ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO F. J. WUDDWARD,I PATRONAGE Soucx'rED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SHOEING LAME AND INTEMZBING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUUDWARD. Goods called for and delivered. if de sired. Send list of article-s with each parcel giving residence und name in full. He solicits patronage and guarantees sntisfuctiun. has removed h€s Laundry to the build mg three doors north of the Post Ofï¬ce FOR FURTHER II‘IE‘ORIVIATIIH‘I WRITE C. A. SKEELE J. T. IOCKF. Richmond Hill \V1\I.ROBINSON. RICHMOND HILL GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Tie undersigned has taken the agency fur the E. D. Smith 00.. \Vinona, for all kinds of Nursery Stuck. NURSERY STUGK Richmond Hill Annex Order now for spring delivery G. I. HINAS The Ford Runnhnnt is $480: the Coupe-let $730: the Sednn $890: tho Tuwn Cu).- $780. All prices are f.n.h. Ford. Ontario. All curs (:(anleu-Iy equipped. in- cluding electric hmdlighm. Equipnwnt does not include speedometer. Calls on sale uL Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Take a little comfort as you goâ€"especially _if you can comb’ne it with proï¬t. The man who owns a Ford has provided healthful enjoyment for his entire faunin and equipped himself with an economical servant; as well. Building Lots on Yonge St., BCIant and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms Ford Touring Car Price $530 “MADE IN CANADA†EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES ATIUN WRITE OR SEE J. T. LOCKE 6: CC., L. C U R ’1‘ HS RIGEMOND HILL Motor Repairing Done TERMS GIVEN 0N MOTOR CYCLES In Marble Ol'(‘h‘flllit9. Good work reasonabe charges. Town or Country \Vx'ite, W. A. JONES. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING, ETC. +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Monuments. Markers and Comer Tombstone I. entering A. J. HUME Tailor IO Adelaide St. E, Toronto CLEANING . CURTIS J AGENT FOR PRESSING REPAIRING 22 Bucha nan St‘ ’usts. Toronto l The boys and girls of the Empire League who recently gavean enter- tainnwnt to assist in raising funds for Red Cross Work met at, the home of Mrs. Mylks Monday evening. and spent a social hour or twn In games. aflvrcertain routine work was ï¬nished. Mrs. McMahon gave a talk relative to the war. a rd complimented the League an the suckm-ss of their ontertaimnent. During the waning Mrs. Mylks who assisted thv members of the League in their dialogues. weitalinns, drills. &C. was presented hv Dorothy Dunlap. on behalf of the League. with a beau!"- ful bouquet of Carnatinns. and an addrrss was read by Mabel Rnhinson. Refreshnwnts were? served and all retired at an early hour. The ofï¬ce-rs of the League are: Pl-esidr-nt - - Gnu-a. Benson Viceâ€"Pres. - - Alhv-rt Hill Treasurer - - Ularpnce Mylks Secretary - - Loretta. Robinson ï¬T Good six-roomed house on‘ Richmond St... Kiuhmund Hm Small rental, immediate posses~ sion. 'n’ One hundred acres. vicinity of Bethesda: six man frame hnuse, bank barn. hug pens and hennm-y. A small cash pay- mentrvqnired and the balance may remain on mortgage at 5%. A ban-gain. ‘J Seventy-ï¬ve acres of rich clay soil. vicinity of Victoria. Square, Markham township; comfortable house of the usual fan-m type, gnnd bank burn near- ly new. running stream nn waste hind. ThlS is :1 real good fun“ at a very reasonable price. A. E. GLASS Mr. and Mus. "Sandy" Pugsley passed through Uhituguun their Way to their new home In the \Vest. last Saturday evening. They wet-9 met, at [he dl‘pliL by Miss Pearl Barker and Mr. Holmes Urnsan wlm enjnypd u «leh‘ghlful Vialt with ihe young couple, until they r‘nnLinuvd their journey towards St. Paul and Minneapolis. 1T One hundred and ï¬fty acres uf ï¬rst-class workable land in Markham vanship, Ym'k Cnunlv, cnnvvnient m Ynnge Sn; splvndid brick house and ï¬ne- !muk barn. running: stream. gnud urchard and plenty hf shade trees. Price and terms of this beautiful farm on applica- Linn. Once again the Government has voted down the Opposition prorosal to grant the vote to the women of the Province. Mr. Hearst claimed that during the war was no time even to debate the question, but Mr. Mc- Donald,mover of‘the Bill and Mr. Howell and the other Liberal speakers, showed that there was no need for any dissension on the question if the Government would agree to it and thus let the Bill pass the House unan- imously. In the Western provinces women have been granted the suffrage since the war began and without any dissension. ' The speakers pointed out the wonderful self sacriï¬cing services performed by the women of the Province in connection with the war and declared that now was the time to recognize these services by granting the vote. a number of young men in bur midst who would look well in the khaki uniform. Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhoods have done well in recruiting for the 127th Battalion. The outlook is growing brighter, but. many men and much mOney may _\'CL be required tocnsure the complete success of the allies. There are yet MORTGAGES BOUG HT The Government has decided to give prohibition for Ontario. The bars will likely be closed by the first of September RICHMOND HILL. 0 E119 iiihrrnl PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL Richmond llill in Chicago WOMAN’S S UFFRAG E FOR RENT Empire Leayue FARMS ‘N'I‘.. Mch. $11916 \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST HIGHLAND LAKE FARM HOLSTEIN FREESIAN BULLS Kingsdale Builders’ RI‘MBLE ~ 0:) 'l'lnnulny 1916. \Villinm lLlInhlv ./V. J. LAWRENCE, \Ve are no“ in the Spring svusnn. but if it, were not. for [he Allnnmlc WI' wnnld scarcely know it. “'ALTONâ€" At AuI-m-n to Mr. and 311s. J daughter. EIBFONâ€"Nenr Richmond Hill. Thurs. day morning. Murle :3. [916. Jul-e Brown, widi Hf the late Fulh-rlun Gibson. aged 80 yours. JEFFERSON are selling only the best funds and cater to folks who appreciate pleas- ant, satisfactory service. Funeral ml Mnndny, 20! h inst. :II p. In. from hiw Into- w-sideuv». 2nd concession of Vaughan. h- anll' Cemetery. N) Economyis the Nation’s Watchword cise his right, to deal Fuiuly and Squarer with people. There‘s a lot. of pleasure and ï¬nancial prt-ï¬l, to be derived in this manner. \Ve TI It is pleasant for a man to vxor- Some choice lots on Church St., Baker Ave Ava. hhexal discount for cash, or $1.00 per three to ï¬ve year agreement. Cinders for walks. concrete wmk. etc A large quantity of )1 quart baskets on hand Flowers tastefully arranged for Weddings. funerals. etc Roses, Carnations. Chrysanthemums and other flowers in Phone Richmond Hill, or nights and Sundavs Nm-th 99‘ Flowers tastefully an Funeral notice later FOR SALE, .1 numhm' (If wgistered high testing dams and gt-Ud indivic improve your held by SBClllillg one of Prices Right. Visiturs always welcol GREENHOUSES RICHMOND HILL GREENHOUSES AND OFFICE 152 ROSELAWN lee Fire Brick Plaster Paris Etc. E. H. MCKENZIE, \VILLOWDALE BORN DIED LAWRENCE MCDONALD Hard) '2]. 1916, M. \an'ul). n Hard Wall Plaster Phster Boards Mortar Colors :, Also 1'“ FAIR AND SQUARE Mnhh “1. in his 73nd ut'lnulus anunmernowmsin season ghts and Sundays North 2221, City of ngistPl'Pd hull Cain's, n†from grmd individuals. Shut now to HONESTY as THE 3851' POLICY .' . IT IS ALSO PLEASANT EXERCISE 5 one of these well-lued bulls s welconm, Sunday excepted aker Ave. and Roseview $1.00 per foot down and Mr. G nngn Muginn is leaving mu- npighh. mum! Ihis \verk. mmng m Aururn u-hmv lhl-y will continue fnl ming. Miss Floss-‘1'" mum is IL'COVPIEHg from :m "Mark I f nuimv, Misk Allâ€iv Dihll is visiting relatives at .|o~ï¬'--I.~nn. The Sn-ltlim-‘s Aid Sncivly hvld their meeting nu 'l‘uc-sdny mowing uf this \vevk ul lhv huuw u] Mru. J. O‘Connor. Mr. G nlgn Mnginn is leaving mu- neiuhhulhnhd lhis \verk. "lining in Alum-u u-lu-u- lhl'y will continue The Victoria Square hranch of the \anun‘s lns‘itun- will have their I'vmllur nmnlhly "we-ting in the Public Hull. “'vdnesday aftrel'mmn. March 29 at 2.30. Programmeâ€"Hull Gull. Help- ful Hth: Paper. Mrs. R. KHm-k:Snln. Miss Myrl Ie \Vilsnn: Rmding. Mls. Ed. Brmvu. quslinnDrawer. , $1.50 per team load Sulmcl'ibe for THE LIBERAL. WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN GROCERIES 7" It» HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS llll FRESH VEGETABLES 3F Cement Sewer Pipe \Veeping Tile Flour and Feed' VERY WEEK-Exp A\'E.. TORONTO Supply Co’g R. XV. E. BURNABY Woman's Institute paid. and the- sk:1tingfim-, «(on and huwugnud limo. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Teston E, ONTARIO I'RUPRIETOR SON