Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Mar 1916, p. 4

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fiL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO F. J. wennwnnu ,1 SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERIXG HORSES A SPECIALTY Goods called for and delive-red. if de sired. Send list of m-ticlvs with each parcel giving residence and name in full. He solicits patronage and guamnu-es satisfactinn. has removed his Laundry tn the build ing three dam-s north at the Post Office \VM. ROBINSON, RICHMOND HILL FOR FURTHER ‘NFORMA'IIUN “'RITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE. 82 CC., ATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Richmond Hill GENERAL BLACKSMITH, .. J. WUUDWARD. T Ie undersigned has taken the agvncy fur tho E. D. Smith 00.. \Vinonu, for all kinds of Nursery Stuck. New Gormley NURSERY STUBK G. A. M. DAVISO‘N. ['mevulm, dwulvr for “ukâ€" hum. Hmrlnuu and York 'l‘mvnshnw. invlmling Ynngv Slim-1. Richmond Hill Annex Order now fm- spring dvlivery G. I. HINAS The Ford Runulmut is $180: the CI-upe‘lvl $730: llw Sedan $890: Llw Town Uzu- $780. All |)li(‘€‘S are f.n.h, Ford. Orltnrin. All cars (:mnpletfly equippr‘d. in- cluding electric headlights. Equipment, (1095 not, include speedometer. Cars on sale at Take a little comfort as you goâ€"cspecially if you cnu combine it with profit. The man who owns a Ford has pmvided healthful eni‘n'ment for his entire family and equipped himself with anjeconomical servant as well. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and V‘Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St, Belment and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms Ford Touring Car Price $530 “MADE IN CANADA" EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES L. C U R T l S RICHMOND HILL In Marble 01- Granite. Good Work reasonuhe charges. Town or Country \Vrite, \V. A. JONES, +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++ Motor Repairing‘ Done TERMS GIVE}? 023 M5703. CY" 7: u...â€" +++++++++++++++++++++++401"!- Monuments, Markers and Corner Tombstone Lettering L. CURTIS NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING. ETC. A. J. HUME Tailor CLEANING 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto AGENT FOR PRESSING REPAIRING 22 Buchanan Sp, Posts. TOIonto a Prillmr~ Grey 1043. Jr. Lâ€"Eva Hendry 116$, Dawson Hart 1344‘ Luella thb 126.3, Joseph Jones 1144. Sr. I.â€"Ma1-y Hart 2793. Willie Coop- er 2591, Florence McCluskey 2593, 0211'] Jones 1980‘. Jr. 11.41am Jones 2117. Hattie “lama-1563. XVillie \Valker 1739, Barr Graham 816. Jr. 11!. (Byâ€"Hum. (,‘(mk 291.6, May Ireland 2916, Ella. Junes 2099, Hone School, No. 5, Vaughan REPORT FOR- FEBRUARY Sr. Iveâ€"Murjul ic \VMsnl) 4133, Irmw \VuLsun 3960, Olivia. \lt-Qum-riv 3677. Alum McCluxkvy 319."). Inn \Vvldrick 3132, Keith Thnmns 3426, .192”) Cum- emn 3169. Sr. lll.â€"â€"Edilh Bowen 2345. Flm'cm‘o \Vzttsmn 2293. Buntrice \Vesllu'onk 1795‘ Jr. lII. (AF-Hubert E. Junes 2796 OLIl‘l'\VE\1k(’l‘ 23M. Hex-hurt P. Jum's 1793. Fwd Din 1251. The demonstration in Toronto yes- terday by the Ontario prohibitionists clearly proved that there is a strong feeling in the Province for “ A Dry Ontario." After the petition with 800,000 signatures was presented Premier Hearst inthrmed the delega- tion that the important matter would be decidei by the electors, by a sim- ple majority vote, and that the cabi- net was uniled on the question. The (nly regrettable incident of the day was the attack on the paraders by a mob of civilians