J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALXVAYS 0N HAND: WALNUT GROVE STOCK FARM L a n g s t a f f REAL ESTATE NORMAN BATH THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Notes in Circulation . . . . . . . . . . Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ducto Banks . . , . . . . . . 4 . . . ‘ . . . . Dividend payable 151 Feb, 1916 ...'...' ..... ‘ ........... Capital Paid up . . . . . . . . . Reservq Fund and undivided “"{z‘rdï¬ti Acccpchcs under Letters of Credit Stock and. Poultry Foods RICHMOND BIL-L Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance “flade Ii - Pam in to sh and Canada mm WALL PAPERS C. R. James HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafl by appointment. â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"-â€" STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS 0N Slst JANUARY, 1916, Condensed from Governmem Report: MANAGER P. 0. Savage & Son RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. LIABILITIES We carry in stock a full line of Royal Purple and Dr. Hees’ Stock and Poultry Speciï¬cs, Disinfectants, etc. Royal Purple Calf Meal, 25 1b. bag for $1.10. Oyster Shell and Grit at $1.00 per 100 lbs. All the above sold .3: Factory Prices. ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS PRESENT OFFERiNG makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over. and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this paper. . . . . . . AVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are plepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased Anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"mo trimming to do which saves much Limeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which 353,822,121 .1 1 3 3,271,763.00 269,562.30 97.500.00 3,000,000.00 4.061.646.89 22,598.15 i Langstaff P.0. Phone Thornhili Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HI]. L W. H EW! SON HOUSE PAINTER, Cnsh on hand . . . . . . ‘ . ‘ . . . ‘ . . Deposit in Central Gold Re- rCirculation Fund. ._ . Dank Premises (Freehold) Other Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accepmnces per contra . . . . serves . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . Due by Banks . . . ‘ . . . . , . . . . . . . . British. Dominion nnd Pro- vincial Government and o‘her debts . , . . . . . . . . . .. . . Loans on can in Canada. . Loans nnd Discounts . . . . . . . . . Depggzit vyigh Gavergment re “(SOURCKS Phone 18 ; 3,201,431.93 353.322.121.11 l8,4|4.8l9.27 33.94523153‘ 150.000.00 1,171,268.75 120,519 . 60 22,598.15 500.000.00 l,l9l.7l5.56 3,196,429.24 2,325,242. 74 "‘OR RENEEâ€"A cumfrn'tublv House on Richmond Slrpet, second hunso uff Ynngp. at :L modvmtv rent. Apply to Gem-gt Smith. 24 If Sir Lynns HengerveM Segis 69859. I hzlvv fm- sale three sons of the above sin-L- {'mm six to sixteen months old, from large and high pruducing hows. Gen. Unuper, \Villowdule, Ont. '1‘. & Y. R. R. Line. 36 4 ‘OLID BRICK HOUSEâ€"9 moms. ‘ for sale. Church St.. Riuhmund Hi1}. Elpcn-ic light; hath romn, 3 piece-s; hot and cold water pressure. gnod furnace. well and large cistern. Lot 50x220 feet. For sale cheap. Guod terms given. Neil McKenzie. 36 4 +++++++++++++++4~+++++++++~l " ARMERS’ BUTTERâ€"A compe- tent, butter maker is prepared to deliver butter in homes of Rich- mond Hill and vicinity. once :1, week. Orders may he left, at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. a 38-2 1849. r O RENT »â€" Blucksmith shop at, ‘ Elgin Mills. Pnssessinngivon at my time. C‘. Kerswell, Elgiu Mills (f Stu! Ion. Maple. ()R SALEâ€"Alum. 150 hushels O. A. (‘. No. 72 Cuts for seed at 750 :l husth D. 5; F. Rumble. Box 68, Richmond Hill. Phone Mnnlv ETgin MHIS 'OR' SALE. â€"â€" Hnlstvin (‘mv with on†by side 4 dnvs nld. Mun ay \Vnods. Lot 41 west, Con. l, (Tun'ville side mad. 39 3 ‘OR SALE. â€" A Thoroughbred Shm-lhmn hull. 14 months (dd. Apph’, Gen. Gee, “The Pines," Jgshell :9 4 4 ()R SALE ~ New prsssell In irk hump, six rumns. hath mum and sum 11mm. Oink Hum-s and (-ypne-ss trim. Elven-Kc light. {unmce and other cmn'vniencvs. Also lmck kitl'hvm Cis- [NIL etc. Price $2.800. Apply J. A. MCGugm'. Richnmnd Hill. 39 if l't'ilstlï¬jnhlu time "Her :1 storm. Other- wise the Village Can-taker has instruc- tiuns ln I'L'anVc such ir‘o and snow and charge Same to pJIIh-s rpspnnsihir, .Iuhn Hicksun. Street (,‘rulnlnissinnel'. 