Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Mar 1916, p. 1

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A large stack of Fuceml Furnishing xepp at the above places Barristers. Snlicwrs. 8:!) NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Flank Dental). K. P. Juhu Irwin Grow-1' Hany D. Ange: RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE mc'onsed Auctioneers for the C Salosnteudod to on shortest not sovabm rates Patronage Bnlin LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEFL. LASKAY P. (h ONTARIO PIANO TUNING Licensed Auctnoneer {or the Counties of Ontario and North Toxonto. Special atte Riven to sales of every description. Furu farm stock mlea‘n specialty. Fax-run b( and sold on commlssiou. All sales attend nsbox-cesb notice and conducted by the J up-to-dute methods. Address: 415 Balliol St . North Toronto.‘. Pane in House. 13611110110134? Calls by phone or otherwise respc nde to J OHN .CA MPBELL, 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. TWENTY~FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE A'l mail orders will receive prompt attention. Phone No. 28 AT THE LIBERAL PRINTIN’JZBG PUBLISHWL1 HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Telophnno Main 3&76 'el. M. 3631 Uudm'lukvrs k lfmhnlumrs IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING 1‘. F. MpMAHON. Phone or mnil messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 entgn, Grover & Field - $.15}??? .Ma9Naughton r. II. Naug‘llton B.\RRISTER Sumvmm NOTARY “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE Bum; house north of Atkinson 8: Switzer 5 store. Phone No. 2402. ‘6 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Bug" FFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO .KAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST VOL. XXXVI I I. 451 per arinum, in a’dvancefl . H. PINKERTDN, V.S. VETERINARY SURGEBN Thornhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 50/231 5. Z7abidson Bulgoon Mama BUSINESS CARDS. Organs Repaired 313010, ()nt, SangGn (k McEw WRIGHT BROS 621-2 .deers Bunk Bldg Yunge & Colborne Sts. C. EGAN OFFICE AND RESIDENCEI E112 EDITOR. & PUBLISHER (‘THORNHILLi ntrouaae solibitéh TORONTO . Prentice ry description. Farm and specially: ‘Farmn bpught 1. Ali sulos ntrteu'vieaagd conducted by the latest Expert Work lthe Qouqbips of York iheral § Countyot York {xpcicerand urea.- S‘liecilrlrlriaiiefitio-E J K McEwen Weston Residence) Main 44.4 prompth ()TARY ONE HUNDRED YOUNG \VOMEN Patriotic stutmne: y at THE LIBERAI stun-9'; COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT Richmond H111 ++'}‘+++++++++$+++++++++++++ BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Tm-nntn Off-inc. Richmond Buildings. 33 Richmond Street, \Vvst. Richmond Iii” Oflice (‘Lihm-al Barristcl s and Solicitors. Money 00 Loan on and anuchauel mortgagesu "wast rates Auroraofficeâ€"nen’oved to the old post ofliea one door wut of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket owesâ€"Three doors south of he poszomce * HEBBERTLENNOX G v Mnmun PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Chgpghh Richmond E111 Money to L CR()“'NS AND BRIDG Of’fiue [canted in Standard Bank Build ing. Office hours 9.30:1.m. to 5 p.m H Hm). Graduate Royal College of DL-nmlSm'gunm. Tumutn. will he. :11 Richmond Hill cvm-y Tuesday and Fridav. Dr. C. LELVerne PantiSOn Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elec’ trio Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and unto-date appli~ ances that save time and work for the House Wife. Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House_ Wiring, both old 734 Yonge St, Toronto, is fully five times mn- supply. \VriLe at once for pnlliculux-s. “'9 will con~ Vince you that this is your oppor- tunity. Business culls ynu. \Vill you cnme? Nu \‘ultiltiOn at Midâ€" summer. Enter Now. . . . and (me hundt'ed young mPn want- ed at once to train for chnice nfiice positions. - The demand on [he nwnmonu Hill Oflice (‘ Liberal Pficoh every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday after-norm, ‘Vnodbridze. Saturday forenonn. THORNHILL HVvuwvuu (Rear Richmond Hill Hm-dmu-ei Commissioner, Convenyancer. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer nf Mani-age Licenses. x-z-+++++++Â¥+++*4-H+++§ Ha- nng‘e St .H.SANDERSON PHONE 1831 Box 23 - MAPLE L A. NICHOLLS NOTARY pUBLIC RICHMOND Electrician. Richmond Hm NNOX & MORGAN I'SSIONER. CON\'E\'AN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance DO IT ELECTRICALLY EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK S. SHEPHERD Charles 8‘s PAINTER PA PERM ANGER Gunman, ETC. . LASHER and new. can at Aurora. In Essentials, Unity; in G V MORGAN “I . ' forenoon. urrent Rates A SPECIA LTY . Elliott rinCinal HILL. 44 12 frirnds, yum- h: donrnst of nli, _V( unsWer your r‘nu your part in [his ecurm- will pmcc assets of the estut ies entitled ther only to such cluir the Pursuant tn Slnlutes in H) Ilqtice is hmehy givvn tlmL :1 having claims against the Thomas Cunk, late of [hr Tm Vaughan. in {ho County Farmer, decenswl, whu di‘ about thn. leL day nf Dec-em :u-e l-vquin-d. rm (:1' before [h hf March. 1916. to send I Dining the limeyou havelwvn in our midst you have won a most (-miuhlo plucv in llw hmn‘ts (nf uur people. By vmu-sLm-ling quuliLies. you have cum- ummlml tln- higlwst Ivgmd ('f all. By your gvniul dispt-silim) rm) have been beloved by all. Yuu 'hzu'e prm‘ed your- self :1 “110 gunllunmn. a loyal eiLizm). a faithful f1 lend. a hxilliant scholar, :a (levuted Sun and hrnlhur. About :1 yvm- ago ynu gave up the luurels of a brilliant, academic course lending Lu u most. promising pl'uftS~ Slnllill CHI'PH'. VON gave (In Your Inanv \\'est \Vu harp assembled here this on)!» ing in honor yun, ln welcome you home and to extend to yuu the wry hmn tie-st cungralulutimw of your many friends frmn Richmnnd Hill and vicin- ity. You have the distinction and the hunur of he-ing the first from our neighlmrlmnd Lu :|1I\'\\'(*l'lh|“ call of the Empire and tutake up the mugs: of Liberty, Freedom and Justice. You were the first to rwui'xe Canada's putt in this terrible Conflict. Ynn have hrnught lnu'k thv first, [nun-Is fmm the luflll'l‘lt‘ltl in this part of (1111' fair Dn- minirm. A I'PCflHl. my dear friend, which will PVf'l’ live and which can never he hrukvn in the history of Richmund Hill. Mr. Earle Newton presided at the. pianu, and vm-al selertiuns :xf a pat- rinlic nature \Vt'l‘t' ghen by Miss ()arul l'nnes. Miss Olive Su'il'm-r, Mrs. Van \Vnrt. and Miss \Yinnifted Aikenhead. Several of the speaker: referred to the many def'ds nf \‘Hlut' already credit,- Hl tn Canadian enldiers on the firing line, and while the epee-t-hes were upti- Inistiu. the fact was nut. disguised that there is yet danger even nn this side of the Atlantic. Nililtl:IllV.lttflny‘kllttll)’ references were made tn ” ntndust Bill Scutt.”and the guild wm'k he had (lune in connection “ith the sick and wounded. The chief feature of the evuning was an address read by Mr. J. H. Nanglr Inn. and the presentatiun of a Medical Bag by Mr. J. A. Greene. Lttlltld-Cul‘p. Scott. fittingly leied. thanking his friends for their kind remembrance. He. then gar» an interesting though guarded account if hi< travels from the time. he left Exhibition Camp last spring. leferring to many incidents while in England. France and Belgium. Before clnsing. Mr. Greene thank~ui the many friends whn had contributed sn cheerfully for the presentation, and stated that the committee incl a neat little sum my hand. which would he depnsited in the hank for future needs. Mr. George Sentt. on behalf of Mrs. Scntt and family. also Llunked the friends for the ltnnnr they llzul shown The fullmving is the add LAer Com). \V. J. SL‘OT'I tlwir sun A. L. Phipps. H. Lung. and Unpt.