Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Mar 1916, p. 5

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o' l l 15hr RICHMOND HILL. 03:1. Mch. ihetal ') "l 1916 Meeting of the Fir) l)l-p next Monday at eight o'clock. H referendum. i H V 7 l l Ifyou want to lie with your friends in the 127th Battalion. C. E. E. you must act quickly and join at once. . Mrs. Scrogg’ie. of Evl‘l‘more. Alla., spent a few (lays with her friend. Mrs. A. Sllddahy. l l , . . i Alted (lross entertainment will he given ill the Puhlic Hull. Victoria Square. Friday evening. Malell 1t). At the services in I-Ieadl'ord chnlcll next Sunday special music will he leo- dered hy the home choir. Miss Olive Farr, (.f \Voodhl-idlze. spent over Sunday with Mrs. Harry Graham. Mrs. Victor Pugs-Icy (nee Eva Bill) will l’eCPive at; the home of her parents on Wednesday. March 8th. from 4 to 6 pm. . A party of Richmond Hill people Went to Aurora Thursday evening and enjoyed the concert, given by the Aurora Uhoral Society. Mr. Joseph Blanchard while walking on the G. N. 0. track yesterday. notth of Richmond Hill station. collided with a train and was killed. All il‘.-‘ quest will he held tl is afternoon. Mr. Thomas Collins. a n] his son Mr. Frank Collins junior clelk ill the Standard Bank. have enlisted with the 127th Battalion. Frank‘s plilt‘v in the bank will lze taken lly Alla-rt Brown. Richmond Lodge. A. F. & A. M.. has received all invitation to visit Rising Sun Lodge. Alllol-a. on \Vednl sday evening. March th. Special car will leave Toronto at. 7.31), Epworth League monthly roll call and consecration Selxice “ill h held to-ulot row (Friday) evening at. eight o‘clock. Mrs. Foster Hit-ksou will give a paper on “ Kindness.” If you love vour country as you say you do. why won‘t. you light for it P Let Belgium's fate he a warning from now. Apply recruiting office. Hotel Richmond. Mr. \V». H. Bassett. who has Carried on hllsiness hole lo the past tw'o years. and who has enlisted as a tailor with the lZTlh Bltlalion tor overseas service. wishes to thallk his many friends for their patlonage while here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Espey receide :\ letter from their son John. who went tothc front. lie was poisoned with gas. and iluas hen-n ill the hospital for four weeks. He. is illlprming. how- ever. and expects to lean! for the front ill a few days. Sago. lin. 10c. Pearl tapioca. 3 lhs, 250. Java rice. 31in. 25c. Pure gold quick pudding. choColate. custard, tapioca. arrow-root. 3 pks., 25c. Pure. gold jelly powder. assorted flavors. 3 pks.. 23o. Ground rice. 8 oz. pk.. 5c. Kellogg‘s hiscuits. 2 pks.t’.5c.â€"â€"Atkin- son & Switzer. A reference to the printed program shows that every minute of the three daVS‘ temperance Convention to he held in Massey Hall. Toronto. March 28, 29 and 30. will he fully occupied. Besides leading Canadians. a number of distinguished speakers from the United States will give addresses. Mr. Frank Dentou. K. t .. and his hrother Mr. \V. Dellton. of the John Macdonald firm. and Mr. Marshall H. Brown. of the C. P. R. department. all of Toronto. and form ‘rly of Richmond Hill are spending a. couple of weeks at l French Springs. a mineral health resort in Indiana. The. March me=l me: of the \Vomen? Institute will he held at the home of M rs. Allen next \Veduesday. March 8, at three o‘clock. Mrs. L. A. Hamil- ton. of Toronto. will give the address. and Miss Switzer will sing. An invi- tation is extended to the town Women to come and hear \Il s. Hamilton. whose subject will he of interest to women. Mr. Frank Converse Smith. the fa-‘, vm-‘ite violinist and conductor of To-' ‘Iolllo. is forming a. class in Richmond Hill. atld it is hoped that a good nuln- 'H‘l‘ of the vonln: people will avail themselves of the oppol t unity to studv 1 with him. Mr. Smith is,leaehiui_r. he- i ginning to day ("I‘llulsdayl at the ill-me, of Mr. H. B. Stilling for a few days l until a studio can he secured for lllln. ‘ The irn‘ivs’ Aid of tile Melln‘dist‘ church gave a supper to the (\fiii‘nls‘ and men of the l2i'h Battalion drill- ing here last Fridav evening. Aftrr‘ supper. with Rev. .1. R. Aikenhead ill l the chair. an interestingr pl‘t‘glnllllllt‘: was rendered. Ml'. Home gave an ap- pl‘nprialo vnl‘al sole. .