Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1916, p. 3

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When the Grave 5 Yawned fer Him‘ Sandy Goulette Took Dodd’s Kidney Pills for Bright's Disease. Now He Can De His Days Work As Wel’: As He Could Ten Years Agoâ€"â€" Offers Proof Of His Statement. Old Fort Bay, Labradoro, Que.â€" Feb. 14th, (Special.)â€"Cured of Bright’s Disease when the grave yawned before him, Sandy Goulette, an old settler here, wants all the world to know that he owes his life to Dodd’s “I was swollen out of shape from head to foot. I was so short of breath I could hardly speak,” Mr. Goulette states. “The doctor could do nothing for me. The minister gave me the holy sacrament and a good old priest came and told me that I could not live much longer. Kidney Pills. “I was sick all winter and in the spring. I telegraphed two hundred miles for two boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I took three pills the night they came and I got relief before morning. I took Dodd’s Kidney Pills and they cured me. “If anyone doubts this statement they can write me and I will give them names of people who know me and who will vouoh for me. I am able to do my day’s work as well now as I could ten years ago.” _vl)_(‘)id<l’rs Kidney Pills are no cure-all. They simply cure t‘he Kidneys. You think you know something about animals, eh? Well, let us put your knowledge to a few simple tests. Frogs, to begin with. Can they breathe with their mouths shut? Certainly they can. As a matter of fact, they always do. If they kept their mouths open, they would suf- [ocate. Next, hares. When do they close their eyes? Answer, never. You see, they havn'b any eyelids, so they can’t But they have a thin mem- brane, which performs the service of eyelids when they are asleep. They All Have Their Own Liflle Pe- culiarities. Are pigs good swimmers? Noâ€" shocking bad! Their forelegs are the trouble, being set too closely under them for aquatic sports. What is the color of a horse’s eye- brows? That's a difficult one. Think hard, and then learn that a horse hasn't any eyebrows. You may like to know, in addition, that turtles and tortoises have no teeth; that parrots, unlike the ma- jority of birds, can move both man- dibles of their beaks; and that fishes never masticate. They simply haven’t time between breaths. But perhaps you know that the zic-zac is about the only kind of bird a crocodile does not relish for its supper. A Change of Food Works Wonders. Wrong food and drink tauso a lot of trouble in this world. To change is first aid when a person is ill, par- ticularly from stomach and nervous troubles. As an illustration: A lady was brought around to health again by leaving ofl‘ coffee (Tea is just as injurious because it contains caffeine, the drug found in coffee) and some articles of food thut- did not agree with her. She says: She says: “For a number of years I suffered with stomach and bowel trouble which kept getting worse until I was ill most of the time. About four years ago I left off coffee and began using Postum. My stomach and bowels im- proved righ‘v along. but I was 50 re- duced in flesh and so nervous that the. least thing would overcome me. “Then I changed my food and began using Grape-Nuts in addition to Past- um. I lived on these two principally for about :i month. Day by day l grained ll‘. flesh and strength until the nervotm lu‘ouhle had disappeared. tin 30 Instant l’ostum~u solubh dissolves quickiy in a m water, and. \\‘i\h cream 3 makes a delicious beverage he nervou fuel that m and Cr “Huslmn l\‘( LII ', Ont. ’ostum « ‘ostum ( There’s Rages )fl BITS A BOUT BEASTS tbnnd was troublcd, for a with occasional cramps, unlly. Finally I prevailed leave ofi’ cofl'ce and take :\ GOOD CHANGE. foun onws orval tins m my 1 two forms: the original forr .2 ' for I’uslnm. -â€"sold by Grocers. he cou 5111' soluble powde a cup of :alth to Post- <1 . wgar, instantly. )., \V an long Ell\(l él HIE Saved From Death in Baltic by a Cigarette Case. “One bullet went clean through my pocket, struck my notebook, and stayed there. I have it still. It was my first hit, and so I have kept it as a souvenir.” Thus wrote an officer from Flanders some time ago and the incident is typical of many occasions when men have been saved from death and disablement by some ob- ject they were carrying about their person. Not very long ago, a private in the 4th East Yorkshire Regiment was saved from death by a cigarette case over his heart. The missile lodged in the inner cover of the case, and the cigarettes were badly damaged, but no other harm was done. A Lancaâ€" shire soldier was also saved by a cig- arette-tin and a penny in his breast pocket. Bishop