Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Mar 1916, p. 8

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$115 ‘ Stock and Poultry Foods J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. REAL ESTATE VILL.AGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS ON HAND.‘e WALNUT GROVE STOCK FARM Langstaff THE STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA 1916 . . .L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capital Paid up . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reservg Fund and undivided Notes in Circulnlion. .. Deposits . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. Due to Banks . . . . . . ‘ . . Dividcgd payable lst profits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acceptances under Letters of Credit NORMAN BATTY RICHMOND in Canada Made WALL PAPERS i‘ire. Life, Accident, Plate Glass and C. R. James HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segils King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafi by appointment. â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€" STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS ON 315: {ANUARY, 1916, LIABILITIES MANAGER Sole agents for Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. Condensed from Government Feb‘ \Ve carry in stock a full line of Royal Purple and Dr. Hees’ Stock and Poultry Specifics, Disinfectants, etc. Royal Purple Calf Meal, 25 ll). bag for $1.10. Oyster Shell and Grit at $1.00 per lb. All the above soldâ€"at .Factory Prices. ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS Savage s 3,271,763.00 43,099,050 . 77 $53.822,121;1il AVlNG SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. selfâ€"trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room. and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over. and all the family will he pleased to have said they helped to select this paper. . . . . . . PRESENT OFFERING 4,061,646.89 97.500 .00 3.000.000 .00 7269156230 22,598.15 Phone Thornhill gétégtégiéggé Cash on Deposit Due by Banks.. British. Domini vinc-inl Gov other debts Loans on call in Loans and Discounts . . . . . . Dcposit .with Government Circulation Fund.... . Bank Premises (Freehold) other Assets . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . Acceptances per contra . . . . Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND [111. L Langstaff P0. HOUSE PAINTER, hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ in Central Gold Re . HEWISON and Vicinity Automobile Insul Report: nEsou RCES on ermd Pro- ‘ernment and Chunda 353.822.]2l 18,414,319 33,942,915 500,000.00 4,191.715.30 8,201,431.93 3.l9(x,429 2325.242 150,000.00 1.171.268‘75 120,519.60 22.598115 Phone IS lDCC iEltc fifillrml RICHMOND Iln M (lrvvn. Sulent 1:5 mtinvu. u-nns 8 months. J. H. Pl'l'lflilil'. mm. \Vodnesduy, March 1-5 â€" “nklein cattle, farm smck. implements. &(~.. 10(29, cnn. ], Markham. the- pmpm l y anus. Acvy. Sale at ln'clock. 'l‘m‘lm 8 months. J. H. Prentice. unct. Tlmrsduy.l\leu ch 1(Sâ€"Pux-e bred Holstmin cattle, farm Stuck, implements, &(-., 10L 5, con. 2. Markham. the property of Pearce ROhiHSUI’l. Sale at 1 o'clock. ’l‘vrmsSmonths. J.H. Prentice. nuct. F1idny. Mal-ch 17â€"me stuck, implo- ments, &c.. Int 11. (1011.2, \th. Y'crk. lhv pl-npm‘ty of T. \V. Mulhullund. Hahn-1L1 n‘cluck. Terms 8 months. Tuesday, M i mplvmvn l Scurlmrt‘, Tuesday. Mulch Zlime sfnck :md implcments. \vvsl half In! 5!. 2nd mm. \V'hitxflmrch. lht' ‘H'Upvl'ly nf()<\v:1hl Stmvnll. 8:110 :11 1 n'clm‘k. 'l‘m-nm T umnlhs. J. D. Rt'ndmnn. unit. Tuesday. March 21.~#F:nm stm-k. im- plements. clu. lut lh‘. mm. 2), Mink- 1mm.lht-pruperly (If .I. \V. \Vhitv. Sale :1! 1. Terms, mnnllw. J. H. PI-enlive, nucl. “'vdnesdny. March 22.â€"~Fill'ln SUN'k, Implements, emu. Int 11mm. :3, Mal-I;- hnm,1he [)I'fipf’l'tV Hf (film. I)llll‘_V. Sale at 1. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prentice. :mvt. Thulsdnv. Max-ch 23.â€"F:u~m stuck. im- plements. Mr... Int 23. (cm). 6, Mark- lmm. the m'npeltv nf Jnhn Bond. $.11th J. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. Ffidny, Max-ch 24â€"Farm stock and implements, etc., lot 5, con. 2. Mun-kâ€" hum. must of Thornhill. the property of E. Fnlh-r. Sale at one o‘clock. Terms 8 months. J. H. Plentice. auctioneer. Munduy. March 27â€"«Hnrsos. vehicles and harness :lt Thm-nhill. Lh» propertan \Vm. Pilvhfmlh. Snlu * - ~ A m n , AL , I II tho pl-npvrty of T. \V. Mnlhullund. Sulv at 1 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. J. H. Premium uuct. Saturday, March 18.