and others in the King’s uniform who injured several people by throwing},r snow and ice, and alm05t destroying the half-mile banner carritd in the orocession. Does it not seem peculiar that the Conservatives of Wards suggest a referendum “ after the war is over?” One of the reasons given for passing prohibition is to make sure that we will win the war, No less :1 person than Lloyd George recently said in a public speech: “Drink is doing us more damage in the war than all the submarines put together." IL is to be hoped that Premier Hearst will not waver in the work he has recently commenced. There must be many prohibition Conserva- tives in his party. and Mix Bowel] has pledged his party to give the Gm‘crnment every assistance. i It seems that the Prohibition plat- l form of Premier Hearst is not likely to be received with general approval by the Conservative party. The Ex- ecutive of Ward 6, Toronto, held an indignation meeting Thursday night, and passed a strong resolution, claim- ing that the Government should have consulted the party leaders before inâ€" troducing such a sweeping measure, and that “if the Government finds ‘ it advisable to submit a referendum 3 that the vote should not be taken un- til the war is over, and the soldiers return from the front.” Richmond St Small rental, sion. housI helm nan may ‘W Seventy~five acres nf rich clay soil. vicinity of Victoria Square, Markham township; comfortable hnuse of the usual farm type. gum! lrmk burn neur- lv hum running stream no wusta land. Thls is‘n real good farm :11. a \‘PI‘_\‘ reasonable price. éhude flees. this bcamiful tion. T On» hundrrd and fifty acres. x.f{i1~st-uln<s workable land in Markham Township. Ym-k County, cunvvuient m Yonge St; splendid brick house and fine hunk Inn-n. running strum“. gnud urchin! and plenty hf shade flees. Price and terms nf this humitiful farm on applica- A. E. GLASS RICHMOND BILL. 081. Huh. 9 @112 flihml MOR PROPE {TIES FOR SALE ()nP hnn Bethesd REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL mum-(u main ( :nin. I‘G F0} Jenn \Vutsnn 1903. \Villie six WA RD 1’0 LIT [C AG ES BO CG HT (Ix ed acres bzu‘ FA RM 8 roome MARon C. chxsox. . Richmtmd Hill. immediate pnsses- mm't mull RENT l'nnn) hue I the hnusE ish :lcinity \ frame ns and pricr IHC( 1916 {\VHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST HOLSTEIN‘ FRIESlAN BULLS HIGHLA served with tea. which mmund all Was "grout." and it, is lhis inn-x shown from (mtsidn. which h fm-wnd such a muvmnenr and t'n :tn :Idditimml attraction m the lad: AftPr Ten was raver, nll :uljmxnwr the Mill Pond where a Camp fin- hwn built on the 1'09, n ml SH us in case ofall gond thingw, the em] m mo soon. But the lads one, and vuted that. buy had :m “bumper” Li mad had hE‘vn cut lhmngh fm lll"l‘ an admirable twuch, Whit'h w-us huld luv Acting Assistant 8. M. HI-nu-n :u'rl party of 12 scnnts. 'l'hi- allarkiniz party led hv the 8.3]. \\’:H dirldud into two companiw, Utw sighting HH- Mill whilst the uther company U'il'd In attract the. attention of the enemy ml the flank, INIL thanks tu [hp smart, scouting of the envmy. this attempt Was frustratvd and the aunt-king par: \' was summalilv (it‘slll, with {mu-h Sv'llll! when hit. 3 thst was put out nfacl inu) and the df’ft‘HCE‘, pim ml summsmi. The Scouts. thanks to the kind“: h" of Mrs. F. J. Mansbx-idge. \vvw (hrn served with tea. which one and ail said Was "grout." and it. is this inn-HIM. shown from outside, which hulps fUI‘W‘JHI such a movement and fUl ms an additinnal attraction to the huh. Mill St, was the snow