Elite (3ng chuuoxo HILL. Una. Mch. 5). ltllli The Bay Snouts will attend a ('lrurt-lr t parade at the .\let lrodist (:lrnr ch, Thor n- hill. next Sunday at ll :2. m. The linen-hers of Rit-lrnnond Lodge. A.l“.& A..\l. are invited to pay a friendly \isit. to St. Andrew‘s Lodge. Toronto, next TU"5(lt}’ evening. Linnhii’jl). T. Atkinson who was’ in training at Dnndas has lirt'll home on sick leave for a few d tvs lart hopes to he aide to return to camp on Friday of llth‘ \vct‘k. ‘ The Girlw‘ Blitltt'll til the lied Cross Auxiliary line Changed their day of meetintz'l'rrnr Tuesday to H’ednesda)‘. and will meet in lilt' l’nl-lic School next, \Vednosd'ry at. 4 o‘clock. Mrs. Norman Malrln-tt of Lansing has heen linking a visit, with her aunt. Mrs. H. Bassingthwaite of (looks- tnwn. and her Cousin, Mrs. A. Thump son of Bradford. A mar-tint: of the Dne'tors of tho Richmond Hill Agricultural Society will he held in the (lounril (llrarnlrer on Saturday. March llth. at 2 30 p. m. A full attendance is requested. The ntrpilsof tlrv- Put-lit: School irr~ tend giving a Patriotic (Junta-rt m the Masonic Hall on \\'edm-sday evening, March 15. Adults 15:2. children llttz. Concert to begin at 8 o‘clock. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross." The Daily Star of Saturday gave the. names and photographs (1' twelve young men. graduates of Victoria Uni~ varsity. l916, who may go to the front as chaplain". Mr. J. F. Hittksotl of; this village was one of the group. \V. A. Danton. M. H. Brown and . Frank Denton. K. (5.. who have ln-t-n spending some Weeks at. French Lick Springs. lndiana. all fn-rnrerlyof Rit-h- mund Hill. are returning home In ‘l‘w ronto this week. Mr. Ernest. Humor-rand and Mr. E. \V. Fatnnr, lit-tit turreunl-Iers of B. (‘ an- pany. l53rd Btttalitm. Fur-gm. spent L\vo or three days with friends†here. and \vere guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Ma. son. They were accorrrpaniu-d by Miss Malrel Hammmrd. Sago, lh.. Mic. Pearl tapioâ€"ca, 3 lbs. 2.†.. .lava vice. 31m. 250. Pure gnlrl quick pudding. chocolate. custard, tapioca. arrwrrroot, 3 pks.. 25c. Pure l gold jelly powder. assorted flarnrs. 3 pks.. 23c. la‘runnd rice. 8 oz. pk.. 5c. Kellogg‘s biscuits. 2 pks. 25c.â€"Atkin- sun & Swim-1r. ,TheI funeral‘ot' the late Joseph Blan- . t_‘ll.‘l|‘d took plat-e last Friday. and was largely git-tended. A survive at. the house Was conducted lry Rev. S. A. Lawrence. assisted l-y Rev. J. it. Aikenhead and Rev. J. F. Uiekmar. and interment took place in the village cemetery. I The Eveningr Telegram had an item dated l’ittslmrg. Felt. 2%. which read as follows: " The end of tirneâ€"llllti.†it Was said that these words appear Elainly an an egg la'id Ivy a little white "ghorn hen. helonging to a intizt-rr of that place. “"0 Wonder who wasth printer ? The Daily Star of Saturd Iy and the Sunday \Yorld eau'n Contained photn- ‘ gravenrsm‘ fnnt Tut-unto menrhers of No. H Motor Amhulanre Utrtrvny now in France. pinturing them and their new car which thev (-nnstrncted in their-sparetrme. Two of the young “it!†are ll. Palrrrei' and E. l). Palmer. sons of Mn. Charles Palmor of this village. The March nret-tingnf the \Vonren's Institute. has heen postponed to'l‘hurs- day. llitl) inst. The rrreeting will he at, the home of Mrs. Allen at 3 o‘clock. Mrs. L. A. Hamilton. of Toronto. Well- known as an excellent speaker, will give the address, the. suhject to he: “Woman’s answer to the Empire's Call." An invitation is extended to any woman who Would like to hear Mrs. Hamilton. “'hito hygeian waists, with four garters attached. for girls 13 to 18. years. for 75¢. Hyzeian waists for girls? to 12 years. each zillr. Pillow cases. size 43 x 36. t-mln-oidered. hern- slitvhed l‘l' starlloped edge, at $l.0ll to $1.20 pair. {\len‘s Mack rihhed strt‘ks. J pair. No. New stock of daian collars. . ’ l iterah l l ,l‘I-l'll. Hlltll ltt'l .dio-d quitesrrddenlyTuesday:tt'tn-r noun, 'lravina llt‘t'il ill only a mantle of tlavs. Presbyttrian Church The minister will pmal'lr at set vitrrs Sunday. Mart-Ir BIL. Among those quite >t‘llt‘ll\l\' ill of late is Mr. (it't-igw .