Taylor Smith tells how a captain in the Coldstreams was wounded by a shell. When he was examined the doctors found a Bible in his hip pocket. The piece of the shell had struck the Bible and gone through the pages. Had it not been for the Bible the officer’s spine would have been shattered. Curiously enough, the missile had stopped at the ninety- first Psalm, and the officer’s father, who had given him the Bible, had written a verse from that Psalm on the flyâ€"leaf. Shaving~soap, tobaccoâ€"pouches, letâ€" ter-cases and books of all descrip- tions have saved the lives of many soldiers, but the most extraordinary lifesaver was a mouth-organ which was smashed to pieces by a bullet as it rested in the left breast pocket of Private Keighley, a Canadian. It was found afterwards that the mouth- organ bore the legend, “Made in Germany." The stormy, blustery weather which we have during February and March is extremely hard on children. Conâ€" ditions make it necessary for the mother to keep them in the house. They are often confined to over-heatâ€" ed, badly ventilated rooms and catch colds which racks their whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby’s Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working regularly. This will not fail to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good condition till the brighter days come along. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockv ville, Ont. His mind still directed on war in- ventions, Sir Hiram Maxim, in his ‘South London experimental workshop, is an interesting figure. Like all in- lventors, he has had a lot to put up {with Twenty years ago, when he lbegan experimenting with flying- :machines, people declared that his re- !putation was ruined for life, as he was essaying the impossible. STORMY WEATHER Gcnial Gossip About Some Well- Known People. General Smith-Dorian is called “Smithy” by his soldiers. Prince Arthur of Connaught is named after the Duke of Wellington. How many Cabinet Ministers have been down a coal-mine? .At least, one. Mr. McKenna, when he was Home Secretary, descended one of the pits at the Atherton Collieries in order to inspect the arrangements for the safety and convenience of miners. y-..__. ...9 n, "1 When Lord Haldane was at the War Office he was “chipped” about the number of recruits for the Regular Army. otherwise qualified, who were rejected for cause of defective teeth. His answer was that he would be sor- ry to undertake the daily care of the teeth of the Army. In the present war dentists are kept working seven days a Week to get intending recruits’ teeth right. Vedrines. the amazing French Avi- ator, is achieving fine things against the Germans, and small wonder, for no passion is stronger in him than hatred of the l-Iuns. This hatred is nothing now; he felt it long before the war. Once. when the world was at peace, Veldrines flew over German territory. “And,” he says, “when I was a for: kilometers up, I looked down upon Germany. and spat upon her not once. but three times!” Mr. Rudyard Kipling, is a'great lmperialist, and often "talked Empire” with his old friends. Cecil Rhodes, in former days. He differed from his friend, however. in being an early riser, and one morning when he was staying at the South African magâ€" nate's house. he had to wait hungrin hour after hour for his morning meal. When Inc minard's Liniznsn: Cures C .’0L1TE PERSON ALITIES. Leri NARROW ESCAI’ES house. h: af ter hour Cecil Rln‘ HARD 0N BABY hL‘ (‘AI’ESL l in Baltic by 3 Ease. ean through my i notebook, and it still. It was have kept it as vrote an ofiicer imc ago and the many occasions in saved from it by some ob- ing‘ about their a private in the Regiment was A Million Mothers behind the purest, cleanest, most nu- tritious of all cereal foods~~ ShreddedWheat. They have tested it and found it best for youngsters, best for grown-upsâ€"a food to work on, to play on, to think on. Contains the life of the wheat in a digestible formâ€"puts gimp and ginger into the jaded body. Delicious for breakfast with milk or cream or for any meal. Made in all} The great arid wastes of Persial would lead one to believe that the country does not produce sufficient grain to supply the needs of its pop- ulation. Such, howaver, is not the case, and considerable quantities of grain are exported each year. The principal grains grown are wheat, barley and rice. Corn is planted in small quantities, but. is only used for roasting ears. Oats and rye are selr dom sown. Except along the Casâ€" pian coast Persian agriculture is de- pendent almost entirely on irrigation. The agricultural implement-s used: in Persia are of the most primitive kind. Plows are made from forks of