“‘At‘ these words,» a wild' uproarl arose in the House, the president! vigorously ringing his bell, ‘ Dr.lLieb-g kn‘eclIt‘ shouted: ‘It is the truth; ‘it is the whole truth.’ The president thereupon called him to order and the majority'of the members left the ‘ Chamber. ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘In the Schools it should be taught not only’ {hilt the' murder‘ of Arch- duke' Franz Ferdinand of Austria at Sarajevo was '5ri'ii1biderit"ifliich should inspire. horror, but it should alsa he taught, ï¬h‘hfc’ï¬here were wide circles in Germany and Austria in which this murder was,.regarded as a veritable Godsend.’ j“Dr. Liebknecht, discussing- the educational budget, said: “Education 00-day serves to strengthen militarism and capitalism. You act aswifv youi Wish to throw open to the people theI road to education, but"that is only because capitalism requires soldiers. The teaching of history is system- atically distorted for the purpose of‘ introducing certain political convic- tions into the schools, and also hatred‘ against England. The militarizing of schools converts them into training stables for war. You educa‘te your children to be war machines. With‘ regard to war, their ideals seem to be ‘ embodied in poisoned gas bombs. Dr. Liebknecht Speaks Out in German Parliament. ’_ ' VThe Cologne Gazette, gives the fol,â€" lowing account of the turbulent scene which occurred in the German .Reich.’ stag recently while Dr.“ Karl Lielia khecht, Socialist, denoï¬ncéd the d9- moralizing effects of the War: ’ :‘Ex‘léry'B‘n'e df’MP’.‘ Hirtle-‘s symptoms Was a symptom of kidney disease. That‘s why‘Dod‘d’s Kidney Pills cured him. ’ ' K ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ SARAJEVO MURDER A GODS‘END. "I book six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they did me so much good that I am recommending them to all my friends. They are better than any doctor.†“I sufferedr from shortness of breath, I was often dizzy and I was depressed and low spirited. Greenï¬eld, Queen's (70., l'.S., March 27th, (Speeial).â€"â€"“To anyone who suf- fers from rheumatism I say: “Take Dodd’s Kidney Pills. They will be sure to give you a release from pain." This is the message of Cornelius Hirtle, a well known farmer living near here. Mr. Hirtle suffered from rheumatism for four years and found a cure in Dodd’s Kidney Pills. “I was in bad shape for four years,†Mr. Hix'tle says in giving his experi- ence... “My. back and hips troubled me 56"much that'I'was not able to do mueh_without suffering. I also had stiï¬'néS's in th’e"joints,'my muscles cramped and I felt) heavy and sleepy after meals, I had a bitter taste in my mouth, especially in the morn- ing. My appetite was ï¬tful and I was often dizzy. States Out of His Own Experience That Dodd's Kidney Pills Are it Sure Relief From Pain. Nova Scotia Man I Has Good News} FINDS IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS A CURE FOR HIS RHEUMATISM. A6 “Dr. Liebknech; went on: ‘Just as Ever Eat Grape Nuts ? mac’s a Reason" nerve and _ muscle But the big reason isâ€" Gra'pie-Nms. besides hav- ing delicious taste, sup- plies all the rich nutriment of whole wheat and malvâ€" ed barley, including the “vital†mineral salts ne- césssiry fé'r bï¬ild'ing brain, Anotherâ€"it is easily and quickly Vdi‘gested â€"â€" ge‘ner- ally in about one hour. A There's‘ a vast' army of physical and mental work- ers who do not. One reasonâ€"Abs delicious nut-like flavor. 