\Inrrktrr;rn. r-f llt'iitl- of out Irrr-mln-rs “ho is well on lwyrnd four swore \‘I-ars. Mrs. litre-ls. Mrs. liarnt-r‘s rnullreryg Severe Sorm lmth The worst storm of tho soason took ’ plat-t- Monday allot-noun arai evening. The snow tr: H) the vast was lllintling. turning in the t‘\‘r'tri;r;' to \lt‘t'l. arid thunder and lightning lollowrtl. The m~rn~us>inrr lines lr:r\‘r- law-1‘ lrhmkrll \'.itlr snow. lnrl lllt' .‘lellriptrlilnlr liail- \vay ran almost on st-lredtrlt- time. __s-,-.-, H c Hockey . .. Tho H. 9. linekey teams. jnnitrt and senior. “ill play a return llI'Ilt'll \vilh I‘Iglintun High St-lnml on Thursday. Mrs. Brurls had traclrt d the grrat ago of 5'0. l The Young Ptmplrs‘ Snrirty. Thurs. l day. .‘s' 1‘. III.. at the Maps“. Sulrjt-rl.’ "'l‘lrt- Bilrlo- as a factor in the rn-rking‘ ‘ of Lhararlrr." l.(’utl('l’. Miss M. Mae- i Marrh 9. A spot ial What is lzeing kruzie. rnade to lra\-- the game rtsult in a win The \Vomen's Missionary Snt-ivty ’ for the “Hill.†and a last garnr, r:- . aside $itltl,tllilt.UU asprovrsinn for pussi- arid vestees. with high or roll ta-llars. l he» yt-kes. in plain and {alley tn’t, fort 3h: to 5.3:.- e.n:li.â€".â€"\tkirrsutr k Switzer. ‘ *«’~4ï¬ The Chevrolet l Messrs. Roso & McMillan. who arel representativt's for the (‘rhevrulet e-rr fur Maple and vicinity. li'lVr‘ received l their demonstrator. whielt is now rni exhibition at their hardware store,’ Maple. Prospective huyers should see ,‘ this car before placing their orders. flowâ€"*â€" A. F. & A. M. t The regular meetingr of Rirhnrundl Lodge. Nu, 23. A. F. .vA. 31.. m t..-‘ held on Monday evening noxt. will llt'l in charge of the Past. Masters at the Lndge, and the L‘llllil'S will he tilled as follows : \V'. Bro. G. B. Newer y. \V. .\I. V. \V. Bro. T. F. Bit-M (hon. l. P. ll. “ “ T. A. L'turon, 5. \V. “ “ .l. H. Dunlap, J. \V. l " “ t‘. E. Hopper, 'l‘tt-asurer. ‘ “ “ D? Hill, Chaplain. “ “ T. H. Trench. S. l). u u \v. A. \vt-igm. J. n. l “ “ Rev. A. P. Bravo, D. oft‘. R. \V. " \\'. H. [wag-r, S. S. l " " Get). B. l’ar’g l’. J. S. I :: l: 1-). .\1. Byt- 9.1. o. ' George C.r\\'ie.'1‘_\ler. hold an all day quilting in the t'lllttlfllt pet-ially hettvoen lhf‘ Senior teams, is school roorrr Thursday. nxpertvd. l‘hnst- who itrt k a sinriliar ._.â€" ‘.- A_. trip last winter \vill ll'lill‘llllit‘l‘ the , plwrsant exerting and the r: treshments Coming providr‘d lrytlrt- l‘Iglinton High St-html. . . . ._ . . 'Hpi't‘ial t‘ar leaves itit'lrrrrond “ill 7 n P" F" i'ukp‘ Oi)‘.“'mn.‘ '0 \ iwg‘.‘ 5““ it. In. 'l‘tv't-Iil}"li\'e t‘t'lrls return. liv- l"""'l"9 “"lt‘ l‘d“““'t-lhl bl"“"l“lls" frt-slrrrrrnts and skating lit-[\Vi't'll and mu lru mmsrrllld almnt your lbyl's for mum" mm.“ Hpr'ctarles at Harrdersun's Drug Store, "’ a _"..~__~¢__ Richmond Hill, Tuesday afternoon fmrn 3 3|) p. m. to 8.1;") p.m.. Marti) 21. HeadiOFd The sperial strvires :rt llo‘adl'orl Prices right. (‘lllll‘t'll last Sunday wr-re partirul.