Elite. fragilitch churroxo HILL. UVT.. Mull. :in, 1916. At tlrc Epworth Lt‘ilgllt‘ (:u Friday r-yr'ning a shr-rl prograrnrnc of rt-adrug‘ and music, will b»: H-ndi'rvd. 'l‘lwu‘ refit-shutouts will lw swrrcd and an hour spout iu SIIIJlJIl t't'llV’t'l s'aliuri. Crmm \.lll‘l;rlll scrim. with widt- insertion and s-dgr'd with narn-w lut't'. i yd. 2.30; (Jrcanr curtain nut. 40 in. wirlc. = small patlt-ru. yd. 2th.: hark crr-aru scrim trirunwd with narruw lace and irrserlir n. yd.15.:lirassr-xtr-nsiurrHuh. 2 fur 23c.I Lat go size. each lbL'. and 20c. Atkinson & SwitzI-r. On Friday. April 7. .\lr~'. Hill and Mrs. Dzrnlup will giu- a lr-a at, the . hnrm' of Mrs. Ilill in aid t-f lit‘tl ('l‘i'ss \vurk. 'l‘ua will luv «and fruit six o‘clock. During tlrt- t'\'('lll||g a musical and litHr-ary prugramun- \\'lll ht' I'vtrtll‘l't‘tl. lir'cr)‘|mdy (-urdially irr- \'itt-d. li‘trll particulars will lw gin it next \tht'h. Bnrcarcrv \H'l‘ Foams ~~ Krurnhos: Shrrddml \Vlwat biscuits: 'l‘uastud \Vheat. Hikeâ€: for 25(:.: l’rwt I‘uastit-s lfuru flakes: -Quakwr ()ats. pk. 1Ut3.: Roman MI-al; Qirrkr-r ()als aud linhirr Htmd :mtrrwal. pk. 3'). CANNED FISH-- (luck n' llll‘ Nurth salmon. tin Blitz: Hnr'sc Shoe and ("mor Lvaf. tin 2.5M: 'l‘igvr- hrand :almun in § llr. tins. '1 for 25.:.: Nippon-d hurting. tru 13v. Atkinson tk Swilm‘r. Patterson S. C. Dissolved 'l‘ht- rah-payr-rs of S. S. No. It). Vaughan. known as [’attvrsun atzlrtuI-l. l a mile \\'t'.~'t of Richmond Hill. have hrld Nt‘t‘t‘r'rrl rum-tings as tn Hit‘ ad\i- sahrlrtv uf rvnairiurz thrir pl'vvs‘crit sclrnolhnnsv. t-r‘vrt'n: a ni-w building, urdissuhiug llrt- sr-ctiuu. 0n \‘Vk‘dllt‘s- (lay of last work. lly :t Vr'ry rinse into. lhcy dor-idrd tu diswlyv. tho t'-l\'ll-'I.†part. to he added to Riclrumnd llrll lirriun S. 5.. lht- wvslvrn [itrt‘t.ltrlr In .\Iaplt-. and lilt' halancc at the wuth tn ilt'IlllthXPtl tu Car-nillu. ()ne regret- lalrlr' l'v-‘Itltrv alrntrt llrr- nrrangwtut-rrt is that. S'Illlt‘ rvf tlrr- ratrpaaur's art' bitterly nppnscd to dixidrug the section. v4‘h Solodinsky Must Pay Judgc Dorrtuu in tho County Urrlltt awarde Nathaniel Bakvr $200 and I his wife $300 in tlwir joint, suit against. S. Snlirliusky. an Ea-r (iwilliruhmy faltrrrl‘. fur $1.500 darnagvs tur injurics rem-in whmr (ht-y wort: «trunk hy the) dcfvndunts autnmuhilt- lasr f-rll on Yungc Strr (at. â€"â€"â€"‘o.â€"â€"â€" llome Garden Contest Durier Lhu coming sultlttwl' lllz- Local Branch of thc Departrut-nt, (1 Agriculture. rs putting on what is lr‘ he known )iS the Home Garden Cantu-st. This contest is among tlu- farrrr hay“ (If the county. rir-errahly tlrvjruys whv- have jrwt liuishr-d pnhlic St‘hl‘tll. Those lruys will lw pruridvd with the- sued for [hr following garden crops â€" curn. cahh-rgc. peas. hearts. oninnï¬. spinach. radish, lt-tlnto. parsnips. lit-otx. carrots. sal<ify and strawht-rrivs as We'll as a small huuklvt tolling how