‘ll‘. (‘. Rn» show. pd some sleightalt-hand “inks. and Pte. .lolln \Vyse gave an exllillitiou ill velltriloquislu. \Yhile llygeian waists. with four’ garters attached. for girls 13 to 18. years. for 73c. l‘lerian waists for' girls? to ill years. each 50c. Pillowl cases. size 42 x 36. elnhroideled. hem~ _ stitched or scolloped edge. at $1.00 tol $1.21) pail. Men's hlaek lihhed socks. pair. 401‘. New stock of dainty collars. and vestees. with high or roll eollals, lace yt-kes. in plain and tam-5' net. for 30c to 55c eaclr.-â€"Atkinson & S\\‘i[Zt'l‘_ . | l I l was played 'l‘llesllay ew-ning \vllrn Ml. 7 ‘ Alhelt Glass lillk won the lloplly. dd {eating Mr. John 'l‘vlnlall's lillk hy .l _ .SI'IH'U of 11â€"9. i heinglln-rulltn rs up will gel the Smith artment l llledal. ‘1. Ontario will vote on [’rollillition hy ; G AHNm' ‘ B. Ca inky. A. E. Glass Holds lh: Cup. The final game for tile Slater Cup Mil. 'llVIlllull‘s tour The following ale the vietoriw Ill< links: ll. ll. 1.:lshet. H. lit'it'l\ll‘ll. .1. Glass, \\'. l’l'all. i‘:.()‘l-|S$..‘k.. 11 .1. Tyndall. sit” ll «.5 Thorullill The monthly meeting of tile llnvrliU cultural Society will he held in \'i<-«' tolia Hall on Tuesday. Marl-ll the 7th, at So'clock. Tln-slllljert will he ple- pal'atiou l'or spling wot k. (iUIlll' ple- pared to ask questions. The ohjeet of the Society is to help all those who ale interested in gardening and the int-J provement of our neighborhood. A (‘U'llpt'lt‘llt gardener will lie here on Tuesday to help you. All t-ottle. lanlsdell. .A â€"â€"â€"‘r<c- A Neglexcd Battleground l lilt- 'had a most l'lljt yahle outing: will ll. luv l A fine deseliplion of Bllochc. which was at one time the headqualters of Louis lleil and the scene ot a lllenlnl» able haltle during the Mills uprising in the \Vest. is gilen lly ll. “7. llenltt. The histan of this interesting and long-neglected Spot. is well told. and there are a llullzher of rare and illumi- llzltlllg photographs. Then there is all arllcle by A. M. Belding on “The Dov ls Pool." a form of lllild slavery as practised in New Brunswick : “Di-i ams and Their Causes." a populal psyl-lllllogiral study by l’rofessl l' Herhelt 1.. Stewart: “London Poor ill \Var Time." by Margaret Bell : “Refugees ill Pal is." by Mona Cleaver: “Elol iana" a Canadian play. by Britton and “Romance,” a sholt Story lly Magade la Roche. _____‘ . .â€" TORONTU LETTER PEEL RY I“. 15L1£t'T1().\'. Lowe (Lillt’l'uil defeated servalive) hv 3(l5.â€"Fallis' Major-i. y 1914 was (327. Although it is recognized, as Ml. Rowill says. lllal the result in Peel was a \icl‘oly for the people. rather tll:l.l a \ictoly simply for a pally. yet it is a prevalent opinion widely ex- pressed on the streets and ill the chills to-dav, that the Hearst Gov” nment is seliously affected. They could have prevented Fallis running,r at all as their representative if they had cared to do so. and could have denounced hilll as Sit Rolrell Borden at Ottawa lead lil- \Vitt. Fostrl- and Gall-old out of the Conservative pal l v. instead of that. they not only did not say anylllin}.r against him. lull or.» holding to Mr. Fallis and Mr. Blain. four or live (Tallitlet Ministers Would have heel) glad to take places on the "plillfttl'lll beside Mr. Fallis. had lhev been asked to do so. - The chief complaint against the Government is then-quality of weak- ness in the matter. The \Vot-ld (Con- servative) says: “The Ontario Minis- ters are to he eongralnlatod upon a lucky escape. They will have to hear some reproach for not taking a more active part on the right side. hut we do not think their