~rrly satisfactory. There in rt- ;:o« d rou- lgrvgations lruth llll‘l ning and evening. "A l and those presrnt enjoytd (‘Xt'l‘llt‘lll l sermons. prearhed hy Rev. ll. Moore of Newton Brook. The home choir rendered good nrnsie. and the lire-Will nth-ring amounted to the handsome sum of $10.3. The Trustee Board foe] thankful to all whnassisted in making the special services a success. W~ Schomberg and Aurora Railway The l Suhzrrilm for Tim LIBERAL. DIED th;moxn.â€"~At the recidrnr-e of her nnphew. H. 0. Miller. Charlotte, North Carolina. Matt'lr 5. llllli. Ma- tild-r Trench. l'nrrneily of Richmond Hill. Otrt.. widow of the lat†D. (i. t Richmond of \Voods:m~k, 0nt.. in her 71st. year. lnternrnl-nt at day afternoon. \Vnodstork Thurs- managemont of the Toronto BaUEt.:.â€"~Atititlnnmutllill.minaret) 6: Yurk Radial Railway Cunnmny 7.19l6,.\lrs. Eliza Brnels. “ï¬lmy-of announct‘ the electriï¬cation of the the late Thomas Bruels. in her Ftitlr’ )‘Cni‘. Fur'a-ral Fr iday, at. ll! o‘t-lot-k. from lht resident'e of her son irrlaw. .1. ll. l Rainer. to Dixon's (it‘tnt‘tt‘l'y. Schomhvrg & Aurora Branch. This lnanrh lint- extends from Schomlrerg loSv-hmnlrerg .lnnrtion and has here- tofore been operated hy a steam lot-(.- motive. Large electric internrlran vrars and a more frequent SrIviL-t- is exprrled will increase lhe trafï¬c in this distrirt. A trial Service as out- lined below was inaugurated on \Vednesday, \Iarch 1st. and the servrre will he increased from time to time as llre traliit- warrants. Standard Bank Has Progressed in AIll .lts Departments l Annual Statement shows pyrat rnrrr-ase of deposits during year. while rash restart-s and qui it "~- sets are eXI-t-pt i4»rr:tll_\’ strong. lie: - ord \ u-r-y gratifying truth to share- holder-sand puhlit. (Jars will leave Si'lrorrrln-rur daily (Sui-days ineluded) at 7.45, 9.43 and ll.«l.’)a.m.. 3.45 and 5.45 ;.n.. makingr connection with the Metro- ('itl‘S (If politarr Division operating to Toronto and Newmarket. Although the alruorrnal t-onditions that have prevailed in the vomrrrert‘ia'. ï¬nancial atrd industrial \vorld during the past t\\‘r-lverrronths would natural- ly lead one to expect. a (lit tailnrr'irt < f husiness, and a serious fallingol'f in the earnings of our lratlkillg institu- tions. yettht-Annn'rlS'ratement of the Standard Bank of Canada. as of the On the return trip vars will loavn thv .iunt-tinn at 8,31) and 10.30 a. m.. 12.30. 4.30 and (5.3†p. Ill. Anyone desirous of olrtaining a copy of the time table may St‘t'lii‘P same upon :tpllllt'ttlill‘tt to l“. S. Li\in;zston. {ilst of January. l9lh’. whit-h .I]!D"ill'~' l‘ratï¬t- Manager, Toronto and York irrauother column of this piper. not-j It vdial Railway (,icnrrrrr:rrr)', Kin}! & Willislttralilrg thew t'lHIdiLinlrs shows ’ Church Streets. Toronto. 36 3 marked irrrprurement in all (ht-d. [Mt â€"' lllt‘llls of the lunk‘s business. and the steady progress and strength of this1 t‘li‘i"it-ritl_r managed Bank. The deposits rrrrw amount to $43.- (liiil.03tl.77, and show an int-reasn- dur ing’ the year of 35.033.944.00, snot-“mm! the unlmtmded Contidt-nm- I‘nj-iye'tl try the hank on the put of tho puhliV. and :llfl‘ltlillg a strikinr.r t'\l(lt‘)l('t:’ ol' the rapidly accumulating \u-altlr of, the Dominion. ' Another feature that mith he re- ferred to is the exceptionally strong position in whirh the Bank stands as regards hutlr its t~a~h r-rst-r-vt-s and quick assPis. These Ingerher-amount to the large- sum of $l8.41l.hlll,orntr'r‘ 42.72“o of its (leprsits, 'l‘heearnintzs of the Bank for the year have t'lirtlrlt'tl the Directors to p'-ry to the sharehold-l (‘rs a dividend at therr rte of li‘l'i. to st t‘ mam llltl I ()(ll{ your Harness over when 4 hitthing yum- horse and see it" there are any hrokerr parts. If so. (in not endanger your life driv- innr with Harness \vlrit'lr nerds re- pairing. In the next. pla'a- ASK YOURSELF \VilY do they nerd thesi- repairs? The question is slain answeredâ€"in nine cases out If ten they are Fat'ttny and Machine Sewn. \\’try not t':lll at ROBINSON'S and hny llarrress HAND Sl'NYN, whitrh Hill stand the Test of Timinand givelhe host. of satisfaction. Blankets, ltnhes. luludeprociatinn in securities held by the Bank, to contrrhnte $15.