J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND; REAL ESTATE WALNUT GROVE STOCK FARM Made in Canada H AVIZ for Paper Cm to show 5: and for k :lm'whcrc L. E. HAND, NORMAN BATTV RICHMOND HILL BRANCH RICHMOND HILL EST'D 1873 WALL PAPERS C. R. James ire. HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstaff by appointment. Winter Specials Hand Sleighs suitable for the boys, girls or the baby from 75c. to 2 oo Skates per pair from 50c to .................... 5 00 Hockey Sticks, Ioc, 15c, 25c and ........ 50 Hockey Pucks, Ankle Supports, 'Etc. Snow Shovels, 25c to ................................ 50 Lanterns, each, trom 65c to .................... 75 Flash Lights and Batteries, up from 75 New Perfection Coal Oil Heaters will help keep that odd room warm, each, from $3.75 to .................... 4 25 Ten per cent. discount on all heating stoves this month. Pandora. Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges at lowest prices â€"AGENCYâ€" Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Life. Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance MANAGER P. G. Savage RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. STANDARD BANK DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at highest current rates. m Langstaff PRESENT OFFERING HAVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent, self-trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves mach timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy! and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over. and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this pa per. . . . . . . Phone Thornhil) HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO OF CANADA Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RE W. HEWISON Langstaff P.0. DS‘DENCE. RICHMOND HILL HOUSE PAINTER, THE & Son Phone 13 Manager. i Vaughan Council Public Lihmrv and Reading Room â€" Open Tuesday and Sutul day evv- Mugs. Richmond Lodge. A.F.& A.M.â€" Moots Munduy on or before full nmnn. Hill Crest Imng, I.O.U.F.â€"â€"ths 2nd and 4th Tuesday of e_:l::l) month. Victoria L.O.L.. 2368v~Moets 4th \Vvd- “OLID BRICK HOUSEifl rooms. fm- sale. Church St.. Riphmmnl Hill. Elwotric light; bath romu. 3 pieces; hot and cult] water pressure. good flll'nflCP. well and large cistern Lot 50 x220 feet. For R1119 Cheap. Gum] tel-ms given. Nril MoKenzie. 36 4 x PRUCE GROVE HOLSTEINï¬w Sir Lyons Hongerveld Segis 69859. I have fm‘ sale thruo sons of the above sire frnm six in sixteen months nld. from large and high producing t'nws. Gvn. Cooper. \Villmvdule, ()nt. T. & Y. R. R. Line. 36 4 Vic-1min L.O.L.. 2368~~M nesduy (vf ouch mnmh. ‘mlnt. Richmond. A.O.F ~F1-iduy. OR SALEâ€"va prossvd brick hOUSi', SIX mmne, hath mom and sun mom. Oak floors and oypruss trim. Electric light. furnace and nlher conveniences. Alsn lmt-k kitchen. cis- tm-n. etc. Price. $2.800. Applv .l. A. McCugm-. Richmond Hill. 3" 4 Buy Scoutsâ€"moot ovr-I‘V \Vvdnvsdny evening in Public School at ’7 n’clnck. E. E. (Mattinghnm, Scout Mmter. r mond Hill. a slnn "of money. Finder will he 'l‘l-'\V.‘\l'dl'd by leaving same at the Lxlwml Ofï¬ce. 361 [V Guuumtofl linms, Muplv, R. I. O. F.