hearts were ill the acquiescence “'illl'i] appears to have been compelled from them hv Ml. Fallis and his sum‘mlters.H . . . . “(Tolnpelled from them by Mr. Fallis and his supporters 1" This is smelv the SO\'('1(’>L kind of indictment against any government. to Say they Were compelled by Ml". Fallis or anyone else. to give, their support. “'llete has the stlength of mind and decision of the Olltal io Gov- ernment itself gone to? As a matter of fact. according to their own men. one of the chief chal- actt‘rislics of the plosent Ontario Gov - el-nlnent is their failule to make de- cisions. Even Mr. Hearst himSell'. ll his famous remark. has said that a “ zig-zag” course is often the host to pursue. This is quite ill lille with the Toronto \Vorld's rlilieislll levelled against the. Government a sholt time ago. when it accused it of being a “ wibbll‘dy- \vohllledy governnlenl.“ LUXURlous 'm l “L1. :4". self starter IE I l / 1. r » ,7 7; T . it “ ROSE & MC VllLLAN. l v “no; i ‘ â€".l “Twiit‘flE‘f‘fif” " ‘. 3.44.1. 3.2255ch 3.41“ 41.»; J ram. lcon.’ l l l l with classy llllt‘>2 l'ullv equipped \v :‘ price $17.3 no iiil l, H. (1 Condos. Solo Agent “W‘tl til Yonge St. illlll‘1lliillllv)illllll‘sillt'l-ull. llll‘lllllillt: .‘ltllilt'. Silll.;lgv-llts ll-l' Marie and Vicinity ‘ l't'spet'lrd llv all who know Presbyterian Church Rund ly. Maroh 5th. llit' minister will l)I’~‘:lI‘ll :ll lllllll sl-l-vil'os. ()ll 'l‘lluls'lay. at H in ll l-srllool ronln. .\ll. .1. (i. [)yer. ll. .-\.. it Knox (‘olleglu uill give an address on “The (heat Northwest.” illusllrlll-d l-y a llllllllll'] ol' llntl-ln vii-\vs. l‘Ivl'lvlauiy \vell'olln'. (’olll-l'lion. I -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"s-o> 77 Visit to "Casa Loma." On Saturday last the llnllllmls ol' 'l‘hol-uhill Horticultural Horn-(y the kindness of Sit Henry l’l-ilat. tlley.‘ visited the cotlsehalolies at “(lasal Loma." The number and valier of; llowwing plants and shilllls was a revelation. A most la-autifull-l-lll-vtioul of nyclalnen came first. l‘lll-n the (‘lll-l nelalias. although not yet at their. ill-st. Were there in all shadrs oi lllul'.’ purple. pink and a \vondell'ul new bronze shade. ()ur l‘lllglisll friends went into lllpilll'e's ovrl the tvistarias. lahllrnullls and .lcacias. The foliage plants were in great val iety. After refleslllln-llts wele served. a resolution \vas passed lhankiuc’ Sir Henlv alld Ladv l’ellatl for their kind hospitality. All those who \Vt’lt’ pre- sent showed their .‘Iplilt‘t‘iulit'll hv hearty applause, Sir llellly leplied for himself and Lady l’ellalt. saying they had lllllt'll pleasure lll receiving the Society and helping in the in- terests of llorticulttlle. Sir Henry is to he congratulatl d up- on his interesting and competent galdeln-l. Mr. McViltie‘ who conduct- ed the patty. H... Obituary. John Gilllls. who died at Thornllill Fehrual v Bill). 1916. at 83 years i f age. was a resident. of the Township of Vaughan for many vl-als. He was horn in Prince lEllwzlld Island in 183 . \Vhen two yull's of age he came \vlth his parents to this \vl-stetll poll of ill!‘ country. who settled ill Tl't‘lllllsell 'l'ownship. His falherdil-(l eight years after ruining to this eonntl y. He had to shift, for himself. and applenticed himself to :l saddler. Later. his health failing. he quit and went. on the farm. Hetlli-Il loz-k up a farm on his own account near Benton. the plum- ill‘illK lu‘ttllpit'd at the plesellt tinle il)’ a hos- pilal. in 1865 he lllllllil’tl Mary Jane-Utter. (If Vaughan. They had three sons. namely. “when of 'l‘llorllhill. Milton of (illodwzlod and “311‘onoftflalkson. all are l'a volalllv known. ill 18?” he moved to Concord and farmed ill this viriluly t'\|’l' since. un- til lwo years ago. when he sold his farm and moved to Thotlrhlll. where he died. He was a quiet. industl ious mall and hilll. lie was a faithful and dmont nlelnher of the Methodist Jhulch and never miss- ed a service when possillle to lie there. Always satisfied with what the Lord: was pleased to gi\e him he died in peace. ' â€"...