each crop should he gr-uwn. A liillt' print with the plan of th-- gardt-n i; alw supplied and cu Ili's‘LHrllw‘ will follow plan as nutlirwd Tin-w gardvnï¬ will hr- impectcd sen-ral time: during the surnurt-r and liheral cash priyms Will he {given to the ï¬re hr-ys haying tho host gal‘dt'lis‘. The uhjcct, uf tlnI cuntcst is to prmidt- murc up‘tu date rut-thirds of raising \r-gntahlvs on the fat-m and it is to he hule that the hnys will [zlkt' advantagc of the scheme. 'l‘hr-rc is only a limited number of gilrtlr‘lrs to h:- in this contest. The first, hnys to apply will he the ones to got thc scud. until the nurrrhor of Cuntvstants which “'9 'hayu soed fur is rcaclrvd. 8-! any farm hnys intvres‘tvd slruuld :rppl)‘ at nncc tr JIU. Stocklcy. Dopirtuunt uf Agri- culture. Nt-wrn u'kot. M_,~‘c Facts for Milk Producers Tho HINMAN MILKER will pru- dnr-t- 50‘": mute milk With .30; 1-55 labor in tho \‘rllUt’ tiuru. and that with it two unit machine and ('quipmcnt, costing 35â€â€œ, (without power \\ hich is only 1h. p. rrquircdl. proof. A _\'I':lt' Hqu Mr. \V. U. Hruhho ul 'l‘hinle-tnwu \r'as‘ï¬xhippiu; 'uu-- runs duly and p wing it man grind monthly wag-Is tn hr In. List sunurwr lrt- nut in :r Hl.\'.\lAN MILKICR and this your he has shippt'tl six Calls daily, wrthortl any hr-lt). I Fulllk Baker of Stoull'yillr- nrrlkml tlrrrtv-on cuws in twenty niuc‘I rnrrrutcs um- L‘\‘t-lllllu’ at few \\'t‘t‘l{i up; i. )lr. \V. J. Currey of Nowrrrarkt‘t ships iin‘ mus daily. and would not takt- $5M t'-~r his if he could uot‘, replace it. ' Dr. Irwin of \Vcston thinks every1 man :hrnprng unlk should have a HINMAX. \\'h_v such turn as Mr. Flatt of Htlllliliul]. Mr. Harris of Munâ€"alt? Stock and Jcrsey Farm, )Ir. \Yalkoi of Port Pvt ry and many others uer thr- HINMAN on tlrnir huautil‘ul Registered hords in preforonr t‘ to hand milking: or any uthcr make? Becausc tlwy know it to he a succcs<. Y-nr will crmttlially put in a HINMAN. - hayâ€) .\l. t‘r'rmrtY. l Disil‘it'l Saer Mun .go 1. 1% Glt‘ll Ave. Toronto. Visit to Caronati 'I‘hv- nl'liI'~r-< :Irzd rru-rnlmw it Rich-l rrrr‘ud [,mlgr. 331.23. .-\.l“.i\’ i\.,\l.. ha y:- |t'rt'i\l'(l an iuxitaliwu from ('nrutrati in‘rlrzw. Tr-rn'rtu. In \i.rl tlu'ru nu tlr~' i1'\'t‘lli'l‘,," r I~ April Hill. «in “lrll'll raw-.1- sii'n ll. \\'. llrakl' lllrut-ruln'M 11.... l,r-_'j_f.-, zit) tl.,\l.,willr (-lili‘ill iri<llr'r'lir.ti, 'l'lrr-l :rrr‘ urgc-ir'ly Il‘llll‘~lvtl lit.“ 'tllt' \\'.,\l. in turn «all M. ill'r~\t'. vzo* 7â€". March Po tponed ()wirrgtu thi- t'uurliliwn with“ ltl‘lti~’ llllt'lllLIlllvlli tlw ('uuruy llrr- rn'rtr' march of the 127th Yurk hutch: which was iixl-d to start from .\'cw~ urrrkcl on tho \‘t‘l'iitlll of Mn“. hat: lwr‘n Dmitri-mil. (‘ul. ('larkr- lrw statad that it willlwal lmst a \yr-t-k lalr-r lit-{urn the l) rltalir u can \lzut. 4’05 77‘ Another Error 'l‘hr' Drily \Vurld la<t \\"‘t‘k in ziï¬ug a short lrixtm-y nl .