Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Apr 1916, p. 3

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Cannllo My Work Pain is All Gone: IIISS DULLIE McCLAIN 'I‘I‘ZLLS ()l’ DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS Alberta Lady Tells of Quick and Complete (lure Through l‘sing ' Dodd's Kidney Pills. Ferguson's Flats, Alberta, April l0tl'l (Special.)â€"-“Yes, I am very glad i I can say that I have tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and found them all that is claimed for them.” So says Miss Dollie McClain, an estimable lady reâ€" siding here. “I was troubled with a sore back that made me almost. helpless. I took one box of I‘Jdd’s Kidney Pills and my back is all right. I can do my work and the pain is all gone." Thousands of women in Canada are suffering daily tortures from pain in the back. Thousands of others like Miss McClain are doing their work without an efi’ort because they took; the advice of others and cured their backache by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. ’Every woman should use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. They are the finest tonic in the world because, acting di- rectly on the kidneys, they tone up these organs to do their full work of straining all the impurities out of the blood. Pure blood means strength for all parts of the body. New strength means new cheerful- ness. That is why so many women so cheerfully testify to the benefit re-. ceived from using Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ____..-x<____. WORLD’S RICHEST MAN. of Russia Has Income of $550,000 a Day. Czar The distinction undoubtedly belongs to the Czar of Russia, of whom it has been said that he has so much money no body can count it. And it is a fact that the wealth that is his as controll- er of the Russian Church. and as ruler of all the Rusias, including that of the members of his extremely wealthy family, would certainly be too great to count. including as it does all the wealth of Russia. which is estimated at $35,000,000,000. The Czar’s personal wealth, accord- ing to one statistical genius, works out at $550,000 a day, and should Rus- sia get down to its last centâ€"or rather kopekâ€"in the royal exchecquer, Nich- olas. singlehanded, could keep the en- tire Rusinn army in the field several weeks. ’ Most of the Czar’s wealth is deriv- ed from landed possessions, of which he has nearly 150,000,000 acres, three- quarters of which is rich timber and yielding big rentals. The other quar- ter in mining land. Siberia's mines are owned by the Czar, while his jew- elry and art works are of fabulous worth. The Czar’s State income is about $10,000. out of which, however, he has to provide for the expenses of his household, which includes the up- keep oi' more than a hundred palaces, to say nothing of the Rusian Court, with its 30,000- servants, 230 automo- biles, 5,000 thoroughbread horses, and- rln army of several thousand soldiers and detectives. l . .___ .;.__ v- - His Receipt. Caseyâ€"Hivins, Pat! yez get the black eye ? O’Brienâ€"Oi paid Clancy a grudge yesterday, an’ thot’s the resate he gave me. Phwere did 'oâ€"_ o HANDY HUSBAND. .