Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1916, p. 1

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A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places Undertaken: & Enlbalniers. RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Tel. M. 3631 Dentgn, Grqver & Field NATION:be 20 KING b'l‘ E PIANO TUNING LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GL'ARAN'I‘EEL LASKAY P. 0, ON'I‘A mcensed Auctioneers for the Snlosumuded to on shortestl sorabm rates Patrnn-an nn‘ mum w uulos or evury description. [um stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales nctanded to nshortest notice and conducted by the latest np~to-date methods. Address: 415 Balliol St Noxth Fans in House. Belmont 1317 Furmfigr'nâ€"i Toronto: Licensed Auctxoueer for the Ontario and North Toronto. liven to sales of evury llvscl‘il farm stock sales a specialty i on oogmissiqn. All Oulls by phnne m- Phone No. 28‘ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE A'l mail orders will receive prompt attention. PIANO TUNER .200 BERESFORD AVE. ‘VES'I Phone Junctmn 72. Telephnnn Main 3476 . Cir-339g “MeggNaughton LIB Phone or mail me attended to. '1'. ELM}; MAH 0 N. Barrister, Solicitor, Notaryiilgbc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG” 18 KING STREET \VEST lm Irwin Grover IS PUBLISHEDEVEKY T EIURSDAY MORNING DR. PENTLAND BARRISTER HM, nouse north 01' At! Switzer 3 store. Phone No. 2402. VETERINARY Silks-£5»? Thornhil]. 50K): :7. @avidson (‘ AT Th8 ‘ERAL PRINIZNER PUBLISHINE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. szoon Maple VOL. XXXVIII. JOHN, T. ANDERSON Organs “Janie. ()nt Barristers, Snlicrors. &c WRIGHT BROS BUSINESS CARDS. Salgeon & McEwen. C. E GAN H. Naughton mISTEn SOLICITOR NOTARY 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. Yonge & Colbm'ne Sls. OFFICE AND . PINKERTON, V.S. E112 Efiibeml EDITOR & PUBLISHER per annum, in advance. RICHMOND HILL AL TRUST CHAMBERS P E.. TORONTO. Canada. 121; Duntnn. K. C. mull messages promptly i to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL} Repaired. Expert Work ne nr otherwise prompth responded to H. Prentice RESIDENCE every degscripâ€"qun TORONTO RESIDENCE] WEST TORONTO 3.7119 gounfiires of York Ham 5‘ D. A ngm Atkinsnu & Speéml fittentio: J K McF. won Weston ONTARIO Residence Main 44.4 731 Yonge St. Yunge & Charles S Patriotic statumel y store"; ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ H+++++++#+++++++ +13+++~a ‘- 'l' l- J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CON\'EY\N"ER. ET1 Real Estate and Insuranm Richmonq €111 PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Church St, Richmond B111 (Rear Hichmund Hill Hardwmm 7.-.-.- vuu I1 BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Tm-nntn Offimn, Richmond Buildings. 33 Richmond Stl‘Pet, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘Lihex-al‘ flico). every Thursday forenoun. MleP, Thursday :LftF-rrmon. \Vnod bridge. Saturday forentmn. Money to Loan at, Current Rates Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elec tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up~to-dnte appli~ ances that save time and work for the House Wife. "27530 {81:68 Auroraoflice-Reu oved to the old post office one door wtst of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmnrket Miler-Three doors south of be post alfice '1‘ HERBERTLENNOX G v I‘lnnnnv Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Barrlsu-I s and Solicitors Mouov to Loan on and anucbanel mo “gag "west rates A“ .‘â€"â€"m " ‘ & A MORGAN Turnntu, Ont” is noted for high grade work and for assisting students to good positions. Those desilingthe best in busidess m- shoxthund education can get it here. \Vrite today for our hand- smue catalogue. Students admit- ted utuny time. . . CRO‘VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bank Build- ing. Office hours 9.30:1.m. to 5 p.m. RICHMOND Hm). Graduate Royal Cnllego of DentalSln‘anIm. Tux-(mm. will he at. Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Fridav. ' Dr. C. Oummissiuner, Cnnve Insurance. and Re‘ Issuer of Marriage PREPARE “'ELL AND Sl'CCESS IS CERTAIN Electrician. Richmond Hill Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT PHONE 1834 DO IT ELECTRICALLY WILLIAM COOK ELLIOTT S. SHEPHERD . SANDERSON PAINTER PA PERHANG ER GRAINER, ETC. . LASHER La Verne Pactison Aumra. ' C“nV9Yancer. etc “In Essentials. Unity,- in )NVEY «AMER. ETC. and Insurance at THE LIBERAL \\'. .1. Elliott m Estate Licenses. Hard \vux-e)’ V Monan HILL. Principal gages“ 44 12 the Said lust mentioned date the Ex- ecutor will pmceed to distribute the assets of the estate between the part- ies entitled thereto, having regaxd only to such claims as he shall Athen hm I: received notice. eculm'. :1 statement 0f their claims together with their names and ad dresses and the nature of the security if any. held by them. the Said lust ecutnr will \Vesr. Tun-nu eculnr. :1 Sta! together with 33 Richmr 0n Satuiduyei'ening last .1 company under the leadership uf Uuptv, Collard snd Lionl. Sunday-sun pmcvedvd uni-tn \vurd tn give (I snrprisv in the ft'l‘lll of u uhui-imn tn (‘urpm-nl and Mrs. King. The sin p1 iw was (rmnpiote and after u "fusilzide" by "The Band“ l‘l'fll‘sh- ments \\'l-‘l‘e St‘l'Ytâ€"‘d. Congratulations were made and the company departed, financially l't'lnllnt‘l‘.‘li(‘ti. and pl'l'CPE‘d ed M Gunniev to disburse. But Jnhn either unnld nut hear, ur wm‘ nut there. SI! A further pit-gress was made [0 Bethesda, whmogt‘ud things \vm'e humin nut. and an exce‘llL-nt time spam. The smtie- proved SthCt'Sh‘flli and thnSH whn Irmk paiL thnruughiy enjoyed the trip Mr. King was one of the boys here. and was "HIl‘l'it‘d [0 Miss Esther Alhortnn shun-Hy :it‘tm' (-niisting with the 95th Overseas. He has )‘iSt‘n tn tunic and is nmv :1 Cor- puml. “'9 wish him sum-ass and hnpe that he win l‘L'Ull'n when the war is over. Rumtnlls fmm tlmsv who :tttunde the cmncert (If the York Choral Society say that it \ms 51 rare Innsivnl treat. Miss Phyllis Clnl k0 visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clalkt‘. Tm-nntu. lust week. Miss Mmng visiting friends points. Mrs: E. Gust-Ivy has her-m laid up with 1:1 grippe, but is now recovering. At, :x meeting In dismiss [H'Hk‘l‘ oun- diliunsft;1~tlw S. 33'. it was decided to revhe the m-chvslra us part nf the sex-v vice. Mr. H. E. Sundwsmx \vn: up» painted louder. nnd Mrs. R. Pelkins, assistant. Victoria Square \Vhlle filling the oil tank in the basement of tin- suite the nil mun Hl lowed the tank In m‘mflrm', The Cun- sequence was that the- nil run over the basement. flour and gut, mnrmg the coal. \\'hen Mr. Bi'mvn “HIS putting c'ml into the fninnce lhn nil ignited and ;\ small lilnze wus started. but was snnn extinguished hy the valiant (-f- forts 0i" the fire brigade. Mr. R Donnie. who I-esidvs with his Sun. \V. G. Donniv, has been ill. Mr. L. Nichnls is very ill and is in :1 critical condition. The Jnnim-s Went tn Almim (in Sat- IlHlny nfternmm to try cumtlusiuns with the bunch there in a game uf llht'kl‘y. Tin-y lustSâ€"O. - Mr. J. C. Sivcklpv, B.SA.. Mr, R. \V. E. Burn:th and Mr. James Mc- Lean also gave spe-Pt'ht‘s hearing on different hmnclws uf Agricultme. Thv ontertmmnent opvuexl :Ind closvd with "God Saw- the King.’ ONT.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1‘7. 191.6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS York County Cla: Ill take fulthqr nnALice that after COOK & GILCHRIST, | St. “2. Toronto. Sulici Sxeculvr. 33 Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- Prit» Brown is "WAY sat Thm-nhill and nther my Llass Agricultural Banquet ns berm laid up nmv recovering. cuss [H'Hk‘l‘ oun- [ was decided [0 5 part “E the serâ€" was spent at 7 February 1]. I Agxit-nltm'nl resin” for the :L hnnqllt-t tn IHHS t: . x ‘ 1:33:32; gang's: C3: “Vn miss that from our hmne, dear. \Ve llllSS thee fx-mn thy place. A shadow n‘or our life is cast: \Ve miss the sunshine of thy face. “'9 miss thy hand and willing hand, Thy fond and «anqu Care. Our home is dark without thee. “'e miss theo everywhen e. on Jannmy 281]). 1916. Inn-{mew (Ill Mnnday. Senices cnndu ~tnl in the home by the Rev. Robinson and Rev. aneiing. Many l'liends and rel Mn 5 gathered tn pay the lass tribute nf l'e- spec-tr to the departed. also to uxlmntl to the fan:in their heartfelt symplthy. Amidsta prnfusinu (If flmvers the re- mains were taken to the Maple CHI)?