had rum] had been On Sulunluy [In Vary vnjnynldt- tin snow fight. [ml and Elt \Vnrxdstnui only mnmin fumin is Mrs Mrs. D. C. Richmond. Sis late \Vm. Trench and Mrs. this village. who was \‘iSilill: in South Carolina. dim] Inst 1 tho residence uf a prhrW. Miller. after :1 suddcn a pneumonia. Interment will at \Vnm’lstnuk‘ hvr fM'nwr In JEFFERSON good business for you [0 call selvos~it will he :1 mutcex ut Ti “’henyoudeul with mnnn 01-3. stm-e iuir in its uu'thuds, squarpin its dealings, llnthfnl in its promises and you add to (his a painstaking sen iceâ€"4 lml's A pretty gnnd shop tn get :u- quinted with. It’s n matter of business for us to talk about unrâ€" W. I. LAWRENCE G. A. MCDGNALD & SON Cind Some Avon three Flmw Roses Phone A large quantity of )1 quart baskets on hand N D LAK E FA K M high testing dams and improve your herd by St Prices Right. Visiturs FOR SA L E, GREENHOUSES RICHMOND HILl' GREExnocsEs AND OFFICE 152 Rosrzm [metal discount for cash. to five year agreement. choice may Hw uuy Haunts thlt- linu- in tho «mp [ml and hump fiw. vest nf the Mill pumL' md (ll it'll-d hmin :m Eon out, lhnmgh fm m ish FISH Died of Pneumonia BUY Scouts r walks. con wr lm'mm nwmlwl uuvs sts LAWRENCE number of )Pgisté’t‘f’d hull Calves, all from 1115 and good individuals. Stunt now to 'I'd by seeming one of these well‘bred bulls. Visitm's always welcome, Sunday excepted. an :Chm'ch St FAIR AND SQUAQE hum ret e r of the I. when um! (I): lll"ll HI] ho'ld luv 11- Inn] in tho Linn hm] wm k. etc, $1.50 p nlivcs [Hie :lll The n-gt tn .BHKPI' Ave. and Hnsovinw or $1.00 per foot down and vvvpnrt nf nu inn-sligaiinu by Dr. C. D. Howe iu the tmvushim (If Burieigh nud Mailman. This district is impor- tunt in that. while of very little Vain? as an agricultural :u-pn. it is being repeati-dly overrun lxv forest fires and the little wmnining merclmnmblp timbpr desn-uyed. It is sugngth than the area. be plum-d under the contro- nf the Dominion Fnrmt‘ry Brunch fur prule-ctinn from fires and fur rrfulesmtinn. til“ I! IN I)! numt cnnsm pl'tvN‘CllIHl (u? Hf pnl'liculul' inlvl-est ; lion. It. contains mu respecting tho wmk of fnrest, sl‘rVif‘PS and u departmean inn-mtvd' our formls. Accordidg to press 1 proposes to cut (xiii chemical pulp In C Nutmufly. all eyes at turnle Imvnrd Gun:qu [hm-summed deficiency. h l- urge plum hviuns th Fan’s: fifo pr-nh TIN I light l';|li\v m In In (hm nl'ticulnr It, (:nnt filing HM :mll Forest [‘rotection in Canada \ \\‘ Mini wall} s that, if wnmi pm RD. [in-“Wand M121“, \Vhite. nt \vulx'lsht’d in ()ntmiu. has :vlved spt-uinl utleminn, in u. 4’ an irn‘c-xligalinII by Dr. C. D. n the tmvnshim n1” Bm-Ieigh [H .hzlt, l[ Uun mu] prmhrcl usvne h-c-r m (If funâ€"St. {Illsmt-WHy :HVKI'UH. gl unmissinn t-f ( u-d u Ippnl L t In Canada. 191? Hist SMOKED Try us for «Iprmhrumg country. She l-Hu h-vr rvsunrvv» of fire «.f ful'kst lands along nul- [soot-Way. Tlnnugh cu- wn‘nn. gleut hmulwny has in svcm'ing the red'mcli‘ml of w lln-ungh fires traceable to) ls nf Buitfiwh (‘mll-Inxl'fin and- m lands in lhu \Vost have will) In reports cunninng '.f spv' ‘nl sl Iulie' mndncted in' pnhlit or SALT FRESH R. W. E. BURNABX I‘ROPRIETOR 1nd FISH 1m land umd‘u is wing: c. Tmm RICHMOND H1 LL. ONT. ‘cliun is :nssumimzw Hu‘ HLU‘H-LIIHI. IL is mud‘a is Ur ounlmne 1913- 191-1 st in this (mum-c- nuvh infornmtinn of the p) mincml uf the federal ‘ wi-tl‘u- the cure of 9 reports. Sweden E the export of Grout Britain. are immediately Ida to supply lhu msm vnlinn which cunm

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