â€"_. Knew How to Get Part of the Breakfast. " ‘I know one dish I can prepare for breakfast as well as any cook on said my husband one morning. ‘iarth,’ ‘ "hen the. cook was ill and he had vol- unteered to help get. breakfast. He appeared with his dish and I discoverâ€" ed it was Grape-Nuts which, of course, was easy to prepare for it was per- fectly cooked at the factory, but was a good illustration of the con- venience of having Grape-Nuts about. "We took up Grape-Nuts diately after returning from a five years' sojourn in a hot country. Our stomachs were in bad condition and we were in poor health generally. “In a day or two we liked Grape- Nuts bchter than any other kind of food on the table. \‘l'e both gained steadily in health and strength, and {his was caused by Grape Nuts and i‘ostum. “A friend of ours had u similar exâ€" ..criencc. She was seriously ill with ‘ndigcstion and could find nothing to cut that would not give her heartburn and palpitation. especially at night. “She found that a small dish of tirnpe~Nuts with cream made her a mlisiactory supper and gave her a 't-llEl-bl‘lulllt‘ night'.~ rest. In at short K 1 Sim sm‘t‘l'u. lime ilélli‘uwi pounds weight." “'lhert'r :i unison." Name gin-n l-y Vanadium l‘nsluln ('o._ \l'indsor, Ont. Ever Tfiiul Ilte above letter? A. new one appears from time to time. They are genuine. true. am: full of human L‘s/17231. new ; it- imme- - in ‘ MANY ANIMALS IN \VAR. l Horses, .‘Ilulcs, Goats. Elephants and I ('alnels Share in Struggle. It is doubtful if more kinds of aniâ€" :mals have ever taken part in warfare lthan in the present European con- ‘tiict, says London Answers. The list lint-hides horses. mules, dogs, cle- iphants, goats and last, but not least, ,thc never weary camel. Dogs are be- ing used for sentry and ambulance work, for draft purposes and as car- ;riers of messages and ammunition. Goats are being employed as food ;for the Indian troops, while the ele- lpliant has been given the task of ‘handling heavy timber. Of these ,animals, however, the camel is the imost honored. An Eastern legend has it that the gcamel was fashioned last. by the 'Crcator, and so it is held in very high esteem by the people of the East. iAlt‘hough a somewhat unshapely and perhaps a bad-tempered animal, the camel is an untiring worker. He will travel on for hour after hour without appearing distressed in any way, and on this account has *made a good name for himself. There :is not the least doubt that) the camel will come up to expectations where- ever it is employed in the present con- ' flict. _H_._ ._. -+____.__, SOME RUSSIAN WORDS. Most of Them Are Long and Lumber- ingâ€"Few Monosyllables. As languages go, I think it may be said that Russian is not so very dif- Eficult, says Hamilton Fyfe in the Lon- :don Daily Mail. It is quite true that there is more of “the immense pomposity of ses- t,quipcdalian verbiage" in this than ‘in most other tongues. Monosyl- lables are rare. Small, common words in French and English are long and lumbering in Russian. Man is “cheoviek,” bread 'is “klieb,” next (as in next day) is "sleeaydooyooshtchooyoo." This is not a joke.) All participles are tremendous. “Being,” for instance, is “yahvlia- yooshcheeyasya.” This last word, by ‘the way, illustrates the compendious character of the Russian alphabet. In English it has tWenty-one letters; in jRussian only ten. “Yah” is representâ€" ed by one letter, an “R” turned back- wards; “shtch” is one letter; “yoo” is one letter. I consider MINARD’S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed late- ly. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Make Your Body Tin g l 6 with life and energy for the day's work by eating foods that contain real nutrimentâ€"that do not use up all the vitality of the body in an efl'ort to digest them. Shredded Wheat Biscuit sup- plies the greatest amount of body-building, energy-crea- ting material with the least tax upon the digestive organs. It is a real whole wheat food, ready-cooked and ready-to- serve, containing the life of the wheat grainâ€"nothing added, nothing taken away. ‘ Start the day right by eating Shredded Wheat with hot or cold milk. Serve it for lun- cheon with sliced bananas or other fruits. Made in Canada. * Within Reason. Mistressâ€"Jane, didn’t you hear the door ? New Servantâ€"Yes, mum. Mistressâ€"Then why don't you go to door bell? New Servantâ€"Deed, mum, I ain’t expectin’ nobody to call on me. It must be somebody to see yourself, mum l Quotations. “My husband is so literary!” claimed Mrs. Nurich. "Really?" “Yes; he’s always calling,r up his broker to get quotations." 6X- Ilinsrd'n Liniment Relieves Neuralrla. Still Intact. ' “How can she marry him, knowing that he’s dissipated?” "But his fortune isn't.” I Sore Eyesil§."t“;‘.“’¢§£t"x“‘lil Your Druggist‘s 50c per Bottle. Murine E)’. SlivernTubesZ Sc. Forfiook oi the Eycfrccask Druggxsts or Hurlna Eye Remedy Co . . Chicano Granulated Eyelids. Eyes inflamed by expo- lure to Sun. Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine The Genius. Johnnie~â€"I wish I Jones. Motherâ€"Why? You are stronger than he is, you have a better home, more toys and more pocket money. Johnnieâ€"Yes, I know; but he can wiggle his ears. was Tommy Yours very truly, T. G. MCMULLEN. No Kick Coming. Mabelâ€"So you asked papa for my; l‘hand '.7 Did he give you any oncourâ€"l agement ? Arthur-~Well, no, but he gave me a drink and acigar, so I had no kick, coming. ‘- l mnard's I-Lnunent for sale everywhere: I o 0.0 ' HOW GERMANS STOP WASTE. Smallest Metal Trifle is Saved and Sent to Government. Every British newspaper at the present) time is appealing to its read- ers not to waste certain things, as fold newspapers, medicine and other bottles, wood, and so on. l In Germany the appeal was made; imany months ago and the greatesti care has been taken of everything ;which could possibly help the Ger»? :man armies to continue their tight Lagainst the world. , Perhaps the most amazing example i {of economy of a nation is the way Imetal of all kinds is collected by the Huns. Not only are such obvious lthings as copper kettles, pans, door- Iknobs, handles, and fire irons collect. ed, but everything in the metal line. ‘ i When a tube of toothpaste is empty ‘it is not thrown away, but sent for. :the use of the Government. The tin- ,foil paper in which tea is put up is ,kept carefully, and the same with the "silver paper" around chocolate. In Germany the various town coun- cils advertise regularly for old metal. ‘oi‘ all kinds. From all towns the col- {lettiou passes to the great German? :Goyernment foundries at Muldenf, lwhcrc it is melted down and distri- ‘ibuted to the ammunition factories to 3 be transformed into shells and bullets. ' i -â€"--â€"â€".>i~_~ . i l l l Filial Observation. , "When Iwas your age Ididn't‘ lid-once, till I or ‘2 o’clock in the mornâ€". 1ing.” l “Well, paw." replied the young manl who was being reprored. “maybe if: you had you wouldn't be obliged to! spend so much time and money nowl ltuking dancing lessons." Minard's Linimen Cures D511de THERMOR Waterless Remains Hot for 12 Hours . w l .. fl puiggg‘g‘lR-v Moirfiieafi‘fl .mnui ER M "YSANITARYO'Q‘ WATER LESS H OT-B OTTLE STAYS HOT 12 HOURS comm: NEVER Eme 51 BOIL IO MINUTES ONLY It is made of metal, nickel plated, of a convenient size. Simply boil the “Thermor” for ten minutes only (no longer) and it stays hot for full twelve hours at an even temperature of 125 deg. Recommended by physi- cians on account of the steady heat