He dropped his chin on his hand, and stared at the instrument as though by staring he could force the news from it. There was no hint of impatience in the attitude or move- ment, rather of a strong patience that would be likely to win its way in life by meeting adversity with a square front, and then calmly wearing" it down. He was about twenty-ï¬re. The lines on his face were deep for a man of his years; but they were lines grav- en by character, not by experienceâ€" hy a grave habit of thought, rather than by any knowledge of suffering in the past. He looked like a man who might take life hardly, because he would shrink none of its responsibili- ties; who would ï¬ght. if he had to ï¬ght, bravely and Victoriously; but who. as yet had not been called upon to show the grit that was in him. When he smiled which was often â€"â€" the lines vanished,_and showed the face of a strong, good-humored boy. But though his nerves were tense with excitement now, he had not been able to infect with his own eagerness the man who was on duty with him. A luxuriously elaborate yawn from a wicker chair behind him, echoed round the walls of the Instrument Room. and caused the quick smile to show itself on Searborongh's face. Scott. the man in the chair, \\‘:\s‘sul_)p0se(l to he shar- ing his watch; but he was one of those who take life easily. and his method was to read a French novel in a big chair until Scarborough should give him the word that the instruments were talking. Then he would rise slowly, stretch himselfl and take his share of the work. .. gï¬Ã© THE CABLEMAN For international politics had reached a crisis. A certain diplomatic “note†had been presented, and the answer was expected hourly. If the issue was peace, the public would probably never know that there had been a crisis at all. But the servants of the great cable companies neces- sarily have greater and earlier know- ledge than the rest of mankind; and it is by no means the fact, as many supâ€" pose. that the most important ne\vs always passes through their hands in unintelligible cipher. Diplomacy is a shy monster, hunting by tortuous paths, and loves to shroud its tracks in obscurity; but sometimes even diplomats speak out, and when they do, their words are apt to be momen- tous. In every Chanéellary of the world anxious men were waiting for the an- swer, which an Imperial courier was hearing post haste to the court of St. James's. Scarborough glanced for the ï¬ftieth time at; the ribbon of paper which came from the siphon-recorder, and saw that it registered a plain straight line. Nothing was paSSing over the cable just now. CHAPTER I Horace Scarborough was sitting in front of the siphon-recorder in the Instrument Room of the cable station at Ribereira Grande. The faint whisâ€" per of electrical apparatus was round him, and the afternoon mist of the Az- ores had crept into the room and chillâ€" ed the air. He had been on duty for nearly eight hours, but though he was tried, he was barely conscious of the fact; for the strain of watching for a message, expected but long delayed, had braced his nerves and driven away all thought of fatigue. The message for which Scarborough was watching meant peace or war amongst the nations of the world. “What a phlemntic l) 237/47 I/fl Eï¬ Edwardsburg 111:1 go to bail huxhhy Childm- ‘Crown Brand’Corn is so economics! and so :44 of pounds are eaten chr)‘ ASK VOUR GROCERâ€"IN 2.5.10 AND 20 LB. TINS The Canada Starch Co. Limited. Montreal Manufactuxers of the famous Edwardsburg Brands equally good for a†candy making. LILYIIYIITI‘ AN EXCITING PRESENT-DAV ROMANCE row" BY WEATHERBY CHESNEY the ch ma :"ll‘ you 111'? 3' [zrqfcr it. ‘11 f! 742' that it sea eXcept quarrel, and nothing to in- terest them in the show they give when they’re ashore. Come over with me to-night. and make Val B Monta- gue’s acquaintance.