Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Mar 1916, p. 1

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AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 36 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING '1‘. F. McMAHON. Inconsed Auctioneers for the County of York Saloennteuded to on shortest. notice and at rea- aonebke rates Patronage solicited Trlvphmw Main 3176 LASKAY P. 0, Licensed Auctioneer for the Countiesof York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention given to 88.105 of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted bv the latest up-to-dMe methods. Address: 415 Bulliol St . North Toronto. Phone in House, Belmont 1317 Calls by phone or otherwise prompth responded to PIANO TUNING Frank Dvntlm John Irwin Grover I J0.HN._B_I._CAMPBELL, Danton, Grover & Field RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILI. AND UNIONVILLE 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctlon '72. Phone No. 28. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 30 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE} A’l mail orders will receive prompt attention. Tel. M. 3631 Imam-takers .t [‘mhnluu‘rs B.\RRIS’I‘ER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phone or muil mess attended to. ' DR. W. R. PENTLAND . gamerqn. “MaLcNaughton .51 per annum, in advance] ‘4 VOL. XXXVIII. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. )8 KING STREET \VEST_ RESIDENCE mm; house north of Atkinson & Swntzer 8 store. For the County of Yuri: SATISFACTION GUARANTEEL Phone No. 2402‘ JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. BUSINESS CARDS. Samoan anlo LICENSED AUCTION EER 30K): :7. 9avidsotz )Ianle, ()nt. 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg Yungo & Colhm-ne Sls. TORONTO Organs Rfipnired. E Barristers, Solictm‘s C. EGAN @5112 tEilwml OFFICE AND RESIDENCE WRIGHT BROS. EDITOR II. Naughton :ugcon a: McEwen. . PINKERTON, V.S. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL H. Prentice PUBLISHER :ages Han-1y D. Anger xges promptly PHONE 1421 xport Work J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO Regidence Main 44.4 CRO\VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office Ion-Med in Standard Bank Build- ing. Office hours 9.30u.m. to 5p.m. Money to Loan on and anuchnttol mortgagesa. Owest rates Auroraoflineâ€"Ren‘oved to the old post otfiea one door wut of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of he posnolfice HERBERTLENNOX G V Monmn LENNOX & MORGAN Patriotic stutmnmy at Tm store Hun. Graduate Roydl CnHPg Dental SnrngN. Tm'nntu. will Richmond Hill awry Tuesng - Fx-idm'. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC annntn Office. Richmond Buildings. 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal” ()Pfico‘. every Thursday forenmm. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ‘Vnndhl-idqe, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rates Riohmona Iâ€"Iill 0N1 k‘J H UNDRED YOI CCDIJUSSIONER. CONVEY‘INAER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance $+++++++Â¥++++++$4M++M E"! it +++++++4++++++++++++++++++ PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Chilll‘chvaq Richmond Hm Yonqe Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elec- tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and {mm-date appli ances that save time and work for the House Wife. 34 Yonge St positions 734 Yonge St. Toronto. is fully five times our supply. \Vl‘ite at once for pauticnlurs. “"9 will conâ€" vince you that, this is your oppor- tunity. Business calls ynu. \Vill you came? Nu vacation at Mid- summer. Enter Now. . Commissioner. Cunvoyancer Insurance, and Real Esta: Issuer of Marriage Licensr 1nd one hundred young men want- ed at once to u'ain for choice ufiice positions. ~ The