Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1916, p. 8

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J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HANDJ REAL ESTATE WALNUT GROVE STOCK FARM NORMAN BATTY L. E. HAND, ‘ YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL ' j r "‘ «(IR RICHMOND HILL BRANCH RICHMOND HILL Furniture and Wall Papers EST'01813 C. R. James FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest of Com- panies. All have good financial standing. Consult; us for rates, and we assure “YOU” your business will be well at- tended to if left in the hand of . . . . . NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on hand at all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have it to day, . . . . . . Hand Sleighs suitable for the boys, girls or the baby from 75c. to 2 oo Skates per pair trom 50c to .................... 5 00 Hockey Sticks, Ioc, 15c, 25c and ........ 50 Hockey Pucks, Ankle Supports, Etc. Show Shovels, 25c to ................................ 50 Lanterns, each, trom 65c to .................... 75 Elash Lights and Batteries, up from 75 New Perfection Coal Oil Heaters will help keep that odd room warm, each, from $3.75 to .................... 4 25 Ten per cent. discount on all heating stoves this month. Pandora. Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges at lowest Drices WE ARE AGENTS FOR Winter Specials HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bnll Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafl by appointment. â€"AGENCY-â€"-â€" RICHMOND HILL MANAGER P. G. Savage & Son G. SAVAGE & SON RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA IHEAD OFFICE - TORONTO EVERY good Bank has a RESERVE FUND as a pro- vision for lean years and the inevitable rainy day. This Fund has been accumulated from Surplus Earnings and in n source of strength and stability. Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it no one is in a sale financial condition. Our Saving. Department ofl'era an ideal opportunity for cut-blinking YOUR RESERVE FUND. 209 Langstaff PRESENT OFFERING Phone Thornhill Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. R ES W. H EWISON HOUSE PAlNTER, Langstaff P.O. GS'DENCE. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8002 Phone l8 Manager. Richmond PHONE RICHMOND Hu Presbyterian Church â€" Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.45. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve- ning. Roman Catholic Church â€" Services on alternate Sundays at 9 a.ln. and 10.30 a.ui. Methodist Chlnchâ€"Sei vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30. General Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. Epworth League-Meets every Mon- day at S p.m. Presbyterian Youhg People’s Society-â€" Meets eveiy 'l‘hursdav at. 8 p.m. Village Councilâ€"Meets lst Tuesday in the month Fire Brigade â€" Meets lst Monday of each Month. - Band Practiceâ€"Monday of each week at 8 p.m. Home Guard â€" Meets every Friday evening. Boy Scoulsâ€"nieet every \Vednesday evening in Lorin: Hall at 7 o'clock. E. C. Cottinghaui. Scout Master. Public Library and Reading Room â€" Open Tuesday and Saturday eve- niugs. Richmond Lodge, A.F.& A.M.â€"Meets Monday on or‘hefore full moon. Hill Crest Lodge, I.O.U.F‘.â€"Meets 2nd and-1th Tuesday of t'zliill mouth. Victoria 14.0. L.. 2368â€"Meels 4th “’edâ€" nesday of each month. Court Richmond, A.O.F. â€" Meets 4th ‘ Friday. I.O.F.â€"Meets Sid Thursday of every month. Camp Elgiu. SOSâ€"Meets 2nd and 4th \Vednesdav. WEI. BASSETT Ehnbank Miss Mnhel Killnugh left on Monday to take Charge of :lsclmnl near Unmge- ville. The Laulivs’ Aid uf the Mvtlmdist, church will give :1 supper next Tues- (luyevening in :lidof the Red Cross Suciety. Chmch of Englandâ€"Services at 11 mm. and 7 p.ln. Huly Cmmnuninn untho 3rd Sunday in the month at. 11 H.111. and the 4111 Sunday :It 8.30:1.m. Sunday Selma] and Bible Class at 3 (.‘clnck. A Presbyterian Church â€" Services at, 11 :I.m. and 7 p.11). Sunday School at The'lfidios of Hope and anlv are sending boxes of clothing and fl nit In the needy m. Emlscmn-t. ' Mr. G. H. Rumble has bought. Mr. S Ireland's hmlse and kt and “ill shun ly 1:! k 0 pnssfisflqq. :l‘hos. 