1 1 Nuch is hereby given that ull ICE and SNOW “nut. he lulunvr-d from sidewalks by pzulles owning prnpel-ty having frnntwgv [hex-mm. within it T THE ELEVATORACN-lf mun]. 1/'\ stuck fund and chivka food. "PO “"1103! IT MAY CONCERNâ€"â€" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS RICHMOND HILL. UN'I‘ (Elm: ï¬ihvrnlé'm; Che Qiberal “O LE'I‘.â€"â€"â€"A house on Ynnge SL. ; Elgin Mills. J. H. Nnnghtnn, gin Ming. 39 H PRI’UE (i ROY E HOLSTEINS. â€"~ my. FOR SAL_E_â€"\V_x_m Call by OR SALE.~Ahnnt 41lhusl1918 Pat {(-1 seed pens. Apply to A. Suvngp, lean-10L 25, 6011.2. Vaughan. 38H in Edvance OI'SE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"â€" A ï¬ve I'nmn fralm.‘ lmusu with caller, and lot near Maple Ian. Apply \\'m. Slevensmx. (e. 38 4 One Dellar a Year Side. Apply. John Slinoy, Elgiï¬ â€˜ 3th ++~§<++++++ Mch. 23, 1916 38â€"4 Friday. March 1315!; â€" Faun stock, implemvnts, furniture. &c.. lot 18. con. 8. Markham, the property of (he Late Gen. C. Morrison. Suleut ]. Terms 8 months. J.H. l’x-entice.auct. Thursday, Man-ch 3Uâ€"Fulm stuck. implements, &c., Int 33, con. 1. Sam-harm the. property of J. F. Magin. Sale at l o'clm‘k. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, nuct. \Vednpsdny, Mnrrh figâ€"Horses and cattleut the Maple Leaf Hotel yards, Maple, the propertv of J. H. Bl-illingm'. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 7 months. J. T. Saigeon. uuct. \Vednesd'ty, Apx-iHSâ€"Auction sale of 32 heavy draught horses, at Hutel Richmond. Richmnnd Hill. the property of Lauder. Spears & How- )and Lumba- Cu. Snlu at 12 o‘clock. Terms 6 months. J. H. Prentice, Auctinnecr. Tuesday, March 28.â€"â€"Furm stuck. im- plements. «to. lot, 135.com 3. Sear- hnm. SuHivzm‘s comer, {hp prnpel'ly of D. A. Mason. Sale at 1. Terms, 8 xnnmhs. J. H. Pmntice, uuct. \V‘ednesdny. Mulch 29â€"me stock, implemems, &c.. Int 14, con. 4. Markham. (he property of Juhn O'Neill. Suleubln'cluck. Tel‘llISS months. Abe Ingletnn, nuct. Monday. March 27-«Hnrses. vehicles and harness at Thm'nhill, Lhe property of Wm. Pitl‘hfflllh. Sun» at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. I. H. Pronticv, .‘luct. Saturday. March 25 â€" Farm stock. implpnmnts, furniture, &c., on lot 16. can. 8. Mmkhnm. the property of “fun. Jackson. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 nmnlhs. J. H. Prentice. ‘Vednesdny. March 39â€"47mm stock. implements. etc.. Lamm-nnx, York Townth the pmpvrty of E. Scntt. Sale at 1. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prenticv, and. Thursday, March 23.â€"F:u~m sic-ck. im- plements. (40., Int, 23. (sun. 6, Murk- ham. the property, of Juhn Bond. Sale at. L Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. Friday, March 24â€"Fnrm stock and implements, 9tc.. )nt 5, can. 2. Mark- ‘hnm, east of Thm'nhill. the property of E. Fuller. Sale at one n’clnck. TPrms 8 months. J. H. Plentice, auctioneer. 