demand on the V- v-.._._.vuu a_-.4 (Rear Richm’mil Hill Hardware THORNHILL PHONE 1534 RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. MARCH 130x NOTARY PUBLIC . H. SANDERSON :lrrlstvl s and Solicitors. Electrician. Richmond Hill _A. NICHOLLS S. SHEPHERD EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK DO IT ELECTRICALLY & Charles Sts ELLIOTT PAINTER PA PERH ANG ER GRAINER, ETC. 23 - MAPLE, ON’I‘ La. Verne Pantison . LASHER Aur'u‘a . Cunveyancer, etc and Real Estate =u'riage Licenses. In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity G V MORGAN av “I . Own or \VOM EN -IBTCRAL . Elliott rincipul 'he a! and 44 12 The 'l‘hornhill Blanch of the \anen’s lnslilnle held their I'Ogulnr March meeting at the home. 01’ Mrs. Eugene L. Beuupre, 83 Madison Ave.. Toronto. The progrannnewas given by friends of Mrs. Beuupre. An unique and interesting lecture on “The Benefits of the Dmnm in a Rural Unnnnnnity," illustrated by limelight, views by Mr. Rey Mltchell. held the close uLtenLiun of :11]. Miss Agnes Andie sung seveml selections respond- ing to repeated encm-es, Miss Edith Neilson gave two splc-nded pi-um soluctiuns. and Miss Mitchell’s leciLa- (inns were most delightful. A very pleasant :iftvrnuon was hruught [u :1 Close by n dainty luncheon. exhibition in the Hit surge;th rung MIL with sm "Everybody up.” It, was in fact, [hr cucknn in [In five- minutes to sewn. SO who were sI-lted fur dutv The Horticultural Society will meet in Viutm-iu Hull on Tuesday. April the 4le. at 8 u’cluck. The subjch for discussion will he the history develop- ment and cultivation of some of our common vvgetnbles. Members are asked to lespuud tn the lull call by giving some Item of interesn about the potato. its dlsmvery, (lcvelopmt-HL, culthzttiun and uses. ’ Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stoutenbrmlgh gave a party to in. number of their friends N) F) iday evening 24th. AhuuL 40 guests were present. The evening passed very pleasumly in games, etc. and broke up in the "wee smu’ hours.” All enjoyed the hospitality of the host and hostess. Mrs. Jnhn Tuylm‘ of Uninm'ille visited with Mrs. H. Flaw-He for u duy or so last week. The fullmving paragraphs 1.1-9 tukt-n from :1 letLv1~\\'Iittr'|\t() his parents hy 7:L_1-!‘}:li»ll, Jescrihiug an (early murning in fact, lhv’cuhknn in [he ‘clock said fiw- minutus‘ tn St‘Vl‘ll, Sn nnly those who were sl-lted fl' duty at 7 arose and. fm'tmmlely. hmppenod tn be “me (:f [hose \vhnsv daily l-nutim- started SH early. Since dx-vssingin the army is u mew nnuvr of u few seconds, I was on the way from our hills-t. 10 the hnspitnl before svvvn. when I heard smne shouting. Lnuking up I saw a German Tunhe quite high up sailing Mr. Bogart of Cleveland. Ohio, is Visiting with Mr. and fills. A. E. Jennings. Miss Mm gal-eh Jennings is in Tux-onto at. present with her sister Miss Nelliv. who was ill but is improving. A llllllll)Pl‘ attended the sale of Mr. Robert Goodyenr's household effects in Uninnville on the 25:11. Mr. T. Ur. Lyons was auctioneer. On Missionavy Sunduv. the 26111. Ml. \Valter Scnlt gave :1 very original and pleasing [nlk on missions. Miss Doris Taylor sang n snlo, Miss Grace Boyn~ ton and R. E. Sanderson a dueL and Mr. R. F. Bnynton an addresson Adult Bible Class organization. Messrs. R. Smith, D. Scott and A. Pike of Bethesda attended sen'ice (in thbuth afternoon. .