~125 more farm. farm stock, implements, furnitme, otc.. lots 14 and 15, con. S‘, Markham, the prnperty of G. M. Hnllmnn. S:_lle at 12. Terms, 8 mos. J. H. I’M-mice, :mct. )‘lnnduy. March 20 --Anclinn 5:119 (vi 100 new farm. lot 18.cnn. 8, Mark- h:un,:1t zlo'clnck. on the prvmisvs. JOE. G. Hm‘w-r. Exs-vutnr. Tuesday. March 21~me stuck and ilnplumcnts; \vost half Int 9. 2nd mm. *** rr\,A...I.1 { OR SALE.â€"~Onv pair Pure-111m] Poniesâ€"nun? and filly. hnLh yunng and snuud, about 317.1; hands. :L H ry preny pair. \Vill sell tngvlhm or separate. H. H. Atkinson, Newlun Brnnk, on Yonge street. 37-2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 4 Al I) V lhrm Ufiic W“??? Itnrdny. March 11 ‘â€"- 1-m- inmlvlnenls. &('.. Int 4. \Vhilchurch. Hw vapvrty l’nllurtk. Huh-sit l n‘ulmk \VfRIS'l‘ \VATCHâ€"Lnst :It ' hill rink. Feb. 19. Re LIBERAL Uflice. Inean [he pr 8 Immth 3 pieces; hnt ‘ {mod furnace Lot '50 x 220 ft terms given. [(‘(Hll- trim. Elect: convenience tern. etc. I 3100151110. R plement church. Sale at, I I’m-mic: “have sin- fr old. from I: 37 good seed pens for sale. muis Clmnenb, Lot 28. Vaughan. Phoneâ€"Maple 1060 1 Elgin .\1 my time. (‘. Eu 1 o‘clock. Prentice. HW DOR OR SALEâ€"A Jersey an. nan-Iv due. John \Voods. Richmond Hill. 36-3 EED PEAS ICED OATS â€"â€" Out: for sulv. R. E. Perkins, O RENT hOl'St AID \VANTEI) three. Apply Office. house, 51x rnnnm HUI". Elven-i gTEDâ€"A few tuns of Mungles F. J. Munshridgo. Mill Street Richmond Hill. 27-2 RENT l:ll'(‘h 13.- 4, etc” 11 [hp pl'up Tun-ms SAL} :luct- March 14 , llw Sale at 11y ichmond P. at :\ m ll] Aucfion (-1.10â€"1 s, lilsL-t {it :9 :IL 'J‘hm'nhi] \\'m. Pilrhfmlh Terms 8 months O ice. 2.800. lmmnd Hill Neil McKenzk light lul AIS( ONT Ill] pm About 40 bushels Ilv Sales Improved Banner “Him or phone Ghllllle P.0. 572 . Sale at 1 o'clock H. Prentice. nuct Mm stuck, implo ‘nn. '2, \Vest. Y'crk pen-[y xcksmith sh mus and (-ypre-s furnace and “UN hack kitchen. ci: 80!). Apply .l. A nlh Hursos. vehiclps Thm'nhill. [lu- at ll. Elgin Mill mf M pres hull) '[n :1 family of THE LIBERAL nth II'IH HI Huhlt 11.2). Mink \V. \Vhitv |lh<. J. H H) at Thorn- ]{ewnrd at |l| \Vil (Tlvd Ill) ll( llhl App'. un. (. III) \Vhit 36 19H I'IIIS brick n and ll) M 364 llS US \Vnm't-n’s hm lime- in tho ()1 those \vusgivv held hull. :lllm ‘Rink Thin her indul; gnnizl-(l on 'lhursuny, March 2. 'l'hv following officers were ('l(‘Cl9dZ PH‘si- (lont. Mus. Galbraith: vicupxosidvnt. Mrs. I. A. “'11th socretmy. Mi<s M. Snider; tI-Pnsmor, Miss E. Strva ; cnmmilttw. Mrs. J‘lerdmnn. Mus. Rise. hmugh, Mrs. H. B. Schmidt and Mls. Dean. In THE STANDARD ANK OF CANADA The Direetolrs beg to submit to the 5 Report and Statements 0; the Bank as of with the Balam-e Shee'. of Profit and Lo the year's operations. It will be observed that Deposits have and now amount to $43,099,050; The Circulation by $574,560, and no“ The Cash Assets amount to $12,893,“ The Quick Assets show an increase $18,414,819; Loans to the Public $33.942,914, as against $31,426,114 a year ago. The Net Profits, after making provision for cost of management, accrued interest on deposits, rebate of bills discounted and providing for bad and doubtful debts, amount to $563,401, being equal to 18.78 per cent on the capital, or 8.04 per cent on captal and rest. This amount added to the balance of $53,140.63 brought forward from last year, makes the sum of $616,542.40. which has been appropriated as follows:â€" Four quarterly dividends at the rate of 13 per cent per annum, amounting to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $390,000.00 Contributed to Officers‘ Pension Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000.00 Contributed to Patriotic and other Funds .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,900.00 Government Tax on Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,995.51 Reserved for depreciation in the value of securities held by Bank 100,000.00 Balance carried forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,646.89 Branches of the Bank have been opened during the year. atâ€"Eston, Saskc Lamond. Alta; VVooler, Ont. (sub. to Trenton), and In Toronto, Sask; Lom Bathurst St‘ at Conseoon to Lindsay) Branches of the Bank have been opened during the year atâ€"Eston, Sash: Lomond. Alt:1.; VVooler, Ont. (sub. to Trenton), and in Toronto. Bathui‘st Sti, opposite Arthur. St; Eglinton, No. 2451 Yonge St. and closed at Conseoon, Ont.; Crescent Heights (sub. to Calgary. Alta.). Dunsford (sub. to Lindsay), Hamilton Mountain (sub. branch), Locust Hill, Ont. (sub. to Markham), Malvern. Ont. (sub. to Markham.) The number of branches now open is 121. Duringr the year the Bank subscribed to the Dominion War Loan for $1,000,000, and was allotted $357,800, on account of its subscription. _ The usual. inspection of the Branches has been carefully made during the year and it affords me pleasure to record the zeal and efficiency of the staff. ' The auditor, Mr. Geoffrey T. Clarkson, of the firm of Clarkson. Gordon & Dilworth, Toronto, whose report is appended, is eligible for re-election as auditor for the ensuing year. Notes of the Bank in circulation . . . . . Deposits bearing interest (including interest 7 to date) Deposits not Dividend No. 101. payable lst Fabruary, 1916 Balances due to other Banks in Canada. . . . . . . . . . Acceptances under Letters of Credit . . . A . . . . . . Capital paid up . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward Deposit in the Central Gold Reserves ..... Notes of other Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheques on other Banks . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than inCanada.. ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . Dominion and Provincial Government Securities not exceeding market value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canadian Municipal Securities and British, foreign and colonial public securities other than Canadian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks not exceeding marketvalue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current coin held by the Bank Dominion Notes held . . . . . Call and Short (not exceeding thirty (1 bonds, debentures and stocks . . . . . Other Current Loans and discounts ii interest) . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . Liabilities of customers under Letters ( Real Estate other than Bank Premises Okerdue debts, estimated loss provided Bank Premises. Deposit with 1! Other Assets m‘ I‘ht HI the chief of .e 01 received from its 1 ties at the chief ( I certify that in view of the,state the explanations ‘ In addition t1 chief office and c chie me : the the f Wood transac}: been “'1'. O\V FOR SALEA‘YIHI ( W. F. COWAN. President. GEORG ‘HE 41st Annual Meeting Canada was held at the Toronto. on Wednesday, Shareholders were present it, and the Srvretury tea Side onto. I wir nnnu: Markham 1t All i )I'On Farmers‘ lnslltute Apply XV bearing interest Thornhill lw Linn \I'IH'I‘DR'S REPOR warm] the above 53 GENERAL STATEMENT not m Mmiste Eâ€"“Wth ("Alf hy John Slinvy, Elgin 3TH mars" lnstitutc fair in the lnwr exceeding thirty days) 5 and stocks . . . . . s and discounts in C Lry read the foll to submit to the 0; the Bank as ( L of Profit and I nf ’l‘ln lhl‘ T11 an the the 9 th for \"il 1H of the Shareholders of the Standard Bank of Head Office of the Bank. 15 King St. West, the 23rd of February, 1916. A large number The President, Mr. W'. F. Cowan, took the l the following report:â€" lit to the Shareholders the Forty-first Annual Bank as of the 3lst of January,'1916, together pl Lin cost. less amopnts written off the purpose of Cu‘culation Fund LIABILITIES. llllll- I in- wed lhe- pl tio lllo n l\‘ ll): hill hill K.( Th1 and now amounting $12,893,147; 3n ASSETS. ; reqL come TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Ice Sheet with the books a : of Canada. and with the c‘ E P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. LARKSON M P. SCHOLFIEL'), General Manager. li‘(’)]{ SILIJE II. 43L. Nivholls increased by ruli1 Hill anada llll accrued : Slst Qf Account, ins in 548,6 W. F. COWAN, President. rlv nt $33,986.616.0 9,112,434.? :\. NH'LI $1,549 51, and now stand at the Forty-first Annual January, 1916, together showing the results of contra ritten off anada the sum M fnl ll\,~‘â€"~(\l)(‘ In RiK‘hanlld Hill. $3,271,763 , and in Toronto. age St“ and closed 21.), Dunsford (sub. Hill, Ont. (sub. to ate 239.93 192.00 n “L Vitzlmin mil; in Mank- Sheet. adjnining the tnd Hill can he price that will SPECULATIVE Ind I)“ l)( and accounts. at certified returns tying the securi- In $18,414,819 353,8 99] 33.749 48,099,050 97,500 269,562 22,598 hmlllti hmnm 3,000,000 4,000,000 3,271,763.00 lil $390,000.00 15,000.09 20,900.00 28,995.51 100,000.00 61,646 . 89 atâ€"Eston. II|( $5,058,944, 201,431 500.000 231.719 367,335 llt 2mm 311,87 100,519.60 343,52 20,000.00 1 93,575 . 99 171.268.75 150,000.00 541,024 lll 61,646.89 I‘lu rill uh]: ilh securi t, 1916 660 339 21.1]. 98 .11 90

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