'l‘llonlson S 2rmons on Education were preached 0n thucilcuit inst, Sunday by Profes- sor Grpaves nf Victoria University. Since the Cold spell skating has [won resumed on the open air link. A number uf snldim-s are staying here for :1 couple of Wee-ks trying to gengnig. Bills are out announcing :m old-limo supper and COHCOIL to be given in [lu- W'illnwdnlv Melliudis; Church \Vednmduy. the 23nd of February. Supper tn he sex \‘ed from 5.30 to 7.31). An entertainment will fulluw hy “Yo Bundo of Syngingo \Vinnnin" who will appear in ancian dross. Adult lickots 3.3 cr-nts; chilnlwn 2|) cents. PI‘IH'PHls for Indir-s‘ Aid and lied ()rme. Don‘t miss a good time. RICHMOND HILL. UNT.. FEB. 17,1916 Elm: iihtml Our crop of calves fox-tho past season has seen all Heifers. I will offer for the next two weeks :I. numbm- (f nice, smooth Heifers. Rozms and Reds. from six months to two years old. Now is your opportunity Ln buy 2: goml one, to start to improve your hard. Their Dzuns are all of goud milking filllllllt's. also Fit for service. them over \vhelhvr Tweeds in Brown and Grey at $I5. Call and see them. Do you want a shell put on your fur. Now is the time. Shells from $20. PUREBRED SHOR’I‘HORN HEIFERS Has a fine seiection of B AIRG‘rAIN THR YOUNG BU LLS Village Directory Willowdale Maple HEAD FORD HR. 2, (iuana‘; (‘ome and look you buy 01' not H111 ill'lll 0R RENTâ€"A m-mf on Richmond Strovt nlf Yang”. M :1 mom-ml: ln Gemge Smith. :ICH‘S, nn ( plilCP is n g buildings: 310 ft. {1119p mond Hill flll'll:|('!‘ um] r'h Rirhnwml Hill AD \VANTED to walk :tlmut Pnulty Farm. Permanent jul) fur right lmy. Apply F. R. Oliver, Richlan Hill. 34-2 :OR SALE. â€" Three sows. one Bolkshire and two Yorkshire whites. All to furrow mum, on Ynch street. H. Alkinsnn, Newton Bl'uuk. 34 2 EED PEAS.~Fm- Sale. 25 k (If Sued Peas. Int 20. Vaughan. A. Hislup, Maple P‘ Pollock. Sulu at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. Tuesday. March 14 â€"â€" Fen-m stuck. implements. &c., 10!, [5. CU". Z. Sulrlmro, the property of \Vm. Green. Saleut 12 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. .1. H. Prentice. “not. R ()PER'I'I ES FOR SA LE I'I-mnml fmnn- Imuw wit Saturday. March 11 »â€"- Farm stock. implements. &c., Int 4. cun. 8. )Vhitchurch. the pujpgâ€"‘x-ty of_J. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I) TO RENT â€" Blacksmith shop at ‘ Elgin Mills. Pussessinngiwn at my time. (l‘. Kerswell. Elgin Mills‘ tf Thurs” March Qâ€"Farul stuck. imple- ments. &c.. Int 30, cm). 13. Scurlmln, the m'npprty of M. 0. Stevens. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Tel ms 8 months.. J. H. Prenticv. nuct. \Vednesdny. March 8â€"Fnl-m stock. implmnents. &c.. ’Ihnrnhill. the pl'npellynf Jns. Ryan. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Tel-ins 8 munths. J. H. Pyentico, :luct. Friday. Mun-h lUâ€"Pure Brr’d Clydes- dale horses, first-Mass cattle». imple- ments, &c.. Int 11.13011. 3. Sunburn, llwpx-npm-rynf Fred Fisher. Sale at 11 n'clnck. Terms 8 months. .1. H. Prentice. :luct. Tel-ms 8 In'nnlhs. J. H. Plentice. Thursday, March 2â€" Faun stuck, Illlplt‘llanlS. 810.. [wt 5. "on. 9, Mark- hnm, the pl'rvpC-I'ty of F. M. Reesmz Sale at 12 u‘clnck. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. Friday. Munch 3~Fium stock. imple- ments. &c.. lot, It), can. 7. Mmkhnm. the property of A. \V. Sunwhnll. Sale utl o'clock. Tel ms 8 munth J. ll. I’rvnticv. nuct. SMIuHL-Iy. March 4th â€" registered (‘1)‘dvsdules, pure bred and grade Hulsh-ins. implements, etc” on lot 26. con 1, Vaughan. Ynnge St.. the prom-Hy of F. \V. Juckes. J. H. PH‘IIUCO. Anct. Tuesday. March Tâ€"Fnrm stuck. imple- ments, &c.. Int 30. con. 1. Vaughan. the prnpm-ty of Jun. \Vilson. Sale: at 1 o‘clock. Teuns 8 months. J.H. Prentict‘. nuct. Thnl-sd hOlIM \Vrdnesdny. March 1â€" Fun? Bred Holsteins. farm stock. &c., Inc 21). can. 9, Markham, the pl'UpPl‘tV hf Rnht. Euglesnn. Snlvnt l20’c1cck. Tel-“138 monthsn J. H. Plentice. Thursday, March Zâ€"me stnck. “‘O'F'I‘AGE Tuesday. Fol). 