\I r. S. Boynlon has engaged with Mr. Ross Klinck for the summer. along merrily and in thé nom- distance eight, more Tnuhes were following. va sm-h a sight, us that is rather un- usual, so I quickly returned and told the othur chaps who soon cnme tum- bling out to see the fun. Our Aeroâ€" planes were SUCH up and for a short time. We we’re treated to a thrilling :teriallmttle, quite like those shown on the screen and those which fill up the pages of our popular magazines. pleasing Lnlk Taylor sung :1 ton and R. I Mr. R. F. Buy Bible Class on German aeroplanes may come and (it-rural: aeroplanes have to go but breakfast dnesn‘L go on forever, so someone. I Suppose it, was the cook, called me to the steward’s room where I was ennn busily engaged cutting up bread for the patients. Breakfasb was served as per usual in the breakfast room. \Ve mderlivs then enjuVMi ours and 8mm cleaned up the “remains; I assure you with the greatest of easc~â€"â€" rather a pretty sight indeed. one which you cannnt see in Canada. After reporting an duty I had the great pleasure of distributing some twenty-five magazines around the ward. The magazines which woxe so kindly sent by the citizens of Richâ€" mond Hill Were greatly appreciated by the patients who enjoy reading sth magazine stories. coming, as they do, from the trenches greatly I-njuy these little concerts which are generally concluded about eight p.11r, fm' owing to precautions against German aeroplanes all lights are lmvercd at eight and out at nine. Supper was snnn over and then :1 muving picture Show was put (m and a gramnphnne playing militurv mmch- 95 and popular songs greatly added hr the entertainment. The patients The stontmi Sunday Routine Victoria Square an Voice of the orderly nut with such words as n . It. was quite cur-Iv. Thornhill 'I‘l'm rr‘gulm' mantth nun-ling nt' thv Fire Brigade will lm held on Mumlay owning next. April 3rd. at S n'ulH-k. All members and would-1H.- momlwm are requested lo attend. Directly after (he Fireman's mort- ing :1 Sassion of the Villngv Band will be held at which every nlmnlnm is urgently requestvd tn be present :15 Very important husiuoss will he hrnughl lwfure 'lhe nwvling. Each and ovury mmnlwr shnuld make a appcinl effort, to he (here- ~ keep the dulenpen :md he’p the Band dwidc some important issus's. Rvnmmhm'. m-xL Monday night.Ap1i13rd. directly after Fil-cmen’s meeting. day. 8.15 p.111. “The Personal Life and Character nf the Prophet Amos." Last week one nf our oldest members, Mrs. Gibson, passed rm to her rest. She had reached the full foul- score years and came to the end “As a shock of corn cmueth In its season." \Ve convey our sympathy us :1 congregation to the nwmbers of the family. Next Sunday will he Mr. Newton’s lust Sunday as organist :md lr-adm. “’0 look fm-wuxd to u change with no IiLHezlnxile. Sunday, April 2nd, Rev. Mr. Amus, fun-melly of Aurora. will preach at, the [mu-Hing selvice. and at Thnynhill in the afternoon. The minister will preach :lt tlw evening senior). The Young People's Suciety, Thum- day. 3.15 p.111. “The Pmsnnnl Life members, her rest. four soon “As a s} A pair (If black mitts have been left at The Liberal Office. \Vill Lhe nwnor call for them? Tho kindly fare and gvntlo manner (if the late Jonathan Baker who pass- ed awav at his lmnw. lot 11, Gun. 2. Vaughan, last Friday morning. will long be renwmhered by a large circle If friends and arquaintances. Had he livnd until the 8th of April he would have reached his 85th birthday, yet notwithstanding his advanced yours he had been very active, and enjnyed the, long walks which he frequently took. 0n the Tuesday lwfm-e his death his son Georgedrm 0 him to Mr. Abram \Vingm‘s when: lll‘ kpent part of the day. Early in the afternnnn Sam winger hitched his horse to drive his grandfather home. but stopping on the way to get his mail, Mr. Baker insist- ed on walking,r the balance of the, way home, Over half a mile. W'hen within nfew rods of the hullse his relatives saw him fall in the snnw, and ran tn his assistance. He. msuied them he Would be all ight after a little rest. but; gradually sank and Dilhbt‘ll peacefully away Friday “mining. The funeral on Sunday. which was largely attended. was cundur-ted