and sanitary metal case. No trouble â€"â€" no filling â€" no dangerr of scalding the handsâ€" no leaksâ€"410 expense and one purchase lasts a lifetime. In sickness, such as Neuralgia, 1 La Grippe, Rheumatism. Neu- ritis, Inflammationâ€"in fact all aches and pains, the “Thermor” is invaluable. As a bedâ€"warmer and a footâ€"warmer it has no equal. “The “Thermor” measures 8%" across and is H's" thick, yet it weighs less than a filled two quart rubber bottle. The price is $4.00 sent Postpaid anywhere and sold under an ab- solute guarantee from the makâ€" ers. High-class representatives wanted in some territories. GOLDEN GATE MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, LIMITED 9 Youville Street, Montreal. TRAGH‘ FULLY. It will not. be long. before the fly season is again with us, accompanied by supplications from the general press to "swat the fly." Simultaneousâ€" ly, the deadly poison fly paper. makes its appearance, with the possible risk of fatal poisoning wherever there are children. For during 1916 twenty-six cases of fly-poisoning were reported from eleven states. dren were innocent victims. This record is in all probability incomplete as symptoms of arsenical poisoning are so similar to those of choltra infantum that even physicians of long experience are likely to con- fuse them, and the subsequent illness, is ascribed to cholera infantum. The Michigan U.S.A. Legislature has already passed a law regulating the sale of poisonous fly papers. The question should be considered by every civic. body of Canada and the States to stop infantum mortality from absolutely unnecessary cause. ~ ~___._... ,,__ Probably the best way to get rich quick is to go slow. Purely Herbalâ€"No poison- ous coloring matter. Antisepticâ€"S t o p s bl o o d- ~ poisoning. festering. etc. Soothingâ€"Ends quickly the pain and smartlng. Heals all sores. a 50c Box. All Drugzista and Stores ..i.. EMPIRE BUSINESS COLLEGE 346 Broadview Ave, Toronto, Ont. ] $15 ‘3° }6 MONTHS (mum gm... Day . The 0‘1le College“ in Canada kaching all Typewriter Keyboards On rates are hall those prevailing elsewhere '57; H M W I V 00 ON " is DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY CLOVER, V. S. America's Planner ITefore placâ€" ing your order for seeds. see our 1916 Gold- en Jubilee Catalogue it Is free Gov't. Stan. Bus. No. 1 Red Clou-r ll’aneyltlt‘ldfi No. 1 Alsyke . . . . . . . . . , I300 N0. 1 Timothy . . . . . . . . 5.05 Allow 30c for each cotton bug . We pay railway freight In On- _ tario and Quebec over $25.00 artistes-sols 44 LINIMBN‘I‘ Should be in every stable STOPS BLEI‘II'HNG lNS’i‘.~\.\‘Tl.Y. Cures Cakcd Uddcrs Spavinsâ€"(‘urbs m' Splints. it has no equal. l’rice cacrram- and 51,00 sent 7 prepaid promptly on receipt of = price if your xlrllgglst cannot supâ€" ply. Dr. Lawrason Medicine (‘0. Dept. H. Toronto, Ont. gnu ' .,r'.-.. - SPECIALLY MADE FARM FOOTWEAR DELIVERED to You More is .r. Hum Weight. dointlllu and comfortawa "forking shoe. «get-lolly suitable for "Hi/"‘3. \l'»,ull’lHl)’lv'!]. nlill' men, rl'uclrllzr .. laborers » all who roâ€" qulre cxnn: slung. ens: (noun-a: l'nl‘ working Ill \\'e inske the“: u: we splendid “thallium! Fkoullegilli urn-r prooh-ll lv'illllt‘i' that has whole ‘ Palmer's “Moose Head Brand" ullllusl‘ t‘orrj. \‘t‘JLI'H. No with Illa-.1 sore, "Lk'll- ilig. ll\ll‘l.lllg feet ‘iet ‘.1 lat. ol’ Ilium :ulll llnd vase und u-mfi r! 1." war dealerdursn't curry lllujll, hand ‘1‘ it‘s l.alne. enclosing $3.25, and wo “Lil :‘liip will a pair. ull charm.» pal-l, ll- :‘alnous it»: need to suffer JOHN PALMER. (10.. limped. 