†Scarborough did not answer. A mes- sage was coming through at. last. The ribbon of paper from the siphon- rccord showed an irregular, wavy line now. and he read off the message in' the hills and valleys of the Morse code as the instrument passed it through. “Pretty fair,†said Scott whose no- vel had bored him, and made him want to talk, even though he failed to inâ€" terest. “There's a nice little girl who calls herself Mademoiselle Monda de la Mar, and does the bareback business â€"â€"-not like the pictures, but decently enough; and there’s a very Englishâ€" looking cowboy who shoots glass balls and things with very moderate succes. ’Tisn't a bad show though, on the whole, and Val B Montagu is beautiâ€" ful." “Nothing in the ring. But he runs the whole show none-the-less and, pre- vents breaches of the peace amongst his troupe. No easy job that, I gath- ered. They’ve been touring the Atlan- tic Islands and the West Coast of Af- rica for a year and a half in a two~ hundred-ton schooner, and the clown hasn't murdered the ring-master ye though Val B. seems to be very much inclined to offer odds that he will very soon. Fine fellow, Val B! Took my whisky and soda with the air of con- ferring a favor on me, and was gra- ciously pleased to say that he would come over here on Tuesday to have dinner with me, if his childrenâ€"that’s what he calls the troupe â€" did not need him. I fancy he’s nervous about the clown and the ring-master.†“What’s the trouble between them?†asked Scarborough, more for the sake of continuing the conversation than because he cared. “Is it Mademoiselle Mona ?" _ “No,†said Scott. “I understood that it was merely a case of mrofessional jealousy. They've been boxed up to- gether on that schooner for eighteen months, you see, with nothing to do at “A European war is generally court- ed a pretty important thing," :aid Scarborough dryly. “Oh, yes, if it comes off! But it won’t Let’s talk of something inter- esting. Going to the circus?" “What circus?’ he asked. “There you are!†said Scott triump- antly. “You’re just as ignorant as I am, in your own way. My ignorance embraces European politicsâ€"an adâ€" mitedly unsavory mudle; yours con- cerns the things that are taking place under your nose. What circus? Val B Montague’s American Circus Com- bination, of course. The whole island of San Miguel is placarded with itâ€" pictures of beautiful ladies on bare- backed steeds, balancing at extraordi- nary angles. It’s the most exciting thing that has been in the Azores for a year. I went across to Ponta Del- gada to see it yesterday." “Oh? God show?†asked Scarbor- ough carelessly, keeping his gaze ï¬xed on the ribbon of paper which came from the siphon-recorder. “What does he do?†Scarborough asked next. ’ said Scarborough. “Enormous issues are being decided, and the news may come at any minute, and I don’t be- lieve you’re even interested!" “Right. I’m not," Scott answered cheerfully. “Don't care for politics. Don’t understand ’em, you see. hon‘t fathom what there is to worry about.†we wonder Spread the Bread 29} 1w 1117:7111 ' C l the Childl't tisï¬ec Id up Syrug: slurdV it"): Raina: “I know nothing against him†said Scarborough hotly “nor do you.†Scott nodded calmly. “That’s true" he admitted "nothing" deï¬nite that is.. But like you I’ve spent odd half hours' in his company; not as many as youl have but enough to make me bacli‘I my opinion with perfect conï¬dence“ A man who shakes hands in the way he does for one thing can’t possibly: be straight. But don‘t lose your tem-l per, old man. The daughter isn’t the‘‘ father, and I'll admit that it’s none} of my business in any Case.. To change: the subjectâ€"look at the recorder} There‘s something coming over, isn’t} there?" I “Courier arrived in London this morning with important despatches from Berlin. It is officially announced that His Imperial Majesty will be pre- sent in the Hohenzollern during Cowes week and that the Meteor will be entered for the principal race.†“Rather cryptic!" said Scott. “What does it mean in plain Engâ€" Scarborough went to the instrument and read the message aloud: “She will ask you to, if he becomes your fatherâ€"in-law,†was the retort. “And you won’t be able to do it grace- fully. The man’s a wroungâ€"un, and you know it as well as I do." “What do you mean?†“Nothing. You know your own bus- iness best, of course. Miss Page is a nice girl; pretty too, butâ€"†he broke oï¬â€œ. “But what?†demanded Scar borough" with a quick flash of anger “Do you criticize her?†Scarborough waited a moment, and then said: “Well? Go on.†“I don’t like her father,†said Scott, with decision. “Confound you, did she ever ask you +nv" “0h, ah! um! At the Chinelas!†he remarked slowly. “Do you care much for chess?" “So I thought. And yet you play at the Chinelas every second night or so, But risky, isn’t it?