by Rev. Peter Steckley of Bethesda and Mr. Thus. Dmiur of GurinlL-v. Inter- ment ttmk place in Cnlwr’s Cemetery. The late Mr. Baker Wu? horn on 10L [3, and in 1860 rcnmrcd to lot 11 Where he resided until the time of his death. His father was born in Pennsylvania, and came to this c;mntry when only seven years of ago. Deceased is sug- vlvcd by thé following children 2le of whom reside in the. immediate neigh- borhood: Mrs.Al)rum winger, Mrs. Henry \Vingm‘, Mary Ann who has kvpn house for her flehvr since her mother‘s death. Mrs. Joe ‘Winger. George and Jesse. After such it life the relatives lnvo no cause to grieve, yet llmse Lendvl' human tins cannot be seveled without a. pang. Rev. Peter Slecklcy 0f Bolhesdu and Mr. Thus. Donor of Gul'mlL-v. Inter- ment, ttmk place in Cnlwr’s Cemetery, the remains being placed hesidu those of his wife who had pxedecezlsod him several years. ago. TE and boys with one up “lure yea High School [ruining should ,2 ready at once to enter upon 9})pnfirtn nin never 50 k vise you 1 Weather C1 by train on BUSINESS SCHOOL Firemen and BUSINESS CAREER nge and St. Clair Av? n become prepared to ad salaried position. nrtnmly was never so demand for mn‘ graduate- T 50 Ram. That is why V you to prepare. \Vilh ANOTHER PIONEER GONE \V. Ii. Sm“ zu Presbyterian Church YOUNG WOMEN SHAw‘s SCHOOLS o prepare. \Virlh gout} )ming on you can come Cnrdailv In our Deer Pm k \Vl'ilé BCSIXE Bandsmen RESIDENT uul 1,916 iutn a 1m, om a was we ud- grout I l‘VS 53mmme mmmmmcfi We have the D.L. & W. Scranton Hard coal. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now Roman Catholic Chmeh â€" Services on :IIN'HHlie Sundays at 9 nan. and 10.30 mm. Methodist Churchâ€"Sm \‘iCPS nt 11 a.m. and 7 p.111. Sunday School at. 2.30. Genoml Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. Epwmth League-«Meets every Mon' day Hi. 8 p.11). Prasbytnrinn mehg Pmple’s Societyâ€" Meets every Thursday at 8 p.111. Viilngo Councilâ€"Meets lst Tuesday in the month Fire Brigade ~â€" Meets ISL Monday of each Multh. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on ,hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale Band Practiceâ€"Monday of each week at 8 ‘p.m. Home Guardâ€"Meets every Friday ovpning. Buy Scoutsâ€"meet every Wednesday eveningin Public School at'7 o‘clock. -E. E. Cuttinghum, Scout Muster. Public Lilu-m-v and Reading Room â€"~ Open Tuesday and Sululday eve- nings. Rivhnmnd Lodge. A.F.& A.M.â€"Meets Monday on m- hefore full moon. Hill Crest Lnflgn, LOUIEâ€"Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Victoria L.O.L.. 2368â€"Meets 4th Wed- nesday of each month. Onmt, Richmond, A.O.F. â€" Meets 4th Friday. I.0.F.â€"â€"Meets 31d Thursday of every month. Camp Elgin, SOSâ€"Meets 2nd and 4th \Vednesdav. “$333: DR. 1 Dentist SOMERS Toro Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. Pupils prepared for examinations Studio. Toronto Conservatory of Music Good Bran and Shorts in stock. ESTELLE M. ORTON (PUPIL ()F MISS II. ETHEL SHEPHERD) hurch of England :l.m. rum! 7 p.11). (m [110 3rd Sundu' VOCAL INSTRUCTION I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement (‘rl hing ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES has removed to his new office on corner of YOSGE and QUEEN Sts.. which has been equipped with the most modern of denta. appliances. Out of town patients attended without previous ap- puintment. shytm‘iun Chm-ch â€"Sz-rvicvs at, 11 ,m. and 7pm). Sunday Sohnul at £7. Prayer Meeting Thursng eve- 3U Richmond Hill on Monday and Tuesday of Each \Veek. Pubiic Attention J. H. RAMER Ill [Single copies, 3 cts. Village Directory and ‘undu “AND” ‘(I â€" Svnicos at ll Huly (‘nmmuninn my in the month tho 4lh Sunday at School Toronto md Hible No. 40

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