Work and Worry Leaves Her 21 Victim of Many Distressing Ailments Every woman‘s health is peculiarly dependent upon the condition of her blood. How many women suffer with headache, pain in the back, poor ap- petite, wcak digestion, a constant- feel- ing of \vcarincss, palpitation of the. heart, shortness of breath, pallor and nervousness. If you have any of these symptoms you should begin to- . day to build up your blood with Dr. Williams Pink Pills. the nervous energy of the body is re- stored as the blood becomes red and pure and the entire system is strengthened to meet every demand ‘ _' upon it. They nourish every part of the body, giving brightness to the eye and color to the cheeks and lips. Mrs. Jas. S. Francis, Oakwood, Ont., ‘ ,says: “I should have written long ago to tell what Dr. Williams Pink Pills . did for me, but I suppose it is better late than never. In June, 1913, Ihad to go to an hospital for an operation for female weakness. I was in the hospital for a month, before I was able to get home. Three weeks after this I started for a trip to the Paciï¬c coast, in the hope, that my health would further improve. On the way I stopped to visit a sister in Southern Alberta, and on arriving at her' home (after a 35 mile drive), I was comâ€" pletely done out. I found my sister ill, her baby having been born the week before. As there was no one to help, I had to take care of the child and do the household work, and in the three weeks that passed before my sister took charge I was com- pletely worn out, and again nearly ill. .However, I started on my westward trip, and ’decided to stop oil at Banif, where I remained a week, butit did not seem to help me, and I resumed my journey. On the train I took sick, and could not- eat, and as I was alone my condition was pitiable. Finally the porter wired ahead to North Bend for a doctor to see me. The doctor want- ed me to leave the train and go to a hospital, but I determined to continue my journey to Vancouver. The medi- cine the doctor gave me did not help me, and I was getting worse all the time. And then a young man who had the opposite berth asked me if Iwould try Dr. Williams Pink Pills and gave me a box he had. I used these and the perter got me two more boxes, and by the time I reached my journey’s end I was feeling some better. I stayed two months on the coast, and continued taking Dr. Williams Pink Pills all that time. I had gained in weight and ap- pearance, and when I started for home I felt better than I had done for years. Now I always keep Dr. Williams Pink Pills in the house, and both my hus- band and my young daughter have. been beneï¬ted by their use. I bleSS the day that young man on the train gave me his box of pills, otherwise I might never have tried them, and would have still been an invalid.†You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr: Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. %â€"â€"â€" WAR BOOMS U.S. TOWNS. ‘ War Orders Have Brought Big Popu- lation Increases. The following table shows how cities in the United States have grown, while quite respectable towns have sprung into existence through , the war boom:â€" City. Before war. Now. Bridgeport, Conn. 90,000 140,000 Hopewell, Va. . . . . . . 0 18,000 lPenn’s Grove, N.J.. . . 2,000 5,000 City Point, Va. . . . . . 200 5,000 Du Pont City, Va.. . . 0 3,000 Carney’s Point, N.J.. . 0 3,500 Petersburg, Va. . . . . . 25,000 32,000 .Wilmingbon, Del. 87,411 Detroit, Mich. . . . . . .000,000 Bethlehem, Pa. . . . . . . 12,837 19,200 Flint, Mich. . . . . . 38,550 47,500 GUARD THE .BABY AGAINST COLDS To guard the Baby against colds nothing can equal Baby’s Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little ones stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good or- der that colds will not exist; that the health of the little ones will be good and that he will thrive and be happy and good-natured. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at ‘ '25 cents a box from The Williams Medicine C0,, Brockville, Out. â€"â€"â€"â€"‘I‘ Nothing for An Answer. Teacherâ€"Wait a moment, Tommy. What do you understand by the word ieï¬cit? Tommyâ€"It’s what you've got when you haven't got as much as if you lust. hadn’t nothin'. Under their use . l EOff to School,-Full of . l Vim and Pep- Don't ‘ 'cram their little “tummies†3 with greasy meats, starchy 3 potatoes or other indigestible foods. One or two Shredded ; Wheat Biscuits with hot 1 milk make a warm, nourish- 7 ing meal that supplies all the , material needed for their ' growing bodies. The perfect food to study on, to grow on, to play on. The crispness of the shreds encourages thorough chewing, which develops sound teeth and healthy gums. Being ready- cooked, it is so easy to pre- pare a warm, nourishing meal with Shredded Wheat in a few momentsâ€"no kitchen worry or work. In Relief W’ rk Made in Canada. In the Same Boat. Sam had come home from schoolâ€" hungry as usual. Tossing his spell- ing book on the kitchen table he hastened to the pantry and began an investigation of cake box, cupboards, and cooky jar. Suddenly the back door bell rang, Leaving his unproï¬table search, Samuel went to answer. 0n the steps stood an unshaven, long-haired man whose clothes needed a tailor and a laundry worker. “I’m hungry,†began the stranger, LADY ALIA S’I‘AIR I NSLS-KER, one of London's wealthth society women, who is indefatigable in re- lief work. Her husband is a bro- .thc \"nr Oil'icc. ' en. WOMEN BEST ARMY COOKS. \Vur Oll'ice l’inds Them Ef- ï¬cient and Economical. The work of the British “\Voman's l.r.-_':ion" has demonstrated conclusiveâ€" ’pritish i}: that trained women operating in their own sphere particularly in. . . l the cum) l{lt(fl‘.CllSâ€"-â€"le‘0 Inimcnsclyj superior to untrained men. i 1.111% Animist the employment. of the first women cook:1 was sanctioned by The (\‘K'llL‘an was put ‘ forward by Lady Londonderry when- thc appalling awastci‘ulncss and inefâ€"‘ licicncy in ihc various cump kitchens became evident. i One hundred women cooks were tak- Twenty were installed at the Convolest-ent Hospital at Dartford Camp, and the plan was spread to Epsom, I‘Instbournc, and Alnwick,and will be to Blackpool. always with a marked improvement. At the Black- pool Convalescent Camp alone 160 women will be employed. I An Army School of Cookery at‘ which women instruct has now been, inaugurated for the training of mili-‘ tary cooks who will serve at the front. . Thirteen women are already engaged' in this work. a-..___.>[s..,._.__â€" Use Any House; hold Recipe with Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal, nnd‘1 bake anything from it. 11’ you like, eat ‘ hot from the oven. it won't ferment. It ‘ makes most delicious baking. prevents. indigestion, is very nutritious. relieves constipation or “money back." That‘s‘, why a leading physician says it's a god- send to humanity. Especially try it in porridge. pancakes. and gems, but care-l ‘ S 'L $2 .(‘atiye experience unnecessary. Vâ€" a a. 1’ "pupal-ulnar... F The be yeast in the world. lakes erfect ! cw, w . r we,“ pnonro. 0 “3's. \ m "y m l"- i ..,.x.. m. N: "r -~ El‘iï¬illlll COMPANY LlMilED TORONT0.0NT. \“ WINNIPEG MONTREAL A ......................-..........................â€"-..p .. Sense of Companionship. “He is never alone who is accomâ€" panied by noble thoughts." “Or by a bank book calling for a substantial amount.†SEED POTATOES POTATOES. IRISH (“Hilâ€" llelewaro. Carmnn. "l‘~ Supply limited. \‘Vrlto for II. \\'. l".'.\'80|.. Brampton. ICED blers. der at once. quotations. AGENTS WANTED GENTLEMAN WANTED in every town. Atlructiru proli- osition, big money. write Jarvis, till .\' Runnymede Road, Toronto. PER DAY. SALARY AND CUM- mission for lady representative in Work pleasant. edu- Nichols ADY 0R her home. district. Limited. Publishers. Toronto. fully follow directions on package for making porridge. For an early break-i fast. cook the night before in a double boiler without stirring and warm in the ther oi' the Duke of Hoxburghc. in a low, agrieved tone, “and should like something to eat." “Well, so’m I," conï¬ded the boy, “but you know Ive hen a huntin’ for ten minutes an hain’t found a thing!" __.___>X-_.-.â€"_.. “LUCKY LAM BTON" He Has Not Lost a Man in Transport- ing Trobps Admiral Sir Hedworth Meux, who has been commander~in-chief at Ports- mouth since 1912, and on whose shoul- Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen.â€"M_v daughter, 13 yrs. morning by setting in boiling water while dressing. At grocers’ 10c and 2’ cents. .Made by the Roman Meal 00., Toronto. ‘ _._vl< Clerkâ€"“I'd like to get a week oï¬â€œ, sir, to attend the wedding of a friend." Employerâ€"“A very dear friend, I should say. to make you want that much time." Clerkâ€"â€"“Well, sir, after the ceremony she will be my wife.†‘ NEWSPAPERS I’OR SALE. ltOb‘ITâ€"MAKING XEWS ANL JOB Oflices for sale in {well Ontario , towns. The most. useful and interesting let all businesses. Full information on lapplicaticn to \V'ils'on Publishing Com- pany. 73 “Heat Adelaide St, Toronto. I LOAN WANTED ‘ _ i ‘ ‘li’N YEAR LOAN L V! )F $80,000 ON ONE of the best equipped Wheat & Stock lRanchcs in Southern Alberta. \Vill- Iing to give mortgac'e back for $88.00!) lat S p.c. interest paid the ï¬rst year. iofter that one-tenth of piincipal. T. M. Hui‘i’, Alberta Block, Lethhridge, Alta. ders has rested the main responsibility for the safe transport of our troops across the English Channelâ€"one oi the most amazing achievements oi" this warâ€"has been called “Lucky’ Lambton,†chiefly on account of the‘ fact that, as Sir Hedworth Lambton, he inherited £20,000 per annum under ‘ the will of the late Lady Meux whose name he subsequently took. Luck, of course, plays a. part in every man's life, but whatever fortune Sir Hedworth owes to the ï¬ckle god- dess, his naval and military success is due solely to his own brilliant pow~ ers. Entering the navy as a boy of 14 in 1870, he had his ï¬rst taste of war 1 in the bombardment of Alexandria. He ‘ is probably best known to the man in the street, however, by the manner in i which he handled the Naval Brigade; in the South African War. i With Sir Percy Scott, who has beenl busy looking after London’s defencesi against air raids, he landed a brigadel from the ship, and took the navall guns to Ladysmith, arriving at elevenl o’clock on a Monday morning. Atl noon Lambton had his guns in DOSI-j tion and ordered the ï¬rst gun to bei ï¬red at Long Tom. It went wide.’ but killed a Boer or two. Lambtonl put his telescope to his eye, and or-‘ dered another shot to be ï¬red, and1 actually saw the famous Boer gunl dismounted with a well-directed lyd-' dite shell. 7 : Apropos of the Boer War, Sir Hed-I Worth tells a good story: "An order. was issued that all men of the High-l land regiments must cover up theiri uniforms, as it was thought they} made too obvious targets for the food The late Sir George White, who boU lieved the order would prove popular,l had an idea. ‘Let them,’ he said ‘cover- the front of their uniforms. The en-‘ emy will never see the other side!’ "i Unlike the majority of sailors, Sir: Hedworth is as good a man at riding a horse as he is at riding the seas. He is fond of all sports. but his greatest. ‘passiou is hunting. He has won manyg races on his own ponies at Malta. { , One of the eight brothers of the. .Earl of Durham, he is maternally near- 3 lly allied to the great ducal house of, Abercorn and Russell, the late Count, . ess of Durham having been a daughter E r ‘ILouisa, his duehess, daughter of the. ‘sixth Duke of Bedford. Sir Hedworth . lniarried in 1910 Yiscountess Chelsea. . .Q The Sort Mother Made. ' A newly married couple had had a, ,little disagreement about some cakes, ‘iwhich the wife had made. The husg band complained that those his mo- ther used to produce were far super- ,ior. 0n the next day the girl set be-l {fore him a plate of hot. cakes. “Now ,you have achieved something!" he ex-l ,claimed enthusiastically. “These areg exactly like the cake mother used make. How did you do it?†“I will give you the recipe,†replied the wifel coldly. “I used margarine instead of: butter; eggs a week old; I put alum in ' :the flour, and added plenty of water Eto the milk." l Ewan-(1" Linlment Cures Burns. Etc. l l l Money may present power, but the less money a man has the quicker will the doctor cure him. injured her elbow old, was thrown from a sleigh and so badly it re mained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MINARD‘S LINIMENT completely cured her and she has not been troubled for two years. Yours truly,‘ J. B. LIVESQUE. St. Joseph, P. 0., 18th Aug, 1900. _____â€"_____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Fortunes of War. First Recruitâ€"What do you think ‘of the major Bill? Second Recruitâ€"’E’s a changeable kind 0’ bloke. Last night, I says to ’im, ‘ ’00 goes there?’ An’ he says, ‘Friendl’ an’ to-day ’e ’ardly knows me.â€â€"â€"Punch. NOTICE TO STALDION OWNERS. The inspection of stallions under the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Act will commence March 23rd, 1916. Stallion owners will notice that horses inspect-ed in the Fall of 1914 do not require to be inspected at this time but all other horses inspected previous to the Fall of 1914, which were not then eight years old, must be inspectâ€" ed in order to be enrolled for 1916. Application should be made at once to the Secretary of the Ontario Stalâ€" lion Enrolment Board, R. W. Wade, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Quite the Contrary. “My husband tells me that he was out late last night with your hus- band." “That isn’t so. I want you to un- derstand that my husband was out with your husband.†Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere To Cheap. Doctorâ€"Madam, you must I should advise The take more exercise. walking every day. Mrs. Newlyricheâ€"Walking ? My 110,000 of the ï¬rst Duke of Abercorn tamiliar- ‘ d . ear doctor on must be accu.:t 682.000 1y known as “Old Splendid,†and Lady lto attending 311,001. 'peopie' \ omed 1'0- hy. 4/ sicians, as used for.I ' . many years in their - practice, now dedicah ', ' ed to the Public and ' L ESsold byYour Drnggist. R ' TryMurinetoRel‘resh, Cleanse, and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to Cold Cutting Winds and Dust and to restore by Overwork and Eye Strain: Some broadminded Physicians use and recom- mend Murine while others perhaps jealous of its Success, talk and rush into print in opposition; those whose Eye: need care can guess why, as there is no Prescription fee in Murine. Just hand our Druggist 50c and you have a Complete Pkg. Bye Bookâ€"Murineâ€"Dropper-nnd Cork Screwâ€" ready for use. Try itin your Eye: and in Baby's Eyes for Eye Troubles-No Smartinr-Just Eyc Comfort. Wri [e for Book of the Eye I‘Vee. Murine Eye Remedy company. Chlcalo Not Backward. Country School Teacherâ€"“ You no- tice that boy who stands at the foot of his class? Well, last summer he Committeemanâ€"“He is now. I notice the foot of the class is nearest the stove." y Murine is I pared by our ealthful tone to Eyes Reddened and made Sore ’was the brighest boy in school." W's Liniment Sellevos neuralgia. l =__.