\lr<. M:r\'\vvll. llir'hruuml llillK' uldvst l‘lli/J'll, xtzrtt'd that tllU suhjoct t-f tlrc skvlvlr was “horn in slawr-y." Tho Tt-lcgrarn last Saturday quite prnrwr ly corrupted the orr-u-r. hut. nrrdr- a L'rim’mh‘ rui<tako iu caving that tlrt- "wrung lady" “'hu had r-olvlrratcd hr'r ' of . llltlt hirthrlav “North York." It?“ S‘anl‘l' wa: :r l'lNilit‘nt “'hou will (how city rr-nvu'torx got a pr'npol' knowlvdgc of history and gt-ogmphyt â€"â€"<0’» â€"â€"â€" Mondav's Flood \Vilh tlrr‘ pxi‘vptiun collars thi- flood of Monday. causvd by tho thaw and rain. dld littlorlamago in Richmond Hill ur \iriuitv. Thle were Sovvral waslrnutsalmrg t ho (INK). Railway. llnwpyvr‘. and traine that ' \VPI'P not. cancvllvd f‘rnssmi irr-idguc and culvm-ts vpry (-nr-ufully. The railway yank at Rusodale- werv ï¬nndv‘d in a depth of four foot. and thous‘ande of rats wor? driyvu from thvir- hurer in tho garlragn rnadt- land \Viuchr-stor Strr-ot hill. -‘#â€"â€" he German War Woman Thu (‘anadian Magazirw ft-r Arn-il rumtairm .-r rnrwt illurninnlinsv entitlr'd “Thr- (ir-r-rnau \\':Ir “Hurrah.†hv Eva M Nilil‘â€. :r lady who has had a \\'itl“ t-xtwrinnr-v rr< a lPHCllPl' in Ger- man girls‘ Schools. Her experience lms taught lrr‘r that the women (if (rim-marry ;rll- lraiu~d. almost uncon- Sl‘irill~l\'. in not a< \‘t’l'l'Pt, aaniS of the Gnrvrunwul. Shir ran-nah ter ninth- rvds ire-‘41. hy \vlurrmr tu kncn llr»l Guy~ Pl'iltlt"l|' iul'urrrrvd. and she loan)“ thv irnpr-owiuu lllrt (hm-:- <auw (ivt'tllurr wunrr-n would :lv. alurmt anything in (.ltlt’l to 31-] :‘v tlwir country. _â€"â€"¢. Ct rlers Meet Tch rinks {H it: tho Granite (7m ling (‘luh. 'l'urnntu. (‘alirr- up Saturday. and playr-d gaun’s afte’rnurur and marrying wilh llrv llrll rinks. 'l‘akiug tlrr- twn lllrllt'ilt‘s tngtther Richmond Hill won by a low punts. Hiefrmhrm-uis wr-ri», at'tvr the Herring gaur-S, :t-rwd at Kl|"ll(1 Inn and a pleasant hour spout togethor. A («writ tn the \ ISltul‘N \\‘i\\‘ mm‘t‘d hy Mr. Pratt and \lr. t‘nwir. and was tr‘Spulitlt'd tn lxy Mr. Braily. A plt'asant. fwlttltt‘ r-f lltr‘ urnuirrg \y:r< llH- [)H'Sr'nlr‘lil :1) ul' llir' It'thit'S \Yl}il'll had llt't‘ll won during tlr - \\ iutn-r. The- [rrvsvlrtatirrus \\o-r.~ Illiltlt‘ by Mr. \Vrrllvt‘ Sr'nli. lllr‘ \"illllPl (if lllw Slult't" (Tut) living Mr. A. E. (ilasx'. thl Mr. J. Tyndall. thr- Smith nu-dal. Butlr winnms modestly told how the trick was dorw. other phrwa (ill llrr-irrtwprctiyt' r inks. Before separating. a \(Itw of thanks, mnvvd hy MI. Pratt and swarudtd by Mr. BIL-Nair. was tn litivr‘i'tl Mr. Jim-pl) Munkmdu fur his PXCt'llt‘lli Work as Prosidvntnf the cluh (hit in: the season. 'l‘ltc HH‘t-‘lillg cluse-d with "(w‘ud Save thu King.“ __._â€". ‘...__‘_w BORN GRAHAMâ€"Ur) 'l‘uesday. March 25’. 1916, at the (irHHPt‘ul llmpital. ’l'r rutrtn to Mr. and .‘ll'S. Fre‘d J. Graham of 13.; Ellsworth Ave. :1 son. XURlOU J†l it‘lH‘ airing drw rrrdit to thel Red Cross News (‘l‘ lllz‘ lit‘il ('Ilt\Auxiliary illr’ urgwtl tr: .