†It had been in the possesion, for the last two years of an Englishman, who, having come to the Azores as an in- valid seeking for health, had not found that for'which he sought, but. had stayed, because the place had suited him. His daughter kept house for him at the Chinelas; and in this fact was the explanation of Scarborough’s in- terest in the message which had just passed through his hands. “You haven’t said'whether you‘ll go chener Military Hospital at Brighton. with me to the circus to-night,†he rc-‘The dead man was not a combatant, marked. He did not believe in leaving‘but one of the personnel; he was a matters of real importance unsettled. l Brahman, and of the Arya Samaj. Scarborough started. The cable l Before the body was put into the gram had coupled the word circus and % big, black motor hearse a photo- danger. A coincidence of course. It grapher was allowed to come and was surely impossible that it should take a picture of the dead. man’s be anything else, and yet Scarborough features, to be sent to his relatives felt a sudden misgiving, Was danger‘in far India. Over the bOdy was coming to Elsa Page? Oh, nonsensel’stretched a pal] of printed cretonne, code messages often combine words bright flowers on a dark ground; and curiously. It was nothing- but arather white Chrysanthemums were strewn queer coincidence. lavishly upon _it. Scott pursed up his lips, and looked at his friend doubtfully. . “Loathe it!" admitted Scarborough, with a laugh. “No,†said Scott. “I believe she's as nice a girl as you think she is. And that’s giving her high praise, you know.†Scarborough sent the message through to the Post Office for delivery and then rose and went to the window Through a break in the mist he could see about a mile away a white-washed house, built in the shelter of two great masses of grey volcanic stone that projected curiously from the side of a green hill. The two rocks were called in Portugese, As Chinelas,â€"the slip- pers,â€"-â€"from a resemblance, not how- ever very striking, which they were supposed to bear to a pair of rather downâ€"atâ€"the-heel slippers. The white- washed house took its name from them. _ Scott broke suddenly into his medi tations. “Can’t,†he said. “I’ve promised to play chess with Mr.‘ Page toâ€"night.†That was all. It was obviously not the message for which he was waiting nor was it, at ï¬rst sight either inter- esting or intelligible, unless one hapâ€" pened to know the code by which those two words “danger-circus†were to be interpreted. Scarborough did not know the code; and yet, because of the person to whom it was addressed, the cablegram interested him pro- foundly. Had he been able to foresee the diï¬'erence which its arrival would presently make to him, his interest would perhaps have been even greatâ€" er. ‘ “Anything?†asked Scott listlessly. “Private message, in code," 'said Scarborough, and Scott returned to his novel with a grunt. "Page, Chinelas, Ribeira Gtande. Dangerâ€"circus.†said chrborough. “that Majesty has thought it nb down, and that then.- cause many m an anx- “’3 l‘ ffold of the downs. Soon there came ’into sight a very ugly little screen ihnd shener of corrugated iron. To ï¬nd its paraHel you Yvould have to journey thousands of nï¬les For that I‘VaS the burning ghat of our Hindu I troops. The vehicle stopped; the mourners clambered out of the ambulances, and with much clattering and gesticulatâ€" ing' took the body from the hearse. In time (for all the ceremony was conducted with an odd mixture of cheerful disorder, strict ritual and absorbed devotion) the procession be- gan to climb the hill, the mourners chanting as they went: “Ram Ram satya hai: Om ka nam satya haiâ€â€" Vedic verses that tell of the eternal and single truth of the name. lavishly upon it. Through the pretty village of Patcham this strange funeral pro- cession went, until the road changed to a steep track; and before long the motors left the track and took their heavy way over the soft turf in a There has been a death in the Kit- chener Military Hospital at Brighton. The dead man was not a combatant, but one of the personnel; he was a Weird Scenes at a Hindu Burial in England. So many incredible things are hap- pening in this extraordinary time, says the London Times, that we be- come accustomed to take the incred- ible for granted. But the spectacle of Hindu burial rites performed on the Sussex Downs is one that must stir the most jaded sense of wonder. ious diplomat to sleep more easily that night than he had slept for week. Then he turned to Scott. “Yes. Let me book a seat, for you ‘2†“Yes, please; afternoon perform- ance to-morrow, two seats." “Two seats!