Orgnnâ€"“ lh-sunnah“ (Chorus M nus), Hartman. Organâ€"(n) Cantileno Nam-ï¬le: (h) Pmyer "0 him!) of God. Thuu that, mke§t away the sins of the \vnrld. have ml‘rcy upon us. Luret. Snlo (Baptismal) “There's :1 Land for Little Children." Hauler. Organâ€""Vision," Bib]. Anthmâ€"“O Clap Your Hands To- gether." Turner. Organâ€""March Sole!)nel!o."Gmm0d. EVENING Organâ€"(uPEvenihg Rest." 3th :(h) “Andante Religiosu,†Hailing. Opening Sentnnr‘eâ€"“Genuy. Lord, 0 Gently Lead Us," Huwlgy, Anthcmr'ï¬e-‘U'or My God to Thee." ‘ Cuthbert Hamis. Orgrmâ€"-“.\Ielndie in C," Salome, snpmno Solo. A Anthem â€" †ï¬rming: 72.4"": tr. Yesterday's \Vnrld in I-Pferring to Mrs. Maxwell‘s lllth birthday. which was ï¬ttingly celebrated an the lmh nf Mun-ch, suys that [he suhjvcl of the article was “born in slaw-1y." That is :m H‘rm'. Our vstvempd citizen newr was .1 slave. She was fl‘é‘t‘illll'll in Pennsylvania. Mud (mum In this vmmt‘I-y with hur hmhandjust pn-vium to th Amt-rimâ€) Ci\il \Vnr which I) ~g-m in 1861. ("UR The Richmond Hill Girls Hockey team will plav the return match with Thornhill Red Cross girls at the Thornth Rink nn Monday night. March 27. Game tn star: alt 8.15 p. m. Skating hefnru and :‘tfll’l' the u'iilllt‘. Band in attendance. AdmiSSinn 15c. Everybndv Come for the lust event of the scusnn. 25v. \Vhiu» lrnvn [+- dery trimuwd. PHK'h lawn "pl-(ms wiLh above, hem. 23u.â€"AL APRONsâ€"‘Vnnwn's nll-nvm‘ aprons. light (‘Ullll't‘d print, tench 50c. Bhw and white check gingham aprons with 9 in. frill. each 2250. Plain print aprnns in stripe and dut, pullvrus. much 25v. \Vhitv lnvu tr-u “pl-nus. Pllllll'fli- dery trimuwd. Pill'h 25c. Long White lawn upmns wiLh hand of insertion nbovu hem, 23c.â€"ALkinsun A: Swiizer. Tm» rink: {rum tho Lukm‘ioyv Curling Club mmw up Munday and played gunws will) the ln-ml links “human†and rw-ning. The hnme ['I'ums wnn in H]? :lftt-lnnnn. hut, llw \isitnrs wm-u 2|ht‘fld [hm-e points in the m (-uing. Mnnday's Glulu- states that Mr. J. M. \Vultun. hnnkpr at AIIH‘I‘H. leuves thus \vr-I'k fur Vagrm I'HP. All:l.. wth h» \vil‘. put :I 1.001) :u-rv full†nmlPl' Cullivminn lu'fnw hi- winrn. Thl'PI‘ Cil)"|lild~‘ nf SP-‘t‘l‘l's‘ e'lfwrfs will gm \viLh .\l r. \Vultnn. Shnwfs Business Sch'mls. Tun-(mm. zu-e re‘Uluiling Yuung \VLHIPH m partiuuhr m lmin fur lhe ranks m an‘invss Life. 'l‘ho- demand for Stenngruphms and Office Assistants was never Sn keen. 'l‘heso schools du not close during the summer munlhs. MuSIc for Sundav. March 26, in the Presbyterian Church WALL PAPERS â€"â€" “‘9 :n-n shnn-ing wall pupeh‘uwry (lay. Snuu- pxmplu think i[ Pauly Ln lmy. but it is um! [on early to look. [fig :1 panslll'P tn slunw Inn-stuck. Prices me within reach of all. 81', {9150. pm u-ll. â€"â€" Alkinsmn & Switzt'l. Captain N. Kim: \Vilsun of thr- Impelinl Army MediCul vaicv, sun n-f Dr. \V.1'J. \Vili‘tlll of 330 \Vpst, Blam- St.. Tnl'untn. is In Landon nu short 19mm, after lI-n lnunlhs in Gullipnli and the Near East. an' links (If “I? Curling Club \vpul lollw city yeslmdny aI‘H-rnnnn. and matches were pluyml with The Lake- \‘i9\\'s .HflPl‘llunll um] P\'I'l|iiIR. The home. rinks were succm‘sful by a fu\\‘ points. er, Surat, \\'. PaUnn mndv a shunt visit at his hnme vvslr-nlny .mrl rullml nn us many friends as hi“ shm-t time would pe-nnit. previous 10 sailing fur m‘vrseus service. At Hw annual NIH-ling of tho ‘VPSL Ym-k Lilwrnl Aswcisltiuu Uwfullmving “mom's “'PI'P e-IPctHl :â€"Pwsidvnt. Dr. Sersun. Mimic“: Vick-Prue" (‘rllHl'lPs Irwin: SPcy.