ALL BRANLHES OF THE TRADE ‘STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 F. J. WDDDWARDE SEOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY The Next Sitting of Divxsinn Courtfo No. 3. County of York, will be held in the Court Room. DIVISION - BUUIIT \V .\I. ROBINSON. RICHMOND HILL F. J. WODDWARD. FOR FURTHER tNFORMA'I[UN \VRITE 07? SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE. & CC., Richmond Hill 'ATRONAGE Soucx'rEn AND SATISFAWION GUARANTEED GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Tle undersigned has taken the agency for the E. D. Smith 00.. \Vinonu. for all kinds of Nursery Stuck. NURSERY STOCK Tuesday, Feb. 22, 196 New Gormley Order now for spring delivery Richmond Hill Annex Cummencmz at 9.30 mm. RICHMOND HILL G. A. M. DAVISON. UNIONVILLE, dmller fur Mark- hum. SCH! 1mm und York Townships. including Ynnge Sheet. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Thv lwst mat, money can huy~is the labor. that, gone in!“ the Canadian Furd. Our wmkmon are the highest [mid molm- cur mechanics in the British Empire. This menus dnnnrs saved in after expense to thean who buys :1, Ford, “Made in Canada." Because Lhe Ford Car is built right. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmknt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale an Easy Terms “MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $530 ford motor Company FORD RUNABOUT $$80~ ("7 (‘ANA DA, Ll MI’I‘ED EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLER i In Marble orGr‘anitv. Good Wnrk reasonabe charges. Town 01' Country Write. W. A. JONES. 22 Buchanan Sh. RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING, ETC. +++++++++++++++++++++++++~§ +++++++++++++++++++++++44"!- L. CURTIS Motor Repairing Done TERMS GIVEN CN MC’ICR CYCIS Monuments. Markers and Corner Tombstone Lettering L. CURTIS A. J. HUME Tailor CLEANING 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto AGEXT FOR PHESSING REPAIRING 'uSLS. Toronto Gueiph Mercury: “Mr. Failis would have done much better to have quietly dropped out of public life. When a country is facing the greatest crisis in its history, the demand is for big men at the head of afl‘airs. Mr. Toronto Star: “The party con- vention in Peel which nominated Mr. J. R. Fallis to be returned to the seat in the Legislature from which he resigned after the enquiry before Judge Davidson had revealed the nature of his dealings in connection with the purchase of army horses, did a poor day‘s work for the country.†‘ Toronto World (Con) Feb. 5, 1916: “Should he he re elected that will be the end of any attempt to better political life in Canada. If he comes back De Witt Foster will come back to the Commons from Now: Scotia, and Mr. Gaiand from Carlton; and Sir Robert Borden and the whole Conservative party will be that much discredited," Toronto News (Con) Dec. 7, 1915: “Horse trading in time of war, which robs the country, is an offence which even with all the tiaditions in its favor cannot be overlooked. More- over, when a representative of the people ï¬lls his pockets by dishonest methods he proves himself unworthy of public conï¬dence and unï¬t for public position.†Hamilton Herald (Ind-Com): "J. R. Fallis. M.L.A. for Peel has presented to the Peel Overseas Bat- talion the money he made on the horse deals which Commissioner Davidson condemned. and the Executive of the Peel Conservative Association has ofï¬cially vindicated Mr. Fallis. It won’t do. The offence shows through the whitewash.†Mr. Hearst: wrote a letter to Mr. Fallis which, whether rightly or wrongly is being used by him and his healers as evidence that Mr. Hearst is satisï¬ed “‘th Fallis as a candidate. Hon. Mr. Hanna, the Acting. Premier said: "I would say no one has altered the high opinion previously held of Mr. Fallis." l “The issue has more than local isigniï¬cnnee. I’eel County is the first lconstituency in the Dominion that i has been aï¬hrded the opportunity of ‘passing upon the question of war proiiteering by Members of l’nrlia- ment and the Legislatures, and therefore the judgment of the electors of Peel on this issue is of provincial and national moment and will be watched by all the constituencies throughout the Dominion of Canada. I am conï¬dent that the electors of Peel will stand for clean, honest, disinterested public service in this hour of crisis.