11.28. “1,; “kn-rs.“ In t‘;:nudu or i‘. S_ llrlul! :- lq >i2f‘l It: yin-xthl 4.:’ (WEN-.53 "rule. 5;.an râ€"‘x'le as about, - >-_\n'- lets incl. 3.175 \V-l'v» rw' -': v-l'all-s tull, i;lll.<' r: L“ I 'i \‘V. l: ! Hinl'L: I Fredericton. C rule. 1 In 191-1 i’orty~six chilâ€" ‘ an ‘ ' 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 7‘ _oul pain by our home treatment. Sore Neck 74mins vâ€" Dislompel"*~' ‘ HubeenCanacla'a -‘ __ favorite yeast to: ii more than lorty produce 50 large v loaves oi line, wholesome now- Do I' not experiment, there is nothing just as good. = ' 3.; EWGILLETI co. uo ,,,.-~ isbing home made bread. TORONTO. ONT. -._ » WINNIDEG Entitled to Something. ‘ Sheâ€"l can't see why, because a Iwoman marries a man, she should !take his name. i Heâ€"Just so. The poor fellow ought to be allowed to keep something jhe could call his own i ‘Miuard'u Lininent Cures Burns. Etc. i “'hell :1 than has llo good reaslln. 'for doing a thing: he has one good reason for letting it alone. ' snap rows-r025 y l l I l I ‘ ‘ Elil) I'Vl'l‘A Til ‘ ‘, Ill ISII CUP.â€" ‘5 hlers. Dclew‘: , (‘arman (ir- lder at once. Suppl; l‘ oiled. Write for II. “2 l ...sor.. Brampton. §Quniatl(_ins. HELP Winn-En. l ANTED GIRLS FOR. KNITTING " and Finishing Departments; good wages. Apply Kingston Holsery (‘0.. Ltd, Kingston. Ont. ANTED l,.-\Tll MAClllNlS'l‘l-l } ‘ and Filip-rs. 'l‘onlnlakers, also ,ollel'ntnl‘s experienced on the larger s'zo shells. l'llnlle m wire applications pro- fv-rl‘ed ll. Hell l\' Hun I‘ompnny, 81. (Mom... Hot Y\.\"l'lill sl‘lNNl-ZliS (IN DAVIS ‘ s- lvuu-l-m :lllll wnnley Mules. Stroll} work and highest wages paid. For full parlivolals :tll.ll_\' The Slingsby ‘ Mollnl‘a: lurinz': 1'“. Ltd. Rl'nnll‘orrl Ont. '.\.\"l‘l'lll (ilCNl‘IllAl. MAUI-UNI“. ‘ and lull \mzrlu-r men: also finishâ€" ‘I'lri :llol lllllllllb l’or lIIKlI-El‘adt‘ furni- rturr, Apply K‘tnilllll experience, Andrew Malcolm I’lllllllule "o.. Kincurdine. Ont. i‘VYHHIJ‘ZN Mild. lll‘llil’. CARDERS h}!llllll.l't§ and \\‘<:l‘.‘Pl‘.’~:. We will Duy im-xlleriein-ml lulp while learnhg wearing. Good \\:.'.:M~' lulid ll. all these !llb]l1ll'llnr‘niF am study work for lmollllls to come. For further particu- lars. apply to the Slings-by Manufactur- ,ing lion Lid. llramforll. (Int. 1 AGENTS waxfifib. _“ l l IVE AGENTS \VAN’J‘EI) mm l 1 moi-y ('ounty in Ontario. Willi ex~ - ll'lilsire territory to right men; house walls by appointment and sales prurâ€" tit'ully certain: snap for college students who wish to make high wages for hulk ,(luys: write quick for particulars. giving ; experience and location desired. The Art Memorial Publishing Box 01:, yllranlt'ord. (mt. (,‘0., newsruzns eon snma. " )Rlll“l’l‘-.\I.\Kll\'ll NEWS AND Jo's V lll‘l'iees for sale in good Ontario The most uselul and Interesting 1of all businesses. Full information on ‘amllicalinn to \\'ilxml Publishing (mm- pany. Til \Vest Adelaide Street, Toronto. l ‘ towns. .\.\‘l‘l<)lt. Tl'LliORS. internal and external, LUMI’S. E’l’lL, cured with- lVriie Bellman Medical us before too late. Dl'. 1; ‘(fo., Limited. k‘olling‘wuod. Ont. mwagu...” CANADA’S E» GREATEST Muskrat Handler is the old firm of HIRAM JOHNSON Limited, 410 St. Paul St. W., Montreal. ship ul your furs there and obtain full value, MEGA AXLE GREASE H a s b e c n th e standardfor years. The mica fills the pores in the spin- fric- and die. Saves tion. w c 21 1‘ money. “Hill! I 3 [TH ryu'l'lci'l The imperial Oil Co., Limited Ithhji- HES IN ALL “ITIES ' GR lSSITE Its-"in

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