-'l‘re-a<.. James C Culnun. Mr. Jnnnthnn \Vingvr and sislm, Lena. left Mundny H'Pning for Kin- dersley. Susk., \‘m Cumulinn Nurlhuln n“ the “my. Mrs. 51mm and His. Harvvv WI†he at. hmue \Vednesdny. Mulch 29m from lhl'ee to six. A l'nhin was seen in Richmond Hill Monday morning. He certainly gut .1 can] r¢~cvpti()1). Mr. Alvin Baker of Kindm'sh‘y. Sash. vi<itvd this week with fliends at Vlulm in Sqmm- und Gnrmlvy. RICHMOND HILL. own, Mch.(23>. 1976 ‘mwn Hy. Hockey Match Always Free MORNING wuh‘. flihcrnl Brings .' (b) that have Lt. Gnl. Bruwn's lunthm'. him. F. F. M. Bum-n, whu \V'u‘ in muunmnd (-f "G" Gunman)" l2fh Rc-giuwnl. and SPm-Ptury-TI-o=n<urur vhf lhr‘ Cullng PI-Hw, Limit-«l. i- S-JI'VIIH.’ on the. stuff of the 35th Overseas Baltnlmn. LLUnI. Bruwn is PI-veldvnt of 1119 Cr-Hcâ€"‘gv Plvss. Limited: :1 nwmlwr of the (J‘unrulinn\Mmlllfm:r:II-ers‘ Assoc-ia- linn : the Graphic Arte ; B'mrd of TradP: and is mumr‘cted with nI-Iny fraternal m-ganiznliuns. lu-ing Past Presidr-IIL (If {.0ng Snrrry, 8.0. E. 3.5.: Fast Muster Smlnn [.v-dgb‘. A.†L',\V.: mmnhH-uf Sim-van lmdgru Nu. 218. A. F.&A.M.. and (hunt Iranhm'. 0.0.1". H9 is also .1 mvmhvr (If Uullvgt' SH'H’I PreShytw'iHn Uhm-rh. Lt. Cm]. Bruwn‘s hmthm rum- 5‘ I? r.t. CHI. B. H. Rv-nwu i; th I-Hvsl won of IA. 71". F. \V. Brawn. and sur- cm-dntl his fnlhur in m-mmand uf Campuny. UH) vainwnr. UPC. H. 1907. and Was prI-mnlvd (n In. CHI. July ll), “)5. LI. (Yul. RI-vhvn hns nu-l' slxtt-‘Pn \‘vars’ svn ire In his r‘I-ndit in Hip l3'h Reginwnt and hue :ntmuh‘d PVPI')‘ un- mm] training during that Imw. with 1h:- FXI'PplllulllIflh“"Ski-1H1â€) Camp" wnuvymu-s HEâ€. He has taken gloat interest in rifle shunting. llix‘ cmnpanv [Pam hmng War. {he Reginwnml Shield ï¬ve yPax-s in succe-ssmn. Having :u-tm] :m Adju‘an’ uf [hp Roginwnb prm‘icme to taking over duties (m the I'VPI'M’HS hnrmlinn. ht- was instrmnvnml m raising lhn nu- mvrnus quntn frmn the Rn-giment [0 Various (worsens lmtlulinns. Ll. (Yul. Brmvn. win» was sm‘nnd in cmmnund of the 127th Yurk Banal-r5†Overseas Battaliun. has. un the recum- nwndulinn of Brigudivr-Gvnm'al Lugiv, rm-vivwl nth-rrianlnn from Ottawa h-furmnnnlhwrButmlinnuftlw127(1) Yurk Rangvrs fur nVr‘rSNHQ spy-viva Thi~ Bultuliun will start at-Iin- lm'l nit. ing as smm as thr- I271!) Bnltnlinu, which is :llmnut, up In sum-gm, has hevn cumlvh-twl. LIEUT. COLONEL B. H. BROWN IN COMMAND OF THE 230w] YnnK RANGERS OVERSEAS BATTALION Th? Young People's Sucirty day at 8 p In.. "Sm-in] and Uundiliulls Hf UH»- Limt' Hf Ann Lust. Sunday mm ning th exchanged pulpits with va Simphvn uf Avenue Rum] Pres Chuuh. My. Stvphvn gave n | (“scnlll‘se‘ un "The Dangers th Middle Agv. Sunday. March 26th. tht- Minidvr will preach at, both son-view ; nun-Hing subject. "Unnscivnce m- Chl'lSH" t‘\'t’- ning. “(Ihickens Come Ht'lllt‘ tn Ra-nsl." "Hzn'9 you (lune anything I0 lwlp Win the