†echoed Scott. “For yourself and â€"-†“Miss Page,†said Scarborough, and Scott laughed shortly. (To be continued.) “Our watch is over,†he said. “I can hear Mason and Davitt coming to relieve us. You are going to the air» cus ‘2 †A BURNING GHAT IN SUSSEX â€"-GOOD DIGESTION â€"â€" A: {:21 Druggists, or diteu on recrim ofpric much as me smaller. A. J. Wm? There’s a Subtle Charm; This flavour is unique and never found in cheap, ordinary teas. Let us mail you a sample. Black, Mixed or Green. 1 F0 R 40YEARS {THE Smnnan ‘REMEDY Wayne Oil Tank and Pump Company, Limi'cd 500 TECUMSEH STREET, GALVANEZED STEEL FANS} GALVANIZED FANS for sap boiling are clean and Sanitary. Made up of heavy steel in any size desired. We aim supply wagon tanks and special barrels for hauling sap. Ask your Hardware or Implement Dealer about the Wayne or write us direct. Our Catalogue No. 7, will give you run in- formation and prices on Wayne Galvanized'Tanks for every purpose. about the delicious flavour of You Can prevent this loathsome disease from running through your stable and cure all the colts sufferlng' wish it when you begin the treatment. No malter how yuung, SPOBN'B is safe to use on any colt. It ls wonderful huw u’, prevents all distempers, no malts-r how 001‘s or hurxox at any age are “expoaed.†All good druggists and (u. l‘ 5:00qu houses and manufacturers sell BPOHN’S by the lmHle or dozen. srcnn's namely; 00., Chenflite and Banter:- 511)}15", Gdahen. Ind.. v.5 A. BOLT DISTEMPEE The gates of the ghat were unlock~ ed, and we passed inside a litle in- closurc, where stood three platforms of cement. One of those was care‘ fully swept and sprinkled with water; and thus puriï¬ed, it was heaped with blocks of wood for the burning. The body, under its bright pail, lay out- side on the grassy slope; when the preparations had been made the mourners gathered round it. They sprinkled it with cleansing water; the [face was exposed again, and honey and ghee, and minute portions of the eight metals, and other ritual things were passed between the pale lips. Then the mourners gathered round in a semicircle; and, squatting on ‘ their haunches, with their hands fold- ed and their eyes downeast, they ‘chanted their singsong chants, now ï¬shrill, now soft, now a murmur, and §then a shout. Her Fatherâ€"“You’ve been calling on my daughter for some time, young man. Why don’t you come down to business?" Suitorâ€"“Very well, how much are you going to leave her!" At last the time for the burning and the ceremony of havan that ac- companies it. The ritual demands the right use of four kinds of things: odoriferous things, nutritive things, Some had been welti'ng ghee, some preparing the raisins, the almonds. and other food. When all was ready the body was laid on the pyre and over it and around it were heaped more blocks of wood and a great deal of straw. Then the attendants light- ed crystals of camphor in a spoon on the end of a long pole, and when they were flaming well poured them on the centre of the pyre. A flame leaped up. Some one lighted a torch made of straw and camphor at the flame and applied it to the four corners; melted ghee was poured here and there; and soon the whole pyre was, ablaze. And while it burned, the mourners kept tossing upon it little pinches of ghee mixed with grains and fruits, scent, saffron and spices. When the friends of the dead man go back, they will ï¬nd nothing but a few fragments of bones and heap of ashes. And some of those ashes they will take back to the hospital, where they will put them into a little wooden cofl’er that bears the dead man’s name. In time, the coï¬'er will be sent to his family in India, and from the Sussex Downs his ashes will return home, to be sprinkled on the breast of some Indian stream. A good reputation goes lame if it is not lived up to. Mother Scigtl'a Syrup correct: and stimulate: the diicztlvc organs. and bunishes the many 11):: s w ch arise from indigestion. WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO