Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Mar 1916, p. 4

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“MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $530 The host that money can buyâ€"is the labor that goes into the, Canadian Ford. ()nr workmen are the highest paid motor car mechanics in the British Empire. This means dollars saved in after PXIIE'IHP tothe man who huvs a Ford. “Made in Canada." Because. the Ford (lar is built right. â€"â€"FORD RI‘NABOIfT $19.)â€" fora motor Company or: CANADA. LIMITED G. A. M. DAVISON, UNIONVILLE. dealer for Mark- ham.’Scarhor-o and York Townships. including,r Yonge Street. ++++++++++++++++++++++ +40%"? A. J. HUME l Tailor NUR§_ERY_§TIIGK’ Tie undersigned has taken the agencyv for the E. D. Smith (30.. \Vinona, for all kinds of Nursery ("Ill-“\th Stock. I’ll ESSING Mifl'mh REPAIRING Order now for spring delivery 1 “.H...H___ \VM. ROBINSON, RICHMOND HILL DlVlSlthi- coin The Next Sitting of Divrsron Court to N0. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL -0N_ Tuesday, Apr. 18, 1916 (,‘omruencme,r at 9.30 a.m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK NOTARY PUBLIC CONV EYANCING. ETC. +++++++++++++++++°§++++++++ Tombstone Lettering In Marble or Granite. Good work reasonahe charges. Town or Country \Vrite. IV. A. JONES. :32 Buchanan St.. Toronto Monuments. Markers and Corner Posts. Richmond! Hill Annex For Sale on Easy Terms Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmcnt and Clarence Avenues. ,â€" Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. FURTHER INFORMATION \VRI'I‘E OR SEE J. T. LOCKE- 8i CC., 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto FOR C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley L. CURTIS AGI-‘x'r FUR BRANL HES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED Tl) SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES PATRONAGE SotIeITEn AND SATISF.\("I‘IUN GI‘ARAXTEEI“ Mot-or Repairing Done n a v n-I-fxv nu u-r s. v..- .Ehh-S €-~â€".u s.‘ .2».C.\ :‘v-‘L L. C U R T IS RICHMOND HILL F. l. WUUDWARD. i ~ (hilt i the. Glmtlel ham. .\lrs. Sleigh. Miss \Vallace, strong appeal for recruits. l x l_ growl Riennoxn “ILL. Ux‘r., )li-h. '3. Illlti The clegtfirs of l‘cel (lid themselves credit last. 'l‘hnrsdav b_\ electing Mr. Lowe over Mr. .I. ll. l9allis with a Inajority of over it'll). .\lr. l“allis, t'X-mcmliet', had many warm friends who sympathich with him pCI‘Sonallv, but. they could not eon- done his att of stepping in hetween the Government ofticials who had to buy horses for war purposes, and the farmers who had horses to sell, thus making a sum for himself of $1,800. It is true that after the investigation he handed the money over to he used for patriotic purposes, hut this scented like an admission of guilt on his part. The result of the election shows clear- 1y that the voters in I’cel county wish their representatives to be above suspicion. Judged by a discussion in the Can- adian House. of Commons, following a resolution introduced by Ilon. Dr. I’ugsley, asking: that the Dominion franchise he extended to women in such provinces as have, adopted wo- men‘s legislative franchise, it looks as if women will ere long be granted a Vvll’C the same as men. The proposal was lost on a party vote. but I’rernicr Borden promised to take into consideration at a later date the whole, question of the Federal franchise. Many Liltcral members spoke in favor of the resolution, and the strong- est plea against it was put forward by Hon. ltohert Rogers, who allege'l that women had acted as ballot plug- gers in a number of ridings at the last general election in Saskatchewan. The speaker beIng asked to name the ridings, lonever, said he could not remember the names, but he could get the II inies if necessary. Whether we like it. or not votes for women will surely come in the near future. Willowdale One of the most enjoyable events ever held in the \Villuwdale Methodist church Was the Oltlvatslllllllf’d “ tea" meetingr and concert held there one evening last week. every special event throughout the PVeIIiIIg having special reference to the old-time happenings. and coupling the names of some of the oldest and best-known families in York Township. It is 21 years SInce an old time "tea ' meeting was held in \Villowdale church, and the fact that the whole affair was in the hands of the Ladies' Aid, and organized to aid the funds of the [led Cross Society, added to its iri- terest. A programme was presouted by Mrs. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. \Vrieht. Ii. \l'. Nellt's. It. (‘. Nelles and Mrs. (‘atto, (‘apL (‘amt-ron of lllt' 1271]) York llangrrs‘ Uvmw-as Battalion made A The chair was occupied hy luv. \V. II. Moore, the pastor of the church. 'â€" PROPERTIESâ€"l FOR SALE FAR MS : llltillI.A.\'l) ' One hundred and fifty acres of lirst-class \vnrkahle land . Markham Township. York 1 in t‘uuntv, cmvenient to Yong-1 r St: splendid brick house and ‘ line hank harn. running stream, gillrkl orchard and plenty of shade trees. l’ricl- and terms til this beautiful farm on applica- lion. ' Seventy-live acres of rich clay soil. vicinity of \ictorIa Square. )larkham township: Comfortable house (le the usual lultn type, good ll‘lllk halt) lit-arâ€" lv new, running: strram ntv waste Lind. This is .1 real good titttn at a very reasonable price. ' One hundred acres, vicinity rit' Bethesda: \ix loomed fluttnl‘ house, hank harn. lltiLI pens and ht-nIIer. A small t'il‘ll pay- Illl‘llll't'tlllll't‘ll and the balance may remain on Illttl'lg‘lgt' at a A bargain. l’till IlliN'l’ ' (hind six-Ioomed house (II Richmond St” Richmond Hill. Small rental. immediate posses- sion. )IOII l‘tiAtl IZS Ilt)l‘ti ll'I‘ A. E. GLASS REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND IIILI. DIED Ill'ltxs 7 At his late residence. in King. Huh. l’t-h. llith. llllli. \\'rlli.ini ll. Burns, V5], in his ti‘lh yrar. l‘uneral to Kiner t‘i: v (V run-tel _v. â€"-â€"oooâ€"â€"-â€"â€" .‘laolc A wry prrllv \viddirrg tin-k plum last \‘Vt‘tlllttfitlusv at th.- hi me Ill \lr, and Mrs. l):r\id lillllllllt‘ when their daughter ":l‘dl' \\':i~' rnriirml In Mr. Arthur \Vz-Ils, of King. 'l‘hr- w-rv-Innnv was perfornn-d hy {t-v. S. (‘. lloliin- son. The young rmiplt- left on the evening ll:llll iiir .‘l \llt-ll trip. 'Illl‘l which Ila-y Inn pow-going to thr- \Vi-st. Mr. Hill lly'iln Inn on Saturd'iv for Coronation. Nuk. to take t'hnrui- of 2| school fora few months. thrill. l‘lrir .luhnstI-n prom hr-d inA sprung),r snilnons in the MeIhudisl church on Sunday. lli« alllll' rt in Ill" evening was ” Religion and tho \\ :rr â€"â€"-â€"â€"»-¢u> . _ Jefferson P. S. Rrporl for Jan. and Feb. .lr'. ll'.~Fred ('lIIbine, (‘landia liegge, Harry Murphy. [luv Ihbli. Sr. lll.â€"(iem;_{e In-ndrurn. .lr. lll.~\‘;rnglian Manly-n. lCllJ l)llil). Phyllis \Vatts. Kathleen Thorn» ton. James Park. SI. ll.â€"Annie (lluhine. Jack I)llll‘v Pearle \\'atts, Zilpha 'l‘iip'wr, (W H Mortson. I .lr. ll.