war? was asked an able-lude young man in the strm‘t. "Such an :Ihallld question" was [he I‘Pply. “Halve ynn never hvnrd nw sing “'0'†Never Let. the Old Flug Fall." ROSE & Mci‘glLLAN, Sub-Agents for Maple and Vicinity with classy lines; . . . self starter The CHEVROLET Presbyterian Church fxgent Wési M 3" llld-‘I_\‘ xnnlning th ministur d pulpits with RM‘. F. \V. ’f Avemw Rum] Preshytm inn My. Stvphvn gnu- n plnfnnnd (In "The Dangers that BvSeL Dialogue I'veldvnt of [hp , :1 nwmlwr of turn-5‘ Assoc' fully equipped with speedometer and price $675.00 19.0 B. Oshawa fangb St. and s‘oiith of Mapie Sidemad, including Maple. . . . . . . . . ‘Hld' Puliticzfl Amos." Cousins, Weston Thm S- ‘lï¬ ! YONG}; STREET sitn-itinn in Ontm-iu in a inlvrm‘eing and illstl'uCU :lndivnm‘. The meeting ‘ 11w animml nnthun. cvlqgltsied which :1†Could pl-aclisn. The lvcturur prewntmi lhe whan RIGHMUND HILL Harness & Saddlery n-lm-y pf [hp Mux'knku Sunilurimn Assnciutinn. gnvv n lectnw in lhv Mns‘unic Hall nu 'l‘ulwrmllusis. TIN- Imam-91- dvmmwtrntvd the slnw and 119â€ny nnlur» of the prugros‘m-f diwnsv in the (mllx‘ uf the: lung. Hc- anhn- ï¬lm! [he impnl [unu- uf Hurly (hrlgnusir and 1wh1tvd nut, [hut nmnyjeupmdizod their rerovey y by d9] Iy. “P drscrillrd lhv work uf Mnskau F1149 Hnspital. imlivatmi how fmv patients contributed anything to their uminlenuncv and tho very many who paid nulhing at all. Many muthnth nf prewntmn \vme Sundin awning :lftm SPIViL‘PS Rev. J. H. Dvl ROBINSON‘S and buy Harness HAND SE\VN, which will stand the Tr-sl nf Tilll(',Hlld givvlhe hest uf sutisfnctiun. Blankets, Robes, Mine. and everything in the Saddlery line. Our Pziccs me Cin PliCt‘s. Gullund seens. . . The Auxiliary dw-idwi :0! its lust meeting to ask every residan in Rich- mnnd Hill to make :I Innnthly cunni- lmtion fur Red (Vi-035 \wu'k. Tth :n-v malny wnmen nnd girlc in our \‘illngr‘ who are sewing. knitting and making surgical suppiivs, and :L gum] dvnl «f nman is wquin-d tn hnv the. nvcassmy Inn-twink. Last. year the required mum-y was raiwd hv a series of t‘llLPl'- [:Iimm‘nh. for which the pvuple “rm-e- :Iskml nmny linws annnhihulv. It, is (havught that it “'ullid in- IHllCh eusirr and henna-tn ask :1 I-t-gnlur nmnthly cunuihnliun frnm PVPI)’ rosidvnt. | I ()UK ynnr [Ln-sts over when 4 hitching ynnr hm‘se and SOP if thew are any lm-kvn parts. If su. ([11 not endanger vnur life driv- ing with [1:11-st5 which nerds IP- pniling. [n [hr- wat. place ASK YOURSELF \VHY do lhev nerd lhesl- repairs? The qm-slinn is 5min HnsWt‘H’d-â€"ill nine cases out, «if It'll they me Furttmy and Machine Sewn. \V’hy nut mill at. zmmh‘nllze wipes. Zlh' Bandage-s. Th9 SI‘tfl'i-‘Liny hue rucr-ived :1 rot-(inf, fuvm th Urumdinn Red (71-058. and lhe following not» : "I wnuld nsk you In convey to UH- wm-kvrs 11w hearty [hunks uf this Sncivty fur Ihis \\'('l('(lllll" Contribution. and In :Issuw lhum that the-ii intH-f-sl and r'n-upex-uLmn is \‘t-rv much nppreciated.