‘tllt'llrl tlrt' urn-Min;r ur'xt .\lur.<lr_\‘. .\iuil Iirrl. at l H'i'lw‘k iu llrH l’uliltr‘ Hr‘lrr .-l. lln- [mrtarrt llll~llll'>\ \\ill lw lll‘til‘l rli\"ll\\irrli. 'l'lrx-rr- lllrliltwwllr'l Thu ruvrrrlu-n M‘t‘llh‘ to in» :r airs-int: \‘t‘lV ‘rvlllr‘ “lung rrl' H'Il ‘Ulr‘tnlli'tw 1hr! tlru \\'ll'li ru~rrl\' mm. l frrl' :r )‘thrl‘ (Ir ('nnrr. Fromm: ‘ and that ltul Vin“~ \\'rilk r~ r-u intucr llt't't'sVllV. \‘Vt' wuulrl lilgl- lrr ln'itt'M‘ this trun. hut rumnnin \u-nw tort-m u~ In Mr» that a lilllr'l ~trug_~_:lv i< ~lill alrr-atl of our tun-u. and llu-rr- i\ much work yvt for tho ltml (Wow “urkcrx' “VD†if tht- war “'l'll‘ mum to tidy llrr-rr- would lir‘ Ri-tl ('ruw srrpplit-s Ilt'l'il"tl iwt u< nut told our hand»; now. wht-n our work is rumt' urtzt-ntly um-dr-Il than our Rt‘rucmliur tho uri-r-ting Monday 1 llt'Xl. -0- S East York Liberals E : l‘lrr'l'iast Yurk Lilit'lfll .~\.~'\I't'ialilvn‘ .flll' llli‘ l’trnitrt‘lul lrr‘tzisluttrli- Willi lruct-t in tho licl'nrm Avm-iatrun‘. lot-ms. Ziti 'l‘uruntu Show. at 1.3!) pm. on Saturday. thv 81!) of April.‘ jl’rumiur-ut \pv-akvm will girt‘arlrlrr'sx'tw. iAu lllVli-‘Illtlll is rxtrndrd in all. of coma wot. at the lrmt “f: l ‘Rlliiilt’lflllï¬ Hill.‘ [Lilrt-rala to lru Iii-t-surrt. ‘ â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"¢QO~7~â€" I Acknowledgment Tho 'l‘rt-aurrvr nf lln- )erlwk-r Fru' 1llm‘pital for (ilitlsllnlplin's‘ dr'sircs gratefully to acknowlvdgv lllt‘ fullmru rug (-rrrrtr'ihutiuns l’t'r’t‘i‘t'ti in Rich- .ruond Hill by lllt‘ Vic-1d Hucr'r'ial')‘ of 'thc National Sanitarium Aristrt'iallttll. 3: (lirllt-irlinrr . . . . $4 [il l. 5. (it. Van \Vart. 5 “(i i .l. H. Durrlop 5 (Ni M. Buylt- . .. . . . . . .. 2 (it) Dr. “.11. liarrgslail-H .. I! (It) j \V. A. Wright, , 2 on J. and Mrs. Havidmu 2 till \V. H. l’ugxlvy . t . . , 1 (It) .i. l’.(1'l:r~\~ . . .. .. ltvll Mix l". A. Swrtzl-i' . . . . . . . . . 1 ill) N. Bully. 1 on J. li, Spvaruran I (lit l);t\irl Hill 1 on lit-r. R. llr‘llll<t'l1 1 (it) i N. t). llama-man . . . . . . l Ill! l Miw ii. Douglas 1 (it) ' J. H. Htmvart. 1 on A. l‘). lmlrnrau . 1 till Misx M. Trctrrlr. I (ill (1. Mast n . . . . . . 1 till (i. H. i\lctcalfu I lit] F. \V. Graingcr it! i“. E. Sims .. . . . . . . i :3“ \V. U. Stung» . . . . . _ . . . 5t) Alli-c Emir-arr ..., . . . . . . . _ . :30 J. \V. l’aluwr 50 A Frictid...,.,.t. 2.3 3 39 36 GEO. A. limo. Sccr r-t at y»'l‘rcasurer. Harness 8i. Saddlery; l I ()UK your Harrrcssmvr whr-n l A hitching your horse and SPF if [ll(‘lt‘ill't‘ any ltlllkt‘l) parts. If Ni. (ii. nut r-ndaugcr your life. drir. ing with U I] tress \\ lriclr nw'ds re- pairiug. In lltr' nth plara- ASK Yt)l‘R\‘lClilv‘ \YHY (l1: Itht-y llt‘t'll thwart rt-pairs? TllL‘ qrnmtinu is I smut answrtvtLâ€"irl nine cascs out hf ton they are Factory and ! Machine Sewn. \Vhy not call at RUBINSHN‘S