- tery. Six memhm-s of the Uuuncil of the Lathe-tan (-hm-rh acts-d H3 pall- heawrs, (If “'lllt‘h he had lwvn an (‘lder for a number «If )‘vais, and tu-asmer fur twonty-tiveyvars and a nwmlwr ful' i30 years. His presenm- :Is a loving fa- ‘ther and a dear and kind husband will he much missed in U)» hunw, and his gnml advise- and council in the chum-h; alsn his sympathy and ieady help at all times as a kindneighhur and a good citizen in (he cnmnmnity. Dccvasvd was married to Sunnah Fenwick. daughh'r u-f the latu John Fcnwick. of Hull. Ymkshirv. ling“ who was Imu- ried (n llw daughtm- uf Ihe late \Vm. Bill klluldf’l’. mu- uf the Unit: (I Empile Lnyalists fmm Penmylvania.u'husex v- ed thin-nanny aml lm-k pant in the lmttle nf Qum-nstnn Hvights The (le- ceased's father was “’illiam Constable. horn in Yorkshiw. Eng, who ('llllglilt- ed to Canada in 18H), and was married tn Mary Jarksun. (langhtl-r nf the late- vage Jacksun. (If Ymk Township. Dmmasrd had liwd in Maple for 23 years: also (In the farm at. Tostvn, when) his only son John \V. nmv r0- sides: :Ilsn one daughter. Mary Ann. whe died in 1902 at the age nf 20 Years. Juhn G. \V. Cnnstul: your, :Iftvr quilv :1 long illness died at his hum» on Jnnmuy 281]). 19115. is :1 list of the min \vimwls :â€"â€" Spring wheatâ€"«C. N. Unnpt‘l‘. B:ll‘l¢’y-~Fl'f‘(] Uhu k, I‘. N. L‘nup; Outs, while â€"~ I). and F. ){l'n Fwd Ulzu‘k. (Hm‘er. Aisike-Gemgv Harding PUhant‘s, Earlyâ€"«Mb: rt .10st and 2nd. Putntues, Lute â€"â€" Peter Jams and 2nd. ,_7 Â¥ ..-..‘ \vl' all" Ll‘l Ilp dwvlling pal-[iculsuly on H)» kind of seed. the prepaI-uxinn nf lhv land. the cultivation and harvesting. Mr. Hicksnn had his subject Well in hand and lhoinfm-mntinn imparted cnmmt help hut he of mush benefit to the fur mms present. Mr. J. (i. Stet-Hey \vlm has just closed at: Agricultural Glass in the village gave :1. very instructive spot-uh nn smut. the different kinds. tho causes and rmnody. Mr. Slcckley who is :1 very fluent speaker Ic-cehed the closest attention throughout. and if the farmers only fullmv thl- advice given by him they will hme nnsmully grain in the future. has removed to his new office on corner of Yosz and QUEEN $15.. which has been equipped with the most modern nf dentn appliances. Out of town patients attended without previuui :Ip- pnintment. Mr. Hid-(sun gave :1 w»: y interesting and exhaustive Ian (m sill» Lorn. U ..- - - » The Annual So‘ed Fair in connection with [he Righumml Hill Agricultural Society for several wasuns dad nut have as many enlrivs last Saturday as in forum-r years. lmt the atlmul:uu:e at the after-metalng was pclhups the largest. and llwspewlws hull: inteIt-st- ins: and instructixv. Mr Hicksnn of Buln-avgr‘nn was the Gnvemnnmt l‘XpPI't judgv, and Mr. Georg? Keilh pf I'm-(mm l‘l‘pll'srlllt‘d the Suciely. D R. S 0 M E R S Dentist = = = Toronto The Annual Seed Fair {I Richmond Hill, Feb. 12; 281]). 19115. Illlt'th-‘l-t (it; Sexvicosfi Cfmdu-lvd in the Obituary. h is hull-l)", ’ “(Hy-{174701}; . of Yul-k Township. iwd in Maple- for 23 th:1 farm at Tvstnn, son John \V. nmv re- dnngmer, Mary Ann. at the age of 20 me's. unstable and In his U31d ll_ng«‘~\1ing ‘mnpm'. Rmnhl? I L We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now Orders taken for Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat. Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale Pupils prepared for examinations Studio, TornntnConservatm-v of Mu: ESTELLE M. ORTON I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. A lmzjmity of those- present favored the pmclmsv pl'nphsitiun. claiming that the position was central, while a. number of thme (IppUde contended that. [he fir:- elngine shuuld he kepton the [up of the hill. and [but the plU~ perty is unsuitable fur (ht,- purpose de‘ shod. After the matter was mm‘vd by Mr. Mr. (‘owiln that Ihl vnlv tn the l'utepny buying the prop»: [v \vnsmnved by Mr. Hill, svcunded by Mr. COH'iP, that the Ununcil snbmitn vote to lln- ratepayers with a View of buying the prop»: Ly. Mon-d in :Iuwndlm-nt by Mr. Mc- Mahon. sectmded by “r. Trench. that the p) npnsitilm he further cnnsidcl‘Pd ln'fnre making the pumhasa T119Inuliuncunied. (PUPIL 0F MISS II. ETHEL SHEPHERD) ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES VOCAL INSTRUCTION [Meeting Favors Richmond Hill 0n Monday and Tuesday of Each “"eck. Pulttic Attention YORK RANGERS Overseas Battalion 3. H. RAMER men wanted le fudj: [Single copies, 3 cts. 5 Favors Purchase of the Crosby Property )r Red Clay Press: Brick. for the \\' H S :itm-y of Mu discussed it: seconded by No. a. 3+

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