“ Th9 er (‘Inss Auxiliary wish to thank the childrvn I'Ppl'f'st'lllvl] In the Empire Lwlgue fur Ihf’il' cnnllihutinn nf Thirty-ï¬\vdull:ns. [he [ix-weeds of tlwtheircnncmtnf March 1511). The children (IPSPI’VP great, t-Ie-llit, as nlsn dntlluse who su nhlv lrnim-d them. The Auxdinry thanks the (hIIdI-en must, lwnrlily for thew cnntlihulinn and their inlvl'est. Th0 Red R. Robinson Mr. Dyke‘s Lecture ~~ «a, Untm-m in a way must and instructive to thd The mm'ting cltsed with Red Cross News RICHMOND HILL ftvr the- "hllH'h Dyke. ï¬eld 89!:- PHONE RICHMOND HILL E lnxbauk 1T The Spring Term in Shuu’s ani~ Hess Schools. Toronto. fmm April 3 merges into the Summer 'l‘mm fm- July and August. Start, now and heready for pnsitinn in Autumn. N0 vacations. Free Untalngue. W. H. SHAW, PRESIDENT I’UREBRED SHORTHORN HEIFERS Our crop nf cubes fur lbepust season has Sewn :Ill Heifers. I am offering a mnuhvr wf nice, Simth Heifvrs, Rnans and Reds, frnm six months to two years nld. also a. few ynung Cows. Now is your opportunity to buy :1 gum] mm. in shut to improve vour herd. Their Dams are a“ of good milking families. also THREE YOUNG BULLS Fit. for service. C(mw and hmk Lhrm over whether ynu buy or not. hos. 'l‘honlson N()’I‘ICE£ B All GAIN SALE)“ Hobberlin’s Made=t0=Measure Suits STORE CLOSES AT 6 Guhd nvw Apl icmu, lh Lul‘gv new {‘1 IIHPS. l'-.. Cnnnml Pumpkin. tin .. P. & G. \Vlnle N‘Ip‘ h 1 Sn Gunking my, “1.. Hullnwee Dath 1h .. \"4'lh3’s .‘1«L\It‘€lf. pk Our Guarantee, of Perfect Satisfaction or Money Refunded, goes with every order. Warman .7. glass \Vhite hnnov-cmuhml spread Blué and white sprvnds, Hmlvy circular pIHmv cuttun I’m-e Mz-uciu-d cilr'ulul- (mum Plain lIlPHCIH‘l] shew-ling, ’l‘will hie-achvd slim-ting, mr-d Fine Nuinsnuk. mud" from ll Good \\"Iitl'(‘(’tli'l1.SSilll‘hf'S Pilll‘d by n putt-m p11 4: “1- hand stunng. yd .. Emhmich-H-d and hr lIlSIiU'h‘“ Full Meat-hm] hi<h hullhvr 1i l‘luin. nulm-nl (:Hlul" d huHuI gum] fur rnlupt Is. din“ Stride HillHN'lPttP in (in: Ix 0- him [I'm ‘nmnuliuu s. Something Real Tasty in -at from $23.00 HHIHN'IPHE, i“ in wide. m H thing Keal Tasty in the New atterns for Spring Wear in Atkinson ‘ ï¬z'cï¬'mond 371']! 7urnisï¬x'ng 5fore usouk. "de from the best. (I' (*ntlI-n. 35 illl‘hf's u'idv, I “(I by a PHU'IH pm 0959 and and swung. yd .. red and ht Instiu'hml lea m hm] hi<h hulllwr van, ni( Ill-Ml (:nluI-td hullnml. mm} Put. pk mp. Luge- b‘ HEADFORD ‘R. 2, (iURMLEY BBNCRETE HOUSE u ClH'ulul' comm]. nil '1] shew-ling, hvnvy c: d slim-ting, mr-dinm Ell'lll ‘nstulrhe-d lea or stand (-uvms. each uulwr ann, nicu quality fur uprnr [l hullnml, [podium quality. spprï¬: Is. dlnwu \vm-k. elc.. yd†. dm k gr! GROCE DRY GOODS P. M. .‘I().\'D.\YS AND ‘Jll‘ fringed «*mls‘ )ill inm wright. 72 in. wide. yd 9 best, (:nllm. yarn, yd u'idv, lhe ï¬nish has lu-en pre- ‘Ss and IS adapted fur nlflchll‘lt‘ ‘y and grey and whm- shipq Pd ends. at M in wide, ,nice ï¬nish Y cotton 72 ends hemmed ERIES to $28.00 - Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed - All kind of plumbing done. Iam prepared to supply the abme svstem in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. is the ï¬rst essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the counuy home or on a farm. JOHN HICKSON Richmond Hill - Ont. The Pressure Water System Switzer ,42 in. wide.. in. wide. yd.. 72 in. wide. yd fropm’elor \VEDNESDA \‘s uprunsA . spa-itu l4 II) 4 0 28