'lirec W A! “1| 3' S (Mutie in Canada) milk from HO Ion 3145: the ishme ne‘ bkcï¬ige, Ch cream or 51 well the utinost Co., N.S., March anyone who suf- 1 I say: “Take I Cgï¬rigs the Names of r Loved Ones " " ’ Tattooéd‘ on- Her] A There is a boom in tattooing in the ‘East end, 'according to’Edward Lovâ€" ett 0f the Folk Lore Society, says London Tit-Bits. The boom is not among soldiérs and sailors, but among girls of the East end, it being 'a rapidly-growing fashion, when a Hocal belle walks out with a young ‘man, to have his name tattooed on Titer arm. 'Mi‘. Love“ gives the fol- dowing amusing description of a ;scene which he recently witnessed in the shop of a friend in the East end, who, among other avocations, , is a {tattooing artist: ‘ ‘ “The xn‘éfe economic effecbrof the loss hundreds of thousands bf young «_m‘eh,ixi‘ the prime of life and x'iggt'ls almost; incalculable,†said Mr; Hiigt. “We may safely assume that bY’Novemberjve had lost: through the War about a tenth of all the wealth lwe _.PO.S$¢S§9€1 before- . ‘ sent ‘it' h: low twe 1' 33353;"; “\Yha Lovett, wish Smith, ] "Cd in" c it ‘ a bunch duh. at flame. fl ' Two girls entered them took oï¬â€˜ her her sleeve, at the s: dmvn near“ a table c small electric appa‘ then maide some de: With the electric m operation was ï¬nis asked 'if he might : Sign was. He was the arm. upon \vhic' were the words: “I somehow tw enty - s “0f cour Mr. Lam l “The president again. rang his bell. Liebknecht tried to continue, but the pliesiden't kept on ringing and said, addressing ~the‘m'embers, ‘I beg that all! those1 present) who still wish to heaf VDlj. Li‘ebknééhtfkuill stand up.’ As only Socialists stood up Liebâ€" knecht was forbidden to speak fur- ther, the majority present loudly ap~ plauding this decision. Liebknecht, however, continued in his efforts to speak, but could not make himself heard owing to the terriï¬c commo- tion. As he was leaving the rostrum ,bhera'iWéte 'loudzxshout's ;of’ ‘Ontf ‘i‘vith‘ him.’ " ‘ “The pfésént public expenditure 013 the Government is believed to be. about equal to the whole of the pri.‘ vate incomes of the inhabitants of. the. United Kingdom put together. “We'are now ' adding to the na- tional debt every .ï¬ve or six weeks what we ’added during the three years of the Boer War." 5 Eyes inflamed b'y expo; sure to Sun. Dustand Wind guickly relieved by Murine yellemody. Noszrting. gust E '4: Comfort. At Your Dmgg'ilt'a S c per nle. Murine Eya SalveinTubeIZSc. For Bookohhe Eyeï¬eeask Dmggists or Murine Eye Remedy (:0. . Cblcago IE‘deCï¬SSiDg the effects of the war 'Oh'lhe ga'ï¬déd gentry, Francis Hirst, alwidely: known economist, said that ‘15.:Wa'sf only a natural result, and that ï¬heseg'jiedple would feel the pinch? 1%01‘e“jffchah_ the poorer classes forf m’any‘Weaisxï¬b, c'ome. Sore '0‘? "'7T'héi:é"i§â€télk"df Wholesalé migi‘a~' tionvand predictions that country life' will' undergo a revolution. Many of’ the esfh€es may even be cut: tip and parcelledmut . among disbanded,“ .sol~ digrs. War Has Forced Thousands in Eng- land to Give Up Estates. Thousands of stately homes in England are changing hands, accord- ing to the, zeal, estate authorities. The old owners have in many instances been forced by increaséd taxes to seek more moderate plac'es, and some of the esbates are being purchased by persons who have proï¬ted by war con; tracts. GIRL’S ARM SHOWS ROMANCE. in the thirty years’ war, so the pres- ent war has a demoralizing and baneâ€" ful effect on education. As long as our educational ideal centres in a death struggle, the liberation of the working classes cannot come.’ The president for the second time called the speaker to order, but he con- tinued: ‘The workers themselves must tackle the job of education. The troops must not ï¬ght merely in the trenches; they ought to lower their arms and direct them against the common enemy.‘ OLD HOMES CHANGE HANDS. i'th 5) tim ett s entered the shop, One of off her jackéb, ‘tilr'ned Up at the same time sitting a table on which was. a ric apparatus. The artist some design on the arm octric needle. When the OCKG granulaï¬ed Eyelids, l‘h ï¬xed Mr. Lovett see what the de- allowed to inspect h, near the elbow. love Joe Smith.†3 and “any diffi- ha The truth cannot be burned, be- headed or cruciï¬ed. A lie on the throne is a lie still; and a lie on the throne is on the wayato Vdefeat, and a truth in the dungeon is on the way to victory. To' whom it may 'concern: This is to certify that I have used MIâ€" NARD’S LINIMENT myself as well as 'prescribed it in my practice where a Iini-ment was required and have neâ€" verfaviled to get the desired effect." _Stole the Soldiers' Socks. At the Central Criminal Court in London, England, before Judge Ren- toui, Herbert Read, 41, carman, was sentenced to eighteen months’ impris- onment with hard labor and John Crack, carman, to ’six months’ im- prisonment in thetsecond division, for stealing and receiving one thousand pairs of socks which 'were‘ in course of conveyance from a réiivï¬ay station; to an army clothing ,depot. Husband~â€"“Thexi ybu expect to have ï¬nished talking by 'that time?" Wife (icily)‘â€"'â€"â€"“You needn’t speak to me for a month!†Minud’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia National Preparedness does not come from guns and dreadnoughts alone, but from men who are ï¬t for the day’s work. The making of men is a question of food and rational exercise. You can’t build stalwart men out of an unbalanced “ration.†Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains all the material needed for building the perv fect human body. It is the whole wheat grain made digestible by steamâ€"cooking, shredding and baking. One or more Shredded Wheat Biscuits for breakfast with milk or cream makes a man ï¬t for work or play. It is ready-cooked and ready- to-serve. Wateriessg Hot attaew Simply boil the “Thermor†for ten minutes only (no lpnger) and it stays hot; for full twelve hours at an even temperature of 125 deg. Redommended by physi- cians oq account 'of the steady heat and sanitary metal case. No trouble â€" n6 ï¬lling â€"- w danger of scalding the hands no Ieaksâ€"no expense and 0: purchase lasts a lifetime. GOLDEN {IGAï¬E-":§1AAXL’I‘.AC- TITRING‘ TUMPANY; "LIMITED 9 Youville Street, “““‘ “"mmréa‘r. It'is made 'of metal, nickel plated, of a convenient size. The In sickness, such L Grippe’, Rhea: :is, Inflammation heg and pains, t} invaluable:- As: T} THERMOR Made in Canada. His Brief Respite. C. A. KING, M.D‘ 1H Remains Hot for 12 Hours Lasts a Lifetime gesehï¬bti Ltones l‘lO References Any Banker TORUBQTU UREAMERY 00., LIIiH'I‘ED1 moms mggmurope and the U1 States Wghiï¬cent samples of h woods W beautiful grains and tractiveZ éiish. It would seem these are not being: exph suï¬icien but, n9 doubtfï¬â€˜ow it is knï¬wï¬ there will be a good mand foi'; manufacturers will: the matï¬g Lgreater consideratié’h’. i \V énd They haa‘been engaged to be marâ€" ried ï¬fteen“ years, and still he had not musgéiged courage enough to ask her to nah/he the happy day. One evening heigcalled in a peculiar frame of mind,4‘and asked her to sing some- thing tender and touching_some- thing th'htlwould “move him.†She sat dovépdï¬at the piano and sang,‘ “Darlingjaiiam growing old!" . Some women ' are-«happy because they know how to think they are. Jonesâ€"1:45:11 believe in early rising, don’t y "'1'?’ Smithâ€"“Well, there’s an abstrg’ct'excellence in early‘ri. ng; it all depexï¬ds on whatimjg- " you rise.'; It w lztvbgï¬gfï¬ï¬â€™ï¬a . 1%{1‘3‘1’ "35$ ‘3? Minard’s Liniment for sine eveiyï¬h'ei‘: mnard'n,nin1mex.t Cureq Dandrulr 330 Day 0.1 mt" are half those prevailing olsowbers EMnghBusngss gOLLEGE 846 Braaaviéw Ava, Toronto, om. The ionly College WCanada kachlng all Typewriter Keyboards WANTED guarant S“ EET OR SOUR Muskrat Handier CANADA’S G RE ATE ST St. W., Montreal Ship all your 1 there and obtain value. ,. 4 Â¥ _ J is 141;? @019 ï¬r "1‘0? 5 JHIEGANIL" «30H 39“ 3 Limited, 410 St. Paul 7:16 MONTHS 003%}? Growing Old (Dept. W) your furs )b‘tain full TORONTO ONT. seem that :. exploited "flow that 1 good de- 3‘5 Night glxve B um." I pay {He ) P ‘3: day. UWé'n' ()weu vSound, l SEED POTATOES, Imsu com . -‘»‘fme1;sl ‘ (Carman. 01“: fled. Write a; " J > son. Bramnto '5) a u‘ ‘ applicatiÃ©ï¬ pa)1;){,7.73 \ out l» Offices for s towns. The most (It albbu’sinwsps " and. Finishing good wages. Apply Ki; C0,, Ltd., Kingston, Ont ‘Vv I-HTE. LE " Leghorn Minorca.‘ Butt Ceoi-l 'Meehanp F gaggzéxssggéï¬vg Weavilyg. Good w gpart his a, and ,mmh ‘ ï¬rs. ' T ONCEâ€"«BRUSH HANDS NYLTH furniture experience preferred: S‘gady e1111,)1Q3rment. -â€"AddressmThe Mea- fm'd Mfg. 00., Limited. Meafox‘d,‘ Ont. â€" PHOLSTERERS “'ANTE; U pama d’rsmmn é)“ wom experieu†g, Fix-bio? gignnlngi day. _wen Sbuï¬ ""‘ mh"‘C‘ Oweuvï¬onnd, Ont. A N T, EvDeUPHOLSTERERS. " Mnehine-‘hdnds; 1 ‘Cabinet makers and boys, steady work. Mghpst wages. ADM-Wmmï¬uummsm Bel" Iin, ‘Ont. r w» H. .7 arm" Machine: work wih- ness. B. The age of reason depends gether on the man; some men attain it. {high-ng NURSERY .STQCK.‘ â€"-â€"‘ u m , ‘SL‘EFWW :53 45,» (Smitm a. *1 0.) St. C gingimgt! Amariéafs»; fl \ . {worm Pioneer: 7 . ~H.~CI:AY~GLDYER, v.5. Dog Remedies 1'18 Westr3lst SheikNew Ye: “forks. Toront’o ‘ "MwWBLACK CRO m‘ omrwmaa‘fm used c Bros†Bothweil, Ont. Minard's Linnuent Cures 'Buxns. Etc 30R SA’L‘F ' line B! rison ot‘ menL 18 open from DECEHIBEB w HAY Situa‘ed on the Harbor of Hamilton Acqummpdzues.(0|). Hates : 25- per week and upvmrd. HAMILTON Beautiful D M)! internal an palnAby our Limited The Ideal Winter Resort Prinwgss $333? AD‘L- 0R: iron-m h r}! 1‘ Ie‘ct' in AKERY. HIGH CLASS: E )ished gennyearsa 'ï¬ickness ‘ siiczjmcis‘, Beammt. 590 I aFr'r-MAKING ‘NEWS ANTED GIRLS F‘OR KNITTING NEWSPA‘2EBS POE SALK: HOV/E & TWZJHOGEP. ne Buckeye" Traction Ditching le' pnlyï¬did about three,mnnths v15}: sell right.: onuaccount arm'- B. Phillips, Chésley O‘nt. )LEN MILL HELP, L‘ARDER sph‘mers unannueaursï¬ _.\.\Lefl.wi experienced help while learn g. Good wages paiq‘ in au ’1; 1 n ï¬gs}. an‘dwugaem- {wogli‘m I 3353153 I 1?:@%=Â¥fÂ¥'5:d2;~ l u. ' s S ‘1 . ‘ ‘1 ,Lt4.. u“ ran’ " :es for sale in 31 The most useful and. “'1 AGENTS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS‘ NURSERY s'roéi: SEED POTATOES HELP WANTED roï¬inxoxgmsa Finishing .Department Apply Kingston Hoise DOG DISEASES Aggilcd hqcï¬ox qn'y address by . ‘ i1be_A_mhor LEGHUBN TUMOI 1'03 SALE. FOR SALE. psamtzers And How to Feed PS.- Fall .‘infp'rmarziohr “Thou Publishing Cr Adelaide Street. ’I‘orox 'xd external, cure homev treatment te‘ Dr. Bellman llingwood. .Ont‘ 'OAL' on Rhoda“ Iii-{ant}: Bla‘ rcup hatching egg “Hm;fo â€" Station. Qube ~ A (v- lib; ‘ HB , :1 , BOOK 0N MA 111ty LI'M PS idle BERMUDA )od Ontario interesting rmazion on upw Eritrnntsaxfl KEI TO. “061 Dbï¬l‘mic ND leaz'nx'zig .11} grist? ‘) FOR *' S e ten-hfï¬â€˜ b., ‘41; ., ESTAU Dundas wz’ th- \\'ri ta edical 1mm JOB RED Reid