(11zlig,nflhelf lho Inner making :m 0; further enlistment. [{vme [’ugsivy m cupiwl llu- chair. and ml the platform was the guest, nf lhe u-veniug us null as se-vm'n] rlmgy- men and (vlht’l' cilizens. Al'tvr Singing " God Save the King." addresses were given hy Revs. K. Hm hisnn, S. A. Law- rvnm’, J. R. Alkenhvm). R. hIl_'I\'PP, \T. \VQUWhnd, thm- Ks'Hy. and Mmsw. day evening Ln Lance-Cum Scott, who was nllmvvxl to w the trenches In (:mnplutv hi cnuxsv in the 'l‘urumu thnul Cine \\ nen th 6.1.) our nrrivml n pl'ULt’S- stun was fanned, headed by Iln- Band. the sluldim-s in twining here, and the Boy Scouts. Whn use-twirl! Mr. Sc: tr lo the Musnhir: Hal]. \Vhel'u an inlvwxling programme \\‘:|s gin-n. A H'ceplinn and prew cxlizvns of Rinhmund rnnndiug nvighlmrhuml RECEPTION T0 WM 1‘01 ulnl‘. get he: :\ u'd NOTiCE TO CREDITORS HY \\'lwn 111» 8.15 Richmond Hill Welcomes Her First Bay Home from the Front ONT.. THURSDAY, MARCH 53. 1.01.6 ‘m'nnt ' with uni (h :1 ymu- ago ynu gave up the I' a brilliant, n 'udemic course Lu u most. promising pl'uftS~ l-oer. you gave up your many yum- hunm and hem-est and f :11}. your loving parents, to (NW r‘mmu-y’s rail and Ln do L in this great war. You Went Id 1 1916 file!”- Non-Essentials, Liberty; in fuxthor nntice mentioned du COOK & St. \\'.. '. *lnont [he-ix Ha I u them \im mm l, whu dim] on c nf December. 191 'befm-e the 3H] d; In send to M9531 utes in that behalf. :01] lel. nll parties linst the (state nf uf [hr 'I‘mvnship of County of Ymk. whu dim] on m- etw . h itt (-f (hr-i1 names 9 of the ‘ preside at 1119. Miuns :xf :1 put- en by Mlss ()nrul L R. ML-Kpp, N. fly. and Mmsw. g. .l. S. MuNnil. 127‘h Battalion. mumst plea for In {iohumnd St sfur the Ex um um! sur- wus gin-n Fri- Cmp. \Vm. J. to n-lmnfrmn 0 his nwdicnl Hum! (If Medi- nlutinn by the Hi” dross IL( su'il . J. SCOT T that ufl (h we Cull)- :111. By \‘9 been (I yum-- (*iLian. .n i! HRIST "U 331 the urt- :ud hen lic \V. J. Henry and dnughu-r, PeLei-horo; Mus. \Volslenholmv. Pvtrrlmro; Mr. and Mrs. .lno. Hill, Pcterhoro; Mr. and )11'3.'I‘l1os. Hill and daughter. Graig- hui'st; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hill. Alliston; Mr. and Mrs. Hon'nrlh, Hillsdule; Mr. and Mus. A. E. Pngsley. Sutton; Mr. and 3115. Hufi'. TomoLo; Mr. and Mrs. McGonnghy. Toronto; Mis. Brown, Toronto; Mrs. l’ugsley, Toronto; Mr. James Hill, Trinity Medical. ToroMo. A Uzihlegi-ain of Congratulations was read fiom Mr. Curl Hill at; the "Front." and .‘l \Vire from Dr. Oakley Hill of New Yolk. The Wedding was conducted by Rev. J. R. Aikcnhezid who also acted as master of ceremonies. The numerous and costly prosonts show the great esteem in which the bride is held. Among [hr-5c was :1 pi:an from her father. :l. cabinet sewing machlnv flu”) lh-i' toolbar and cheques from her uhsan bl'hllh‘l's and gmodf-itlier. The happy couple lvl't l._\‘ niolor for Toronto and aunt lul’ :l \\'('ll(llll;_{ hip. The Inhlv‘s going :|\\‘;|y gown was of mu'y lilue gulmnlinc. nuns m‘mg sweet Yeas. Between fifty and sixty guests assembled to wish the young couple “Bun Voyage” on their journey through life. Among these were the lu‘idesmnid uml gmumsmun whn stand up with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill twenty seven years zlgu, Uth. Hill of Griffin, and Mis. Henry of l’uteilmxu. The uut-uf-tmvn guests \Vere:~â€" Mr. and Mrs. “'m. Hill, tw.) sons and daughter Hf Buffalu. N. Y.; Gupta Hill and (lunghtex. ()rilliu; Mr. Janus Hill and three daughters. Elmvnle: luI‘SA l he The house decnr'ttions ww-e very beuuLiful, the bride and gruom standing under an arch of ferns, Smilax and Czu'nnLiuns which was banked with Palms. lhu table decom- Uuns bring Sweet Peas. A Social Event of nmr-h impmtnnco was crleln'nted at the- hull?) of Mr. and Mrs. David Hill \Vodm-mluy afternoon. when their unly daughlrr. Em, nm- of (he Inn'n‘s must pupulur yuung Indies lit-came the bride uf Mr. Victl r \V. Pngsley of Sudloy. Susk. The bride looked \‘H v lovely in u dress of double neLw-ver white silkmnd carrying a bouquet of lilies of the valley 13nd curnntinns. Mr-s. Hill. [me 1)] mother. \vm'e Violet silk and Mrs. Pug~ley black vehet and satin combination. Thv w nlm- mevt ing of 1h -Rod(}1'nss Auxilinu will ho held )[nmlny next at {our u’uluvk. Members are mquested [0 1w Dl'vSl‘llt. The \Vnrk Cmnmittee would heglad to have all finished \\ ork brought in at next meeting. ll insic \‘nluv. hut us ;; I-euwmhmm v hf ymn' friends frnm Richmond Hill and \‘irinity. \Ve earnestly hope that yuu will live for many. nmny Veurs tn usv H. whilst ndminisleling II’HUf I,“ sufâ€" fm ing‘hnmunity. “ Bill." Wards are inndeqmltv {n PX- press~ our admiration nf yuu : you My :1 rrediL and honor to yourself, to yuul' hump and tn yum- unlutry, and we are Justly pmud nf ynn. Jusuy proud hf yun. Sigm-d (.n helm” of ynnr hiends from Richmond Hill and \icinitv. \Venwe which we slight Luk «>1 finance and Belgium hnv been fullmvod and admin penplo at hmne‘ but have M Ciuled and nicngnizvd by U under whom vuu sm'vvd. \Vilh ynlu' fund and lm‘in we :llljuin in thanksgiving Prnn’dence whn has rewm wmk with n safe re! the 110N015 nf war. \Ve owe you n duly, my (h forth to [he liillllt’fil give- your very hfe fur une of us. \thL 2w um hm my mun H'I‘ific Ll'i‘ In) we Can never I'C Lnkcn uf npprec 9 you have mmlv. this‘ medical hug. \‘HIIH’. hut, as :1 re all things, Charity." m; H) Red Cross News Pngslev-â€"Hill » hnL greater lnvv hath uln- lllllll'illg(‘lf|1l't\‘, your and ynln- \vuthy assist the \vnundw] Uuundinn Hmyl-stninml battlefields 1 Belgium have nut only d find ndmiled by the .l. A. GREEN} .1. H. NAUGH' Cnngmlulntiuus Cur! Hill at the from Dr. Oakley I loving parents giving tn Divine rewm-drd you: :fe rvuu-n hum two sons am Y.; Uupt‘. Hi1 \Ir. Janus Hi1 Elmvnle; Mrs lm‘ing iving tn -p;1)‘, and as u :iuliun «.f the we :mk you tn not for its in- memhrum e, (.f propuye UN ’t. Hill of l’utcthn. He: ~â€" )1); sons and GH'I‘ON Pngsley. Tuluntu; 'l‘m-n ntn; l’ugsley. Trinity u' frian and as ; {ud ex cry WVO‘ hath ’ {n PX- ll :H'K‘ :t 0 your we are um)! v- fliu-l s We have the D.L. 8c W. Scranton Hard Coal. and Kennel-Co 11 “None better” Order now I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats ' For Sale Good Bran and Shorts in stock. Studio, TumntuConse ESTELLE M. ORTON ntht-rfmturvs. Mr. \Vyuse’s ventl-iln- quinl dialogth with his clover “block- hvnds" kept the audience in rmn‘s of laughter, nud the legerdenmin by Mr. U. A. Rm: was so dextm-nusly perform- e-(l that uhsorvatinn was eluded. The prvgmmme closed with “God Save the King." (PUPIL OF MISS H. ETHEL SHEI‘HERD) and :«lsnhy the enjoyed as we Vocal snlus. Hm nthm- fmlt ures. quinl dialogues heads " kept th‘ laughtpr, Mud t] Tlu' Concert. in evening under (1 aid of the Ymu and unique. Tl standing mom Capt. I50” made m:u1,:mdensilv 1icnudionce. T the " hmwvwom VOCAL INST ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Tfili BIG KHAKI CONCERT Pupils prepared for ’l‘llL'de y Richmond Hill on Puhiic Attention Tle l2 7 IE Yérk Ravager: averted: Bdfiahon ENWT 1'QBAY J. H. BAMER Make a hit with yourselves. Gas in the game and help your pals down the common e n c m y nucert in tho )InsnIW‘C‘i-LQL gnndpr the auspicth of am the Ym-k Rnnm-ls-wus vn Masonic Hall Was Crowded “A UniquLl’onramme :1 v y “‘0 1;: I)? the " [Single copies, 3 cts. uf n-K unngms-u'us varied The hull was (:rnwded. ) h9ng :IL ;\ premium. (10 an :udmiluhle chnilf- V hnm‘llml his enthusias- Thv physical drills by lights ” of tho. battalion. 5“ lmntvums" \vvre much e-re the orchestra. the '- mouth nrgn n band and “Mary of Music \ch Monday and RI'CTION examinations \VL‘L‘k. MEN No. 36

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