â€"â€" M (wt 5 31 (1 Thu rsdu y \ RIS'p WATCHâ€"Lost, at, Thorn- hill rink. Feb. 19. Reward at meuL Ofï¬ce. 36".). shank. was lost, h Gzlto :md Innos‘ Mill nlonsv leave at hm RICHMOND HILL. Um Methodist and 7 p plonw mnnd Elm Eihsml NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I'Iil} ,. Elgin my time. 1 20mm) Catholic Church alternate Sundays :1 10.31) :1.m. FOR RA[1E.â€"AJMSPV (‘nw .‘v‘n ':\|\l\ \"nntlc REA-huh If Y hm-ch :mn. «m [h :1! ll ,Imp Elgin, S.O.S.â€"Me(‘ts 4th \Vedm-sduv. month. llil blouday, ZMarch 6. 191 OR RENT.â€"A m: nn Richmnnd Stu VongP. at n mrvdv‘ Gem-go Smith. shv O RENT Ill OST â€"â€" On Saturday night in Rich- lU "PX OI'ND LOSTâ€"\Vhito nml Mn spots. H.J. Mills. Centre St. 36 2 Iduovathn \Vonds, Richmond Hili. 36-3 LEATHER HALTER to but l'n H I) Hill In at Village Directory m m SEED B ARLE Y fm‘ Mil! . and UN Sunday & the neck. Inst, hetwm p.1ll lll) R. M. D. lmn m. FPS“? M m [I 1nd Blacksmith shop Elliott Sun Ling: â€" Sorvi Huly (‘vn ll) lll It . with henvv .venn Hnrm-r‘s Thu ï¬ndvr will ‘53 shnp. Rich- ‘an thr- n 4lh Sum! hm)! 'nnd pssinngivon Elgin Mills My Hvlh l‘hn rsdu Ill Services on ' H.111. and lll Meets 4th unnumqu :- Int-n11) md Billll of every lu Hans;1 nd hnnso Annlv 2L lf nd and hmnnd 35-2 JI-sduy UH} rly \V' i l snip f the 19H kl< Ill \Ve-dnvsduy. Mm implmnents, 6 pl'rvpm'ty of Jus (I‘CllK'k. Terms Px-vntirto, nuct. Friday. Mun-l1 IU- d;le horses, ï¬rs nwntï¬, &c.. Ivt 1|. mm. 3, Scar-horn, theyrnperrynf Fred Fi§ll€l'. Sale :II 11 (l'ulnck. Terms 8 moth. J. H. Prvntico, nuct, Saturday. March 11 ~-A Farm stock. implements. &c.. Int 1, cnn. 8, \Vhitclmrch. the prvpm-(y of .I. M. Pnllm-k. Snlvutyl o'clmk. Terms 8 munths. J. H. Prontimu .‘lllCt. Monday, March13.»â€"F:1rm stuck. im- plements, em, 10L 5, con. 8. \Vhit- church. thn property uf U. \Vilsnn. Sale at 1. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prentice, :luct- Tnvsdny. March 14 ~ Furl!) stock. implements, &c., Int 15. con. 2. Sum-horn, the property nf \Vm. Green. Sulent 12 n’rlock. Terms 8 months. J. H. Pl'enticn. uncr. \Vvdnesdny. March 15 â€" Hnlsn‘in mulls). farm stuck. in.plmnonts, &(-.. 10129.6(â€). 1, Markham. the pmperly (.fJuS. Acey. Salentln'cluck. Terms 8 month:. J. H. Prentice. :mct. Thursday. March lï¬-Pnre bred Holstein Cattle, farm Stork. implements, &(-., lot '3, con. 2. Markham. thovpmporty uf Pearce Rnhinsnn. Sale at l. (felock. Monduy, March 20 â€"Auutinn sale uf 100 :lcrv fmm. lot, 18. can. 8, \I:1rk~ hum, :It chluck. on the premises. Jos. G. Hmnwr. Executor. Tuesday. March 2].â€"F‘:um stock. im- ph'mvnls. (um. Int 19. mm. 9, Mark- ham. the property hf J. \V. \Vhite. Sale at ]. Terms, 8 mnntln. J. H. Prentice, nuct. \Vednesdzly. March ZZZâ€"Farm stock, implmnwnls, etc.. lot 12, ('nn. 2, Mark- hnm, the property of Her Drury. Sale at 1. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. ' Thursday. March 23.â€"F;u-m stack. im- plements. etc... 10b 23. (3011.6, Mark- ham. the property of Jnhn Bond. Sale at, I. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prenticv. nuct. Flidzly, March 24â€"Fnrm stock and implements. (40., 1th 5, run. 2, Mark- 'J‘hos. M 131321133111; nt, 1 u‘cluck. Tenns S months. JJJ. Pl'enliw. unct. Thurs. Murph Qâ€"Fnrm stuck. implen moms, &c., lot, 30, can. 13. Scan-harm the pmpPI-ly of M. 0. Stevens. Salt at [‘2 o‘clock. Telms 8 months.. J. H. Prentice. auct. PHONE {ICHMOND HILI ritlny, Ann-ch ments. &c.. l: the property Sale all (y'tzl at 1 (IR: Szligem uesrivuy. nwnts, the prr 8 mnnlhm J. H uosdny, March 7- luunts. furninnt' Vaughan, Yum: lllll nppm-l [h “(his Dams 'xyntim mlny, 1111) SH uni rnpm ly B¢\ Ikflu‘r‘KIN 90†l‘HI p: M nityl iulpl(_ 3k. ilnplmm-nls, (- \Jnrkhum. Hlu p1 )hnsnn. Suk- :ll. 1 lh luct. arch T (5.. lot My of nt I mphéll Auction Sales An ‘ Mal-ch ‘32.â€"-qu-m stock, .8, etch. lot, 12, ('nn. 2. Mark- pmpm‘ty of How Drury. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Wuw :1 f nicu, snmnlh llvifers, Reds. frum <ix months -;n-s nld.\ Nuu‘ is Your whelln c, pure Inn implenwnls uuhnn. .l as. arms Illâ€"Pure Brod Clydvs ï¬rst-(:luss cutth. imple lot 1], COIL 3. Scurlmrn nf Fwd Fisher. Sn]: Terms 8 months. J. H HORTIH Terms 8 months 10 30. con. 1. Vaughan Jnn. \Vilson. Salt Inns 8 months. J.H‘ Ill Heif \ 1h 1 3â€" Farm stock. , 'l'hnrnhill. the Ryan. Sale at 1 8 nmnths. J. [1. III) um sh llOl1lSO‘ll HEA UFOHD IR. 2, GuancY nti Iran d IUL 40. (:0 1110 prop Reset-v0. HEIFEI t, :Luct. mm stuck. mix. York f E. Scott. "urn: th lh ‘11 (-k. implo V nnglmn an ll) HE St Their Iking implk khun rty n1 [‘erms imple 1h al-tv [in m‘ I!) satisfactinn giv has remcve ing [11: W. R. Robinson YONGE STREET RHGHMND HIM. Harness 8:. Saddlery Sand 1i UOK your Harness over when hitching your horse and see if there are any broken parts. If so. do not; endanger vour life driv- ing with Harness which needs re- pztiling. In the next place ASK YOURSELF “'HY do they need these repairs? The question is soon answeredâ€"in nine cases out. of ten they me Factory and Machine Sewn. “’hy not call at ROBINSON‘S and buy Harness HAND SE\VN, which will stand the Test of Time,nnd give'the best of satisfaction. Blankets, Robes. Mitts. and everything in the Saddlery line. Ulll‘ Prices me City Price-s. (all and see us. . . II. A. Nicholls Che ï¬beral One Dollar a year 17()R SAIJE Several good farmsâ€"one in Vaughan near Richmond Hill, a. ï¬lst-cluss farm at, Victux-in Square, :1 gond farm in Mark- haun near Yonge Street. \‘ill:lge( huught pay to PL'RPOS Solid brick house on Churc St. south, Richmond Hill. Properly known as “Grand Central Block." First-class lo- cation on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Part of building lately necupied by Stand-Aid Bunk contains ï¬i'st-clziss \‘uult. The building is three stories with cellar basement. and suitable for any purpose. If required, for any purpose. If required. good-will of u twenty-year well paying implement and re- pnir business goes with property. Senora] $10001uts tc ï¬rst unortgngv. C. I. HINAS All work guaranteed solicil All kind Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. in HGWHICQ JOHN HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. rn F851 The Pressure 1nd, ( nsoline Water Svstem mforn me 0 1 m m mit spat nll farm adjoining the »f Richmond Hill can he now at :1 price that will hold for SI’ECULATIVE d h in f plumbing done Laundry )l HT uric J name in full d to supply em in either 0 motor 01' ll'lI) with each pn RICHMOND HILL delivs and gum IS and untry Lllf am 011 0f