___.~ Schomberg and Aurora Railwav The lllallagenlent. of the (Q York Radial Railway announce the electrification of the Schotllherg & Aurora Bran‘ch. This branch line extends from Sellolllllere.r to Scholllllerg Junction and has here~ Lofore been operated i)_V a steam locoâ€" motive. Luge electric illlelurllan cars and a more ll't'tlilt'llL service is expected will increase the traffic ill this district. A trial St‘l'Vilfil' as out- lilled below was inaugurated on \Vedllesday. \Iarch lst. :nl the service will he increased from lime to time as the tl'allii' warrants. Cal-s \vill leave Scllolllllelt: daily (Sundays inellldedl at. 7.45. 5,113 and ll.»l.') 3.4.3 and 3.4.3 p.lll.. making: connection with rals of the Mello- politall Division operating to Toronto and Newlnarket. ()n the retro n trip cars will leave the Junction at 8.30 and 10.30 a. nl.. 12.30. 4.30 and (5,30 p. lll. Anyone desirous of obtaining a copy of the time table may sol-ure' sallle upon application to 1“. S. Livingston. Traffic Manager. Tolollto and York Radial Railway Colllpauy. King .v (‘rhurch Streets. Toronto. Toronto Company I l AL‘l‘OlloclL i ‘l‘l‘l‘llt'lllt'it‘l' :ll‘al ' t,)sl.:l\\‘.'l \Veston 363‘ Make up Your Mind as You Make up Your List , Carciully "v VAV. Having done tl‘is essential work, you will find that you i: til p‘»: l I: the one and hill the other In all forms, va.ittics and qualities (l General Merchandise there is no place in the country that cqmls at the Concrete House The ruling idea is to provide “hat the people want at pl‘ict‘s the people can afford to pay Atkinson & Swilzer’s S'roulc Croslcs .vr l3 l'..\I. _\lo.\'n.\vs .\.\'n \VlcuNEsn.\vs _..___.____ +++++++++++++++++++++++~l~++ Il‘arn”. I»... n u d 1’" rm 1 l (311) '. The undersigned will eudeauu' to senior help for farlllel's through the Canadian Government ilnlnl- qratioll Ollie-n if application is made stating the kind of help re- quiled. expel it‘lll't'tl or inxptâ€"rieuc- rd. Wages for tlial month, when help is needed. etc. '1‘. F. MCMA Hth Dominion (iovelnnlent lfllllplnylnent Agrnt Richmond Hill i‘ -l-'l‘+'l~+ i'++++'2‘ ++ P++++++++++d YOUNG MEN 1N DEMAND Bright Fellows too young to enlist ale in great demand for Business. 'l'llll-e rails oli'l-ring $3” earll to stall were l't‘t‘r‘i\t‘ti at; Head Offices of Shaw's Schools ill one day. it will pav to prepare. \Vlite us. \\'.ll.6ilaw, 39.3 Yonge St..’l‘oronto paw: “hr rmmnajr‘f n ‘ N ‘ngr'wf‘l it?“ ,.cmrlfm€i. THE BWHMUNB Lib ‘ . n r RN“ mm a .A. H. M .. .V..‘.r..(.\,..,.:~ 'mw Men's Suits and Ovc below cast. prices will be greatly show you what we llav NORMAN PR 0 P R L. ‘3. 3M Jfluidfiwfiiské L5. . STORE Now is your chance to np-rcrdate garment, as next Spring: and Fall )Iilk 1’l-oducel's No need to worry about, the help prohleln if you have a “Hinman Milker"â€"the lllilker that is a comâ€" plete success alld is purchased by the shrewdest buyers. Among our recent sales is one in your vicinity: Mr. \V. C. (irulllle. Thistletowu; Dr. Irwin. Heston; Mr. Arthur Farr. \\'ol.dlu'idge; Mr. \V. J. Currey. Newmarkel : Mr. Frank- lill Baker. Stonlhille; Mr. Jas. l’eiels. Ravellshoc; Mr. John Arklott‘. Slnitllfield: and others. Take the time and see the Hinman at actual work. See how easy it t is to look after ten. twenty or thirty See the thorough- ness of its work. Then let us tell you how much less than $2M) we can equi.) your Dairy for. You need a Hinlllan and vou need it Now. (f()\\'~‘. .‘u' M .\ 1) E l t‘ .‘l N .\ D .l l 1 David M. Currey ; 18 Glen Ave. District Sales Manager i Dex Park. Toronto 35 2 .. HILL FURlliHlNG Efi ml LL (323$ l‘ti‘ao‘. it \ili(((l W . s, \. UL.\\V fl Wit 6 CL v\..’ (. h Till . .XU'J ' advanced. Let us e to oller. . . . E3. if Q J- GL‘ASS IEI’OR '1; i:

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