~~.ln_\‘rphltil‘ ('assetlv. \Vhitly, Homer Legge. N l.â€"--M:rrth:t Johnson, .lm-k (‘lu- lime, Lawrence ("HNN't‘llV‘ [)ougl: s [liltln ltllva (,‘oakwell. (‘han F reddie Brown. Vera \Valts, (‘larksmi Murphy, l’rinrer. -»Sadie Mordv-n. Iiendrmn. Hugh Topper, Bessie \Vatts. Agni-s [)llll)‘ ; Victoria Square Ileadl‘nrd l-Ipwtirth League paid .it lt'llllll visit to the laurng here on l“llll i_\' evening. Although rather ~lwr mv conditions prevailed lhele \\.l.l Quail .lll"l)lllll)t‘l‘, In the :IlNI'IH't' til the llw'vdl" Id President, l’le. \Vt-llniall Ill llrl' lililh (l\t|l\r*;|\’ presided. A gnarl lllt L'lil'll was enjoyed lr\' ttlll lm-rguu. Al llll' ('ltm- President l’orlxiiis Innvid :r \rdt‘ of Hi inks In llll' \l\lllll‘. Lunch \\'I\ then >l'l\l'll and :r rtit‘inl tinn- spent. Fol-r ll'It_\‘ in keeping up it s reputation for stunning and drilling, .‘IISs .lean H‘ntt gnu- .i Snow-shin- l)rll[_\' tn lII‘I trii'nds llntn MihiIlnrnn llIv l‘\l Hint: Alli llll' Zlil. 'l‘llr‘ guests snowstorm! l.\‘ nay if 'l'ln- Squall- down lln- l h lint- ln "'l‘ht- llevil's l'lllmw" and upfith line in Scott‘s fill lIInr-h. (in the \\.iv the party refit-shed at [{I1I\\ll.\ ‘ll'lt‘. lust ltiiitli‘v l).H. \lfillt‘tl No. II! wlwn an ultllrshitined spelling II! “i ll “"<~ ‘\I'ltl. I‘lt'lVillz’ H‘hnul \\'(~tl. \l s l", t'rsivlv' attended the funeral « l ht l ~is't-r -lIlAl;I\\‘ .Il llarrie last week, My. \\'ill Heisr- goes on jury for the ,‘l'llr h s: “inns. .\ il- xI-n hraved the storm on Hunda y and Invld H. H, :l’lth'l‘El) III'T'I‘I‘III \VIIAI’I‘I‘JIIS AIAVAYS ()N IIAN I) l .\'I‘ THE l LIBERAL ()FFlt‘E ('harlior l Iâ€"Fish Fl Fish sa 7 BHAKING HANDS WITH A SQUARE MAN 15 ONE oerne PLEASURES OF LIFE! FAIR AND SQUARE " \\‘l:en you deal with man a ura store lair in its methods. square in its dealings, truthful in its promises and you add to this a painstaking serv iceâ€"that‘s a pretty good shop to get :lt- quainted with. It's a matter- of business for us to talk about our- he it matter of selves fit will good business for you to call. L-(i. A. MCDONALD & SO *- Try us for FRESH SMOKED or SALT FISH N_l HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN BULLS FOR SALE. :1 number of lr’nglt‘l‘t'tl bull ('.Il\t‘\', all from high teslirit‘r dams and gm d intliVitluals. ~\‘tait now to improve your herd lry M‘t'lllltl): one of these Well-lut‘tl bulls. l’riees llight. LAKE l-‘AIIM J EFF PERSON \'i~itor< alway< \velconm, Sunday (-xcrptt-d. \\'. Ii. III'RNABH I‘lttlI’IIIl-I'I‘Ult Ii. W. J. LAWRENCE ‘II'IIOLICSALIC AND RETAIL FLORIST (ililCI‘ZNlltll‘Hl‘IH lllt‘lllttJNl) tilticrcxrlot'srjs ,\.\'li lll‘l'll'l-Z 1.32 HILL {tlsl-.l,_v\\'N .3. \‘I-:.. 'l‘r tru Writ l"lti\\‘vt\ taste-fully arranged l‘l‘l‘ \\t tidings. i'unt ials. r-tt'. Roses. t‘ar Indium. ( ‘hi _\"?llll ltl'llilth :rtidwt lll'l‘ flown! s in waer l’htrnt- Richmond Hill. l‘l Iiight~ Sundays North 2221. Citv _â€"_â€"â€" ,\ Lug” quantity v t' ll tl’lnlt l|;t~l~{t‘l.~ on hand _â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_. _â€"â€"â€" t'Inil |r~ for wil‘m. r it) into \\'t:ll»\'. l‘lt' . $1.31 per twill“ load ______â€"._â€"__â€"_â€" â€".â€".â€"__ \‘r Illt' t'lllllt v hits .-\w.. three to live year agreement. .nr '(‘hrirt h Ht” llllt'lnll diutitllrt for "it‘ll. lit <t'\lt‘\\' ll.ll\‘.r .-\\i, it $1.! lt pvt :rLd f. it down and l. \V. L.\\\’IQENCE. lllt'llfilthll llll.l.. t|.\'l'.

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