†'. Good six-mowed hunse (-n Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. Small rental. immediate posses- sion. ' 'w’ Olwhundzed acres. vicinity Hf Bethesda: six l'nnmr'd fruth hnuse, bank bum. hug pens and helm-=1 y. A small Cash pay- mentrvqnired and 1119 balance may round†on mortgage at 59;. A bun-gain. : Seventy-ï¬ve acres of rich vlnv suil, vicinity uf Victoria Squaw, Markham township: cumfmlable hnuse of the usual farm type, gum] hank inn-n near- ly new. running stream no waste land. This is ;i ran] g< 0:1 farm at u very reasonable price. WHAT MR. ROWELL SAID AT THE LIBERAL CONVENTION ‘U One hundred and ï¬fty acres uf first-claw workable land in Markham Township. York Cnuntv. cunvenient m Yunge SL; splendid brick huuse and ï¬ne hunk hum. running stream. guud nrclnu-d and plenty (.f Shade trees. P1 ice and terms (If Lhislneautiful farm on applica- Lion. RICHMOND HILL. 0pm. Fm. )7 A. E. GLASS E119 Eggihcrnl MORTGAGES BO ['GHT PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL FOR RENT FARMS 1915: which which in its 1916 XVHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST HOLSTEXN FRIESIAN BULLS HIGHLAND LAKE FARM Presbyterian Church Sunday. Feb. 20, the minister will pwach at huth survives. The Young People‘s Sneit-ty lmld n litel'nl'y evpning, Thursday, 8 pm. Thm'nhill 1~e~npr-ning services uvrv hrgvlynttended last. Sunday. Many old friends from long distances wele present for the day. Three sermons nf rmnarkable pnwm- were given by Dr. Rubprtmn. Dr. Stenht-usr' and Dr. Law. It was :1 gnrvd nwnu-t-uhlt‘day in the histuly of the Chin'th The C(Illt'CUnnS for the day totalled $726. Thurnln‘“ people have unw a church quite up-tuâ€"duto. [mm bemmful and cmnfmtahle. mu; upuuu or smying away. But every ratepaycr, including indies. has the right. to be present when matters of importance in the village are to be discussed. We believe that: at all public meetings the pre- siding officer would be justiï¬ed in requesting that there be no smoking. day evening. 'I‘u say the 10 looks selï¬sh on the part of smul indulge in that pastime at meetings, when it. is kucwn smoking is uljuctiunaMe to people. ()t‘cuurse those who to take things as they ï¬nd then' the option of staying away. It is not. surprising that. certain 01 our citizens complain that; Lhey were almost “smoked uuc" at. ate meeting ofthe Ratepayers Association Mon- Fallis has demonstrated, in a rather painful manner, that he is not: of this type.†\V. J. LA\VRENCE, JEFFERSON r A When you deal with a man orn store fair in its methods, l’1u-‘H‘Q in its dealings, truthful in its promises and you add (0 this a painstaking service-1hnvs a pretty good shop to get uc- qmiinled with. It's a matter (if business for us to talk about our- selvesâ€"it will be a nmtce‘r ut good business for you to cull. W. I. LAWRENCE Cinders fur walks. concrete wmk. etc., $1.50 per te Some choice Ints nn fClmrch St, Baker Ave. and Rnseview Ave†hheml discount for cash. or $1.00 per foot down and three to ï¬ve year agreement. Flmvm's tastefully arranged for \wddings. funerals. etc. Roses, Cm‘lmï¬nn‘s. Chrysanthemums and other flmvm s in season Phone Richmond Hm. or nights and Sundays North 2221. City â€"1 large quantity nf 1] quart baskets on hand FOR SALE, :1 numhm- of ngiSttfl'f’d hull calves, all from high testing dams and good individuals. Start now to improve your herd by Manning one of these \\'ell~lu9d bulls. Prices Right. Visitors always welcome, Sunday excepted. GREENHOUSES RICHMOND HILL GREENHOL'SES AND OFFICE 152 lmsmdnvx IS IT FAIR ish FISH Fish A. MCDONALD & SON ls known that. immMe to some (11050 Whn olljecu e)’ ï¬nd Lbem haw:- Chum-h. The totalled $726. unw a church beauuful and FAME AND SQUAEâ€"Ei kms 0 publiu | chat. Isr. it, 1qu BENTON. GROVER & FIELD. 20 King St., East in ‘hu City of Tom nlnln.S()lit‘.itUrs fur the Execntm-s nf the Joseph Mmlsmu Estntv. 3‘2 4 Am] t 4.1- notice Hmt after (he said um day «If Match. All, 1916, the said o-XN‘HLHI'S will pl'uCPe'd m distribute thu assets uf thv Snid dwwnst'd "mung [he' parties onlifled (hmvur, baring r9- gnul only to lht' (:l unzs nf which they shun tlwn have untice‘ and the said vxecumr “HI nut. he. l‘uhle fur said assets m~ :mv put then-“f, m~ tn any person m-pt'rs'nns of \vhnse rlnim nn~ lice shun Iu-L hrlvv been received by them 01' their Sulicilt-I s. Dated at Turmltn [his 2nd day ( February, A.D.. 1910'. mum-ks :l’a'l w ul;.r~: In wn staunwnt If H «I UH’ l‘f (h: [In In. duly S'dicitm's fur Hn (-slulr. (In 01' h Joseph Murlsun. (h on m- uhnut the 35H) post, p: DENTU Nuticv is hl‘l'l'hv givm) pmsmmt In sm-Kiuuï¬ï¬, (:huplur 12L “5.0.. 19â€. (hat n†pvrsnns having claims or d»- Imulds against the stW of (he said A.l).. WIS. ll'ntihnx' In the mutter of lhe vsiute of Jus- I-pll Morison. late 0? Oak Ridges. in the County of Ym-k. humor. who dim! (-n nrnlmnt the,- twenty- ï¬flh day of Sr-ptmuher. .â€"\.I).. 1915. HT NOTICE TO CREDITORS «In :‘S inn- Hw r-xvtzntm-s m‘ the smd (m nr ht-Imc- Hw 6H) day of 1916. Iln-h- thistiun and sur- mtl “(Mn-«vs, with full pnrlic~ wri'iug «If llwir claim. and m If [hair :om-uunls. and the f lh:-s913illit)‘. ifnny, held by uh' \e-riï¬ml Iny stutulnry dec- ‘15. are I'vqnum lmld, nr (h'lh‘t‘l' Try us for SMOKED or SALT FRESH R. \V. E. BURNAB'I PROPRIETUR “ROVER FISH am load TanSTO RICHMOND HILL, ONT. u Hf (he said 4 d, who diul uf Svptcmhor. In svnd hv In M ESSRS. 15) ELI),