-â€"__':':.':_â€"11:T ‘12â€"“ l Minarcl’s Liniment Cures Dande FARMS on 5 LE .. ,, . ,. a i ‘ iii-Rowan QUARTER snet'rmN. llf'li' mile from lown of Rnymor/I, Saskatchewan. (‘lay loam: well located, _ $22 per acre. part cash. balance half ‘ crop payments. or $20 all cash. J. R. Booth Heyden. Sault Ste Marie, Ont. Wanted... in large hosiery. underwear and sweater factories. Vacancies in all departments. with openings for experienced or inexperienced rashes WANTED Y ANTED â€" FARM, ABUIYT HALF improved or relinquishment of 100 Must be. bur- Address acres or more in Ontario. gain. State prire. location. Box 64. Fort William. Ont. help. Highest wages and m'od- HELP WANTED crate priced board. Apply. im- diat 1‘.‘ ‘7 (“LEN MILL HELP, CARIIERS. me 0' V spinners and weavers. \Ve will . . . pay inexperienced help while learning Penmans leiied,Parl$,Onl. Weaving. 300d wages paid in all these , departments. and steady work for months to come. For further particu- ___i lars,rapp1y to the Slingsby Manufactur- ing (10., Ltd. lirantt‘ord, Ont. BOOKN DOG DISEASES MACHINEXY ‘ NGINI‘JS. MARINE AND STATION- And HOW to Feed J. any. new and second-hand bargains, Mailed tree to any address by $53,: 1,1,:tl'rmlrlarantee Motor Co., Hamil. America's me Amber .1 . . .. Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVERIQ V. S. k 1 FOR SALE “18 ‘ ' 3lslSire l 2 Yo, Dz West , '_ mmeEEn NEWFOUNDL A N D bunnies for sale.‘ Also few l’er- it. A. Oillespie. Abbots- ., New Method-â€" Lessons » rm zieun To may MISCELLANEOUS. By Noteâ€"Piano. Organ. Violin, ; Banjo, Mandolin. ‘Cornet, Harp, ’Cello or to sing. Special Limited Offer of free weekly lessons. You pay only for‘ music and postage. which is small. No extras . Beginners or advanced pupils. Everything illus- trated, plain, simple sygtemaiic. Free lec- tures each course. 1 years' success. Start at once. \Vrite for Free Booklet 'I‘O-dayâ€"â€"Now. 11.3. 803001. or MUSIC. , Box 252. 225 Fifth Ave. New York City ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC. internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. \Vrlte us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. 5.5. BERMUDIAN York March 1 and 8. sails from New 5.5. EVANGELINE -_ from New \Drk ‘ llarch 2 and ii. Sails .5 manila . FIE!“ runs? Fares. including meals and berth. only $2." " and up. Apply for tickets and booklet ’W'Nwï¬ H. D. PATEI’ISDN, Gun. Aunt. Canada 5.3. Lines, Limited, 46 \‘ongc St, Toronto. or any ticket agent. liefore plac- ing your order for seeds, see our 1916 Gold- H ’ en Jubilee Catalogue it is i'rea ‘1 Seed Corn Per Bus. (Bags free) (70 lbs. on clog?) \\'isconsln, No. .:..._.‘ .. llniley l.eaming. White Lap Golden Glow Longfellow, North Comptons .. . . . . . . . . . 1.90 We pay railway freight in On- tario and Quebec on all orders over $25.00 1.75 Notice to 5tal= lion Owners The inspection of stallions under The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding. Golf. Tennis, Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing. Present Gar- rison of the Ottawa "38th) RegL merit. Princéiaiflutel is open from DECEMBER to HA! Situated on the Harbor of Hamilton. Accommodates 400. Rates : $26 per week and upward. HOWE 6: TWOROGER. m HAMILTON. the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Act. will commence March 232d. 1916. All applications for en- rolment and inspection. accom- panied by the proper fee. must be in tho Seoretary’l omce. Parna- inont Buildings, Toronto, by larch 13th. In can 0! applications ro- celvod alter notch 13th. inspec- tion wll’. only be nude at increlud expense to ownen. Address all communications to n. w. Wade. Secretary. Ontario Stallion Eucl- BERMUDA Bermuda is reached by the steamâ€" ers of the Quebec 8.8. Go. 32 Broadway. New York. "um u... .. --. MN ,... ... . meat Board, Parliament Buildings. Toronto. ____.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" ,' ED. 7 ISSUE 10â€"'16.