and huy Harness llANl) SIMVN, which will stand l the ’I‘vst «if ’l‘irrrr~.and giro tho host Blankets. ltuhos. Miltx‘. and merylhingr in the Sadtllr-ry iinv. Our Prices are, Cin I): icr-s. (all and sr-e us. Hf Stihl‘ar'tiurr. r 7 It W. R. Robinson Yoxnu S'rruirc'r‘ th'rmuxu trim. ' with classy lines: fully cr'luipped with speedometer and selt'stztrter‘, price $075.00 [KO B. Oshawa . . . H. 0. Cousins, Sole Agent west of Yonge St. and south of Maple Sidcrrad. . . . . . . . . including Maple. . AUTOMOBILE '53:; £5 ‘np’ ‘ Weston . . . . - n . Filrnbauk 'J‘hos. N 0 TI C: EC i, stirring rursr ~M ismsâ€"‘71.“: Japan Tea is inquired with exceptional care and ClC,lllllllCS:~‘, , . . only the chorccst [caves are tiFCtl, all their strength and flavor r‘etaim cd. the morning; and refrcdres at night. A cup of japan Tea invigor'atcs in 'r i- y some we are selling at 30c. per ll). Mumâ€"m Cocoa Bendsdorp’s Royal Dutch Cocoa, per tin 28c. WI Boston Coffee Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, tin toc. It is :1 pleasure to sell this coffee. A i‘oor coffee maker couldn't spoil its rich flavor. A pound of it will list longer than two of cheaper quality {or it has strength, \Vc would like you to try itâ€"to and 50C. lb. STUHIC CLUSI'IS l\'I‘ I‘.M. It‘arrn ‘ V B A ERG-rAIN S A 1411] KN I‘l'REBlHCl) SlIlHt'l‘HUliN HEIFERS ()ur r-rnp ut' (-alrcs for the [nut season has 5 mu all llvil'vrs. [ atrr nlierrug a rrurnln-r rut' nicu. smth Ht‘rlcrs, Roan»; and Reds. fruin six months to tum ycars old. alau a low young (‘uwa Now is your (ippurtuuity lu huy a good nrw. lrr start to improve your l1t',l(l. 'l'hcir Dams are all of grind milking tannin-s. also THREE Ynt‘NG “I‘LLH Fil for scr \‘ir‘t'. (‘urnc and look tht-ur over whether you buy or nut 'l‘holnson llEAliFUltl) 1:.lt. 2. tlnrnuaax' Piruxr: It'llMUND HILL m A N. {i . The Spring 'l‘crm in ShanK Bllxl- ru-ss Ht‘hi'lll“. 'l‘urrtutu. from April ii rrwrgcs ittlu tho Sunmrt'r Tt'tltl for July and August. llt‘ rcatly for ptmitiurr in Nu HIar-t rrr-w and Autumn. ltitr'v ('alnlutzllt'. ll. SllA W. l’rtrzsuirjx'r \.‘Il‘Hll(IlI.\‘. \\'. Mommy's ï¬l'cï¬mond £751! â€"â€"â€"_____._â€"___________ ' Atkinson & Swilzer AND \Vrguxrasruys _â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~ The Pressure Water System is the first essential to mod- cr'n sanitary conditions and com l'or't. in the country home or on a farm. Iain prepared to supply the ahove system in either hand. electric motor 01' gasoline. All kind of plumbing done. Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. JOHN HlCKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. $756 gurnr'sï¬r'ng e‘ifore Somethiuu Real Tasty in the New ‘5 , Patterns for Sirirr7 \Vezrr in iiolrberlin’s -at Our Guarantee, of Made = to = Measure from $23.00 Perfect ('7 Suits 10 9:28.00 - Satisfaction or Morey Relunded, goes with every crder. J. glass Wornzan .‘Troprr'efor