small tres *with the addition of a share of iron. It is stated to be doubtful, how- ever, whether the yield of grain would be greatly increased by using modern plows, as there is no sod and jthis crude implement seems to stir 2the soil fairly well. Canada. and ""Hku 'ol'dinary pancakes are a reulh miuuble food. Because of their granular character they Will not disorder digestion or ferment, They may be safe- ly fed to a babe. Roman Meal also makes most delicious porridge, gems. muffins, steam puddings. bread. etc. All may be eaten hot without fear or dis- tress. All nourish better than meat and positively relieve constipation or money refunded. At your grocers‘, 10 and 25 cents a. package. Rubber Famine in Germany. Rubber is worth more than its weight in gold to Germany. There is no other substance more in demand and harder to get. It is necessary in the manufacture of war munitions as well as in the thousand and one articles in everyday life. The fact that there are practically no rubber- tired vehicles now sows how great is the rubber famine in Germany. Dr. Jackson’s Roman Meal P2: cakes a Digestible Delicacy. HAVE Yang EfizEMAQ and 2'7 You have tried all sorts of fatty olntments. lotions and powders. Put them aside now and give Nature 3. chance as represented by Zam-Buk. Zam-Buk is made frOm herbal es- ' sences; is a natural healer. Is not 1 something you have to send to the end of the world for, and pay a heavy price! Every druggist will sell you Zam-Buk and for 50c. only. ‘ Just give it a fair trial and inci- ‘ dently give yourself ease by the l quickest route. See name on box:â€" Would you like to end that ter- rible itching. that burning pain; to heal those horrid sores? mm LARGEST ammo; 3503:3333 mm. m 1512 mm n-iwn The Spirit of America. n‘ play: Maznltude and Checriumcs: AMERICAN PLAIN EUEOPBAN PLAN I). S. White. Pres. J. W’. Mott. Mgr EIA51$Ei alt-g Toronto Amado. ugnt dunng the year. Sen q; ‘\\"‘ 8. Jr. 51'. CLAIB 00., 1.9., Persian Grain. “TAI- BT08! r3031: 00"- STRUCTION rks every an 'ear. Send :0 «Toronto 'an- Awful Effects of the French Shrapnel Shells. It will be recalled that on the mor- row of the battle of the Marne re- turned combatants related strange stories of the aspect of certain Ger~ man unwounded corpses, says London Tit-Bits. Death as been so instanâ€" taneous that the bodies remained in a lifelike posture, some shouldering a rifle, others pipe in mouth. In a communication made to the Academy of Medicine, M. Rene Arnnoux asserts that the phenomena was due to the efficacy of the French explosives. Within a 15-yard radius of the point where the shell explodes the displace- ment of the air is so intense as to destroy the equilibrium of pressure on the interior and exterior of the human body. The gas contained in the blood is thus liberated, causes a distension of the blood vessels and arteries, and, ultimately bursting those organs, in- duces sudden death. This argument is confirmed by the state of the bodies, which often showed the heart and liver greatly distended and nu- merous internal hemorrhages. from the start. Many who have been told that they have astigmatisnn eye- strain. cataract; sore eyelids. weak eyes, conjunctivitis and other eye disorders report wonderful benefits from the use of this prescription. Get this prescrip- tion filled and use it; you may so strengthen your eyes that glasses will not be necessary. Thousands who are blind. or nearly so. or who wear glasses might never have required then) if they had cared for their eyes in time. Save your eyes before it is too late! Do not become one of these victims of neglect. Eyeglasses are only like crutches ‘and every few years they must be changed to fit the ever-increasing weakened con- dition. so better see it you can. like unu van,“ .v. w your eyes before it is too late! Do not become one of these victims of neglect. Eyeglasses are only like crutches ‘and every few years they must be changed to fit the ever-increasing weakened con- dition, so better see if you can. like many others, get clear. healthy, strong magnetic eyes through the prescription here given. If your own druggist can- not fill this prescription. send $1 to the Vaimas Drug 00.. Toronto. for a com- plete Bonâ€"Opto Home Treatment outfitâ€"â€" Itabieis and all. HOW YOU MAY THROW AWAY YOUR GLASSES The statement is made that thousands wear eyeglasses who do not really need them. If you are one of these unfortun- ntes. then these glasses may be rulmng your eyes instead of helping them. Thousands who wear these, "windows" may prove for themselves that they can dlspense with glasses if they will get the following prescriptlon filled at once: Go to any actlve drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets; fill a. two- ounce bottle with warm water and drop in one Bon-Opto tablet. \Vlth this harm- less liquid solution bathe the eyes two to four tlmes daily. and you are likely to be astonished at the results right from the start. Many who have been told that they have astigmatism“ eye- strain. cataract; sore. eyelids. weak eyes, conjunctivitis and other eye disorders Of course. no bachelor likes being- iroasted, yet it is no more uncom- fortable than being married and kept l in hot water. Nothing Lost. ‘ Hobsonâ€"My wife never wastes anything. Dobsonâ€"No?