual \\'l‘1'k. Gem-ml RV“ mu- \\ill :1 nppmmnil) Thu 0 have lwvn so many recently from our Viâ€:th- wlu-n- (le "news buy“ Liberal at. their doors cvvrj that wv fun-l inclinmi (u di~ .VEillinol'Y Arrnngmnvnk hau- lmvn fut-lhv nwvling in ilu- Mn: un \lelu-sday t-‘VPllillg. Fvll n'l'hu-k. [n he :IdduNH-d by (hm-ml vanst‘n h is hu mu- “ill :unil llwmsn-lH-s uppurtunity [u buy start to imprnvv w Dams :1â€: n“ 0f tnmili s. Our crnp of cnlu’s for lhv puzut swlsull lms Seen ull lieilers. I will nlfw' {m the next (\vu \"l‘l'kï¬ :I. numhvl- ui' nice, smnuth Hz-ifvxs. Ruuns :ll|(l Rl'dS. frnm six Inn-mhs Fir, fur scrvicn lhom m‘er who“ the sex-V mvmln-m windy, :11 llll|\\n :1 uur suhsm-ilh IS mms lel‘ mu \‘illugo sub: Lilwl'anl at Ll; llw m-w satisfactory. nvxl‘ (ch) ‘7 Thl- llnzhu-wiguvd will vndvmnr ln sun-(Irv hle fur funnvrs tin-Hugh 1h:- Gunmlizm (hn'm-Imwnr Immi- Stalinn Utï¬m‘. if applimliuu is Ill'ldk‘. stvuling lhu kind (If help I'H- quilvd, PXpfl‘ile‘ed m- inxpvriu-mh t-d. wugws ful‘ [rim] nmml), when help is needed. etc. . . . PUREBRED SHOIKTHORN 11E} L‘ERS 105$ I'll:- Illinfls‘ md B [kl{(z}AlN THREE YUI’Xt‘r BL‘LI “n run I l olp All THORNHILL February 2| to 26 Hr service. (3mm: and lunk \‘er whether ynu buy or not n-gnh Auxill “my [u nuy :1 gum! Ullt'. In inuprnvv vuur held. Their we a“ 01" gmul milking Receive Paper subscribers h II the l’usl, ()ï¬i 1y «II nun-ting for 1119 Girls' will I)» rhnngt-d tn Tumduy. dug: with 'l‘m-sdny the 15th nl wk sharp. '1‘. F. MCNIAHON‘ Dnminiun (}(l\‘[‘l mnvht, Emplnynwnl Agmt, Riphuunul Hill their door -I inclinmi 'vs NY ll]: Red Cross News mlu SI m rugbmvhl Mums and nwvting of the Red \\iH he held Munng ‘hl smooth Hn-ifms. frnm six Innnlhs 1. Now is your 1y :1 gum! nine. in nf the Gills‘ Bram-h nnks tn nllllmsv \vhu uIn;qu(heir-Skating (Npmiinlly the Band Thvil- met-ling: will nu Saturday uf this HEMWORI) ELK. 2. Homuxy Silkm S Hills and IL lluif SH di§p tinu hy Surw hupul (w l't’CPi\'( "iil'lll “'0 trust will plow 'umplninls uhscrihex-s (~01np1110d Thursdzn' , ruse with humn't'd lime Hlll- Huh, llil mm 1101 [hi-s Tl) t UH] l‘lw ‘I3II mil Ill YOUNG MEN [N DEMAND .>, AV ‘-gamma $ Ib""\"‘»‘{ privy 1mï¬f7mï¬fï¬ â€œï¬rm ng‘nï¬mJ«u\mr.fl‘.(.€ms . ‘15.“: ‘ h E Bright Fellows Lou young (u villist me in great demand for Busilwsm Three culls nf‘fm-ing $.31) mlt'h [u stall were l'vCr‘in'tl zlL Hqu Ulï¬l‘vs of Shaw’s Sclwuls in onv (113'. It will pay to prepare. \Vritv us. \V.H.Shzlw, 395 Yongr‘ Sl..Tumnl0 S]: o (‘ in a k 0, 1- RICHMOND HILL 3: 4 Special Notivn wru-k gwu'unuwd. Fi \vmknmnship and tin leather used. . . W F. A. Fum klin Wishes Ln infm m the penphx nf Richumnd Hill and surrounding districts let he intu-nds' to still mury on the Shoe Repuix ing business as uwul. with lwIU-l- service. New stock, medium Hg dark colors, neat p21thl‘1)S_ Duck, colul‘s Lem, nnv cadet, yd than lwfun‘ 4'2 inch chccl‘ quality, per yard FlanncIthe and blue and 15,161md17 with n wid (V. 31 THE “CHMUNB HILL FURNISHINng STORE ; Blue STOR E Cu Isms Men’s Suits and Overcoats reduced away below cost. Now is your chance to get an up-to-date garment, as next Spring and Fall prices will be greatly advanced. Let us show you what we have to offer. . . . . NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR U’RUN GINGHAM FL .\ N X If L [Z'I‘T [‘2 NIGHT SUI RT wnd whim cl‘cck arrow border, 1rd 160. PH; N'I‘ V Atkinson & Switzer {t'nwmlmr :lll pink white each 15C L00 GDNGRETE HOUSE il'St-Clil muslin navy and alnglm m 40 inches aingh white and [50. ï¬ne ~-r-: ‘ Aâ€; (33;;1 gum}; maï¬ymg MUNIJA \‘s AND 2011 DATED ul’ of York, :mn Ninth day ()f CIVR R Y. O’U lht Tun»an in the County Un- Px-m‘inue uf Onlnz'im the Parliament of Cunzld St-ssiun lln-xevf. for :1 |' frva hm- husband JAM SMITH NOTICE i4 he (‘LARICE SMITH 5‘2 ratamfgmasgfamwmm line llivou'vo R'Otice NOTICE i4 hen-by given that LARICE SMITH of the City Of unan in the County of York, in w I’rm‘inuc uf Onlariu, will apply to I9 Parliament of Canada, :1L the next ~s<iun lhmevf. fur :1 bill 0f divm‘ce' rim hm- husband JAMES HENRY \ll'l‘H Hf [hr 0in of Tumnm. in the mnty of Ymk. and Province ()nLunin. vaspilpm' agent. upon u grnund (.f :ulullry and dusortiom DATED at, 'l'urnnln in the (3011an York, :mn I’rm incn of Ontario. this inth day of Nm'mnlwr, A.D.. 1915. ['RR Y. O’CONNOR & \VALLAUE, :26 Quwn SLIWL East. Tax-unto, ll Solicifm's fur the Applicant. Japanese Matting, fawn and brown. good design, yd Cream color, trimmed with 1 inch wide insertion and edged with nm‘iow lace, 28 inches wide, per yd 150. muck an all sizes, pr D R. S 0 M E R S Dentist = = = Toronto C:I.-h:\rec overalls and smocks, Inc and white stripe, each $1.40. Black and blue stripe overalls, 7» n. grey and white stripe, :n,)‘(l 13:5. \lnLuruI color all linen toweling in. wide, )‘(l "C COAT SWEAT} Men's sweater coats, } 0d weight, $3.75. Navy with cardinal, : Brmm with grey, 32‘ Plain um. 25352952? QEQCï¬Q-‘i'Eâ€"ï¬ TOWELING OVERALLS SCRIM $1.00 $2.35 256 \VEDNESDAYS )lain grey,