(llltl.tlt) tn the ()ï¬icer-s' Pension Fund, to pay the new tax levied by the Government on the Bank‘s (‘irt'nlatiorh 32%.99531, to C'lHIlJ'l’HIfl‘ $2ll,9(i(l lti lliv [it‘ll (fr'trss Mini“ ‘1'â€? (“-P"yllli'li‘: ,5†the and 01h“, Patriulic Funds, In“! W huddler line. Our lrrct's are carry forward to the credit of Profit (ill-V “itâ€: (“In “ml we “5' and Loss Account, the sum of $01,. (516.89. This is, irrtlt-ed. an ext-ellent rerord,l and must he rer \' g-atit'yirrg. not only tntheshareh-Ilders. hat to the ptllrlit' at W large. who Jllt' parlical ill}' Crlllltt‘l’ltt'tl I I in illr' progress of tire liuaneial institn- ' . v l - . trons of this (:nuntry. J \oxurg M‘rttctc'r Itrrnnoxn no.1. Harness & Saddlery! ll Robinson 'liOU'ii‘Aâ€"Wi‘VEiV A IN WEBMAN’D with classv lines: t‘nllv (rt-'12 Hell \v't'. s'etwlznrnrter and . . r t :t‘ltélau'tt‘r, Ill'i«_'t‘ Swill“) 170“, t)>l.a\\':t H. 0. Cousins, Weston Stile Agent West oi \vtlllgt‘ St. and slrtttll of Maple Sitlt‘tcad, inrlntlin}; Maple. R055 & gtCmLLAN' Still»;\g€nis r‘t-r Maple and Vicinity a t ' t EIi-‘Jvdl i. \ a; \ :1 mi’ $3.} n Make up Your Mind as You Make up Your List Having done this essential work, you will lind that you can please the one and hill the other Carefully at the Concrete House In all forms, varieties and qualities of General Merchandise there is no place in the country that equals ' Atkingqn H'rout: Crows .\" 3 run. .‘TttNDAYS IElnlbauk li‘nrnl w w 13 A}: (11$ 11‘ ‘1 'W 55 AI.AE4KI‘UrtEBrtEt) SHORTIIURN llEIFERs 0111' crop of mites for the past, season has net-n all lleil'ers. i am uttering a numlrer of nice. smooth Heifers, Bonus and Reds. from six taonths to two years old. also a few young Crows. Now is your opportunity to lruy a good one. to start to improve your herd. Tlrrit' Dams are all of grand milking iarrrilirs. also THREE YUl'NG “I'LLS Fit for service. (‘vome and ltmk them over whether you buy or not . 'J‘lros. 'l‘hornson rnosrs HEADFORD ltrt'nnoxo HILL Itlt. 2. (£01011.th W. Bright, Fellows too young to enlist ttll‘itl greatdenralrd for Business. | Three t'alls (tilt-ring $.31) each to start were )‘Ht‘r‘itt‘ll at; Head UlTitfl-‘s l of Shaw‘s Srhools in one tiny. It will pay in prepare. “'rite us. “Clihhaw, 395 Yonge St..annnto .I‘"‘7?\â€\'"“{‘t!‘"""?“~?"‘â€f‘l “a ‘ I _ zwgwooroéiï¬r't‘u éj"'tit15’,'t"3,lr"t"577 :55â€. " lllt PlCllllUNh PM. illlllllSlllllG 53 LJ 4 a J 1 Sill 5~{M W’f" m .51 below cost. Now is y :" up-to-date garment, as g, prices will be greatly {. u . “FY†’\ "" " “ALE-Alma» NORMAN Men’s Suits and Overcoat: l< t r er‘v’é’ui The ruling idea is to provide what the peeple want at prices the people can afford to pay &‘ Switzer’s .\ No \Vrtnxtssrm vs The Pressure Water System is the tii'stcssential to mod- er‘n sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country lronre or on a l'arm. lam prepared to supply the above system in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing done. Contracts taken for houses, now or old, at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. JOHN HlCKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. a; redtrctd away our chance to «get an out Spring and Fall advanced. Let us Show you what we have to offer. . . . . . J- GLASS PROPRIETOB L}A-‘$ï¬}\ré4dï¬ vw'dguwl a. a: g 1'44 Ed