1119s Hm slury uf “Blanchard‘s )‘l-np." the hem in “hit-[1391.3 nut, to cuplluo u hear and snrueeds in landng an even more \ahmHe und quite unoxpvcwd pliZP. Tin-Iv me other slm'ies us guud us these um] lwside's tlw I'Pgulur (lvpnylllwnls duvntml Lu Glllls and Am'nuullinn. Fishizvg Nun-s. Thu 'J‘mp. The Kennel. ((0.. are calculate-d in nttmct sportsmen who are interested in nth-m of lhis kind. Rod and Gun is published hv \V. J. Tnyhu'. \Vuod- sumk, Ontario. PRINTED BUTTER W'RAPPERS Muwh Rod and Gun has an Entelesi- ing Inhh- uf CIIIIH‘IHS for Hm lm‘Pr Hf mndnm‘ life. Bmmycaulle Univ nuntrih- uu-s ‘he lvnding artich- un “The N9“; 5‘me fur the swing Duok Shanta": F. V. “'illi‘uus \\ rite-s uf "Jim‘s Fux"; R. J. FI‘HSPI‘ (If "The Men \vhu can't ('unw hark." Nurnmn LOH dPsL‘rilws :1 “Thu-(- \Verks' (Tnnm- ’I‘Iip in Algnn- quin Pm k"; and E. 0. PP! I in cunnih- ules‘ the slury uf “Blanchurd‘s )‘n-np." the hem in “hit-[1391.3 nut, to cuplluol Ahnur 32 hmâ€! m heavy draught [11‘] been in llwir Illllll) Sndhm-s'. :IH u-inhvr “turkng conditiuu‘. 4 to 8 yum S 0M. and 15001315. up. This TERMSâ€"Six months primed joint nutes. nllmvcd fnl' HOTELRH‘HMDNI), Ihvmmxn “1L1 “WEDNESDAY. APRIL FIFTH Will 0F IIEA V Y DRA UL} II I‘ HORSES lht‘ prvpcrly pf I. \(‘DER. SPEARS & Huszxn LUMBER COMPANY, ’I‘tmoxTu AUCTION SALE n t-cd ALWAYS 0N HAND ppnrmnity L and must LIBERAL OFFICE RENTICI sold by Public Ann-Hun :xt Auction Sales Rod and Gun AT THE 0N Ill AUCTIONEER 1- camp. near A†in good ranging from u'uighingfrnm 'lï¬urds people uk horses :11) ‘s (lwv are u * snid Vu’ithuul, U’Cluck Shm p. ‘ {ilst that C9“! have near good from The Next Sitting of Dlmsion Court to No. 3, County Of York, will he held in the Conrt Room. DiVlSiON - COURT I.O.F.â€"Meets 31d Thursday nf evcxy month. Camp Elgin, S.O.S.â€"â€"Meels 2nd and 4th VVednesdsz. Public Lihrarv and Reading Room â€"- Open Tuesday and Suuuday eve- nings. Richmond Lodge. A.F.& A.M.â€"Meets Monday on m- lne-fot‘e full moon. Hill Crest Lndgp, I.O.U.F.~â€"Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Victoria L.O.L.. 2368-Meets 4th VVed- nesduy of catch ummh. Comb Richmond, A.O.F. â€"â€" Meets 4th Friday. day at 8 p.ni; Presbyterian Ynuhg People’s Societyâ€" _ Meets every Thursday at 8 [1.111. Village Cmmcilâ€"Meets lst Tuesday in the month Fire Brigade â€" Meets lst‘ Monday of each Month. Band Practiceâ€"Monday of each week at 8 p.m. Home Guard~Mcels evevy Friday evening. Buy Scnulsâ€"omeet every \Vpdnesduy Evening in Public Schunl aL’7 o’clock. MethodistChum-hvvairesat11mm. and 7 p.nl. Sumth School at, 2.30. Genm-nl I’myvr Meeting Th'n'sduy rimming. Eanrth A Leagueâ€"Meets every Mon- annn Catholic Chnlch- :IIH-rnute Sundays at 10.30 mm. Chlnch of England â€" Smwicps "I, ll :I.m. and 7 p.ll|. Huly (,‘nnnnuniun nnlhn- 3rd Sunday in the month at 11 :un. and Iht- 4th Sunday at 8.3Un.m. Sumhy Sclmnl and Bibie Class M 3 Uclnck. Prewhytminn (.‘hlnrh - nun. nnd '7 p.m. Sun 2._45. Praym‘Mï¬-Ming Tuesday, Apr II. A. Niohollss 14‘0R SAIJE him: Several good farms~â€"one in Vaughan near Richmond Hill. :I. ï¬lst-Cluss farm at Victoria Square, :1 good farm in Mark- bum near Yunch Street. A small farm udjuining the villugenf Richmond Hill czm he bought now at :1 price that will pay to hold for SPECULATIVE PURPOSES. Snlid brick house on Church St. south. Richnmnd Hill. Several $10001.»ts tn loan on ï¬rst umrtgago. Mr. H. A. Nlcholl's. Real Es- tate Agent. has several beauti- ful lots for sale nu Richmond Street. a very short. distance from Ynngo: also some elegant lots on \VrighL street. If you wemt a nice rcsidentiai lot at at nominal price now is your chance. Properly known as “Grand Central Block." First-class lo- cation on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Part of building lately occupied by Stundald Bank contains ï¬rst-class vault. The building is three stories with cellar basement, and suitable for any purpose. If required, good-will of n. twenty~yeur Well paying implement and re- pair business goes with property. RICHMOND HILL neafly and prompz’ly nmmencmg at 9.30 :l.m. fife £i6eral ï¬ï¬‚ice Cuttinghmn. Scout. Master Village Directory .706 fl’rt'nh'ng T. F. MCMAHON, CLERK .7111 Kinds done at ~07?â€" h - Services at. Sunday School lny School at Thursday eve- -Sm~vices on 9 mm. and