22â€"me ~slur-k. imva nwnts. &c.. Int 26, mm. 1. Vaughan. stop 38. (he pmperty nf R. .1. Mc- Dnugnll. Sale :IL 1 o’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prnmico, uuct. F Friday, Ft'l‘. 18â€"”. etc” slup 57. You berg Jum-linn. Hemich \Vnnds. TPl'nls 8 months nuctinnem'. Thursday, fan-m slm con. 5. :OR SALEâ€"An S xnnumd SUliLl brick dwelling on Arnold Sr. Han] and sufr, water. Gflnd rum-:- mu] rlm:l|i(: light. L. mer. gin fan-m slack. implvuwnts &c.. Int 13‘ cull. 5. Vaughan. th properly «1 \Veslvy I’ulerlmugl). Suh- uL ] u'clm k. I. T. Snigm-n. :mcl. nursdny. Fell. l7 â€" Fullnilure and hOllM'hUld gumls at Victoria Squaw. tho plum-x ty uf Mls. \\'Iu.Ki1kuldy. Sale- at 2 u’vlock. TD'KIIIS cash. hr‘é ECORA'I‘IVE rimmed fun-mm hnntp with flll'llflCP. eleulric lights . Pu pr 1' h u n g 0 1‘ ant. Eslimnles‘ furnish-«l Mills. Bell ’l‘rleplmm- .ytm. 'AGE tn rvnt. Applv Sultl. Richmond Hill. I] fmnw hunt? will: CPHHI' 1*. electric lights and 2; ‘ontre St. Emct. On the null (x‘mngv and t‘lher out, \\’i]l svll all m- punt. Lots \\'. H. Graham, Rich- 20t.f. Fe h mu! Auction Sales Iâ€"Hnl'srs. in Ynnglj SKI-w HOl'SE PAINTER lllt’ mupelty (f Sulv :IL 1 O'clock. J. T. Suigeun. nfnuuhlu Huuse pt, secnnd hunsrx IU‘I‘PI”. Annly :24 If Auction Snle of and g ru i n e ilnplu nwnls, ('l'l. Schum- O. 342 bushels can. Innes 10 Lf Sun] 314 l4 ht satisfaction giving residence and name in full ing three dnm-s nm 1h of the Post Of'fi six-ed. YONGE STREET W. R. Robinson ,as HIBHMUND HILL Harness &.Saddlery \Vodnesdny, March 15 â€"â€" Hn-lsteiu cattle, farm sthtk. implements, &('.. lntcon.1. Mvu-klmm. the- pit-petty ufJus. AL-vy. SHIV"! ln‘cluck. Terms 8 mnnlln. J. H. Plellllcp, ulIL-t. FlidHY. Mun-h lTâ€"me struck. implv- Inenls. &(-.. |:)l ll. mm.2, \Vvql York. lhl- prnpm-ly nf’l'. \V. Mulhullamd. Sulu- ul Ink-luck. Tums 8 months. J. H. Premium :Iuct. Mnnduy. March ‘20 â€"-Auctinn sale of 100 ucw fuIm. IN, 18. con. 8. Mark- ham. at Zn‘uluck. on (he prwnisrs. .105. G. HUUW‘I', Executor. TlmxsdnleMc-h IG-I’ure lu'vd Holstein (:uulv. farm slm'k. implvnwnls, &(‘.. Int, '3. Con. 2. Mulkhnm. tho pruperty ufPenum-RnhiHSI-n.8n|912:1!o’clock. '1‘mmsSnmnths. J.|l.I’l-ent1ce,:mct Send list. of articles with each pzucrl Goods called for and delivered, Sf u'e He solicits patronage and gumanu-es ()th your Harness over when hitching your horse and see if then-cure any broken parts. If so. do not endanger vnur life drivâ€" ing with Harness which needs re- pailing. In the next place ASK YOURSELF WHY do they need these repairs? The question is soon answeredâ€"in nine cases out «if ten they :ue Factory and Machine Sewn. Why not call at ROBINSON'S and buy Harness HAND SEW’N, which will stand the Test of Tilmuund give the best of satisfaction. Blankets, Robes, Mitts. and everything in the Saddlery line. Our Prices ale City Prices. Call and see us. . . II. :1. Nicholls L‘OR SAIJE Several good farmsâ€"one in Vaughan near Richmond Hill, a filst-clnss farm at Victmia Square, :1 gnud far": in Mark- luun near Ynnge Street. Snlid brick house on Ohm-ch St. south, Richmond Hill. Semml $10001uts to loan on first mortgage. Property known as “Grand Central Block." First-class l0- cntinn on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Part of building lately occupied by Stundmd Bank contains first-class vault. The building is three stories with cellar basement, and suitable for any purpnso. If required. good-will of a twenty-year \vrll paying implement and re- pair huainess goes “ilh pruperty. remcved his Laundry to the huil C. I. HINAS All work guaranteed. Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at; reasonable prices. is the first essential to m0d< ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. Iam prepared to supply the above svstem in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing done. JOHN HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. The Pressure Water System RICHMOND HILL

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