‘ Hobsonâ€"No. If it’s edible, it goes into the hash; and if it isn’t, it will do to trim a hat. quickly relieved by Murlno Eye Remedy. No Smming. just Eye Congforg. fit Sam Dear Sirs,â€"-We wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When I hell you Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902 Minard’s Liniment 00., Limited. "J v” just Eye Comfort. Kt Your Druggint's 50c per Bottle. Murlne Eye SalveinTubcsZSC. ForBookol!heEyefreensk Dmggists or Murine Eye Remedy 60., Chicago I would not be without it if the pri was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON Sure Proof. Pessimistâ€"Is he prosperous, do you think? Optimistâ€"Is he? Why, he owes twice what he owns. Stopped in Time. “Yes,” said the young singer, com- placently, “I had a great reception after my song last night. The au- dience shouted ‘Fine! Fine!"’ “Good thing you didn't sing again.’ said the cynic. “Why, what do you mean?" “They would have yelled ‘Imprison ment!’ the next time.” In the race for weal ways finds himself out t‘né finish “'estern lunard'l mmment Cw HOW EXPLOSIVES K [LI d's Linlment Cures Distemper SPEND 'IZIX} WINTER IN CAI-130311114. 46 Yo ran nd I, Granulaied Eycfids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun. Duskmd Wind guicldy rcjie'igd 13y Muflne wealth a man a!â€" out of breath at “ Garzec in Cow- :ye disortlérs from the use this prescrip- if the price mean it. Still It Was Fatal. “What did your father die of?" the doctor asked an Atchison negro who was being examined for life in~ surance. When you lose money and gain wis- dom, the loss is your gain. Minn-6's Imminent Cm inlvhthorm.’ ‘ARMS ~â€" ALL SIZES -â€"- STOCK. Gram. Dairy or Fruit. \Vhen you want to buy. write H. W. Dawson. Brampton. Ont. KUNK, raccoons. muskrats all kinds k. fancy prices. Address Stiiman Hen- shuw, Deep Brook. Annapolis Co N. S; r HOFlT-MAKING NEWS ANL JOB Offices :‘or sale In gaod Ontario mwns. The most useful and Interesting of all businesses. Full Information on applicanon to \V'i‘xzon Publishing Com- pany, '13 West AdeXalde St. Toronto. “Ah don‘t know, boss," he replied but it wasn’t nothing serious.” C ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC. internal and external. cured with- out paln by our home treatment. Writs us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Colllnxwood. Ont. LEARN MUSIC AT HOME! You [my onlv for music and INIHJLEQ'. \vhivh is sum”. Nu oxtras . ltrgimmrs ur advanx-n-i mud). Everything illus- trated. plain. SimDIP systematic. Fruw 10¢- “Jl't‘s t'uvh (muz‘su 1‘} yéal‘s’ n-(‘oar' .(m-r at Once. \Yrito for Frep :wlnt '1'0-duyrfiNow, U48. SCHOOL OF HIUSIG, Box 252. 225 1?ch Ave. New Yr; ‘ 01:1; (fires (ule 1‘ A V mrt u! .mcc. H mm \ ,1. .. \vmn n :1 Hr 1y to ynur present income. Write for full parnculurs to nun and Company. Manufacturers. De t. D.. 240 Con- federation LH‘e B1 3.. Toronto, Ont. “'ould you like (0 eMer a. contest where a small'part of your time is devoted to a system of correspond- ence which wuuld gdd very Vmaterlah Amerlca’s Pinnee: Bog Remedies LE). 7 A POPULAR CONTEST Golf and User 1| HAMILTON, NEWSPAPERS 1’03 ELLA. The Ideal Winter Resort Prinsass Hate!- open from DECEMBER to HA? Situated on tho» Harbor 01' Hamnmn Avumnmudatne 400. ates >aut1ful Dri puts new life in your harness. Keeps it from drying up and cracking. Makes it soft, pliable and strong. Contains no animal or vegetable fats to become rancid. It makes harness last longer. EAW PUBS VIANTED EARBB FOR SALE. HOWE &. TWOROGER Ada MlSCCLLkNEOUS. a is reached by the steam r the Quebec 8. S. Co‘. Broadway. New York. TUMORS. L_UMPS._ Exp. DOG DISEA SE8 And How to Feed 6n. Accommodates 400. $25 per week and upward Ma!ch free to any address by the Author H. CLAY CLOVER, V.S. 118 West 3lflSirce‘t,New York New Method -â€" Free a Learn To Play By Noteâ€"Plano. ' Organ. Violin, Banjo, Mandolin. Format, Harn ‘Celln or to sing Sperrlul E Limited Offer of t‘rnu weeklv If qm‘u-z )riw-s. Saddlr is, Yachting. “hing, Prcs‘ 11m we" hing. Présent Ottawa. (.381h) BOOK ON ISSUE 8â€"’1¢ BERMUDA nly id

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